32nd Annual Frank Lay Patriot Invitational 2013

Pensacola, FL
Hosted by Pace HS
Timing/Results Half Mile Timing

Meet Information

We cordially invite you to the 32nd annual Patriot Invitational on March 8th. We are pleased to be hosting this event with the support of the Andrews Institute. The cost per team will be $50.00. Team fees are due the day of the meet. Please make checks payable to Pace High School. The meet will be run and timed by HalfMile Timing. Your online entries should be submitted electronically by Tuesday March 5 @ 11:59 p.m. Entries should be limited to 2 athletes per event. A link to the entry site and instructions for entries can be found under the calendar link at www.flrunners.com. The coaches meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M.
We look forward to seeing you then.

Jon Fillingim fillingimj@mail.santarosa.k12.fl.us
Greg Gill gillg@mail.santarosa.k12.fl.us

32nd Annual Lay/Patriot Invitational
Presented by Andrews Institute
March 8, 2013
Track Information:
1. The long jump and triple jump pits are located in the southwest corner of the stadium.
2. The shot put and discus are located outside of the west end of the stadium in the adjacent field.
3. Pole vault is located at the east end of the football field.
4. Restrooms are located at the east and west ends of the field. A concession stand is located at the west end of the track.
5. The Clerk of Course is located under the goal post at the west end of the field.
6. All FHSAA rules will be followed.
7. No radios, tape players or glass containers are allowed.
8. No athletes or spectators allowed behind the visitors side of the stadium.
9. Admission - $5.00 Adults / Children are free.

Order of Events:
9:00 a.m. Coaches meeting

9:30 Finals Girls/Boys 4x800 M Relay
Girls Triple Jump followed by Boys
Boys High Jump followed by Girls
Boys Long Jump followed by Girls
Girls Discus followed by Boys
Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys
Boys Shot Put followed by Girls

12:00 Prelims Girls/Boys 100/110 M High Hurdles
Girls/Boys 100 M Dash
Girls/Boys 4x100 M Relay
Girls 300 M Low Hurdles
Boys 300 M Intermediate Hurdles
Girls/Boys 200 M Dash

2:30 Finals Girls/Boys 100/110 M High Hurdles
Girls/Boys 100 M Dash
Girls/Boys 1600 M Run
Girls/Boys 4 x 100 M Relay
Girls/Boys 400 M Dash
Girls 300 M Low Hurdles
Boys 300 M Intermediate Hurdles
Girls/Boys 800 M Run
Girls/Boys 200 M Dash
Girls/Boys 3200 M Run
Girls/Boys 4 x 400 M Relay

Coaches' Information:
* Bus parking will be located on the softball field at the east end of the stadium
* Opening heights for high jump: Girls - 4'4 Boys - 5'4
* Opening heights for pole vault: Girls - 6' Boys - 9'
* Advancement from prelims to finals will be as follows:
2 heats winner in each heat and next five fastest times
3 heats - winner in each heat and next four fastest times
4 heats - winner in each heat and next three fastest times
* All jumps and throws will be conducted as finals with 4 total attempts
* It is very important that athletes remain in their lane or stacked position at the
end of the event until the Finish Line Judge dismisses them.
* During the meet, if an athlete scratches or fails to show for an event, he/she is disqualified for the
remainder of the meet.
* Scoring - Individual and Relay 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 3 - 2 1

Reminders for all athletes:
1. Athletes must have shirts and/or jerseys on at ALL times. Jerseys must be tucked in at the start of an event.

2. All athletes are to remain in the southwest bleachers unless they are warming up for an event in the infield. Setting up team tents behind the bleachers is prohibited. No athletes are allowed behind the southwest bleachers.

3. Athletes are to report to the Clerk of the Course on SECOND call. Any runner or relay team who has not checked in by the third call will be disqualified. Please note:

Once an athlete has reported to the Clerk of Course, he/she should not leave until they are dismissed by the Clerk to proceed to their race. After leaving the Clerk of the Course, the runners should proceed to the start location of their race with hip number in place on left hip (when appropriate). When they report, they should know their heat and lane assignment.

4. All athletes MUST remove all jewelry except for watches.
This must be done before reporting to the Clerk of the Course.

5. Lapped runners in excess of scorers may be asked to drop out of the race.