Plant senior Jack Guyton finished 13th at last year's 4A Cross Country Finals, but after winning both the 1,600 and 3,200m 4A state titles this spring is definitely one to watch for. We caught up with Guyton to see how his training is going, his goals for the 2014 season, and much more!
How long have you been running and how did you get started?
I began running my freshman year to try and stay in shape for lacrosse. My ex-cross country coach, Coach Boza, convinced me to run track and I really enjoyed it so I quit lacrosse and ran instead. Also, my brother ran cross country for Robinson high school, our rivals.
Do you remember your first race?
Do you remember your first race?
My first race was at some super muddy and humid course that looped around a soccer field twice. I think I ran in the 21s and I placed in the 100s!
How is your summer training going?
How is your summer training going?

Summer training is going great. I'm trying my best to enjoy it, but it's hard when it's 85 degrees plus 80% humidity in the morning. Also, I'm doing my best to stay healthy which is also very difficult to do when hitting high mileage. I'm not exactly sure how much mileage I'm doing. I just do what my coach tells me to do I go along with it.
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout is on the track. We start out with a fast 400 then do some 800s, 600s, and 1000s. After that we end with an all out 400 which is my favorite part.
Which meets will you be running in this year?
We will be at the Run With The Bulls Invitational, West hillsborough Invitational, Seffner Christian invitational , FSU invitational/Pre-State, Hillsborough County Championship, Districts, Regions and States.
Do you have a favorite course? Which do you think is the hardest course in the state?
My favorite course is without a doubt the FSU course (Apalachee Regional Park). It's fast, hilly, and there's lots of competition. I'd say the hardest course in the state is at Sydney Dover park which is where the Seffner Christian invitational will be held. It's very unknown because no one really runs there. There's plenty of mud and sand and in some parts there are bigger hills than the hills at FSU. Every Saturday we do our long run out there so I'm pretty familiar with the course.
Out of all your running accomplishments so far, which stands out the most? Do you have favorite race or memory?
My greatest accomplishment has to be winning states in the 1600 and 3200. It was amazing to beat runners that I looked up to such as Nick Diaz, Kurt Convey, and James Zentemeyer. My favorite race memory was the 3200 at states. Kurt had a huge lead going into the last lap and I thought I was going to settle for 2nd, but I found another gear in the last 250 meters and ended up winning.
What are your goals for the upcoming track season? What do you look forward to the most?
My goals for this upcoming season is to finish the season knowing that I gave my best effort. There's no way you can fail if you give your best effort. I look forward to seeing how much I can improve and learning new things about my self.
What do you love most about running?
My favorite part of running is being able to see your hard work pay off. I also love the last 300 and 400 meters of any race. To me that's where fearless runners seperate from fearful runners.
Finish the sentence: Jack Guyton is _____.
Finish the sentence: Jack Guyton is _____.
Jack Guyton is focused, determined, hard-working and humble.
The Low Down
We wanted to get in-depth and personal with Jack. Check out the low down.
Do you have a favorite quote?
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential" - Winston Churchill
Do you have any pre-race rituals or routines?
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential" - Winston Churchill
Do you have any pre-race rituals or routines?
I don't really have any pre race rituals. Some races I tend to be really serious before, others I like to joke around and relax.
What was the last movie you saw and what did you think of it?
The last movie I saw was Neighbors. I thought it was hilarious.
What shoes do you race/train in
What shoes do you race/train in
I train in a number of shoes: Asics, Saucony, Brooks. I rotate the shoes every day to keep from getting injured. I race in Nikes only. Nikes are the best looking and best feeling shoes in my opinion.
What professional athlete would you like to meet the most?
I'd like to meet Galen Rupp because I want to find out where in Africa he was born. I'd also like to meet Johnny Manziel.
I'd like to meet Galen Rupp because I want to find out where in Africa he was born. I'd also like to meet Johnny Manziel.
What are some things people might not know about you?
Something that people probably don't know about me is that I'm not at all naturally talented or gifted at running. When I first started running I couldn't run down my street without running out of breath. All it took to be where I'm at right now was preparation and effort.
Lastly, if you were stranded on an island with three things what would they be?
I would take golf clubs along with unlimited golf balls, a king sized bed, and a TV.