Cocoa Beach senior Shelby Davidson finished as the 2A Cross Country runner-up last year and led her team to a third place finish. This year she has her eyes set on not an individual title but a team championship as well. See what she has been doing to prepare for the upcoming season, her ideal course, what kind of gear you can find her in, and much more in this cross country Q&A.
What did your summer training consist of?
My summer training has been pretty much the same as last summer, but this year more intense and more miles. I've been hitting around 66 miles on my high weeks, and 59 on my low weeks. I have been doing workouts Tuesdays and Thursdays, easy runs Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and long runs on Sunday. Once every two weeks we would switch it up and run the long run on Saturday in Clermont for some hill work. I also went to Warrior Running Camp at Young Harris College which was so much fun!
For those who have never been to running camp what is that like?
My brother was my camp counselor and minus getting lost he was fun to have as the leader of our group. I met so many awesome people at camp and I got a lot closer with the people I already knew. Plus, we did insane hill work every day because there was zero flat ground.
Last year Cocoa Beach finished third at states. How is the team looking this year and is there anyone you expect to step up?
Last year was really bittersweet because we were so excited to get third, but at the same time we missed second by only two points. This year I think we are all very determined to strive to get the state championship title. As far as I know, the team is looking very strong. Some girls have gotten sick here and there and had pains, but that's all part of the process. I expect fellow senior Kayla Greeson to step up this year because she has a lot of potential, as well as our younger girls like Alli Penovich and Ashley Bunting. I think if we continue to work hard and train smart we have a chance to win the state title.
You finished second last season to Kacy Smith of Estero with a 17:52. Now they are in 3A. What are your goals for 2011?
Having Estero there probably would have pushed us to run even harder than we will run, but yes of course it helps. Personally I have three main goals this year along with the team goal to win the state championship. The first of them is to be conference, district, region, and state champion individually. The second is to qualify for Foot Locker Nationals again and the third is to break 17 minutes in the 5K. They are pretty big goals, but I think with the right attitude and great training they can be done.

It was surreal. Whenever people ask me about Foot Locker Nationals the first thing I always tell them is that I was an underdog going into the regional qualifier. The night before the race I was laying in bed and visualizing the race and thinking how nice it was going to be to have my ten day break and then start training for track. Little did I know I would place 9th and make it. After the race I was completely stunned and overjoyed. I was so excited I couldn't believe it. The entire experience in San Diego was one of the best I've ever had. They tell you that it will never be forgotten and they are right. I loved meeting all of the other runners, getting super cool gear, the food, the hotel, the speakers, and just the fact that I was surrounded by so many teenagers just like me who were so determined and motivated to be successful. Aside from that giant hill of death on the national course, it was one of the best race experiences I have had because you feel like a movie star for all 3.1 miles. I just took it all in and I had an amazing time.
What is your typical race strategy?
My race strategy generally follows the same relative pattern. I prefer to lead races as most people can tell. Sometimes it's good to do and sometimes it's not so successful. I won't always lead the whole time every race, but when I lead I feel like I have total control. I am making the people behind me or beside me run MY race not theirs. Sometimes it will change depending upon who I have to race against, the terrain, etc.
What is your ideal course?
An ideal course for me would be anything really. I love hills, flat, muddy, dry, all of the above. If I had to pick one though I'd probably pick one with a few hill and lots of trees because it's so scenic and fun.
Who is your favorite pro track athlete?
My favorite pro athlete isn't really a track runner anymore, but definitely Kara Goucher. She is such a hard worker and so dedicated. I want to do marathons when I'm older so she's an inspiring person.
Are you loyal to any brands out there when it comes to shoes or apparel?
Nike! It is the best because it is really great quality that will last a long time. Their gear always looks awesome and the symbol is way better than any other running company. The logo is simple but powerful. It's such a widely known brand too.
What big meets this year are you looking forward to?
Some big meets I'm looking forward to are the Mountain Dew Invitational at UF, possibly FSU and Katie Caples if we do them, FLRunners, and of course the state meet as well as Foot Locker
Interview: 2010 State Championships (Runner-Up)
Interview: Foot Locker South (9th place)
More On Shelby (Athlete Profile)
Interview: 2010 State Championships (Runner-Up)
Interview: Foot Locker South (9th place)
More On Shelby (Athlete Profile)