Maclay senior Travis Covert finished 8th at this year's 1A Cross Country Finals and led the Marauders to a second place podium finish. In the 2012 outdoor season he finished 8th in the 1600 and 14th in the 3200. He boasts personal best of 4:32.49 for 1600 meters, 10:09.68 for 3200 meters, and 15:59.00 for 5k. Recently, Covert decided to stay close to home signing wtih the University of North Florida.

Unfortunately for track and cross country, I learned that unless you are one of the best in the country or tops in your state no one is really going to know you exist unless you do some self recruiting, a lot of self recruiting. I received some interest from smaller schools, but really wanted to take a shot at Division I, so I sent numerous coaches/schools emails and recruiting questionnaires and finally got a response from the Appalachian State coach in mid November after the state series.Then after winter break I was contacted by UNF.
What schools did you take visits to?
I took visits to Appalachian State University and University of North Florida
Why did you ultimately choose the University of North Florida?
I had an official visit with Appalachian State up in Boone, NC which was pretty amazing. One, just to finally be recruited and two becauseBoone's mountains are breathtaking. Unfortunately, the school didn't have much to offer in my major and of course the out of state and in state tuition difference is absolutely ridiculous. That was in November, and then just after winter break I got word back from the assistant coach from UNF showing a lot of interest in me. I was honestly shocked. I had never thought I would be so enthusiastically recruited by someone as much as I was from Coach Kindt, and from a pretty competitive Division I school like UNF. I was overwhelmed. The official visit was very thorough and I almost immediately decided that if I were to run in college this was the place.

On my official visit I got to know a couple of the runners pretty well as they showed me around campus. In particular one senior runner named Gilbert made quite the impression on me. Not only was he one hilarious guy to hang with he had a lot to say about what it was like to run at UNF. He spoke very well of the coaches and the rest of his teammates and overall convinced me that I wouldn't regret making a commitment to this school. The assistant coach, Coach Kindt, also made a good impression on me. He's a younger coach with a lot of enthusiasm for the team and seemed to be very dedicated to his work. On my high school team we have a younger assistant coach, Steven Cox, who is able to spend more one-on-one time with some of the runners than the head coach and is always a huge help not only in training, but also in school and life in general. I have a feeling Coack Kindt will fill that role as well.
What are you looking forward to most about running in college?
I have a couple other friends who are running in college now and they always come back with stories of long runs over 16 miles averaging six minute pace and other crazy things like that. I'm excited to start running at the next level and have some stories of my own ridiculously tough training to share with my younger teammates when I come back to Maclay.
What kind of runner is UNF getting in Travis Covert?
I still have a certain drive that I know sometimes fades in high school senior runners. I still have huge goals that I wish to attain. I'd like to consider myself a miler and I know UNF has an impressive senior miler right now so hopefully I will be able to someday fill that spot on the team.

I can't say the whole college search was stress free, but I don't think it ever distracted me from my goals this year as a runner. Running for me has always been a bit of an escape anyway, my own stress reliever, so I still made sure I had time for training. I will say I have a lot more time for sleep now that I'm done with resume's and applications and the like!
What are some of your greatest memories from High School?
Just last year my team placed second in the 1A Cross Country State Championship which was pretty amazing since Maclay hasn't been on the podium in quite some time. Also, we were NOT expected to get anywhere near 2nd place on paper so being the huge upset that we were made it ten times more exciting and memorable. Plus, running for Maclay in general has just been the greatest experience. The guys, the coaches, the workouts, running on the Tallahassee trails, I'm going to miss it all like crazy.
It's your senior year what are your goals for this year and beyond?
I would like to place pretty high in the 1600 at track state this year and I know that's not going to be easy. Also, my coach has high hopes for us placing as a team so I want to do anything I can to help make that happen. As for "beyond", I think going sub four is just about every young miler's dream. SWOOP!!
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