Hallandale senior Antwuan Musgrove capped off his high school career winning both the 110m and 300m hurdles at the 2A State Finals. Prior to the meet, he committed to Baylor University. We caught up with him to talk about his decision to join the Bears, the state meet, and the future for the Charger's standout.
What was the recruiting process like for you?
First I would like to thank God, my family especially my mom and brother, my coaches and teammates who all worked so hard, by challenging me and pushing me to get me to this point. I'm blessed to in a position to have these opportunities available to me. The recruiting process was exciting and stressful for me. Exciting because I caught the eye of a lot of college coaches and several colleges were interested in me. But it was also stressful because I started my recruiting process late into the season. The challenge with starting so late a lot of colleges were not able to tell me if they would be able to offer me a full scholarship for track until I made an official visit to their college and being so late into the season all my visits were at the end of the season during districts, regional and state championship weeks and it conflicted with my training and practice times.
Where all did you consider?
Even though I had a lot of offers from various schools. My top choices for schools not only had great hurdle programs but also a great academic reputation. My top three schools were Baylor, South Carolina, and Colorado State University. I felt these three all had the potential that could help me reach my goals of winning a NCAA championships and even further in fulfilling my dreams of running in the Olympics one day.
What sold you on Baylor?
One of the main things was the dream of attending an out of state college. One of the main factors was if I felt comfortable and if that state was where I could see myself living for the next four years. Once I spent time in Texas for my visit, I knew Baylor was indeed that place. Another thing that I loved about Baylor was the family atmosphere and the small sized team which makes them closer to one another. This showed me that Baylor is the school that I could see myself making a huge impact on my freshman year. It amazes me that every single coach is a Baylor alumni. That proves that they are a family.
You won two state titles at the 2A Finals this past weekend taking home golds in the 110 and 300 meter hurdles. How would you sum up your high school career?
The fact that I just started hurdling a year and a half ago and to come this year and win TWO state titles in the 110 and 300 hurdles was definitely a blessing! Not only did I reach that goal but my team and I as well won a state title which made it even more enjoyable. Honestly it took four long years, but coming together as a family and working hard we pulled it off. This hard work over the last four years has complemented me with a state ring. Thats something I have been dreaming about for months now and because of all my family, friends, and coaches support I have reached my dream.
What do you think the biggest transition for you will be from high school to college?
Honestly, it would be not having my mother around all the time whenever I need her and getting used to using time management. Personally, if I could sleep all day I definitely would. Another thing would be not getting homesick, but Baylor is also a place I felt at home so I know that I'll get over it quickly.
What are your goals at the next level?
I want to make it to the NCAA championship as a freshman, have at least a 3.5 GPA, contribute to my team in anyway possible individually and on relays, and lastly make my family proud and be a role model not only to my little brother, but to the children looking towards going into the next level in track and field out of high school.
What are you looking forward to most about joining the Bears?
Pretty much to start a new chapter in my life, and experience something new. I want to venture away from what I've known all my life which is Florida. I look forward to being able to join and participate on one of the best teams in the nation and becoming a family and a devoted bear on and off the track to my team and peers. I look forward to being able to meet new people and enjoy my track career with skilled runners and hurdlers. I just want to thank them for recruiting me. Go Bears!
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