FACA Boys Rankings #2

1A Team Rankings

Rankings By: Doug Butler (Holy Trinity)- coachdbutler@aol.com

1. Episcopal- With the transfer of Jr. Sensation Tim McLeod, they put a lot of grass between themselves and second place.
2. Trinity Prep- With the addition of Roberts and their number 5 running extremely well, these guys lead the chase pack for the runner up spot.
3. Indian Rocks- Holden and company are looking good and the 5 spot is where they loose a little ground to the Orlando boys. Look for them to make it close.
4. Holy Trinity- Exactly where I said they were. A pounding by Episcopal in week one and another loss to Trinity Prep in Week 2. Who's sandbagging? Called it like it was. Get to work boys!
5. Frostproof- These guys are making up ground fast. Doing everything right. Coach Moody is not afraid to travel and race anyone. Improvement of the year award goes to these guys!
6. Upperroom Christian- Didn't have a blazing race the first week, but those races down there never are. They will not roll over down south like the Gators did last week : ) Ouch
7. Ransom Everglades-
Not much word out of this camp. Have not heard how Plasencia and his boys are doing. They stay in top 10 but I need some info if you can help me out.
8. PK Yonge- Four in the 18's last week and 5th almost there. Good showing at UF . Keep it up guys.
9. Oak Hall- Hard working crew with great coaches. Ran great at UF even though an off day for one of the Harris horses : ) Matheny came in off the soccer field and that silly game to run a rare race.
10. Maclay- Coach Droze is the magician, but he will be the first to tell you that this is a big rebuild year for the Tally Boys. They will be top 10 just because he is still coaching.
11. Keswick Christian- Werly is in top form and it appears the rest of the crew is as well. Look for them to be top 10 before long.
12. Providence- A very good first week at Katie Caples and that jumps them into the top 15. Hard to field a good team in the Jacksonville area, with all the other power houses, but they seem to be on their way.
13. St. John Country Day- They also had a good day at Katie Caples Jump into the rankings this week. Look for them to get faster as the year rolls along and they race the top competition every week.
14. Jupiter Christian- Quiet down there as well and will keep them top 15 for another week.
15. First Academy- Good front runner in the young Sean Blaney and a good showing at Edgewater today put the Royals in the rankings this week. Nice job guys.

1A Individuals

1. McLeod- Episcopal
2. Curley- Trinity Prep
3. Holden- Indian Rocks
4. Joiner- Holy Trinity
5. Chuplis- Lake Highland
6. Jackson- Episcopal
7. Berry- Episcopal
8. Jarriel- Berean
9. Myers- Benjamin
10. Werly- Keswick Christian
11. Roberts- Trinity Prep
12. Blaney- First Academy
13. Matheny- Oak Hall
14. Roces- Episcopal
15. Hale- Holy Trinity


Elam- John Carroll
Hutchinson- Lake Highland
Mayleben- Indian Rocks
Werly- Keswick Christian
T. Rousonelous- Indian Rocks
M. Harris- Oak Hall
Wilbur- Westshore