Embry Riddle Spikes Classic 2015

Daytona Beach, FL


Ralph's Musings: Embry Riddle Spikes Classic Ralph Epifanio Apr 7, 2015

Back in twenty-aught-eight, the first year that "Spikes" appeared as the name of this meet (Spikes, the meet's sponsor, is an athletic shoe store in Holly Hill, Florida), the final results contained all of five colleges (ERAU among them), and four high schools.

ERAU Favorite Alum Sam Vazquez Comes Back For Spikes Classic Ralph Epifanio Apr 6, 2015

Nearly 100 teams settled in to every available nook and cranny of the beautiful and spacious Embry Riddle Sports Complex, as competitors ranging from middle school to masters age groups pushed the limits of athletic performance. Included among them were national and international stars, not the least of which was ERAU alumnus (and Florida high school 4:02.46 1600 record holder) Sam Vazquez.