Donald Lamb was on-site at the St. Cloud Invitational and captured 600 photos, as well as race videos and interviews! Check out all the action!
Watch race videos and interviews from the 2015 St. Cloud Invitational!

Vanessa talks with us about her day, and how she got into running. She won the Girls Varsity race at the St Cloud Invitational with a time of 19:59.

Emily didn't run today, but she still made time to speak with us about her off week, the season thus far, and future meets.

Jared (and team) speak with us about the day at the St Cloud Invitational. Jared won, leading his team to victory in this 18 team contest.

Valerie talks with us (and dances) about her day and season thus far. She was the lead runner at her home meet, taking third. Her young squad won the meet!

Race footage of the girls varsity race. It was won by Vanessa Bolen, from Harmony HS in a time of 19:58.

Race footage of the boys varsity race from the St Cloud Invitational. It was won by Jared Vazquez, a junior from Timber Creek HS. He won with a time of 16:51.