Meet Information
Registration help:
Note that club addendum is at the bottom of these instructions and individual instructions are just above that.
MS - 2 Mile
2nd to 5th grade 1.5 mile run
Event Limits 0
AcceptsClubs yes
AcceptsIndividuals yes
MeetFees $50 per School
Payments Send payment through paypal using
Or send checks payable to ISL to the following address: 3381 sw 139th court Miami, FL 33175
No payment will be accepted at the race.
Note that club addendum is at the bottom of these instructions and individual instructions are just above that.
MS - 2 Mile
2nd to 5th grade 1.5 mile run
Event Limits 0
AcceptsClubs yes
AcceptsIndividuals yes
MeetFees $50 per School
Payments Send payment through paypal using
Or send checks payable to ISL to the following address: 3381 sw 139th court Miami, FL 33175
No payment will be accepted at the race.