Ripoll Relays Coverage

Fr. Luis Ripoll S.J. Relays


On-Site Coverage

Girls Highlights

Boys Highlights

Brief History of the Meet from Victor Arrieta


Fr. Ripoll was born in Havana, Cuba on March 18 ,1918. He attended Belen from 1927 to 1936. He graduated with a degree of Agricultural Engineering from the University of Havana in 1940. That same year he entered the Novitiate of Salamanca. He became a Jesuit on September 27, 1942. 
He worked on and off at Belen in Cuba from 1953 until the school was forced to close its doors in 1961.Through his insistence and with the help of the New Orleans Jesuit Province and the Archdiocese of Miami, Belen Jesuit re-opened its doors in Miami on September 19, 1961. 
He worked at Belen as a Vice Rector, Teacher, Coach and Counselor from 1961 to 1987. 
The institution that we are today would not be here if it was not for Fr. Ripoll’s efforts in re-establishing the school in Miami. More importantly are the countless lives he touched with his warm and friendly personality. He was loved by all and his memory will not be forgotten. He passed away on August 10th, 1993. 
With this meet we honor the Man for his vision as we celebrate 50 years in Miami.