A New Year's Chat With Sara Bei.
Sara's national championship victorywas called the greatest comeback in
Footlocker history: Not only a come-
back in the race, but coming back after
not qualifying the previous year. Sara
took some time to talk with us one night
about her season and life off the course.
flrunners.com (11:30:59 PM):
First of all, last year you went through a
tough time, not qualifying (out of West Regionals for Footlocker Nationals after finishing 10th and 3rd at Nationals your freshman and sophomore years, respectively), how did that change you
this year? And what did it feel like coming back to
Sara Bei:
Looking back, I wonder whether I would
have won this year if my experience at Regionals last year
didn't happen. I have learned a lot from that race, but most
importantly, it helped me to really give my running over to
God and use it to serve Him. From that race I learned that,
just as God promises, He will work all things together for
Sara Bei:
It was neat to see how many people
supported me and cared about my running after that race.
And I know that God uses hard times to test us and teach
us perseverance and how to rely on Him.
Sara Bei:
It was weird because that was the only race I
lost my junior (year of cross country).
I have read that it changed your entire training
approach to this season: how so?
Sara Bei:
Well I definitely took things easier, but to
tell the truth it wasn't really completely intentional. I went
on a missions trip for a month in Holland late in the
summer and wasn't really able to get in all the training that
I needed. But I knew that was what God wanted me to do;
so I knew that, as long as I remained faithful to Him, things
would work out okay. It was hard not being in great shape
and losing to people I had never lost to, but I tried to trust
that in the end I would be ready when the races counted.
What expectations or goals did you have
for yourself going into your senior season? And then
going into the Footlocker race at the end of the
Sara Bei:
I had two goals that I had in large print on
papers posted all over my house: "2000 Footlocker
National Champion" and "4-Time State Champion". I
have always dreamed of winning nationals, and even
though it seemed kind of far-fetched in the beginning of
the season, my coach and I still believed I could do it. I
also wanted to be the first person in California to ever win
four consecutive state titles, as well as help my team to win
the state championship.
Wow! And then to see your goals and
dreams realized--it must have been incredible!
Sara Bei:
Yeah.. it was really amazing, because those
were the only races I DID win.
Sara Bei:
I lost my league, sectional races, and the (Footlocker)
regional race.
Sara Bei:
But I won the two that I really wanted.
No doubt. You got it done when it really
At the mile mark (during the Footlocker National race) you were way back--did
you ever consider yourself out of the race? Or was
this a strategy?
Sara Bei:
No, I've always been last at the mile mark the
three years that I've run the FLCCC (Footlocker Cross Country Championship). My strategy was to be with
the leaders at the 2-mile mark.. and how I got there was up
to me. I knew it was hot, so the extremely fast pace that
was set early wouldn't remain for long. But I knew
that I had to be in striking distance at the 2-mile or I could
mentally get out of it.
When did you know that you were really
in contention to win? And how did you feel coming
down the final 800 closing on Anita?
Sara Bei:
Well when I crossed the 2 mile mark I could
see the lead pack of Alicia, Anita, and Laura. I knew that
if I could only catch that pack, I could go with someone if
they broke away and I knew that I had the advantage of
having previously run 10 seconds slower for the first mile.
But I also knew that they are excellent runners and
anything could happen. In the last stretch with Anita, I just
thought of all the times I did strides for three years on a
grassy stretch, invisioning the finish at Nationals, and how
here I was, it was actually happening.
What were your immediate feelings just
before and after crossing the finish line? Relief? Amazement?
Sara Bei:
Well, it was kind of a rush near the end... the
finish of the race is never how you imagine it: in slow
motion, excited and enjoying every moment of it. It's more
like you're in survival mode and when you finish you just
want AIR! :-) But watching the video, I had a pretty big
smile... it was great to feel that tape after invisioning it for
so long. I was just amazed at how great God is, that He
truly worked a miracle in me that day
That's a good transition to my next
You're a devout Christian--have you
always been so? And tell me a little bit about your
relationship with God.
If "a little bit" is possible for you to speak
about God! I get the feeling that you "could sing of
his love forever." :-)
Sara Bei:
lol That's true!
Sara Bei: Umm, okay I'll keep it short.
Sara Bei:
I guess sometimes people get annoyed when
I talk about God so much in interviews and stuff, but it is
hard for me not to. God is the ONLY reason why I run.
He has given me the gifts and abilities, and I want to use
them for His glory. It is easy to enjoy the fame and
everything that comes with success, but I always try to
remember that it is not me out there, it is God giving me
the strength to run each day, I just have to have the will. I
have learned from races like regionals that God can use me
from loss as well as winning, so I am not afraid of defeat.
God comforts me and picks me up in the hard times, and
also helps me give my all because I believe that "whatever
you do, work at it with all your heart" (Colossionas 3:23).
Have you always had a deep relationship
with God?
Sara Bei:
Yeah, I was fortunate to be raised in a
Christian home, but I really made the decision to live for
Christ in Junior High. Ever since then, everything in my
life has gained so much meaning.. it's great! :-)
I read that after your regional race your
junior year--not qualifying--that you said it was the
worst you had felt in your entire life. And then for
God to lift you up out of that into glory this season!
I guess it was a lesson in humility, perserverance,
and patience. But I was very impressed that even in
this time--you were still trusting in his plan. That is
Sara Bei: Definitely!
Okay..changing gears a little bit!
You no doubt have read messages from
your many admirers on Dyestat and the like! And for
all their sakes I have to ask: Do you have a
Sara Bei:
lol Ummm actually I did have a boyfriend,
but we broke up a week ago.
Oh I'm sorry.
Sara Bei:
No, it's good because we are still really good
friends, and it is what God wanted for us.
What do you look for in a guy?
Sara Bei:
Well, contrary to what most people think, he
doesn't have to be a runner (my last boyfriend was a soccer
*pause* (is there a continuation of the ... ? )
Sara Bei:
Oh, lol do you want me to go on?
For purely non-personal reasons (of course).... are
you attracted to webmasters by any chance? *lighly laughing*:-)
Sara Bei:
Um, what are webmasters? ... :-)
Webmaster = one who maintains web
sites. i.e. flrunners.com :-)
lol I'm only kidding.
Almost done! Who has been the biggest
inspiration to you in your running?
Sara Bei:
Probably Eric Liddel, from "Chariots of
Fire".. he didn't compromise his beliefs for running and
even dedicated his life to missions after winning a gold
Sara Bei:
Oh and he was a real person, not just in the movie!
Just got a couple more things that I'd like to ask
About your training: What kind of
mileage do you like to do throughout the season?
And tell be a bit about how you tapper for the big races?
Sara Bei:
Umm, it's kind of variable, my coach does
speed work-outs with me and leaves the recovery days to
me... usually about 45-50 mpw in the season and before
nationals I probably ran 20 miles, really low intensity. All
my training recovery runs are at 8 minute pace, which is
pretty slow, but I try to keep my hard days pretty intense.
And you didnt do much this summer?
Sara Bei:
No, I took 3 weeks off and then went to
Holland, where i tried to run.. I sprained an ankle a couple
of times which took off a couple of weeks... my summer
training was pretty ugly! But, oh well :0
It worked for you!
So what is next for you? Future goals?
National 3200 Champion? College? Prom queen?
Sara Bei:
Well, State is the big one for track, I don't
care about the post-season meets as much. So I really want
to win State, in the 1600 or 3200 or both, not sure yet. It's
so hard because CA is so packed! But I won both my
freshman year, so I am determined to at least do what I did
Amber Trotter might prove to be pretty
tough competition in at least one of those!
Sara Bei:
Yeah, I'll race her all the time this season!
She's tough.
What about college? I know that Stanford has been recruiting you pretty
heavy. Have you narrowed that decision down at all?
Sara Bei:
Umm, to 6 colleges! :-)
Sara Bei:
I'll probably decide by March.
flrunners.com: Names?
Sara Bei:
Stanford, UCLA, Oregon, Seattle Pacific, U of Colorado, Asuza Pacific.
Alright...well thank you very much, Sara!
Sara Bei: Sure! Thank you.
Sara Bei (12:32:02 AM): bye! Sara Bei signed off at 12:32:18 AM. |
Photography by Naveen Reddy and also courtesy of Footlocker CC Homepage. Edited by Jason Byrne.
Interview granted by SARA BEI exclusively for flrunners.com: January 2, 2001.