Marion County Interscholastic Athletics Conference Championships Varsity Girls' Results
Belleview High School, Belleview, Florida
Oct. 26, 2011
cool, overcast
Results by Athletics' Scoring Providers
Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.
1 Vanguard High School 39 3 6 9 10 11 12 29 21:47.5 3:29.3
2 Belleview High School 44 1 2 5 17 19 21 22 24 27 21:24.2 5:59.1
3 Forest High School 62 4 8 14 16 20 23 25 23:00.2 3:47.8
4 West Port High School 98 7 13 18 28 32 25:45.3 10:11.6
5 Lake Weir High School 135 15 26 30 31 33 28:47.9 10:27.7
Incomplete Teams: Dunnellon High School, North Marion High Sch
1. Vanguard High School
548 3 Elizabeth Mulford, 9 19:30.8 6:18
539 6 Makesha Doe, 12 21:40.7 7:00
543 9 Audrey Carpenter, 9 22:03.4 7:07
538 10 Gita Lakshminarayanan, 10 22:42.7 7:20
537 11 Meghan Forde, 10 23:00.1 7:25
541 12 Christine Uys, 10 23:10.7 7:29
550 29 Hannah Wood, 9 27:19.3 8:49
Total Time = 1:48:57.6 Total Places = 39
2. Belleview High School
502 1 Anne-Marie Blaney, 12 18:24.0 5:56
503 2 Catherine Blaney, 11 19:08.3 6:10
512 5 Melody Yero, 11 20:47.5 6:42
508 17 Candace Martsolf, 11 24:18.5 7:50
510 19 Keely Pisczek, 9 24:23.0 7:52
504 21 Kara Crescenzo, 11 25:02.7 8:05
507 22 Kirsten Horne, 11 25:04.5 8:05
509 24 Chelsi Piper, 12 25:06.4 8:06
506 27 Penny Gonnsen, 9 25:49.8 8:20
Total Time = 1:47:01.0 Total Places = 44
3. Forest High School
515 4 Daniela Cobb, 10 20:47.0 6:42
521 8 Kathleen Sampson, 10 22:01.9 7:06
518 14 Abigail Reed, 11 23:38.4 7:38
517 16 Sophia Ramirez , 11 23:59.1 7:44
519 20 Jordan Pye, 11 24:34.7 7:56
520 23 Eric Pellico, 11 25:04.7 8:05
516 25 Alison Phililps, 10 25:17.0 8:09
Total Time = 1:55:00.9 Total Places = 62
4. West Port High School
557 7 Emery Bruah, 12 21:45.7 7:01
551 13 Kahlei Vanostran, 9 23:33.3 7:36
552 18 Megan Stuber, 10 24:19.6 7:51
553 28 Shantal Saenz, 11 27:10.4 8:46
554 32 Lynee Tiew, 11 31:57.3 10:18
Total Time = 2:08:46.1 Total Places = 98
5. Lake Weir High School
528 15 Quantavia Brown, 11 23:56.3 7:43
530 26 Elle Klein, 11 25:33.7 8:15
531 30 Irene Medina, 11 30:02.3 9:41
529 31 Mahala Zastrow, 11 30:03.0 9:42
526 33 Taylor Stephen, 11 34:24.0 11:06
Total Time = 2:23:59.1 Total Places = 135
502 1 1 Anne-Marie Blaney, 12 18:24.0 5:56 Belleview High School
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
503 2 2 Catherine Blaney, 11 19:08.3 6:10 Belleview High School
548 3 3 Elizabeth Mulford, 9 19:30.8 6:18 Vanguard High School
515 4 4 Daniela Cobb, 10 20:47.0 6:42 Forest High School
512 5 5 Melody Yero, 11 20:47.5 6:42 Belleview High School
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
539 6 6 Makesha Doe, 12 21:40.7 7:00 Vanguard High School
557 7 7 Emery Bruah, 12 21:45.7 7:01 West Port High School
521 8 8 Kathleen Sampson, 10 22:01.9 7:06 Forest High School
543 9 9 Audrey Carpenter, 9 22:03.4 7:07 Vanguard High School
538 10 10 Gita Lakshminarayanan, 10 22:42.7 7:20 Vanguard High School
537 11 11 Meghan Forde, 10 23:00.1 7:25 Vanguard High School
541 12 12 Christine Uys, 10 23:10.7 7:29 Vanguard High School
551 13 13 Kahlei Vanostran, 9 23:33.3 7:36 West Port High School
518 14 14 Abigail Reed, 11 23:38.4 7:38 Forest High School
528 15 15 Quantavia Brown, 11 23:56.3 7:43 Lake Weir High School
517 16 16 Sophia Ramirez , 11 23:59.1 7:44 Forest High School
525 17 Courtney Pike, 10 24:03.6 7:46 Dunnellon High School
508 18 17 Candace Martsolf, 11 24:18.5 7:50 Belleview High School
552 19 18 Megan Stuber, 10 24:19.6 7:51 West Port High School
510 20 19 Keely Pisczek, 9 24:23.0 7:52 Belleview High School
519 21 20 Jordan Pye, 11 24:34.7 7:56 Forest High School
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
504 22 21 Kara Crescenzo, 11 25:02.7 8:05 Belleview High School
507 23 22 Kirsten Horne, 11 25:04.5 8:05 Belleview High School
520 24 23 Eric Pellico, 11 25:04.7 8:05 Forest High School
509 25 24 Chelsi Piper, 12 25:06.4 8:06 Belleview High School
516 26 25 Alison Phililps, 10 25:17.0 8:09 Forest High School
530 27 26 Elle Klein, 11 25:33.7 8:15 Lake Weir High School
506 28 27 Penny Gonnsen, 9 25:49.8 8:20 Belleview High School
534 29 Ama Hennessy, 10 26:49.0 8:39 North Marion High Sch
553 30 28 Shantal Saenz, 11 27:10.4 8:46 West Port High School
550 31 29 Hannah Wood, 9 27:19.3 8:49 Vanguard High School
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
531 32 30 Irene Medina, 11 30:02.3 9:41 Lake Weir High School
529 33 31 Mahala Zastrow, 11 30:03.0 9:42 Lake Weir High School
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
522 34 Natalie Cote, 12 31:56.3 10:18 Dunnellon High School
554 35 32 Lynee Tiew, 11 31:57.3 10:18 West Port High School
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
526 36 33 Taylor Stephen, 11 34:24.0 11:06 Lake Weir High School
36 finishers among Open Women/OpW
0 male finishers
36 female finishers
36 total finishers
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