FHSAA 1A-2A Outdoor State Finals 2007

Winter Park, FL

2A Complete Results

 2007 FHSAA Track & Field Finals Results
  Class 2A Hy-Tek Results

Licensed to Half-Mile Timing - Contractor License
                                       Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager 4/28/2007 09:28 PM
                   FHSAA Class 2A Florida Finals - 4/28/2007                   
                          Track & Field Finals Series                          
                        Winter Park HS: Winter Park, Fl                        
Event 1  Girls High Jump
    National: @  6-03  1992        Amy Acuff, Calallen (TX)                    
       State: *  6-00  2004        Viktoria Andonova, Coral Springs (4A)       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Carney, Monica            11 South Lake             5-08.00      1.72m   10  
  2 hall, loutisha            12 Immokalee              5-06.00      1.67m    8  
  3 Emde, Dina                12 Pope John Paul         5-04.00      1.62m    6  
  4 Potito, Gina              11 Hernado                5-04.00      1.62m    5  
  5 Callaghan, Jenna          10 Citrus                 5-04.00      1.62m    4  
  6 Jones, Noelle             10 WOOD                   5-04.00      1.62m    3  
  7 Ross, Elizabeth           11 Pine Crest             5-04.00      1.62m    2  
  8 O`dowd, Grace-Marie       12 Bishop Moore           5-02.00      1.57m    1  
  9 Tucker, Katherine         11 BKEN                   5-02.00      1.57m 
 10 Owen, Brooke              09 Archbishop McCar       5-02.00      1.57m 
 11 Corbett, Dorian            8 Florida High           5-02.00      1.57m 
 12 tavernier, asha           11 Golden Gate            5-02.00      1.57m 
 13 Smith, Stacia             12 West Shore             5-02.00      1.57m 
 14 Ware, A                      AP                     5-00.00      1.52m 
 14 Williams, Nyomi           12 Cresent City           5-00.00      1.52m 
 14 Dana, Teschel             12 Gulf Breeze            5-00.00      1.52m 
Event 2  Boys High Jump
    National: @ 7-05.25  1984        Dothel Edwards, Cedar Shoals (            
       State: *    7-02  2000        T. James; J. Baxter; J. Squitt            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Baldner, Ronnie           11 Crystal River          6-10.00      2.08m   10  
  2 MacDonald, Jaggar         12 St. Petersburg C       6-08.00      2.03m    8  
  3 Hilton, Justin            12 Harmony                6-06.00      1.98m    6  
  4 Stevens, Toshman          11 Cresent City           6-06.00      1.98m    5  
  5 Smith, Ian                12 Chaminade              6-04.00      1.93m    4  
  6 Larry, Demetrous          11 Pasco                  6-04.00      1.93m    3  
  7 gaiser, shaun             12 Arnold                 6-04.00      1.93m    1.5
  7 Downs, Willie             10 Godby                  6-04.00      1.93m    1.5
  9 Miller, Fred              10 RAIN                   6-04.00      1.93m 
 10 Cleland, Andrew           12 BKEN                   6-04.00      1.93m 
 11 hall, james               12 Immokalee              6-02.00      1.87m 
 12 Davis, D                     FP                     6-02.00      1.87m 
 13 Stack, Nick               11 West Shore             6-02.00      1.87m 
 14 Fitzgerald, Jack          12 John Carroll           6-00.00      1.82m 
 -- Tribble, Marcus           12 Coral Springs Ch            NH            
Event 3  Girls Pole Vault
    National: @ 13-08  2001        Shayla Balentine, Morro Bay (CA)            
       State: * 12-08  1998        Deanna Shuler, Dwyer (5A)                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Glasser, Daisy            12 EPIS                  12-05.00      3.78m   10  
  2 Lombardi, Hali            12 Key West              10-06.00      3.20m    7  
  2 Spurling, Lillian         12 BKEN                  10-06.00      3.20m    7  
  4 Hered, Katherine          11 EPIS                  10-00.00      3.04m    5  
  5 Gratz, Christina          10 Archbishop McCar      10-00.00      3.04m    4  
  6 Adams, Katie              12 Archbishop McCar      10-00.00      3.04m    3  
  7 Barclay, Brittany         11 Suwannee               9-00.00      2.74m    1.5
  7 guy, brooke               11 braden river           9-00.00      2.74m    1.5
  9 Cassidy, Alessandra       09 Archbishop McCar       8-06.00      2.59m 
 10 Hart, Natalie             11 Menendez               8-06.00      2.59m 
 -- Romaszewski, Lindsey      12 Lake Highland               NH            
 -- Cihoski, Breana           12 Tavares                     NH            
 -- londono, ana              10 Palmetto Ridge              NH            
 -- Rechtoris, Sarah          12 Berkeley Prep               NH            
 -- Higbe, Allison            11 Berkeley Prep               NH            
Event 4  Boys Pole Vault
    National: @ 18-02.25  1999        Eric Eshback, Orangefield (TX)           
       State: * 15-09.50  2004        Ben Dickens, Douglas (4A)                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Potalivo, Hunter          12 Key West              15-06.00      4.72m   10  
  2 Allred, Logan             12 South Lake            14-00.00      4.26m    8  
  3 Leary, Madison            12 Tavares               14-00.00      4.26m    6  
  4 Kunz, Christopher         12 Archbishop McCar      13-06.00      4.11m    4.5
  4 Ingram, Brian             12 John Carroll          13-06.00      4.11m    4.5
  6 janson, charles           11 Cardinal Mooney       13-00.00      3.96m    3  
  7 Cleland, Andrew           12 BKEN                  13-00.00      3.96m    2  
  8 Pyle, Michael             12 St. Augustine         13-00.00      3.96m    1  
  9 Sanford, Austin           11 EPIS                  13-00.00      3.96m 
 10 Stowe, Jacob              10 South Lake            12-06.00      3.81m 
 10 Niles, Matthew            11 BKEN                  12-06.00      3.81m 
 12 Robillard, Andrew         12 Archbishop McCar      12-06.00      3.81m 
 13 romecki, jordan           10 Cardinal Mooney       12-06.00      3.81m 
 14 erwin, chad               12 Riverdale             12-00.00      3.65m 
 14 luna, carlos              11 Palmetto Ridge        12-00.00      3.65m 
 16 Edwards, Keith            11 Godby                 12-00.00      3.65m 
Event 5  Girls Long Jump
    National: @ 22-01.75  1976        Kathy McMillan, Hoke County (N           
       State: * 20-02.75  1991        Nicole Irving, Nova (5A)                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Williams, Alexis          12 Atlantic PO           19-02.50   2.0     5.85m   10  
  2 Lewis, Traci              12 East Gadsden          18-03.75  +0.0     5.58m    8  
  3 Smyth, Jennifer           10 Bradford              17-11.00  +0.0     5.46m    6  
  4 tavernier, asha           11 Golden Gate           17-10.50   1.9     5.44m    5  
  5 Collins, Courtney         12 Bishop Moore          17-09.75   1.0     5.42m    4  
  6 Bowen, Michaela           11 Lake Highland         17-06.50   1.7     5.34m    3  

  7 Brown, Vionni             11 Glades Central        17-05.75   0.8     5.32m    2  
  8 Gammie, Kayla              8 Lincoln Park          17-05.50   0.7     5.32m    1  
  9 hall, loutisha            12 Immokalee             17-04.25   1.2     5.28m 
 10 McFadden, Jenicia         11 Cocoa Beach           17-01.50   2.1     5.21m 
 11 louisjeune, postenea      11 Hardee County (W      17-01.00   1.5     5.20m 
 12 Williams, Sonnisha        11 RAIN                  17-00.75   2.0     5.20m 
 13 Jones, Torama             12 Glades Central        16-09.75  +0.0     5.12m 
 14 Jones, Dominique          10 AJAC                  16-08.75   1.3     5.09m 
 15 Gay, Kiara                11 Wakulla               16-07.50   1.7     5.06m 
 16 Davis, Erica                 HC                    16-05.50   2.2     5.01m 
Event 6  Boys Long Jump
    National: @ 26-04.75  1989        James Stallworth, Tulare (CA)            
       State: *    25-05  2002        Kevin Marion, Dixie Hollins (3A)         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Williams, Darion           9 Cocoa                 24-00.75  -1.3     7.33m   10  
  2 Robey, N                     FP                    23-05.50  -1.4     7.15m    8  
  3 gaiser, shaun             12 Arnold                23-00.75  -0.1     7.02m    6  
  4 Burns, Stoney             11 JONS                  22-10.00  -0.8     6.95m    5  
  5 henry, aaron              12 Immokalee             22-04.75  -1.0     6.82m    4   22\'3.5\"
  6 Walter, Morrisene         11 Clay                  22-04.75  -1.4     6.82m    3   22\'0.75\"
  7 Benjamin, Travis          11 Glades Central        22-03.00  -2.0     6.78m    2   22\'2\"
  8 Johnson, Lavar            09 Godby                 22-03.00  -3.0     6.78m    1   21\'6\"
  9 mitchell, curtis          12 Atlantic PO           22-00.50  -1.5     6.71m 
 10 Thomas, C                    FP                    21-07.50  -1.9     6.59m 
 11 Robinson, Andrew          11 Lincoln Park          21-07.25  -0.9     6.58m 
 12 Hunter, Markese           11 Suwannee              21-06.50  -1.7     6.56m 
 13 Dawson, Bernard           10 AJAC                  21-03.50  -2.1     6.48m 
 14 Ellingson, Greg           12 Robinson              21-02.75  -1.7     6.47m 
 15 Charles, Chris            11 Coral Springs Ch      21-02.50  -0.5     6.46m 
 -- Burney, Stacy             10 Clay                      FOUL   NWI           
Event 7  Girls Triple Jump
    National: @ 44-02.25  2001        Ychlindria Spears, Luling (TX)           
       State: * 41-07.50  1998        Shanell McMiller, Miami Northw           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Collins, Courtney         12 Bishop Moore          38-09.50   1.4    11.82m   10  
  2 Jones, Dominique          10 AJAC                  36-10.25  +0.0    11.23m    8  
  3 Gratz, Christina          10 Archbishop McCar      36-09.00  +0.0    11.20m    6  
  4 Smyth, Jennifer           10 Bradford              36-06.25   2.7    11.13m    5  
  5 Ash, Kayla                12 West Florida          35-11.00   0.1    10.94m    4  
  6 wilson, kiera             12 DUNB                  35-08.50   0.7    10.88m    3  
  7 brown, stephanie          12 Bishop Verot          35-02.50   1.4    10.73m    2  
  8 King, Yolonda             12 Jensen Beach          35-01.00   3.5    10.69m    1  
  9 Bowen, Michaela           11 Lake Highland         34-01.00  +0.0    10.38m 
 10 Williams, Nyomi           12 Cresent City          33-10.00  +0.0    10.31m 
 11 hughes, johvaldra         12 Immokalee             33-08.25   1.6    10.26m 
 12 Davis, Sheree             12 Space Coast           33-04.50  +0.0    10.17m 
 13 McFadden, Jenicia         11 Cocoa Beach           33-00.25  +0.0    10.06m 
 14 parkinson, andrea         11 Hardee County (W      32-11.50   2.0    10.04m 
 15 Spurling, Lillian         12 BKEN                  30-06.25  +0.0     9.30m 
 16 Jefferson, Jasmine        11 Suwannee              29-02.00  +0.0     8.89m 
Event 8  Boys Triple Jump
    National: @ 52-10.50  1980        Charles Mayfield, Muir (CA)              
       State: * 52-05.50  1994        Andre Scott, Seminole (Sanford           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Burns, Stoney             11 JONS                  47-09.75  -0.8    14.57m   10  
  2 Downs, Willie             10 Godby                 46-00.25  -0.1    14.02m    8  
  3 Richardsonii, Patrick     12 WOOD                  45-05.75  +0.0    13.86m    6  
  4 Walter, Morrisene         11 Clay                  45-04.75  -1.2    13.83m    5  
  5 gary, deon                12 Golden Gate           45-02.00  -1.5    13.76m    4  
  6 henry, aaron              12 Immokalee             44-10.75  +0.0    13.68m    3  
  7 Del Rio, Alex             12 Belen Jesuit Pre      44-08.25  -0.1    13.62m    2  
  8 Robey, N                     FP                    44-04.75  +0.0    13.53m    1  
  9 Robinson, Andrew          11 Lincoln Park          43-11.75  -3.7    13.40m 
 10 Morris, Alfred            12 Pine Forest           43-11.50  -3.3    13.39m 
 11 Kennedy, Dwight           12 Chipley               43-03.00  -1.3    13.18m 
 12 Lecorn, Dion              12 Trinity Catholic      42-04.50  -1.5    12.91m 
 13 Franklin, Jamale          11 Lincoln Park          42-01.50  -0.4    12.83m 
 14 wiley, emmanuel           12 Desoto County (A      42-00.50  +0.0    12.81m 
 15 Aribeana, Franklin        12 Pine Crest            41-07.50  -0.9    12.68m 
 -- Smith, Taiedo             12 Dunnellon                 FOUL   NWI           
Event 9  Girls Discus Throw
    National: @ 188-04  1994        Suzy Powell, Downey (CA)                   
       State: * 185-09  1996        Seilala Sua, St. Thomas Aquina             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Bryant, Shexnieavia       12 Chaminade            131-01.75     39.97m   10  
  2 Downey, April             11 Melbourne Centra     120-05.75     36.72m    8  
  3 Breen, Caitlyn            11 Harmony              120-04.50     36.69m    6  
  4 Jones, Noelle             10 WOOD                 118-05.50     36.10m    5  
  5 Garrison, Chonderia       10 Newberry             115-03.50     35.14m    4  
  6 pope, nicole              12 Clewiston               112-08     34.34m    3  
  7 Holubar, Caitlin          12 Key West                112-06     34.29m    2  
  8 Brown, Jenise             12 WOOD                    109-03     33.29m    1  
  9 Kirton, Charmille         11 JONS                 106-08.75     32.53m 
 10 Overstreet, Courtney      12 WNAS                    105-08     32.20m 
 11 aramati, ilana             9 Newsome (Lithia)     103-00.50     31.40m 
 12 Creech, Christa           10 Cocoa Beach          101-11.50     31.07m 
 13 Blum, Rachael             12 BOLL                 101-09.50     31.02m 
 14 weber, lauren             11 Harmony                 100-02     30.53m 
 15 Szudarek, Lauren             Nature Coast             95-04     29.05m 
 16 jean-louis, kasandra      11 Golden Gate              84-02     25.65m 
Event 10  Boys Discus Throw
    National: @ 234-03  2001        Niklas Arrhenius, Oram Mnt. View (UT)      
       State: * 203-06  2004        Westley Stockbarger, Charlotte (3A)        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Thomas, Jared             11 WOOD                 163-09.25     49.91m   10  
  2 Schisler, Seth            11 Cocoa Beach          153-04.75     46.75m    8  
  3 McCaskill, Keith          12 Godby                   151-01     46.05m    6  
  4 Donley, Nate              10 Harmony              148-04.50     45.22m    5  
  5 newson, chaz              12 DUNB                    147-08     45.00m    4  
  6 Ervin, John               11 Jesuit               144-00.75     43.91m    3  
  7 drake, luke               12 Newsome (Lithia)        142-03     43.35m    2  
  8 Hampshire, Adrian         12 Clay                    142-01     43.30m    1  
  9 Galas, Nicholas           12 BKEN                 141-07.50     43.16m 
 10 Moore, Brian              12 Ransom Everglade     140-06.50     42.83m 
 11 Pelage, Jeff              11 Pine Crest           138-11.50     42.35m 
 12 Morris, Patrick           12 Fort White           137-02.75     41.82m 
 13 Sneed, Cornell            11 American Heritag        130-03     39.70m 
 14 Smith, Kendall            12 South Sumter             99-04     30.27m 
 -- Moore, Thomas             12 Jesuit                    FOUL            
 -- Joseph, Linval            12 Santa Fe                  FOUL            
Event 11  Girls Shot Put
    National: @ 54-10.75  2003        Michelle Carter, Red Oak (TX)            
       State: * 49-07.50  2004        Misti Barber, Miami Carol City (4A)      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Bryant, Shexnieavia       12 Chaminade             41-10.25     12.75m   10  
  2 pope, nicole              12 Clewiston             38-10.00     11.83m    8  
  3 Sypho, Dwaynnque          12 Atlantic PO           38-09.00     11.81m    6  
  4 Steele, Jordyne           11 Chaminade             38-08.50     11.79m    5  
  5 Breen, Caitlyn            11 Harmony               37-06.25     11.43m    4  
  6 romelus, melissa          10 Golden Gate           36-04.50     11.08m    3  
  7 Kirton, Charmille         11 JONS                  36-02.00     11.02m    2  
  8 Joseph, Nashay            11 Glades Central        35-07.75     10.86m    1  
  9 Lendale, Rickeria         10 Pahokee HS            33-11.00     10.33m 
 10 Tobie, Bass               10 Gulf Breeze           33-08.50     10.27m 
 11 Cook, Monecia             20 AJAC                  33-06.50     10.22m 
 12 Etti, Letticia            11 RAIN                  33-05.50     10.19m 
 13 Grant, Stephanie             LW                    32-08.00      9.95m 
 14 Anderton, Ashley          11 Zephyrhills           32-05.00      9.88m 
 15 Brown, Jenise             12 WOOD                  32-01.25      9.78m 
 16 Garrison, Chonderia       10 Newberry              28-07.00      8.71m 
Event 12  Boys Shot Put
    National: @    77-00  1979        Michael Carter, Jefferson (TX)           
       State: * 65-08.25  2004        Westley Stockbarger, Charlotte (3A)      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Joseph, Linval            12 Santa Fe              56-02.00     17.11m   10  
  2 Morris, Patrick           12 Fort White            55-11.75     17.06m    8  
  3 Kelly, Richard            12 South Sumter          52-07.00     16.02m    6  
  4 Smith, Kendall            12 South Sumter          52-05.50     15.98m    5  
  5 Pelage, Jeff              11 Pine Crest            51-09.75     15.79m    4  
  6 rolle, brian              12 Immokalee             51-09.50     15.78m    3  
  7 Moore, Brian              12 Ransom Everglade      51-03.75     15.64m    2  
  8 Sneed, Cornell            11 American Heritag      50-06.00     15.39m    1  
  9 Piccirilli, David         12 Jesuit                49-09.50     15.17m 
 10 Williams, Jeremy          11 Wakulla               49-04.50     15.04m 
 11 Johnson, DeAndre          09 Monsignor Pace        48-11.50     14.92m 
 12 pope, david               12 Clewiston             48-08.50     14.84m 
 13 Van Rensburg, Ryan        12 BOLL                  46-11.00     14.30m 
 14 McCaskill, Keith          12 Godby                 46-02.00     14.07m 
 15 Ward, Rashad              12 South Lake            44-11.50     13.70m 
 16 Smith, Andrew             12 Zephyrhills           44-08.75     13.63m 
Event 13  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    National: @ 8:58.43  1982        Ft. Washington Upper Dublin (P            
       State: * 9:11.10  2000        Winter Springs (4A)                       
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Bishop Kenny                                        9:17.62   2   10  
     1) Davis, Sarah 9                  2) Tucker, Elizabeth 9            
     3) Heekin, Jamie 9                 4) Buenaga, Kaitlin 10            
  2 Bishop Moore                                        9:20.58   2    8  
     1) Lugo, Monica 12                 2) Buck, Caroline 10              
     3) Reen, Lauren 11                 4) Serros, Emily 9                
  3 Woodham (Pensacola)                                 9:22.56   2    6  
     1) Davison, Jobenita 11            2) Buford, Simone 12              
     3) Taylor, Altelisha 10            4) Mays, Dacia 9                  
  4 Pope John Paul II High School                       9:33.06   1    5  
     1) Mascaro, Andrea 12              2) Chong, Sianne 12               
     3) Midden, Kelli 12                4) Emde, Dina 12                  
  5 Jensen Beach High School                            9:33.96   2    4  
     1) Houston, Emily 12               2) Loomis, Jamie 12               
     3) Holling, Julie 09               4) Conrad, Kayla 11               
  6 Episcopal (Jacksonville)                            9:39.91   2    3  
     1) Traylor, Margaret 11            2) Steel, Laura 11                
     3) Loop, Mariah 9                  4) Traylor, Kathleen 9            
  7 Bolles (Jacksonville)                               9:42.51   2    2  
     1) Allen, Heather 9                2) Thigpen, Brooke 10             
     3) Smith, Emma 10                  4) Barlow, Caroline 12            
  8 Ransom Everglades                                   9:45.93   2    1  
     1) Cuervo, Isabella 8              2) Junghahn, Veronica 09          
     3) Holderman, Callie 11            4) Wreder, Annika 8               
  9 Berkeley Prep (Tampa)                              10:01.12   2 
     1) Massengill, Katie 8             2) Price, Gigi                    
     3) Blake, Audrey                   4) Price, Page 10                 
 10 Archbishop McCarthy                                10:05.95   1 
     1) Diez, Emily 12                  2) Londono, Stephanie 12          
     3) Llorens, Natasha 11             4) Aroil, Marsha 09               
 11 Lake Highland Prep                                 10:06.27   1 
     1) Prendergast, Allie 11           2) Duncan, Allie 9                
     3) Anaya, Nathalie 9               4) Prendergast, Jessica 9         
 12 The Villages                                       10:09.08   1 
     1) Melanson, Michelle 11           2) McCue, Megan 10                
     3) Melanson, Nicole 11             4) Menton, Sara 11                
 13 Immokalee                                          10:10.46   1 
     1) charles, marceline 12           2) pierre, bruna 10               
     3) thomas, kemeisha 9              4) fuller, lasonya 11             
 14 South Lake                                         10:12.45   1 
     1) Brown, Kaylee 11                2) Mertz, Rachel 10               
     3) Kelly, Lauren 10                4) Newgard, Aurora 10             
 15 Tampa Catholic                                     10:18.94   1 
     1) Upcavage, Marly                 2) McCormick, Lily                
     3) Singletary, Abbi                4) Friscia, Jacqueline            
 16 Golden Gate (Naples)                               10:20.42   1 
     1) Forrest, Ally                   2) jean-louis, kasandra 11        
     3) Dorvil, Nadia 11                4) Sanchez, Cindy 12              
Event 14  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    National: @ 7:36.24  1982        Ambler Wissahickon (PA)                   
       State: * 7:37.76  2001        Atlantic (4A)                             
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Belen Jesuit Prep                                   7:55.09   2   10  
     1) Silva, Daniel 12                2) Aran, Robert 11                
     3) Oliver, Jason 12                4) Zamparelli, Javier 12          
  2 Hernando (Brooksville)                              8:03.19   2    8  
     1) Martucci, Ben 12                2) Martucci, Drew 12              
     3) Martin, Chris 12                4) Wright, Joe 10                 
  3 Bolles (Jacksonville)                               8:04.40   2    6  
     1) Farah, Kahlil 11                2) Rosenberg, Evan 12             
     3) Gonino, Nicholas 12             4) Johnson, Raphael 11            
  4 Crystal River                                       8:07.15   2    5  
     1) McNally, Brennon 12             2) Moore, Zach 11                 
     3) Greer, Joseph 12                4) Beeler, Blair 11               
  5 Robinson (Tampa)                                    8:09.36   2    4  
     1) Altimari, Matt 11               2) Gibson, Darin                  
     3) Hill, Cody 12                   4) Logan, Justin 12               
  6 Florida High                                        8:09.73   1    3  
     1) Endicot, Tyler 12               2) Demps, Derrick 10              
     3) Benjamin, Rocky 12              4) Davis, Jajuan 09               
  7 Gulliver Prep (Miami)                               8:09.80   2    2  
     1) Rickter, Andy 10                2) Bojorquez, Mario 12            
     3) Hernandez, Daniel 12            4) Woerner, Philip 12             
  8 Jesuit (Tampa)                                      8:12.36   2    1  
     1) Trimsle, Logan                  2) Robinson, Evan                 
     3) Bracy, Eric                     4) Holton, Carson                 
  9 Lemon Bay (Englewood)                               8:13.25   2 
     1) yole, kevin                     2) gaunt, alan 11                 
     3) nilson, james 11                4) giuliano, nicholas 12          
 10 Jensen Beach High School                            8:15.45   1 
     1) Conrad, Kyle 12                 2) Gillespie, Harry 12            
     3) Nisa, Chris 11                  4) Karol, Adam 11                 
 11 Andrew Jackson                                      8:15.97   1 
     1) Ford, Edward 12                 2) Walker, Nathan 11              
     3) Pamilton, Stephon 9             4) Harris, Tavares 10             
 12 Crooms                                              8:22.87   1 
     1) Miller, Demetrius 12            2) Debrew, Matt 12                
     3) Peterson, Justin                4) Benomar, ben                   
 13 Eustis                                              8:23.34   1 
     1) Strong, Malcolm                 2) Walker, Justin 12              
     3) Walker, Geoffrey 10             4) Hall, Jarred 10                
 14 Gulf Breeze HS                                      8:26.16   1 
     1) Mason, Kurtlan 11               2) Gibble, Thomas 11              
     3) Seals, Sean 12                  4) Thomas, William 11             
 15 Ransom Everglades                                   8:28.64   1 
     1) Stephan, Michael 12             2) Edwards, Travis 11             
     3) Scola, Bobby 12                 4) Maye, Sean 12                  
 16 South Sumter                                        8:38.79   1 
     1) Sullivan, Chris 12              2) Malle, Frank 10                
     3) Gober, Dustin 11                4) Vazquez, Josh 12               
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 13.20  2000        Nicole Denby, Riverside John N              
       State: * 13.53  2004        P. James, MNthwstn / S. Moss,Pmpno Bch      
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Bowen, Michaela           11 Lake Highland            15.43Q  1.3  2 
  2 hall, loutisha            12 Immokalee                15.49Q  1.6  1 
  3 Jordan, Virginia          10 South Sumter             15.65Q  1.3  2 
  4 DeVocht-Patel, Ahsya      10 St. Andrew\'s             15.89Q  1.6  1 
  5 Cooler, Kiana             11 WOOD                     15.73Q  1.3  2 
  6 Ware, A                      AP                       16.06Q  1.6  1 
  7 Johnson, Christina         9 Viera                    16.05q  1.3  2 
  8 parkinson, andrea         11 Hardee County (W         16.11q  1.3  2 
  9 jacques, merline          11 Golden Gate              16.28   1.3  2 
 10 Lee, Laquona              10 AJAC                     16.31   1.6  1 
 11 Dorsett, Briana           11 Chaminade                16.63   1.6  1 
 12 Hagins, Jasmine           12 Mount Dora               16.88   1.6  1 
 13 Spurling, Lillian         12 BKEN                     16.96   1.6  1 
 14 ratliffe, asleigh         11 Harmony                  17.05   1.3  2 
 -- Bryant, Trishay           12 Godby                       FS   1.3  2 
 -- Emde, Dina                12 Pope John Paul             DNF   1.6  1 
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    National: @ 13.20  2000        Nicole Denby, Riverside John N              
       State: * 13.53  2004        P. James, MNthwstn / S. Moss,Pmpno Bch      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 hall, loutisha            12 Immokalee                15.23  -0.4   10  
  2 Bowen, Michaela           11 Lake Highland            15.44  -0.4    8  
  3 DeVocht-Patel, Ahsya      10 St. Andrew\'s             15.78  -0.4    6   15.774
  4 Jordan, Virginia          10 South Sumter             15.78  -0.4    5   15.778
  5 Ware, A                      AP                       15.83  -0.4    4  
  6 parkinson, andrea         11 Hardee County (W         15.89  -0.4    3  
  7 Johnson, Christina         9 Viera                    16.05  -0.4    2  
  8 Cooler, Kiana             11 WOOD                     16.11  -0.4    1  
  9 jacques, merline          11 Golden Gate                          
 10 Lee, Laquona              10 AJAC                                 
 11 Dorsett, Briana           11 Chaminade                            
 12 Hagins, Jasmine           12 Mount Dora                           
 13 Spurling, Lillian         12 BKEN                                 
 14 ratliffe, asleigh         11 Harmony                              
 -- Bryant, Trishay           12 Godby                                
 -- Emde, Dina                12 Pope John Paul                       
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 13.30  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dunbar (OH)                  
       State: * 13.59  1989        Philip Riley, Jones (4A)                    
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Robinson, Andrew          11 Lincoln Park             14.66Q  1.6  2 
  1 Cross, Curtis             12 Glades Central           14.66Q  1.6  2 
  3 Jacobs, Andrew            12 Belen Jesuit Pre         14.71Q  1.1  1 
  4 Reynolds, Tony            11 West Florida             15.00Q  1.1  1 
  5 charles, fan fan          12 Immokalee                14.71Q  1.6  2 
  6 billian, trey             11 Bishop Verot             15.10Q  1.1  1 
  7 melton, john              12 Clewiston                15.07q  1.6  2 
  8 McClain, Kenneth          11 BOLL                     15.12q  1.1  1 
  9 Shehee, Dominique         12 RAIN                     15.28   1.6  2 
 10 Dunham, Lyndon            11 Clay                     15.30   1.1  1 
 11 Mckever, Brunarious       11 Glades Central           15.35   1.1  1 
 12 cimeus, jimmy             11 Hardee County (W         15.52   1.6  2 
 13 Jordan, John              11 Harmony                  15.84   1.6  2 
 14 Henry, George             12 Godby                    15.85   1.1  1 
 15 Spence, Devon             12 Tavares                  15.87   1.1  1 
 16 Burkholder, Jordan        12 Eustis                   16.05   1.6  2 
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    National: @ 13.30  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dunbar (OH)                  
       State: * 13.59  1989        Philip Riley, Jones (4A)                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Cross, Curtis             12 Glades Central           14.39   0.7   10  
  2 Jacobs, Andrew            12 Belen Jesuit Pre         14.64   0.7    8  
  3 Robinson, Andrew          11 Lincoln Park             14.76   0.7    6  
  4 charles, fan fan          12 Immokalee                14.80   0.7    5  
  5 melton, john              12 Clewiston                14.83   0.7    4  
  6 Reynolds, Tony            11 West Florida             14.87   0.7    3  
  7 McClain, Kenneth          11 BOLL                     15.00   0.7    2  
  8 billian, trey             11 Bishop Verot             15.18   0.7    1  
  9 Shehee, Dominique         12 RAIN                                 
 10 Dunham, Lyndon            11 Clay                                 
 11 Mckever, Brunarious       11 Glades Central                       
 12 cimeus, jimmy             11 Hardee County (W                     
 13 Jordan, John              11 Harmony                              
 14 Henry, George             12 Godby                                
 15 Spence, Devon             12 Tavares                              
 16 Burkholder, Jordan        12 Eustis                               
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 11.14  1990        Marion Jones, Thousand Oaks (C              
       State: * 11.40  1989        Zundra Feagin, Cocoa (4A)                   
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Smith, Lauren             12 Rickards                 12.12Q  2.4  2 
  2 Griffin, Daniella         12 RIBA                     12.22Q  1.5  1 
  3 Kelley, Lakeisha          10 Wildwood                 12.19Q  2.4  2 
  4 Bell, Crystal             11 John Carroll             12.29Q  1.5  1 
  5 Davis, Erica                 HC                       12.29Q  2.4  2 
  6 Elliott, Lisa             11 WOOD                     12.31Q  1.5  1 
  7 Armstrong, Kinisha        11 Interlachen              12.32q  2.4  2 
  8 andre, naomi              10 Golden Gate              12.34q  2.4  2 
  9 Smith, Stacia             12 West Shore               12.36   1.5  1 
 10 Toomer, Chelsea           12 Gulliver Prep            12.40   1.5  1 
 10 Worley, Amanda            09 Jensen Beach             12.40   2.4  2 
 12 McMinns, Faith            12 Chiefland                12.53   1.5  1 
 13 Williams, Alexis          12 Atlantic PO              12.56   2.4  2 
 14 Frazier, Alexis            9 AJAC                     12.62   1.5  1 
 15 chambers, brittani        12 DUNB                     12.82   1.5  1 
 16 Doucet, Danielle           9 Nature Coast             13.13   2.4  2 
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    National: @ 11.14  1990        Marion Jones, Thousand Oaks (C              
       State: * 11.40  1989        Zundra Feagin, Cocoa (4A)                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Smith, Lauren             12 Rickards                 12.11   1.4   10  
  2 Griffin, Daniella         12 RIBA                     12.15   1.4    8  
  3 Armstrong, Kinisha        11 Interlachen              12.23   1.4    6  
  4 Kelley, Lakeisha          10 Wildwood                 12.26   1.4    5  
  5 Elliott, Lisa             11 WOOD                     12.32   1.4    4  
  6 Bell, Crystal             11 John Carroll             12.35   1.4    3  
  7 Davis, Erica                 HC                       12.41   1.4    2  
  8 andre, naomi              10 Golden Gate              12.62   1.4    1  
  9 Smith, Stacia             12 West Shore                           
 10 Toomer, Chelsea           12 Gulliver Prep                        
 10 Worley, Amanda            09 Jensen Beach                         
 12 McMinns, Faith            12 Chiefland                            
 13 Williams, Alexis          12 Atlantic PO                          
 14 Frazier, Alexis            9 AJAC                                 
 15 chambers, brittani        12 DUNB                                 
 16 Doucet, Danielle           9 Nature Coast                         
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 10.15  1990        Henry Neal, Greenville (TX)                 
       State: * 10.38  2004        T. McCall, Forest / W. Dix, Coral Sprin     
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Demps, Jeffery            11 South Lake             * 10.38Q  1.6  1 
  2 youyoute, lisnell         12 Hardee County (W         10.75Q  1.9  2 
  3 Sylvester, Phillip        12 Marianna                 10.70Q  1.6  1 
  4 Watersiii, Eddie          12 WOOD                     10.85Q  1.9  2 
  5 Watkins, James            11 Umatilla                 10.71Q  1.6  1 
  6 Crim, Rudell              12 Rickards                 10.91Q  1.9  2 
  7 Benjamin, Travis          11 Glades Central           10.86q  1.6  1 
  8 Geter, Willie             12 Monsignor Pace           10.88q  1.6  1 
  9 Covington, Chuckie        11 Bradford                 10.93   1.6  1 
  9 Cunningham, Sederrik      12 Zephyrhills              10.93   1.9  2 
 11 Webster, Kayvon           10 Monsignor Pace           10.95   1.9  2 
 12 knight, jhermel           12 DUNB                     11.07   1.6  1 
 13 McCloud, John             12 Hamilton County          11.09   1.6  1 
 14 Robey, N                     FP                       11.18   1.9  2 
 15 Evans, Bob                12 South Lake               11.19   1.9  2 
 -- Thompson, Deonte          12 Glades Central              FS   1.9  2 
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    National: @ 10.15  1990        Henry Neal, Greenville (TX)                 
       State: * 10.38  2004        T. McCall, Forest / W. Dix, Coral Sprin     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Demps, Jeffery            11 South Lake               10.37*  1.0   10  
  2 Sylvester, Phillip        12 Marianna                 10.73   1.0    8  
  3 youyoute, lisnell         12 Hardee County (W         10.74   1.0    6  
  4 Watkins, James            11 Umatilla                 10.78   1.0    5  
  5 Watersiii, Eddie          12 WOOD                     10.87   1.0    4  
  6 Geter, Willie             12 Monsignor Pace           10.88   1.0    3  
  7 Benjamin, Travis          11 Glades Central           10.90   1.0    2  
  8 Crim, Rudell              12 Rickards                 10.91   1.0    1  
  9 Covington, Chuckie        11 Bradford                             
  9 Cunningham, Sederrik      12 Zephyrhills                          
 11 Webster, Kayvon           10 Monsignor Pace                       
 12 knight, jhermel           12 DUNB                                 
 13 McCloud, John             12 Hamilton County                      
 14 Robey, N                     FP                                   
 15 Evans, Bob                12 South Lake                           
 -- Thompson, Deonte          12 Glades Central                       
Event 19  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    National: @ 4:39.40  1985        Laura Matson, Hills-Andover (M            
       State: * 4:48.90  2004        Jennifer Barringer, Oviedo (4A)           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Steel, Laura              11 EPIS                   5:10.78    10  
  2 pierre, joane             10 Immokalee              5:11.59     8  
  3 Traylor, Kathleen          9 EPIS                   5:11.67     6  
  4 Houston, Emily            12 Jensen Beach           5:12.03     5  
  5 Tucker, Elizabeth          9 BKEN                   5:12.09     4  
  6 Carrington, Katherine     12 North Broward Pr       5:13.08     3  
  7 Price, Page               10 Berkeley Prep          5:13.31     2  
  8 Heekin, Jamie              9 BKEN                   5:19.41     1  
  9 Banks, Ronda              11 Cocoa Beach            5:22.58  
 10 Cuervo, Isabella           8 Ransom Everglade       5:26.80  
 11 Compher, Shannon          10 Hagerty                5:27.56  
 12 martin, janey             11 Newsome (Lithia)       5:34.43  
 13 Nichols, Brandi           09 Citrus                 5:37.31  
 14 Barajas, Cynthia             HC                     5:37.48  
 -- Prendergast, Allie        11 Lake Highland              DNF  
 -- Prendergast, Jessica       9 Lake Highland              DNF  
Event 20  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    National: @ 3:59.51  2001        Alan Webb, Reston South Lakes (VA)        
       State: * 4:09.44  2002        Sam Vasquez, Flagler Palm Coast (3A)      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Franklin, Joseph          11 Godby                  4:08.84*   10  
  2 Revord, Connor            10 Jesuit                 4:17.09     8  
  3 Trebilcock, Chris         12 Santa Fe               4:18.56     6  
  4 Echarte, Guillermo        11 Belen Jesuit Pre       4:18.75     5  
  5 Livingston, Robert        12 Berkeley Prep          4:20.64     4  
  6 Richard, Blake            11 Berkeley Prep          4:20.91     3  
  7 Martucci, Ben             12 Hernado                4:22.51     2  
  8 Heekin, Thomas            11 BKEN                   4:24.81     1  
  9 Walker, Justin            12 Eustis                 4:32.28  
 10 Greer, Joseph             12 Crystal River          4:33.20  
 11 Stocking, Joseph (Dani    11 Cardinal Newman        4:35.62  
 12 Moore, Austin             12 West Shore             4:36.39  
 13 Bocinsky, Mark            12 Melbourne Centra       4:36.51  
 14 Debrew, Matt              12 Crooms                 4:37.87  
 -- Wallace, Michael           9 BKEN                       DNF  
 -- Price, Tyler              11 Wakulla                    DNF  
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 44.50  2004        Long Beach Poly (CA)                        
       State: * 45.80  2000        St. Thomas Aquinas (3A)                     
    School                                              Prelims  H#
  1 Golden Gate (Naples)                                  47.91Q  2 
     1) bazile, erv 10                  2) tavernier, asha 11             
     3) eldira, marjorie                4) andre, naomi 10                
  2 Andrew Jackson                                        48.84Q  1 
     1) Cummings, Cierra 11             2) Frazier, Alexis 9              
     3) Robinson, Adrianna 9            4) Williams, Alexandra 10         
  3 Florida High                                          48.50Q  2 
     1) Johnson, Ena 10                 2) Samaila, Aiesha 10             
     3) McGee, LaKetra 8                4) Rogers, Morgan 10              
  4 Dunbar (Ft. Myers)                                    49.84Q  1 
     1) chambers, brittani 12           2) lee, aissia 1                  
     3) fuller, bernice 12              4) Ford, Kamisha                  
  5 Bolles (Jacksonville)                                 48.92Q  2 
     1) Blakely, Kiera 11               2) Wilkes, Sarah 10               
     3) Wilk, Mary Beth 10              4) Rolle, Melanie 12              
  6 Pahokee High School                                   50.00Q  1 
     1) Graham, Laquesha                2) Parker, Hentoga                
     3) Young, Monshakenia              4) Seury, Adrianisha              
  7 Glades Central Community H.S.                         49.52q  2 
     1) Cime, Niyoka 10                 2) Jones, Torama 12               
     3) Anthony, Vanessa 10             4) Brown, Vionni 11               
  8 St. Augustine                                         50.20q  1 
     1) Davis, Meredith                 2) Hopfensberger, Lauren 09       
     3) Dejesus, Sierra 12              4) Williams, Shetia 10            
  9 Jensen Beach High School                              50.31   2 
     1) Strohmenger, Aubrie             2) King, Yolonda 12               
     3) Rupp, Alex 12                   4) Worley, Amanda 09              
 10 Ridge Community High                                  50.47   2 
     1) Commigs, Tomisha                2) Clarke, Kim                    
     3) Jenkins, Kaliya                 4) Baker, Talisa                  
 11 Haines City High                                      50.67   1 
     1) Scott, Shawnquila               2) Cannon, Taqwesha               
     3) McDaniel, Alexis                4) Davis, Erica                   
 12 Stanton (Jacksonville)                                50.87   1 
     1) Ball, Sierra 12                 2) Smith, Tyler Ashley 9          
     3) Herring, Chloe 9                4) Jones, Celestine 10            
 13 South Lake                                            51.17   2  51.164
     1) Mills, Treshonda 11             2) Purvis, Amy 12                 
     3) Rennes, Ayanna 11               4) Skipper, Miriam 11             
 14 Pompano Beach                                         51.17   1  51.167
     1) Henry, Celina                   2) Smith, Shannon                 
     3) Lamar, Raneisha 09              4) Harris, Lauren                 
 -- Hagerty                                                  DQ   2  OutOfZone1
     1) Jones, Angela 10                2) Stanley, Chavarra 10           
     3) Short, Laura 9                  4) Mucherera, Shamisu 9           
 -- Wildwood                                                 DQ   1  OutOfZone2
     1) Mitchell, Stasha 12             2) Mitchell, Keosha 9             
     3) Corbin, Tornika 11              4) Mcfadden, Shawante 10          
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    National: @ 44.50  2004        Long Beach Poly (CA)                        
       State: * 45.80  2000        St. Thomas Aquinas (3A)                     
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Andrew Jackson                                        47.99    10  
     1) Cummings, Cierra 11             2) Frazier, Alexis 9              
     3) Robinson, Adrianna 9            4) Williams, Alexandra 10         
  2 Golden Gate (Naples)                                  48.17     8  
     1) bazile, erv 10                  2) tavernier, asha 11             
     3) eldira, marjorie                4) andre, naomi 10                
  3 Florida High                                          48.55     6  
     1) Johnson, Ena 10                 2) Samaila, Aiesha 10             
     3) McGee, LaKetra 8                4) Rogers, Morgan 10              
  4 Bolles (Jacksonville)                                 48.69     5  
     1) Blakely, Kiera 11               2) Wilk, Mary Beth 10             
     3) Wilkes, Sarah 10                4) Rolle, Melanie 12              
  5 Glades Central Community H.S.                         49.41     4  
     1) Cime, Niyoka 10                 2) Jones, Torama 12               
     3) Anthony, Vanessa 10             4) Brown, Vionni 11               
  6 Pahokee High School                                   49.88     3  
     1) Graham, Laquesha                2) Parker, Hentoga                
     3) Young, Monshakenia              4) Seury, Adrianisha              
  7 Dunbar (Ft. Myers)                                    50.01     2  
     1) chambers, brittani 12           2) lee, aissia 1                  
     3) fuller, bernice 12              4) Ford, Kamisha                  
 -- St. Augustine                                           DNF  
     1) Dejesus, Sierra 12              2) Williams, Shetia 10            
     3) Hopfensberger, Lauren 09        4) Davis, Meredith                
  9 Jensen Beach High School                                     
 10 Ridge Community High                                         
 11 Haines City High                                             
 12 Stanton (Jacksonville)                                       
 13 South Lake                                                   
 14 Pompano Beach                                                
 -- Hagerty                                                      
 -- Wildwood                                                     
Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 39.76  1998        Fort Worth O.D. Wyatt (TX)                  
       State: * 40.60  1998        Boyd Anderson (6A)                          
    School                                              Prelims  H#
  1 Monsignor Pace (Miami)                                41.31Q  1 
     1) Webster, Kayvon 10              2) Geter, Willie 12               
     3) Hopkins, Derrick 10             4) Van Dyke, Demarcus 12          
  2 Rickards                                              41.58Q  2 
     1) Harley, Jajuan 11               2) Harris, Greg 10                
     3) Green, Kevin 11                 4) Crim, Rudell 12                
  3 Glades Central Community H.S.                         41.78Q  2 
     1) Chisholm, Antonia               2) Wooten, Rantavious 10          
     3) Benjamin, Travis 11             4) Thompson, Deonte 12            
  4 South Lake                                            42.11Q  1 
     1) Mobley, Titus 10                2) Evans, Bob 12                  
     3) Brown, Derias 10                4) Demps, Jeffery 11              
  5 Woodham (Pensacola)                                   42.43Q  2 
     1) Johnson, Evan 12                2) Sherman, Jonathan 11           
     3) Richardsonii, Patrick 12        4) Watersiii, Eddie 12            
  6 Hardee County (Wauchula)                              42.57Q  1 
     1) Gandy, Jayquan                  2) cimeus, jimmy 11               
     3) Simmons, Marwin                 4) youyoute, lisnell 12           
  7 Dunbar (Ft. Myers)                                    42.69q  1 
     1) satchel, jeremy 12              2) franks, jared 11               
     3) Truttling, Craig                4) knight, jhermel 12             
  8 Pahokee High School                                   42.78q  2 
     1) Ford, Artis                     2) richardson, Nureese            
     3) Bentley, Dwight                 4) Odoms, Martavious              
  9 Florida High                                          43.04   1 
     1) McGee, Santuan 11               2) Johnson, Javaris 10            
     3) Johnson, Mark 11                4) McQuay, Ean 12                 
 10 Immokalee                                             43.06   2 
     1) Fuller, Talbot                  2) henry, aaron 12                
     3) charles, fan fan 12             4) deloach, donovan 12            
 11 Zephyrhills                                           43.23   2 
     1) Sampson, Algernon               2) Perkins, Joshua                
     3) Henry, Christopher              4) Cunningham, Sederrik 12        
 12 Jones                                                 43.35   1 
     1) Burns, Stoney 11                2) Henderson, John 12             
     3) Ryans, Lamel 9                  4) Spencer, Marcus 11             
 13 Cocoa                                                 43.48   1 
     1) Williams, Darion 9              2) Joiner, A.J.                   
     3) Johnson, E.J.                   4) Williams, Clarence             
 14 Madison County (Madison)                              43.63   2 
     1) Brinson, Bernard 12             2) Huggins, Donterius 10          
     3) Thomas, Edgar 12                4) Thompson, Chris 10             
 15 Atlantic (Port Orange)                                43.67   2 
     1) oliveria, justin 12             2) mitchell, curtis 12            
     3) brown, rob 11                   4) Gilleland, Travis              
 -- Bradford (Starke)                                        DQ   1  OutOfZone3
     1) Covington, Chuckie 11           2) Jamison, James 09              
     3) Portis, Maurice                 4) Covington, Carlton 09          
Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    National: @ 39.76  1998        Fort Worth O.D. Wyatt (TX)                  
       State: * 40.60  1998        Boyd Anderson (6A)                          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Monsignor Pace (Miami)                                40.78    10  
     1) Webster, Kayvon 10              2) Geter, Willie 12               
     3) Hopkins, Derrick 10             4) Van Dyke, Demarcus 12          
  2 Rickards                                              41.32     8  
     1) Harley, Jajuan 11               2) Harris, Greg 10                
     3) Green, Kevin 11                 4) Crim, Rudell 12                
  3 Glades Central Community H.S.                         41.94     6  
     1) Chisholm, Antonia               2) Benjamin, Travis 11            
     3) Wooten, Rantavious 10           4) Thompson, Deonte 12            
  4 South Lake                                            42.14     5  
     1) Mobley, Titus 10                2) Evans, Bob 12                  
     3) Brown, Derias 10                4) Demps, Jeffery 11              
  5 Woodham (Pensacola)                                   42.38     4  
     1) Jones, Joshua 12                2) Sherman, Jonathan 11           
     3) Richardsonii, Patrick 12        4) Watersiii, Eddie 12            
  6 Pahokee High School                                   42.44     3  
     1) Ford, Artis                     2) richardson, Nureese            
     3) Bentley, Dwight                 4) Odoms, Martavious              
  7 Dunbar (Ft. Myers)                                    42.84     2  
     1) satchel, jeremy 12              2) franks, jared 11               
     3) Truttling, Craig                4) knight, jhermel 12             
  8 Hardee County (Wauchula)                              42.86     1  
     1) Gandy, Jayquan                  2) youyoute, lisnell 12           
     3) Simmons, Marwin                 4) cimeus, jimmy 11               
  9 Florida High                                                 
 10 Immokalee                                                    
 11 Zephyrhills                                                  
 12 Jones                                                        
 13 Cocoa                                                        
 14 Madison County (Madison)                                     
 15 Atlantic (Port Orange)                                       
 -- Bradford (Starke)                                            
Event 23  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    National: @ 50.74  2000        Monique Henderson, Morse (CA)               
       State: * 52.51  2002        Sanya Richards, St. Thomas Aquinas (3A)     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Frazier, Brianna           9 RAIN                     54.62   2   10  
  2 brown, stephanie          12 Bishop Verot             55.44   2    8  
  3 Kelley, Lakeisha          10 Wildwood                 56.18   2    6  
  4 James, Salydia            12 BKEN                     56.65   2    5  
  5 King, Yolonda             12 Jensen Beach             57.69   1    4  
  6 Doucet, Danielle           9 Nature Coast             59.00   1    3  
  7 Nunn, Julie                9 South Lake               59.65   2    2  
  8 Jones, Elizabeth          12 Suncoast High Sc         59.86   2    1  
  9 Mays, Dacia                9 WOOD                     59.99   2 
 10 Bacher, Megan             12 BKEN                   1:00.13   2 
 11 Haddad, Samantha          09 Jensen Beach           1:00.57   1 
 12 Moore, Joslyn             09 Citrus                 1:01.01   1 
 13 livingston, alicen        12 Clearwater Centr       1:01.62   1 
 14 DuBois, Stevie            10 Melbourne Centra       1:01.94   1 
 15 Smyth, Jennifer           10 Bradford               1:02.32   1 
 16 tavernier, asha           11 Golden Gate            1:04.64   1 
Event 24  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    National: @ 45.25  1993        Calvin Harrison, Salinas North              
       State: * 45.44  2004        Xavier Carter, Palm Bay (3A)                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lawrence, Torrin          11 AJAC                     47.80   2   10  
  2 Johnson, Evan             12 WOOD                     48.17   2    8  
  3 Walker, Joe               12 Cocoa Beach              48.20   2    6  
  4 Teeter, Kyle              12 BKEN                     48.31   2    5  
  5 Bolden, Ronald            12 Key West                 48.68   1    4  
  6 McMillon, Lavon           11 Godby                    49.46   2    3  
  7 taylor, travon            12 DUNB                     49.55   2    2  
  8 Vasquez-Milan, Gustavo    11 Archbishop McCar         49.61   1    1  
  9 lively, steven            11 Newsome (Lithia)         49.82   1 
 10 solis, pete               11 Hardee County (W         49.94   1 
 11 Lewis, Carlton            11 St. Augustine            49.97   2 
 12 Marcelin, Wilner          11 Mater Academy            50.15   1 
 13 Littles, Kenyon           12 Bishop Moore             50.80   1 
 14 Marks, Paul               12 Bishop Moore             51.44   1 
 15 Coleman, Kenneth          11 Tavares                  51.58   1 
 -- Clasen, Hunter            12 Jesuit                     DNF   2 
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 39.98  2001        Lashinda Demus, Long Beach Wilson (CA)      
       State: * 41.34  2000        Tiffany Ross, Miami Northweste              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 hall, loutisha            12 Immokalee                46.56Q  1 
  2 Anthony, Vanessa          10 Glades Central           46.84Q  2 
  3 Bowen, Michaela           11 Lake Highland            46.57Q  1 
  4 Cooler, Kiana             11 WOOD                     47.08Q  2 
  5 Smith, Emma               10 BOLL                     46.75Q  1 
  6 Pacetti, Lauren           12 Holy Names               47.54Q  2 
  7 Jones, Jacquelyn          12 WOOD                     47.42q  1 
  8 Sport, Haleigh            10 West Florida             47.84q  1 
  9 Dorsett, Briana           11 Chaminade                48.51   2 
 10 Hagins, Jasmine           12 Mount Dora               49.19   1 
 11 jacques, merline          11 Golden Gate              49.33   2 
 12 Knox, Diamond             10 Dunnellon                49.44   1 
 13 Ware, A                      AP                       49.50   2 
 14 Lunn, Chelsea             09 Pine Crest               50.78   1 
 15 Waller, Rosalind           8 Cocoa Beach              51.11   2 
 16 Lacey, Alyssa              9 South Sumter             51.79   2 
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    National: @ 39.98  2001        Lashinda Demus, Long Beach Wilson (CA)      
       State: * 41.34  2000        Tiffany Ross, Miami Northweste              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Bowen, Michaela           11 Lake Highland            45.61    10  
  2 Anthony, Vanessa          10 Glades Central           45.89     8  
  3 Smith, Emma               10 BOLL                     46.08     6  
  4 Pacetti, Lauren           12 Holy Names               46.38     5  
  5 Jones, Jacquelyn          12 WOOD                     46.78     4  
  6 Sport, Haleigh            10 West Florida             47.30     3  
  7 Cooler, Kiana             11 WOOD                     47.33     2  
  8 hall, loutisha            12 Immokalee                49.48     1  
  9 Dorsett, Briana           11 Chaminade                       
 10 Hagins, Jasmine           12 Mount Dora                      
 11 jacques, merline          11 Golden Gate                     
 12 Knox, Diamond             10 Dunnellon                       
 13 Ware, A                      AP                              
 14 Lunn, Chelsea             09 Pine Crest                      
 15 Waller, Rosalind           8 Cocoa Beach                     
 16 Lacey, Alyssa              9 South Sumter                    
Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 35.32  1985        George Porter, Lompoc Cabrillo              
       State: * 36.01  2002        Bershawn Johnson, Miami Centra              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Jacobs, Andrew            12 Belen Jesuit Pre         37.99Q  1 
  2 McClain, Kenneth          11 BOLL                     38.39Q  2 
  3 Cross, Curtis             12 Glades Central           38.83Q  2 
  4 Mckever, Brunarious       11 Glades Central           38.96Q  1 
  5 Reynolds, Tony            11 West Florida             39.21Q  2 
  6 Jones, Joshua             12 WOOD                     39.91Q  1 
  7 Davis, F                     RC                       39.98q  1 
  8 Dennis, Sidney            12 Santa Fe                 40.56q  1 
  9 Spivey, Kevin             12 Crystal River            40.71   2 
 10 hill, mike                12 Riverdale                40.90   2 
 11 Young, Desmond            11 Trinity Catholic         41.18   2 
 12 Durden, Keith             12 Key West                 41.28   1 
 13 billian, trey             11 Bishop Verot             41.34   2 
 14 McQuay, Ean               12 Florida High             41.80   1 
 15 Klug, Charles             11 Berkeley Prep            50.79   2 
 -- Turner, Steven            10 Umatilla                   DNF   1 
Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    National: @ 35.32  1985        George Porter, Lompoc Cabrillo              
       State: * 36.01  2002        Bershawn Johnson, Miami Centra              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jacobs, Andrew            12 Belen Jesuit Pre         37.56    10  
  2 Cross, Curtis             12 Glades Central           37.76     8  
  3 McClain, Kenneth          11 BOLL                     37.78     6  
  4 Mckever, Brunarious       11 Glades Central           39.24     5  
  5 Reynolds, Tony            11 West Florida             39.38     4  
  6 Jones, Joshua             12 WOOD                     39.88     3  
  7 Dennis, Sidney            12 Santa Fe                 40.69     2  
  8 Davis, F                     RC                       40.80     1  
  9 Spivey, Kevin             12 Crystal River                   
 10 hill, mike                12 Riverdale                       
 11 Young, Desmond            11 Trinity Catholic                
 12 Durden, Keith             12 Key West                        
 13 billian, trey             11 Bishop Verot                    
 14 McQuay, Ean               12 Florida High                    
 15 Klug, Charles             11 Berkeley Prep                   
 -- Turner, Steven            10 Umatilla                        
Event 27  Girls 800 Meter Run
    National: @ 2:04.50  1980        Joetta Clark, Maplewood Columb            
       State: * 2:09.90  2001        Lavera Morris, Oak Ridge (4A)             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Conrad, Kayla             11 Jensen Beach           2:17.22   2   10  
  2 Lugo, Monica              12 Bishop Moore           2:18.05   2    8  
  3 Buck, Caroline            10 Bishop Moore           2:18.30   2    6  
  4 Steel, Laura              11 EPIS                   2:18.63   2    5  
  5 Prichard, Caitlin         11 Cardinal Newman        2:18.64   1    4  
  6 Menton, Sara              11 The Villages           2:18.74   1    3  
  7 Price, Page               10 Berkeley Prep          2:19.25   1    2  
  8 hunter, kathleen          12 Clearwater Centr       2:19.56   2    1  
  9 Reen, Lauren              11 Bishop Moore           2:19.93   2 
 10 Wreder, Annika             8 Ransom Everglade       2:20.04   1 
 11 Davison, Jobenita         11 WOOD                   2:20.18   1 
 12 Chong, Sianne             12 Pope John Paul         2:20.33   1 
 13 Davis, Sarah               9 BKEN                   2:20.58   2 
 14 Loop, Mariah               9 EPIS                   2:21.55   2 
 15 pierre, joane             10 Immokalee              2:23.05   1 
 16 gardberg, mason           10 Lemon Bay (Engle       2:25.12   1 
Event 28  Boys 800 Meter Run
    National: @ 1:46.45  1996        Michael Granville, Bell Garden            
       State: * 1:49.75  2004        Timothy Harris, BT Wasington (3A)         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Franklin, Joseph          11 Godby                  1:54.34   2   10  
  2 Harley, Kevin             12 St. Petersburg C       1:55.50   2    8  
  3 Gonino, Nicholas          12 BOLL                   1:55.68   2    6  
  4 Zamparelli, Javier        12 Belen Jesuit Pre       1:56.39   2    5  
  5 Oliver, Jason             12 Belen Jesuit Pre       1:57.30   2    4  
  6 Silva, Daniel             12 Belen Jesuit Pre       1:57.41   1    3  
  7 Miller, Demetrius         12 Crooms                 1:58.16   2    2  
  8 Livingston, Robert        12 Berkeley Prep          1:58.57   2    1  
  9 pierre, alex              12 Immokalee              1:58.68   1 
 10 chastain, dustin          12 Newsome (Lithia)       1:59.13   1 
 11 Benjamin, Rocky           12 Florida High           1:59.18   1 
 12 Pamilton, Stephon          9 AJAC                   1:59.42   1 
 13 Cannon, Robert            12 Archbishop McCar       2:00.05   2 
 14 McNally, Brennon          12 Crystal River          2:01.05   1 
 15 Hall, Jarred              10 Eustis                 2:01.45   1 
 16 Fugate, Jack              11 St. Augustine          2:01.92   1 
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 22.52  2003        Allyson Felix, LA Baptist (CA)              
       State: * 23.36  2001        Erica Whipple, Palm Beach Lake              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Griffin, Daniella         12 RIBA                     24.63Q  1.2  2 
  2 brown, stephanie          12 Bishop Verot             24.87Q  0.7  1 
  3 Kelley, Lakeisha          10 Wildwood                 24.64Q  1.2  2 
  4 Smith, Lauren             12 Rickards                 25.23Q  0.7  1 
  5 Williams, Sonnisha        11 RAIN                     25.13Q  1.2  2 
  6 Calcote, Jaybria          10 Pope John Paul           25.35Q  0.7  1 
  7 Elliott, Lisa             11 WOOD                     25.37q  1.2  2 
  8 Smith, Stacia             12 West Shore               25.40q  1.2  2 
  9 Toomer, Chelsea           12 Gulliver Prep            25.83   1.2  2 
 10 Lamar, Raneisha           09 Pompano Beach            25.88   0.7  1 
 11 chambers, brittani        12 DUNB                     25.95   0.7  1 
 12 andre, naomi              10 Golden Gate              26.06   1.2  2 
 13 Armstrong, Kinisha        11 Interlachen              26.16   0.7  1 
 14 Doucet, Danielle           9 Nature Coast             26.25   0.7  1 
 15 Smyth, Jennifer           10 Bradford                 26.53   1.2  2 
 16 Williams, Alexis          12 Atlantic PO              26.77   0.7  1 
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    National: @ 22.52  2003        Allyson Felix, LA Baptist (CA)              
       State: * 23.36  2001        Erica Whipple, Palm Beach Lake              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 brown, stephanie          12 Bishop Verot             24.69   0.2   10  
  2 Griffin, Daniella         12 RIBA                     25.05   0.2    8  
  3 Williams, Sonnisha        11 RAIN                     25.20   0.2    6  
  4 Smith, Lauren             12 Rickards                 25.23   0.2    5  
  5 Smith, Stacia             12 West Shore               25.24   0.2    4  
  6 Kelley, Lakeisha          10 Wildwood                 25.27   0.2    3  
  7 Elliott, Lisa             11 WOOD                     25.39   0.2    2  
  8 Calcote, Jaybria          10 Pope John Paul           25.46   0.2    1  
  9 Toomer, Chelsea           12 Gulliver Prep                        
 10 Lamar, Raneisha           09 Pompano Beach                        
 11 chambers, brittani        12 DUNB                                 
 12 andre, naomi              10 Golden Gate                          
 13 Armstrong, Kinisha        11 Interlachen                          
 14 Doucet, Danielle           9 Nature Coast                         
 15 Smyth, Jennifer           10 Bradford                             
 16 Williams, Alexis          12 Atlantic PO                          
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 3 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    National: @ 20.13  1985        Roy Martin, Dallas Roosevelt (              
       State: * 20.62  2004        Walter Dix, Coral Springs (4A)              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Thompson, Deonte          12 Glades Central           21.52Q  1.1  2 
  2 Van Dyke, Demarcus        12 Monsignor Pace           21.70Q  0.7  1 
  3 Demps, Jeffery            11 South Lake               21.64Q  1.1  2 
  4 Hopkins, Derrick          10 Monsignor Pace           21.99Q  0.7  1 
  5 mitchell, curtis          12 Atlantic PO              21.71Q  1.1  2 
  6 Lawrence, Torrin          11 AJAC                     22.14Q  0.7  1 
  7 Watkins, James            11 Umatilla                 21.75q  1.1  2 
  8 Webster, Kayvon           10 Monsignor Pace           22.12q  1.1  2 
  9 Cunningham, Sederrik      12 Zephyrhills              22.15   0.7  1 
 10 Crim, Rudell              12 Rickards                 22.50   1.1  2 
 11 Battles, Bradley          10 Marianna                 22.51   1.1  2 
 12 deloach, donovan          12 Immokalee                22.77   0.7  1 
 13 Samuels, Eric             10 Umatilla                 22.87   0.7  1 
 14 satchel, jeremy           12 DUNB                     23.25   1.1  2 
 15 Raines, Carlos            12 Godby                    23.38   0.7  1 
 16 shepard, jeronsqi         12 Newsome (Lithia)         24.01   0.7  1 
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    National: @ 20.13  1985        Roy Martin, Dallas Roosevelt (              
       State: * 20.62  2004        Walter Dix, Coral Springs (4A)              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Thompson, Deonte          12 Glades Central           21.45  +0.0   10  
  2 Van Dyke, Demarcus        12 Monsignor Pace           21.46  +0.0    8  
  3 mitchell, curtis          12 Atlantic PO              21.87  +0.0    6  
  4 Hopkins, Derrick          10 Monsignor Pace           21.89  +0.0    5  
  5 Webster, Kayvon           10 Monsignor Pace           22.01  +0.0    4  
  6 Watkins, James            11 Umatilla                 22.14  +0.0    3  
  7 Lawrence, Torrin          11 AJAC                     22.28  +0.0    2  
  8 Demps, Jeffery            11 South Lake               27.58  +0.0    1  
  9 Cunningham, Sederrik      12 Zephyrhills                          
 10 Crim, Rudell              12 Rickards                             
 11 Battles, Bradley          10 Marianna                             
 12 deloach, donovan          12 Immokalee                            
 13 Samuels, Eric             10 Umatilla                             
 14 satchel, jeremy           12 DUNB                                 
 15 Raines, Carlos            12 Godby                                
 16 shepard, jeronsqi         12 Newsome (Lithia)                     
Event 31  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    National: @  9:48.59  1996        Kimberly Mortensen, Thousdan O           
       State: * 10:35.36  2004        Jennifer Barringer, Oviedo (4A)          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Traylor, Margaret         11 EPIS                  11:16.65    10  
  2 Iselborn, Kaitlyn         10 BOLL                  11:19.92     8  
  3 Houston, Emily            12 Jensen Beach          11:20.62     6  
  4 Barlow, Caroline          12 BOLL                  11:25.80     5  
  5 Prendergast, Jessica       9 Lake Highland         11:27.77     4  
  6 Adams, Andrea             12 Crystal River         11:29.04     3  
  7 Kowalski, Chloe           11 Pensacola Ca          11:32.71     2  
  8 Carrington, Katherine     12 North Broward Pr      11:35.97     1  
  9 pierre, joane             10 Immokalee             11:44.97  
 10 Prendergast, Allie        11 Lake Highland         11:48.61  
 11 Duncan, Allie              9 Lake Highland         11:50.20  
 12 Peterson, Michelle        11 Jensen Beach          11:54.74  
 13 Massengill, Katie          8 Berkeley Prep         11:59.32  
 14 D`angelo, Oliva           10 Berkeley Prep         11:59.96  
 15 Socias, Stephanie         11 Holy Names            12:34.01  
 16 Basore, Natalie           12 Pope John Paul        12:43.17  
Event 32  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    National: @ 8:41.10  2000        Dathan Ritzenhein, Rockford (M            
       State: * 8:59.03  2001        Sean Jefferson, Atlantic-Delra            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Woerner, Philip           12 Gulliver Prep          9:29.00    10  
  2 Echarte, Guillermo        11 Belen Jesuit Pre       9:34.64     8  
  3 Price, Tyler              11 Wakulla                9:35.38     6  
  4 Richard, Blake            11 Berkeley Prep          9:39.93     5  
  5 Wallace, Michael           9 BKEN                   9:40.08     4  
  6 Trebilcock, Chris         12 Santa Fe               9:42.07     3  
  7 Martucci, Ben             12 Hernado                9:45.47     2  
  8 bixler, keegan            10 Newsome (Lithia)       9:49.28     1  
  9 Hensley, Jeff             12 Lincoln Park           9:53.15  
 10 Moeller, Michael          11 Bishop Moore           9:54.14  
 11 Heekin, Thomas            11 BKEN                   9:58.21  
 12 Grigas, Jared             11 EPIS                  10:00.17  
 13 Greer, Joseph             12 Crystal River         10:00.52  
 14 Duran, Larry              10 Belen Jesuit Pre      10:02.26  
 15 Thiele, Jonathan          10 Menendez              10:12.86  
 16 Revord, Connor            10 Jesuit                10:18.43  
Event 33  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    National: @ 3:35.49  2004        Long Beach Poly (CA)                      
       State: * 3:43.84  2004        Miami Northwestern (4)                    
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Raines (Jacksonville)                               3:48.89   2   10  
     1) Frazier, Brianna 9              2) Pratt, Brittiany 12            
     3) Collins, Malaysia               4) Williams, Sonnisha 11          
  2 Woodham (Pensacola)                                 3:50.35   2    8  
     1) Mays, Dacia 9                   2) Jones, Jacquelyn 12            
     3) Elliott, Lisa 11                4) Buford, Simone 12              
  3 Pope John Paul II High School                       3:56.50   2    6  
     1) Mascaro, Andrea 12              2) Carmine, Candice 12            
     3) Calcote, Jaybria 10             4) Emde, Dina 12                  
  4 Florida High                                        4:00.16   2    5  
     1) Ichite, Elizabeth 09            2) Samaila, Aiesha 10             
     3) Rogers, Morgan 10               4) Johnson, Ena 10                
  5 Jensen Beach High School                            4:01.27   2    4  
     1) King, Yolonda 12                2) Conrad, Kayla 11               
     3) Rupp, Alex 12                   4) Haddad, Samantha 09            
  6 Bishop Kenny                                        4:01.90   2    3  
     1) James, Salydia 12               2) Bacher, Megan 12               
     3) Davis, Sarah 9                  4) Tucker, Elizabeth 9            
  7 Glades Central Community H.S.                       4:03.52   1    2  
     1) Anthony, Vanessa 10             2) Sallet, Jastevia 12            
     3) Jones, Torama 12                4) Maxy, Wislande 10              
  8 Space Coast (Port St. John)                         4:07.07   1    1  
     1) Davis, Sheree 12                2) Davis, Akia 8                  
     3) Davis, Amir 8                   4) Flagg, Porsha 12               
  9 Immokalee                                           4:08.45   2 
     1) fuller, lasonya 11              2) pierre, bruna 10               
     3) thomas, kemeisha 9              4) charles, marceline 12          
 10 Clearwater Central Cathol                           4:09.44   1 
     1) livingston, alicen 12           2) scalamonga, anna 10            
     3) danielson, lindsay 12           4) hunter, kathleen 12            
 11 Trinity Catholic (Ocala)                            4:10.06   2 
     1) Guerra, Stephanie 12            2) Zielinski, Hailey 12           
     3) Stoner, Rebecca 10              4) Barber, Julia 10               
 12 Hagerty                                             4:11.32   1 
     1) Flury, Lindsey 9                2) Stanley, Chavarra 10           
     3) Short, Laura 9                  4) Mucherera, Shamisu 9           
 13 Bishop Moore                                        4:12.11   1 
     1) MacGeorge, Maddie 10            2) Hersey, Hannah 9               
     3) Williamson, Ali 12              4) Buck, Caroline 10              
 14 Dunbar (Ft. Myers)                                  4:12.50   1 
     1) rigaud, manuella 1              2) fuller, bernice 12             
     3) griffin, eglah 11               4) lee, aissia 1                  
 15 Golden Gate (Naples)                                4:12.61   1 
     1) jean-louis, kasandra 11         2) Dorvil, Nadia 11               
     3) eldira, marjorie                4) Sanchez, Cindy 12              
 16 Lake Highland Prep                                  4:15.02   1 
     1) Perez, Alex 10                  2) Handley, Caroline 11           
     3) Topiol, Charlyne 12             4) Adair, Lauren                  
Event 34  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    National: @ 3:07.40  1985        Hawthorne (CA)                            
       State: * 3:12.78  1998        Raines (6A)                               
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Woodham (Pensacola)                                 3:19.42   2   10  
     1) Richardsonii, Patrick 12        2) Wiggins, Jonathan 12           
     3) Jones, Joshua 12                4) Johnson, Evan 12               
  2 Immokalee                                           3:20.47   2    8  
     1) hall, james 12                  2) henry, aaron 12                
     3) williams, markease 11           4) pierre, alex 12                
  3 Godby                                               3:21.06   2    6  
     1) Perryman, Dontrell 11           2) McMillon, Lavon 11             
     3) Barber, Jerohn 09               4) Franklin, Joseph 11            
  4 Glades Central Community H.S.                       3:21.15   2    5  
     1) Wooten, Rantavious 10           2) Mckever, Brunarious 11         
     3) Poole, Eddie 11                 4) Cross, Curtis 12               
  5 Key West                                            3:21.94   1    4  
     1) Marshall, Mason 12              2) Silva, Brian 12                
     3) Durden, Keith 12                4) Bolden, Ronald 12              
  6 Rickards                                            3:23.69   2    3  
     1) Holmes, Tracey 11               2) Giddins, Jabriel 09            
     3) Harris, Greg 10                 4) Green, Kevin 11                
  7 Belen Jesuit Prep                                   3:23.70   2    2  
     1) Aran, Robert 11                 2) Oliver, Jason 12               
     3) Zamparelli, Javier 12           4) Jacobs, Andrew 12              
  8 Bradford (Starke)                                   3:24.82   2    1  
     1) Covington, Carlton 09           2) Moore, Markael 10              
     3) Moore, Malcolm 10               4) Covington, Chuckie 11          
  9 Dunbar (Ft. Myers)                                  3:24.94   1 
     1) preston, darrius 11             2) franks, jared 11               
     3) martinez, josue 11              4) taylor, travon 12              
 10 Riverdale (Fort Myers)                              3:26.17   1 
     1) colton, jake 10                 2) anderson, west 11              
     3) Cross, Kevin                    4) hill, mike 12                  
 11 Trinity Catholic (Ocala)                            3:27.26   1 
     1) Fortuna, Grayson 12             2) Small, Rudell 12               
     3) McDonald, Khiry 10              4) Nelson, Patrick 12             
 12 Florida High                                        3:27.45   2 
     1) McQuay, Ean 12                  2) Johnson, Javaris 10            
     3) Davis, Jajuan 09                4) McGee, Santuan 11              
 13 St. Augustine                                       3:27.77   1 
     1) Lewis, Carlton 11               2) Martin, Devin 11               
     3) Logan, Marcus 11                4) Thompson, Traynard 11          
 14 Jensen Beach High School                            3:27.97   1 
     1) Conrad, Kyle 12                 2) Gillespie, Harry 12            
     3) Drennan, Kevin 10               4) Delancy, Derrion 11            
 15 Bishop Moore                                        3:28.35   1 
     1) Anthony, Rob 10                 2) Littles, Kenyon 12             
     3) Moeller, Michael 11             4) Marks, Paul 12                 
 16 Golden Gate (Naples)                                3:29.12   1 
     1) timothee, mackenson 9           2) joseph, wylmid 11              
     3) gary, deon 12                   4) st. fort, peter 11             
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Episcopal (Jacksonville)    49        2) Bishop Moore               37   
    3) Woodham (Pensacola)         36        4) Jensen Beach High School   34   
    5) Bishop Kenny                30        6) Immokalee                  27   
    7) Bolles (Jacksonville)       26        7) Raines (Jacksonville)      26   
    9) Chaminade (Hollywood)       25        9) Lake Highland Prep         25   
   11) Bishop Verot (Fort Myers)   20       12) Andrew Jackson             18   
   12) Pope John Paul II High Sch  18       14) Golden Gate (Naples)       17   
   14) GLADES CENTRAL COMMUNITY H  17       16) Ribault (Jacksonville)     16   
   16) Atlantic (Port Orange)      16       18) Rickards                   15   
   19) Wildwood                    14       20) Archbishop McCarthy        13   
   21) South Lake                  12       22) Clewiston                  11   
   22) Bradford (Starke)           11       22) Florida High               11   
   25) Harmony                     10       26) Key West                    9   
   27) East Gadsden                 8       27) Melbourne Central Catholi   8   
   29) West Florida HS              7       30) Interlachen                 6   
   30) St. Andrew\'s School          6       32) Holy Names (Tampa)          5   
   32) Hernando (Brooksville)       5       32) Dunbar (Ft. Myers)          5   
   32) South Sumter                 5       36) West Shore (Melbourne)      4   
   36) North Broward Prep           4       36) Berkeley Prep (Tampa)       4   
   36) Cardinal Newman High Schoo   4       36) Citrus (Inverness)          4   
   36) Avon Park High               4       36) Newberry                    4   
   43) Crystal River                3       43) Pahokee High School         3   
   43) The Villages                 3       43) Nature Coast Tech (Brooks   3   
   43) Hardee County (Wauchula)     3       43) John Carroll (Fort Pierce   3   
   49) Haines City High             2       49) Jones                       2   
   49) Pine Crest                   2       49) Pensacola Catholic HS       2   
   49) Viera (Melbourne)            2       54) Suwannee (Live Oak)         1.50
   54) Braden River (Bradenton)     1.50    56) Space Coast (Port St. Joh   1   
   56) Lincoln Park (Fort Pierce)   1       56) Ransom Everglades           1   
   56) Clearwater Central Cathol    1       56) Suncoast High School        1   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Belen Jesuit Prep           57        2) GLADES CENTRAL COMMUNITY   48   
    3) Godby                       45.50     4) Woodham (Pensacola)        45   
    5) Monsignor Pace (Miami)      30        6) South Lake                 24   
    7) Immokalee                   23        8) Santa Fe (Alachua)         21   
    9) Bolles (Jacksonville)       20       10) Key West                   18   
   11) St. Petersburg Catholic     16       12) Jones                      15   
   12) Crystal River               15       14) Cocoa Beach                14   
   15) Berkeley Prep (Tampa)       13       16) Rickards                   12   
   16) Gulliver Prep (Miami)       12       16) Andrew Jackson             12   
   16) Jesuit (Tampa)              12       16) Hernando (Brooksville)     12   
   16) Bishop Kenny                12       22) Harmony                    11   
   22) South Sumter                11       24) Cocoa                      10   
   25) Frostproof M/S HS            9       25) Clay (Green Cove Springs)   9   
   27) Dunbar (Ft. Myers)           8       27) Umatilla                    8   
   27) Fort White                   8       27) Marianna                    8   
   31) Arnold                       7.50    32) West Florida HS             7   
   32) Hardee County (Wauchula)     7       34) Lincoln Park (Fort Pierce   6   
   34) Tavares                      6       34) Wakulla                     6   
   34) Atlantic (Port Orange)       6       38) Archbishop McCarthy         5.50
   39) Cresent City                 5       40) John Carroll (Fort Pierce   4.50
   41) Pine Crest                   4       41) Clewiston                   4   
   41) Chaminade (Hollywood)        4       41) Robinson (Tampa)            4   
   41) Golden Gate (Naples)         4       46) Pahokee High School         3   
   46) Newsome (Lithia)             3       46) Pasco (Dade City)           3   
   46) Cardinal Mooney (Sarasota)   3       46) Florida High                3   
   51) Crooms                       2       51) Ransom Everglades           2   
   53) St. Augustine                1       53) Bishop Verot (Fort Myers)   1   
   53) Bradford (Starke)            1       53) Ridge Community High        1   
   53) American Heritage            1