Hillsborough County XC Championship Meet 2012

Tampa, FL

Girls JV Results

 Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Hillsborough County Championships - 10/19/2012                  
                              Lake Park - Tampa, FL                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 3  Girls 5k Run CC JV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Parker, Jacqueline           HB Plant HS           22:11.70    1             
  2 Crowder, Abigail             HB Plant HS           22:16.80    2             
  3 Borgen, Delsie               Newsome HS            22:21.50    3             
  4 Bates, Celine                Sickles HS            22:26.00    4             
  5 Ruffner, Haley               Freedom HS (Tampa)    22:29.00    5             
  6 Amed, Salma                  Sickles HS            22:32.60    6             
  7 Freedy, Katie                Berkeley Prep HS      22:41.70    7             
  8 Oosterhout, Erica            HB Plant HS           22:43.80    8             
  9 Andino, Jacema               HB Plant HS           22:44.50    9             
 10 Miller, Ananda               Newsome HS            22:47.70   10             
 11 McCain, Kyndall              HB Plant HS           22:55.40   11             
 12 Ferguson, Julianna           HB Plant HS           23:11.40   12             
 13 Feldhaus, Barbara            George M. St          23:16.00   13             
 14 Upton, Miranda               Newsome HS            23:18.90   14             
 15 Lara, Zoe                    Berkeley Prep HS      23:31.60   15             
 16 Bates, Loren                 Berkeley Prep HS      23:37.40   16             
 17 Talley, Landry               George M. St          23:46.10   17             
 18 Cutliffe, Gabrielle          Sickles HS            23:48.80   18             
 19 Kaslow, Allison              Newsome HS            23:49.00   19             
 20 Evangelista, Emily           HB Plant HS           23:53.90   20             
 21 Cinnamon, Kaitlyn            Newsome HS            24:02.50   21             
 22 Lee, Dianne                  Berkeley Prep HS      24:03.80   22             
 23 Murphy, Meghan               HB Plant HS           24:05.40                  
 24 Blondino, Katherine          Freedom HS (Tampa)    24:13.90   23             
 25 Leonard, Nicole              Sickles HS            24:17.70   24             
 26 Tedesco, Kristina            Freedom HS (Tampa)    24:18.20   25             
 27 Brown, Caroline              Berkeley Prep HS      24:21.60   26             
 28 Sullivan, Madelyn            HB Plant HS           24:23.20                  
 29 Gordon, Shannen              Newsome HS            24:26.60   27             
 30 Kuizon, Carmelle             Academy of H          24:32.80   28             
 31 Casey, Sarah                 HB Plant HS           24:38.30                  
 32 Flaig, Louisa                George M. St          24:43.00   29             
 33 McMurtry, Shea               George M. St          24:51.40   30             
 34 Murray, Caroline             George M. St          24:57.10   31             
 35 Erben, Stefanie              Freedom HS (Tampa)    24:57.20   32             
 36 Renckens, Ali                Bloomingdale HS       24:59.90   33             
 37 Higgins, Morgan              Sickles HS            24:59.90   34             
 38 Jones, Krishawn              Bloomingdale HS       25:00.50   35             
 39 Byrd, Joi                    Newsome HS            25:01.60   36             
 40 Albert, Lydia                George M. St          25:02.10   37             
 41 Carrisquillo, Chelsea        George M. St          25:23.20   38             
 42 Roy, kelly                   King HS               25:23.80                  
 43 O`keefe, Kiely               HB Plant HS           25:25.00                  
 44 Curkovic, Nina               Freedom HS (Tampa)    25:25.50   39             
 45 Wolf, Aida                   Berkeley Prep HS      25:26.30   40             
 46 Kalpakis, Nina               HB Plant HS           25:32.80                  
 47 Tedesco, Gabriella           Freedom HS (Tampa)    25:39.20   41             
 48 Talley, Haven                George M. St          25:46.10                  
 49 Gonzalez, Sofia              Sickles HS            25:48.10   42             
 50 Malone, Jenna                George M. St          25:49.20                  
 51 Moon, Evyn                   George M. St          25:49.80                  
 52 Rahli, Imane                 Newsome HS            25:55.10                  
 53 Augusto, Sabrina             George M. St          25:57.20                  
 54 Sullivan, Madeline           Newsome HS            26:02.10                  
 55 Harrell, Emily               Newsome HS            26:17.30                  
 56 Grundy, Maggie               Berkeley Prep HS      26:18.70   43             
 57 Van Horn, Taylor             HB Plant HS           26:24.60                  
 58 Ward, Katherine              HB Plant HS           26:25.90                  
 59 Mccarthy, Erin               Freedom HS (Tampa)    26:27.20   44             
 60 Kartheiser, Julia            Newsome HS            26:30.60                  
 61 Kennedy, McKenzie            HB Plant HS           26:32.60                  
 62 Roccaforte, Tori             Bloomingdale HS       26:36.20   45             
 63 Mezrah, McCaley              HB Plant HS           26:44.10                  
 64 Haider, Shezrey              Berkeley Prep HS      26:46.20                  
 65 Khan, Arielle                Newsome HS            27:00.40                  
 66 Jones, Dominique             Brandon HS            27:07.80                  
 67 Joseph, Tiyera               George M. St          27:11.10                  
 68 Buzzett, Jacqueline          HB Plant HS           27:14.60                  
 69 Mitchell, Serena             Newsome HS            27:15.80                  
 70 Sandoval, Maria              Sickles HS            27:17.30   46             
 71 Carlisle, Krystal            Riverview HS          27:19.00   47             
 72 Hutchinson, Whitney          HB Plant HS           27:30.20                  
 73 Lopez, Samantha              HB Plant HS           27:36.00                  
 74 Lytle, Erin                  Newsome HS            27:37.50                  
 75 Millard, Delaney             HB Plant HS           27:37.70                  
 76 Durrance, Gracie             HB Plant HS           27:39.40                  
 77 Garzon, Priscilla            Sickles HS            27:40.60                  
 78 Hooker, Morgan               George M. St          27:46.90                  
 79 Denny, Kiersten              Strawberry Crest HS   27:46.90                  
 80 Masut, Taylor                George M. St          27:47.70                  
 81 Myers, Nicole                George M. St          27:49.40                  
 82 Ganther, Maggie              HB Plant HS           27:49.90                  
 83 Casper, Sandra               HB Plant HS           28:04.00                  
 84 Smart, Jordan                George M. St          28:12.80                  
 85 Medoza, Kathia               Riverview HS          28:18.50   48             
 86 Garraty, Grayson             Academy of H          28:19.60   49             
 87 Hendricks, Sierra            Wharton HS            28:22.00                  
 88 Schettino, Celeste           HB Plant HS           28:23.10                  
 89 Abbott, Emilie               Riverview HS          28:25.70   50             
 90 Berger, Savannah             Freedom HS (Tampa)    28:35.50                  
 91 Boe, Cady                    HB Plant HS           28:37.50                  
 92 Linger, Evelyn               George M. St          28:39.10                  
 93 Ramirez, Isabella            Bloomingdale HS       28:40.70   51             
 94 gudla, samhitha              King HS               28:45.20                  
 95 chavez, elizabeth            Alonso HS             28:54.00                  
 96 Synder, Madison              Plant City HS         28:58.80                  
 97 Heinkel, Brooke              Riverview HS          29:00.20   52             
 98 Phifer, Annie                Berkeley Prep HS      29:02.90                  
 99 Budzynski, Amalia            Riverview HS          29:07.10   53             
100 Babin, Maddie                Academy of H          29:12.00   54             
101 Hayes, Courtney              Bloomingdale HS       29:16.80   55             
102 Serraneau, Kelsey            Berkeley Prep HS      29:17.70                  
103 Britain, Andie               HB Plant HS           29:20.20                  
104 Lopez, Teresa                Plant City HS         29:21.60                  
105 Montana, Knight              George M. St          29:22.00                  
106 McCain, Chandler             HB Plant HS           29:25.40                  
107 Haist, Maddie                Berkeley Prep HS      29:25.90                  
108 Gibson, Samantha (Debbie     Berkeley Prep HS      29:29.80                  
109 Rinaldo, Francesca           HB Plant HS           29:32.00                  
110 Lobban, Aubrey               Berkeley Prep HS      29:33.00                  
111 Pickard, Catherine           Bloomingdale HS       29:41.60   56             
112 Szatyari, Samantha           George M. St          29:52.90                  
113 Cruz, Jessica                Strawberry Crest HS   29:58.80                  
114 Berris, Sophia               Newsome HS            30:07.90                  
115 Ortiz, Stephanie             Freedom HS (Tampa)    30:12.60                  
116 Arias, Sophie                George M. St          30:22.10                  
117 Ren, Xiaoyi                  King HS               30:28.80                  
118 Smith, Cheslea               George M. St          30:44.70                  
119 Pridemore, Alexa             Newsome HS            30:46.20                  
120 Lambert, Kelly               Academy of H          30:46.40   57             
121 Hibel, Marrissa              George M. St          30:48.80                  
122 Baerwalde, Shelby            Plant City HS         31:00.50                  
123 Broussard, Michaela          Newsome HS            31:04.10                  
124 Denton, Keesha               Brandon HS            31:06.30                  
125 Forman, Jessica              Berkeley Prep HS      31:09.50                  
126 Velazquez, Ivelisse          Newsome HS            31:11.20                  
127 Seo, Kyla                    George M. St          31:26.10                  
128 Luzier, Sydney               Strawberry Crest HS   31:45.80                  
129 Pridemore, Hannah            Newsome HS            31:54.50                  
130 Calderon, Amaris             Riverview HS          31:56.60   58             
131 Erdelac, Christina           Newsome HS            32:08.90                  
132 Tirella, Carolyn             Berkeley Prep HS      32:14.10                  
133 Schall, Jenna                Freedom HS (Tampa)    32:14.90                  
134 Ruesche, Kaitlyn             Newsome HS            32:19.40                  
135 Wilkins, Jamie               East Bay HS           32:27.60                  
136 Doyle, Cassidy               George M. St          32:39.50                  
137 Ancona, Jaclyn               HB Plant HS           32:53.30                  
138 Brosky, Olivia               Plant City HS         32:53.90                  
139 Milani, Ava                  Freedom HS (Tampa)    33:01.80                  
140 Coutroulis, Taylor           Berkeley Prep HS      33:05.00                  
141 Fineran, Sarah               Robinson HS           33:20.80                  
142 Pearce, Elizabeth            Berkeley Prep HS      33:26.40                  
143 Richards, Delaney            Riverview HS          33:29.00   59             
144 Jasiulevicius, Courtney      Alonso HS             33:49.90                  
145 Marques, Daniela             Berkeley Prep HS      34:04.50                  
146 Bequer, Samantha             George M. St          34:08.80                  
147 Stooks, Alessandra           George M. St          34:10.40                  
148 Johnson, Alena               Brandon HS            34:10.50                  
149 Brown, Maggie                Alonso HS             34:36.00                  
150 Moore, Rachael               East Bay HS           34:44.70                  
151 Kudryk, Kelly                Berkeley Prep HS      34:49.50                  
152 Hancock, Gracie              Academy of H          35:16.70   60             
153 Nieves, Nicole               Brandon HS            35:44.20                  
154 Ziemba, Keiran               Alonso HS             36:44.40                  
155 Masut, Samantha              George M. St          36:56.40                  
156 Harrison, Caroline           Berkeley Prep HS      38:22.20                  
157 Clements, Katelin            Newsome HS            40:16.90                  
158 Wollert, Kassidy             Strawberry Crest HS   41:17.00                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 HB Plant HS                  31    1    2    8    9   11   12   20          
      Total Time:  1:52:52.20                                                    
         Average:    22:34.44                                                    
   2 Newsome HS                   67    3   10   14   19   21   27   36          
      Total Time:  1:56:19.60                                                    
         Average:    23:15.92                                                    
   3 Berkeley Prep HS             86    7   15   16   22   26   40   43          
      Total Time:  1:58:16.10                                                    
         Average:    23:39.22                                                    
   4 Sickles HS                   86    4    6   18   24   34   42   46          
      Total Time:  1:58:05.00                                                    
         Average:    23:37.00                                                    
   5 George M. Steinbrenner HS   120   13   17   29   30   31   37   38          
      Total Time:  2:01:33.60                                                    
         Average:    24:18.72                                                    
   6 Freedom HS (Tampa)          124    5   23   25   32   39   41   44          
      Total Time:  2:01:23.80                                                    
         Average:    24:16.76                                                    
   7 Bloomingdale HS             219   33   35   45   51   55   56               
      Total Time:  2:14:34.10                                                    
         Average:    26:54.82                                                    
   8 Academy of Holy Names HS    248   28   49   54   57   60                    
      Total Time:  2:28:07.50                                                    
         Average:    29:37.50                                                    
   9 Riverview HS                250   47   48   50   52   53   58   59          
      Total Time:  2:22:10.50                                                    
         Average:    28:26.10