

  1 Mandarin Hs              25    2    3    5    7    8    9   11    17:39    0:30

  2 Bishop Kenny Hs          53    4   10   12   13   14   15   18    18:08    1:08

  3 Ponte Vedra Hs           84    6   16   19   20   23   28   30    19:08    2:16

  4 Maclay School           113    1   17   24   31   40   41   44    19:32    3:24

  5 Episcopal School of J   141   21   26   29   32   33   36   37    20:13    0:53

  6 Bolles Hs               161   22   27   34   35   43   46   47    20:29    1:22

  7 Bishop John J. Snyder   189   25   38   39   42   45   48   49    20:47    1:16

Incomplete Teams: University Christian



 PLACE PLACE                  FINISHER                  TIME

1. Mandarin Hs

    2    2  Trenton Liberty, 9, Mandarin Hs            17:21  

    3    3  Ty Preston, 11, Mandarin Hs                17:30  

    5    5  Gavin Hightower, 10, Mandarin Hs           17:47  

    7    7  Brett Nolan, 10, Mandarin Hs               17:49  

    8    8  Jacob Firesheets, 11, Mandarin Hs          17:50  

    9    9  Luke Bickerstaff, 11, Mandarin Hs          17:57  

   11   11  Tommy Rosen, 11, Mandarin Hs               18:03  

Total Time = 1:28:14     Total Places = 25

2. Bishop Kenny Hs

    4    4  Husam Ossi, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs            17:32  

   10   10  Dion Thompson-Davoli, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs   18:01  

   12   12  Jackie Lewis, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs          18:09  

   13   13  Tim Wagner, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs            18:17  

   14   14  Eric Chiotti, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs           18:40  

   15   15  Neil Aleger, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs           18:44  

   18   18  Joseph Cary, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs           19:06  

Total Time = 1:30:36     Total Places = 53

3. Ponte Vedra Hs

    6    6  John Paul Mariello, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs     17:48  

   16   16  Frank Blumenfeld, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs       19:01  

   19   19  Crisman Jones, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs          19:11  

   20   20  Matt Smith, 12, Ponte Vedra Hs             19:34  

   23   23  Nathan Veatch, 9, Ponte Vedra Hs           20:04  

   28   28  Chris Paige, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs            20:18  

   30   30  Nathan Worrell, 10, Ponte Vedra Hs         20:20  

Total Time = 1:35:37     Total Places = 84

4. Maclay School

    1    1  James Connor Daughton, 11, Maclay School   17:20  

   17   17  Matt Martin, 10, Maclay School             19:04  

   24   24  Will Stupski, 10, Maclay School            20:11  

   31   31  Matthew Sweeney, 10, Maclay School         20:21  

   40   40  Colin McDuffie, 11, Maclay School          20:44  

   41   41  Daniel Becker, 6, Maclay School            20:51  

   44   44  George Escobar, 9, Maclay School           21:22  

Total Time = 1:37:38     Total Places = 113

5. Episcopal School of J

   21   21  Graham Lewis, 11, Episcopal School of J    19:36  

   26   26  Michael Himebauch, 10, Episcopal School of J


   29   29  Keondre Patterson, 10, Episcopal School of J


   32   32  Ethan Edwards, 7, Episcopal School of J    20:26  

   33   33  Zach Heaton, 9, Episcopal School of J      20:29  

   36   36  Nick Jangro, 9, Episcopal School of J      20:33  

   37   37  Robert Schuster, 7, Episcopal School of J  20:35  

Total Time = 1:41:04     Total Places = 141

6. Bolles Hs

   22   22  Sawyer Bowling, 9, Bolles Hs               19:53  

   27   27  Joe Zhou, 12, Bolles Hs                    20:16  

   34   34  Spencer Hayes, 10, Bolles Hs               20:31  

   35   35  Reeves Culliton, 10, Bolles Hs             20:31  

   43   43  Alex Salvador, 7, Bolles Hs                21:14  

   46   46  Andrew Siguler, 8, Bolles Hs               21:40  

   47   47  Anthony Hakim, 9, Bolles Hs                21:47  

Total Time = 1:42:23     Total Places = 161

7. Bishop John J. Snyder

   25   25  Daniel Telesky, 11, Bishop John J. Snyder  20:13  

   38   38  Marco Interlandi, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder


   39   39  Victor Barone, 12, Bishop John J. Snyder   20:39  

   42   42  Ryan Asuncion, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder   20:58  

   45   45  Riley Stinson, 9, Bishop John J. Snyder    21:29  

   48   48  Matthew Harris, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder  22:04  

   49   49  Andrew Settle, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder   22:42  

Total Time = 1:43:53     Total Places = 189


 PLACE PLACE                  FINISHER                  TIME


    1    1  James Connor Daughton, 11, Maclay School   17:20  

    2    2  Trenton Liberty, 9, Mandarin Hs            17:21  

    3    3  Ty Preston, 11, Mandarin Hs                17:30  

    4    4  Husam Ossi, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs            17:32  

    5    5  Gavin Hightower, 10, Mandarin Hs           17:47  

    6    6  John Paul Mariello, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs     17:48  

    7    7  Brett Nolan, 10, Mandarin Hs               17:49  

    8    8  Jacob Firesheets, 11, Mandarin Hs          17:50  

    9    9  Luke Bickerstaff, 11, Mandarin Hs          17:57  

   10   10  Dion Thompson-Davoli, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs   18:01  

   11   11  Tommy Rosen, 11, Mandarin Hs               18:03  

   12   12  Kolin Schurter, 11, Mandarin Hs            18:07  

   13   13  Jackie Lewis, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs          18:09  

   14   14  Chase Fowler, 11, Mandarin Hs              18:17  

   15   15  Tim Wagner, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs            18:17  

   16   16  Michael Cassette, 9, Mandarin Hs           18:30  

   17   17  Eric Chiotti, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs           18:40  

   18   18  Neil Aleger, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs           18:44  

   19   19  Bryan Santos, 11, Mandarin Hs              18:49  

   20   20  Jordan Webster, 10, Mandarin Hs            18:50  

   21   21  Frank Blumenfeld, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs       19:01  

   22   22  Matt Martin, 10, Maclay School             19:04  

   23   23  Joseph Cary, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs           19:06  

   24   24  Daniel Sanford, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs        19:07  

   25   25  Sam Heekin, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs            19:08  

   26   26  Christopher Prattos, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs    19:10  

   27   27  Crisman Jones, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs          19:11  

   28   28  Matthew Garizio, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs       19:13  

   29   29  Blake Weil, 12, Mandarin Hs                19:27  

   30   30  Matt Smith, 12, Ponte Vedra Hs             19:34  

   31   31  Julian Van Pelt, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs       19:35  

   32   32  Graham Lewis, 11, Episcopal School of J    19:36  

   33   33  Kyle Mayer, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs            19:40  

   34   34  Sharbill Assi, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs         19:53  

   35   35  Sawyer Bowling, 9, Bolles Hs               19:53  

   36   36  Adrian Navotas, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs        19:55  

   37   37  Brandon Parker, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs        19:58  

   38   38  Nathan Veatch, 9, Ponte Vedra Hs           20:04  

   39   39  Brendan McClellan, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs     20:08  

   40   40  Will Stupski, 10, Maclay School            20:11  

   41   41  Donald Gleneski, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs        20:12  

   42   42  Daniel Telesky, 11, Bishop John J. Snyder  20:13  

   43   43  Cameron Thompson, 10, Mandarin Hs          20:16  

   44   44  Michael Himebauch, 10, Episcopal School of J


   45   45  Joe Zhou, 12, Bolles Hs                    20:16  

   46   46  Chris Paige, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs            20:18  

   47   47  Keondre Patterson, 10, Episcopal School of J


   48   48  Isaiah Scott, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs          20:19  

   49   49  Nathan Worrell, 10, Ponte Vedra Hs         20:20  

   50   50  Matthew Sweeney, 10, Maclay School         20:21  

   51   51  Ethan Edwards, 7, Episcopal School of J    20:26  

   52   52  Matthew Kovacs, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs         20:28  

   53   53  Gavin Hyde, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs             20:28  

   54   54  Zach Heaton, 9, Episcopal School of J      20:29  

   55   55  Spencer Hayes, 10, Bolles Hs               20:31  

   56   56  Reeves Culliton, 10, Bolles Hs             20:31  

   57   57  Nick Jangro, 9, Episcopal School of J      20:33  

   58   58  Chris Kersten, 10, Mandarin Hs             20:34  

   59   59  Robert Schuster, 7, Episcopal School of J  20:35  

   60   60  Marco Interlandi, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder


   61   61  Coleson Perry, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs         20:36  

   62   62  Billy Roy, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs              20:37  

   63   63  Carson Foster, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs          20:37  

   64   64  Kyle Partain, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs           20:38  

   65   65  Victor Barone, 12, Bishop John J. Snyder   20:39  

   66   66  Robert Iglesias, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs        20:41  

   67   67  Colin McDuffie, 11, Maclay School          20:44  

   68   68  Daniel Becker, 6, Maclay School            20:51  

   69   69  Ryan Asuncion, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder   20:58  

   70   70  Robert Waggoner, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs       21:10  

   71   71  Alan Conrad, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs           21:10  

   72   72  Tucker Mullens, 8, Episcopal School of J   21:11  

   73   73  Beau Butler, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs            21:12  

   74   74  Alex Salvador, 7, Bolles Hs                21:14  

   75   75  Zachary Mott, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs          21:17  

   76   76  Matthew Price, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs         21:19  

   77   77  George Escobar, 9, Maclay School           21:22  

   78   78  Bryant Mcconnel, 12, Mandarin Hs           21:23  

   79   79  Jenner Shaaber, 12, Episcopal School of J  21:23  

   80   80  Michael Gaines, 9, Mandarin Hs             21:24  

   81   81  Michael O'Connell, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs      21:26  

   82   82  Riley Stinson, 9, Bishop John J. Snyder    21:29  

   83   83  Matthew Bell, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs          21:32  

   84   84  Mike Hodges, 6, Episcopal School of J      21:34  

   85   85  Collin Walker, 10, Episcopal School of J   21:37  

   86   86  Whit Hutto, 7, Episcopal School of J       21:38  

   87   87  Andrew Siguler, 8, Bolles Hs               21:40  

   88   88  Alexander Mann, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs         21:41  

   89   89  Matthew Iglesias, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs      21:42  

   90   90  Anthony Hakim, 9, Bolles Hs                21:47  

   91   91  Antonio Desoto, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs        21:54  

   92   92  Adam Conrad, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs           21:56  

   93   93  David Bell, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs            21:58  

   94   94  Wilson Haynes, 7, Episcopal School of J    21:58  

   95   95  William Albright, 6, Episcopal School of J 22:02  

   96   96  Matthew Harris, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder  22:04  

   97   97  William Pease, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs          22:04  

   98   98  Nick Maniatis, 7, Bolles Hs                22:05  

   99   99  Andrew Dalton, 9, Ponte Vedra Hs           22:06  

  100  100  Steven McAdams, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs         22:07  

  101  101  Stuart Kirwin, 11, Episcopal School of J   22:09  

  102  102  Brenden Selton, 8, Episcopal School of J   22:09  

  103  103  Hunter Selton, 11, Episcopal School of J   22:09  

  104  104  Victor Monfort, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs        22:12  

  105  105  Palmer Mowlam, 9, Ponte Vedra Hs           22:12  

  106  106  Nicholas Bell, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs         22:16  

  107  107  Ryan Emery, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs            22:17  

  108  108  Andrew Hawkins, 11, Bishop Kenny Hs        22:19  

  109  109  John Ashley, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs           22:26  

  110  110  Cameron Rumsey, 9, Ponte Vedra Hs          22:26  

  111  111  Brett Greene, 10, Ponte Vedra Hs           22:30  

  112  112  Jack Edwards, 7, Episcopal School of J     22:36  

  113  113  James Cissel, 9, Episcopal School of J     22:39  

  114  114  Andrew Settle, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder   22:42  

  115  115  Ross Petrou, 8, Bolles Hs                  22:49  

  116  116  Garett Hicks, 9, Bishop John J. Snyder     22:56  

  117  117  Kevin Kellaher, 11, Ponte Vedra Hs         23:01  

  118  118  Josh Calhoun, 10, Bolles Hs                23:10  

  119  119  Nathan Cleland, 10, Bishop John J. Snyder  23:15  

  120  120  Nicholas Miller, 11, Bishop John J. Snyder 23:32  

  121  121  Brandon Blackwelder, 9, Ponte Vedra Hs     23:37  

  122  122  Mac Weldon, 11, Episcopal School of J      23:42  

  123  123  Andre Royce, 9, Episcopal School of J      23:48  

  124  124  Donovan LaFavor, 8, Episcopal School of J  23:49  

  125  125  Henry Goodbread, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs        23:53  

  126  126  Hunter McManus, 10, University Christian   23:55  

  127  127  Belmin Tahirovic, 11, Mandarin Hs          23:57  

  128  128  Dylan Giles, 9, University Christian       24:02  

  129  129  Anthony Nguyen, 9, Bishop John J. Snyder   24:18  

  130  130  Gavin Stewart, 9, University Christian     24:25  

  131  131  Joel Masters, 12, Bishop John J. Snyder    24:28  

  132  132  Tyler Moore, 9, Bishop John J. Snyder      24:30  

  133  133  Mac Lyerly, 7, Episcopal School of J       24:45  

  134  134  Taylor Hulsey, 9, Episcopal School of J    24:45  

  135  135  Christian Rickey, 8, Episcopal School of J 25:24  

  136  136  Griffin Stinson, 8, Episcopal School of J  25:30  

  137  137  Noah Curran, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs            25:32  

  138  138  Justin Wolter, 8, Bolles Hs                26:10  

  139  139  William Waas, 7, Bolles Hs                 26:34  

  140  140  Everett Hale, 10, Episcopal School of J    27:04  

  141  141  Asad Demetree, 9, Bishop Kenny Hs          27:45  

  142  142  Taylor Gimbel, 11, Episcopal School of J   29:25  

  143  143  Anthony Branch, 12, Mandarin Hs            30:30  

  144  144  Michael Urbizu, 10, Bishop Kenny Hs        30:33  

  145  145  Josh Urbizu, 12, Bishop Kenny Hs           35:35  

* indicates females

145 finishers among Open Men/OpM

145 male finishers

0 female finishers

145 total finishers