Flrunners.com Invitational 14 2013

Titusville, FL

Boys Small School

  Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License       HY-TEK's Meet Manager

             FLRunners.com Invitational 14 - 9/27/2013 to 9/28/2013              
                            Sponsered by Muscle Milk                             
                       Chain of Lakes Park, Titusville FL                        
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 5  Boys 5k Run CC Small School
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Lacy, Joel                   Calvary Chri          16:35.60    1             
  2 Porter, Ross                 Shorecrest            16:40.60    2             
  3 Peterson, Luke               Shorecrest            16:40.90    3             
  4 Guilbert, Pasha              Calvary Chri          16:55.60    4             
  5 Denson, Drew                 Astronaut HS          16:57.80    5             
  6 Garrett, Wesley              Astronaut HS          17:09.70    6             
  7 Chavez, Hunter               Mount Dora HS         17:22.90    7             
  8 Matese, Austin               Benjamin School       17:26.90    8             
  9 Pyros, Kurk                  Internationa          17:33.20    9             
 10 Perry, Austin                Oak Hall School       17:40.00   10             
 11 Beheshti, Nima               Admiral Farr          17:44.00   11             
 12 Carine, Noah                 Internationa          17:56.10   12             
 13 Miles, Josh                  Shorecrest            17:56.80   13             
 14 Williams, Iverson            Dade Christi          17:58.60   14             
 15 Robertson, Chris             John Carroll HS       17:58.80   15             
 16 Lovesky, Chris               Shorecrest            18:17.90   16             
 17 Trainor, Sean                Florida Air Academy   18:20.20   17             
 18 Felgar, Charles              Space Coast HS        18:22.60   18             
 19 Williams, Ivram              Dade Christi          18:25.60   19             
 20 Beauchamp, Zackery           Oak Hall School       18:30.90   20             
 21 Pogar, Alex                  Windermere Prep       18:31.10   21             
 22 Burrell, Adam                Admiral Farr          18:32.50   22             
 23 Gahres, John Mark            Space Coast HS        18:33.10   23             
 24 Morris, Connor               The Master's          18:38.10                  
 25 Kemmler, William             Space Coast HS        18:38.60   24             
 26 Mills, Trevor                Melbourne Ce          18:38.70   25             
 27 Conkling, Justin             Internationa          18:39.60   26             
 28 Cureton, Casey               Shorecrest            18:39.70   27             
 29 Garrett, Ryan                Astronaut HS          18:42.80   28             
 30 Walia, Paul                  Windermere Prep       18:46.10   29             
 31 Morgan, Scott                John Carroll HS       18:47.40   30             
 32 Lammers, Rayan               Windermere Prep       18:49.50   31             
 33 Baxley, Luke                 John Carroll HS       18:50.00   32             
 34 Edwards, Ryan                The Pine School       18:57.90   33             
 35 Baugher, Andrew              Port Orange           18:58.80   34             
 36 Campbell, Jordan             Calvary Chri          18:59.10   35             
 37 Swihart, Hunter              Admiral Farr          18:59.10   36             
 38 Cabauy II, John              Florida Chri          18:59.80   37             
 39 Carter, Jacob                Astronaut HS          18:59.80   38             
 40 Godwin, Will                 Covenant Chr          19:00.00   39             
 41 Jaime, Paul                  Melbourne Ce          19:02.10   40             
 42 Lettengarver, Austin         The Pine School       19:03.00   41             
 43 Urdaneta, Camilo             Oak Hall School       19:08.20   42             
 44 Katz, Josh                   Shorecrest            19:15.30   43             
 45 Shepherd, Brandon            Astronaut HS          19:16.50   44             
 46 Waldt, Zach                  Port Orange           19:18.10   45             
 47 Hajek, Mike                  Admiral Farr          19:19.40   46             
 48 McDonough, Matthew           St. John Neumann      19:22.10   47             
 49 Durham, Eric                 Covenant Chr          19:24.40   48             
 50 Scott, Daniel                Mount Dora HS         19:24.70   49             
 51 Hand, Barrett                Mount Dora HS         19:27.30   50             
 52 Still, Geoffrey              Calvary Chri          19:32.20   51             
 53 Kitchens, Avery              Oak Hall School       19:35.00   52             
 54 Bultron, Marc                Mount Dora HS         19:36.50   53             
 55 Ontiveros, Ricardo           Florida Air Academy   19:38.30   54             
 56 Marcano, John                John Carroll HS       19:42.30   55             
 57 Yaccarino, Thomas            Mount Dora HS         19:44.30   56             
 58 Textor, Christopher          The Pine School       19:46.60   57             
 59 Appleby, Timothy             Mount Dora HS         19:52.10   58             
 60 Batts, Alec                  Benjamin School       19:55.70   59             
 61 Tyree, Christian             Astronaut HS          19:57.10   60             
 62 Alderman, Ben                Internationa          19:57.90   61             
 63 Eyerly, Elijah               Oak Hall School       19:59.90   62             
 64 Wang, Simon                  Admiral Farr          20:00.60   63             
 65 Myers, Matthew               St. John Neumann      20:04.30   64             
 66 Prieschl, John               Kings Academy         20:04.40   65             
 67 Greene, Mitchell             Shorecrest            20:04.70   66             
 68 Cabrera, Dimitri             Internationa          20:06.80   67             
 69 Hammond, Stephen             Melbourne Ce          20:11.20   68             
 70 Young, Daniel                Space Coast HS        20:12.60   69             
 71 Garcia Bahamonde, Santia     John Carroll HS       20:14.10   70             
 72 Harbour, Lucas               Covenant Chr          20:14.20   71             
 73 Houston, Ryan                Windermere Prep       20:17.80   72             
 74 De La Rosa, Adrian           Dade Christi          20:17.90   73             
 75 Wulff, Max                   Benjamin School       20:23.80   74             
 76 Stones, Michael              Windermere Prep       20:24.90   75             
 77 Zorc, John                   John Carroll HS       20:25.10   76             
 78 Herdegen, Kyle               Shorecrest            20:27.70                  
 79 Ledford, Jack                Shorecrest            20:28.50                  
 80 Blair, Cody                  Oak Hall School       20:28.50   77             
 81 Laborde, Matthew             Kings Academy         20:30.00   78             
 82 Tubiolo, Aubrey              Space Coast HS        20:30.80   79             
 83 Pierre, Eaton                St. John Neumann      20:34.00   80             
 84 Quesada, Andres              Calvary Chri          20:35.10   81             
 85 Stafford, Justin             Port Orange           20:35.20   82             
 86 Diaz, Max                    Melbourne Ce          20:39.30   83             
 87 Mesimer, Matthew             Shorecrest            20:40.80                  
 88 Chavez, Chase                Melbourne Ce          20:42.70   84             
 89 Huiras, Alexander            Florida Air Academy   20:43.30   85             
 90 Norris, Dylan                Astronaut HS          20:43.60   86             
 91 Koga, John                   St. John Neumann      20:44.40   87             
 92 Leu, Max                     John Carroll HS       20:44.80   88             
 93 Avazkhodjayev, Abboshon      Benjamin School       20:45.40   89             
 94 Gahres, Jeffery              Space Coast HS        20:48.40   90             
 95 Santa, Sebastian             Dade Christi          20:49.40   91             
 96 Ferro, Danny                 Calvary Chri          20:53.70   92             
 97 Rosen, Eric                  Benjamin School       20:55.90   93             
 98 Castriz, Nicholas            Benjamin School       20:56.40   94             
 99 Zorc, Mark                   John Carroll HS       20:59.20                  
100 Kelly, Kilian                Melbourne Ce          21:15.10   95             
101 Lawhorn, Logan               Space Coast HS        21:16.50   96             
102 Hume, Max                    Calvary Chri          21:16.90   97             
103 Gardner, Greysen             The Pine School       21:18.70   98             
104 Anger, Wyatt                 The Master's          21:21.20                  
105 Gilbert, Jacob               Port Orange           21:24.10   99             
106 Zimmerman, Alexander         Florida Chri          21:24.50  100             
107 Norconk, Evan                John Carroll HS       21:25.90                  
108 Rhodes, Kenny                Melbourne Ce          21:26.50  101             
109 Camp, Robert                 The Pine School       21:26.90  102             
110 Mortell, Reid                The Pine School       21:31.40  103             
111 Carter, Johnny               Internationa          21:31.80  104             
112 Magargee, Ben                Port Orange           21:32.10  105             
113 Padua, Xander                Internationa          21:33.40  106             
114 Uible, John                  The Pine School       21:42.40  107             
115 Neutzman, Parker             Covenant Chr          21:49.70  108             
116 Corso, Nicholas              St. John Neumann      21:51.90  109             
117 Oleary, Joseph               John Carroll HS       21:55.20                  
118 Shuler, Jagger               Foundation Academy    21:55.50                  
119 Jimenez, David               Florida Chri          22:07.30  110             
120 Millian, William             Florida Chri          22:26.50  111             
121 Bryan, Mark Anthony          Dade Christi          22:27.20  112             
122 Dutton, Joseph               Port Orange           22:28.30  113             
123 Ford-jones, Toren            Port Orange           22:45.40  114             
124 Range, Grayson               Foundation Academy    22:53.40                  
125 Roden, Christian             Port Orange           23:01.90                  
126 Tennant, Jon                 Florida Air Academy   23:03.20  115             
127 Reback, Tyler                Benjamin School       23:05.00  116             
128 Cuty, Andrew                 Florida Air Academy   23:05.10  117             
129 Rice, Daniel                 Covenant Chr          23:05.30  118             
130 Vargas, Engels               Florida Air Academy   23:06.60  119             
131 Ullrich, Grant               St. John Neumann      23:14.40  120             
132 Rosario, Yangel              Florida Air Academy   23:20.00  121             
133 Shaw, Kevin                  Kings Academy         23:24.30  122             
134 Bayala, Xavier               Port Orange           23:24.70                  
135 Paljug, Aaron                Covenant Chr          23:31.00  123             
136 Shaw, Ian                    Port Orange           23:40.70                  
137 Salazar, Joshua              Florida Chri          24:09.10  124             
138 Murphy, Kyle                 Covenant Chr          24:32.90  125             
139 Williams, Gianni             Kings Academy         24:36.10  126             
140 Shaw, Kenny                  Kings Academy         24:40.00  127             
141 Monaco, Vince                Kings Academy         24:42.50  128             
142 Sweeney, Colin               St. John Neumann      25:03.90  129             
143 Wright, Sebastian            St. John Neumann      25:47.20                  
144 Weisz, Christian             Kings Academy         26:01.70  130             
145 Sooter, Marcus               Covenant Chr          26:18.30                  
146 Rice, Timothy                Covenant Chr          28:28.50                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Shorecrest                   61    2    3   13   16   27   43   66          
      Total Time:  1:28:15.90                                                    
         Average:    17:39.18                                                    
   2 Astronaut HS                121    5    6   28   38   44   60   86          
      Total Time:  1:31:06.60                                                    
         Average:    18:13.32                                                    
   3 Calvary Christian Academy   172    1    4   35   51   81   92   97          
      Total Time:  1:32:37.60                                                    
         Average:    18:31.52                                                    
   4 International Community S   175    9   12   26   61   67  104  106          
      Total Time:  1:34:13.60                                                    
         Average:    18:50.72                                                    
   5 Admiral Farragut Academy    178   11   22   36   46   63                    
      Total Time:  1:34:35.60                                                    
         Average:    18:55.12                                                    
   6 Oak Hall School             186   10   20   42   52   62   77               
      Total Time:  1:34:54.00                                                    
         Average:    18:58.80                                                    
   7 John Carroll HS             202   15   30   32   55   70   76   88          
      Total Time:  1:35:32.60                                                    
         Average:    19:06.52                                                    
   8 Space Coast HS              213   18   23   24   69   79   90   96          
      Total Time:  1:36:17.70                                                    
         Average:    19:15.54                                                    
   9 Mount Dora HS               215    7   49   50   53   56   58               
      Total Time:  1:35:35.70                                                    
         Average:    19:07.14                                                    
  10 Windermere Prep             228   21   29   31   72   75                    
      Total Time:  1:36:49.40                                                    
         Average:    19:21.88                                                    
  11 Melbourne Central Catholi   300   25   40   68   83   84   95  101          
      Total Time:  1:39:14.00                                                    
         Average:    19:50.80                                                    
  12 Dade Christian School       309   14   19   73   91  112                    
      Total Time:  1:39:58.70                                                    
         Average:    19:59.74                                                    
  13 Benjamin School             323    8   59   74   89   93   94  116          
      Total Time:  1:39:27.70                                                    
         Average:    19:53.54                                                    
  14 The Pine School             331   33   41   57   98  102  103  107          
      Total Time:  1:40:33.10                                                    
         Average:    20:06.62                                                    
  15 Port Orange Atlantic HS     365   34   45   82   99  105  113  114          
      Total Time:  1:41:48.30                                                    
         Average:    20:21.66                                                    
  16 Covenant Christian School   384   39   48   71  108  118  123  125          
      Total Time:  1:43:33.60                                                    
         Average:    20:42.72                                                    
  17 St. John Neumann            387   47   64   80   87  109  120  129          
      Total Time:  1:42:36.70                                                    
         Average:    20:31.34                                                    
  18 Florida Air Academy         388   17   54   85  115  117  119  121          
      Total Time:  1:44:50.10                                                    
         Average:    20:58.02                                                    
  19 Florida Christian School    482   37  100  110  111  124                    
      Total Time:  1:49:07.20                                                    
         Average:    21:49.44                                                    
  20 Kings Academy               518   65   78  122  126  127  128  130          
      Total Time:  1:53:14.80                                                    
         Average:    22:38.96