FUTURE STARS: 8th Grader Reed Hagen of Lexington MS

8th grader Reed Hagen of Lexington Middle School in Fort Myers is one of Florida's young FUTURE STARS.  Hagen is one of Florida's rising young distance runners.  As a 7th grader, he ran 4:54.47 in the Mile and was third in the Club Division at the FLYRA MS State Cross Country Championships with a 10:12.40. This year he was 1st in the 2,000m race at the Jim Ryun Invitational, 2nd at the Florida Horse Park Invitational in the 3,000m Middle School race with a 9:52.30 and 1st in the 3,000m Middle School race at the FLRUNNERS.COM INVITATIONAL with a 10:12.55.    Hagen runs for The Elite Runner Fort Myers.

He has PR's on the track as a 7th Grader of:

2:18.48 800m

4:41.66 1500m

4:58.64 1600m

4:54.47 1-Mile

9:46.49 3000m