Jimmy Clark competed in the Foot Locker South Regional twice placing 17th as a junior and winning it all as a senior in 2010 with the fourth fastest time ever by a Floridian of 14:55.00. We caught up with the former Creekside standout and current University of Florida senior leading up to this year's race in North Carolina. (Photo by Jeff George)
Flrunners.com: What do you remember most about competing at the Foot Locker South Regional?
Jimmy Clark: Since the state meet was later in November than it is now, training for Foot Locker was more an extended taper rather than another training cycle. I just remember how fast the race would go out. My senior year I was in share of the lead and I think our first 800 was close to 2:10.
FLR: As someone who has run this race twice what advice do you have for those competing this weekend?
JC: My advice to runners heading up to Foot Locker is to focus on the race plan you and your coach put together. Whether your goal is to make Foot Locker Nationals, PR, make the All Florida team, or a certain place goal, come up with a plan and follow it. Do not get caught up with what other people are doing. One thing that helped me especially my senior year was following a race plan that my Coach, Coach Frank, came up with. I also remember the great atmosphere around McAlpine park. When you show up to the course you just want to run fast.
FLR: McAlpine is a tough course even though runners tend to run season bests. If you were a coach what types of strategies would you tell your runners to use?
JC: Get out quick and put yourself in position to make a move later in the race. If your goal is to qualify and you are in 100th 800m in its going to be extremely tough to make up that ground. Be aggressive, hold your spot, and be tough.
FLR: The year you qualified two other Floridians made it Ryan Pickering and Elliot Clemente. How cool was it to have them join you in San Diego and share that experience with you?
JC: Ryan Pickering, Elliot Clemente and I became good friends and now Elliot is my teammate at UF. Foot Locker is filled with talented individuals from all of the Southeast. I still run into guys that I knew from either Footlocker Nationals or that I raced at the south regional. Just this past weekend at Nationals (NCAA) I ran into Ahmed Bile who was one of my Foot Locker teammates. We got to say hello and wish each other luck before the race. Its always great to catch up and see the success of people you have ran against in the past.
FLR: You are only one of five Floridians to win Foot Locker South joining Brian Jaeger (1982), Greg Green (1983), Teddy Mitchell (1989), and Brian Good (1992). What does it mean to you be in the company of those guys?
JC: My goal going into the race was not to win, but to make sure that I qualified for Nationals. When I reached the 2 mile mark in the lead pack, I felt the best I ever had in a race. I knew at that point I had a shot to win the race. To be able to put my name in the conversation of some of the best to ever run in Florida was a blessing.
FLR: What are you up to these days?
JC: I ended up attending the University of Florida. This is my 5th year and last go round in cross country, indoor, and outdoor track.