Help Matt Hensley Restore Hope

Many of us take for granted the country we've been born into by pure luck. We bemoan our own current economic crisis and loss of value to our 401-K. And as bad as our situation is--especially for those who find themselves unemployed--the truth is we are blessed, have opportunity, and have hope. In other parts of the world there is far less of that hope to go around.

Millions in Somalia and East Africa are fighting famine and just hoping to keep their families alive. Former Lincoln Park Academy and University of Florida star runner Matt Hensley is hoping that he can help, even in a small way, with his running.

"The crisis has lost some of the media coverage lately and I think we could really make a difference.  A report a few weeks ago found that nearly 29,000 children under the age of five died in a span of 90 days.  I find this astonishing when it takes only a $1 a day for them to survive," Hensley said via email.

He will be competing in the Chicago Marathon on October 9th and is looking for 26 sponsors--one per mile--to help him raise money to fight the famine.  And he's already over half way there!

Sponsors can be any individual, high school team, office, family, or company that wishes to help the fight. All it takes is a $100 donation to sponsor one of those miles.

As of today, he's already has 16 sponsors with ten more to go... and I'm going to make it 17. What do you say, Florida? Can we find nine more to get him to 26?

Here is Matt's blog documenting his goal with a personal message, updates, list of sponsors, and how to contribute:

Matt Hensley's 26.2 for Hope blog



And in case your curious and unaware of his running prowess, here is Matt Hensley's Athlete Profile.