Meet Information
Athletes must be in grades 6-8 to participate
Coaches Meeting - 3:15 PM
Start time for Field Events will be 3:30 PM
Girls / Boys Long Jump,
Boys Discus, Girls to follow
Girls Shot, Boys to follow
Girls High Jump, Boys to follow
Starting Heights for HJ
Boys - 4'4" Girls - 3'8"
Running events will begin at 4:15
100 meter Hurdles
100 meter Dash
1600 meter Run
4 x 100 meter Relay
400 meter Dash
Sprint Medley Relay
800 meter Run
200 meter Dash
4 x 400 meter Relay
Registration will close at 8pm on February 23rd.
Please limit your entries in the field events to 5 per gender - you may have unlimited entries in the running events.
Athletes may participate in 4 events, of which only 3 may be running.
Entry Fee - $50 per Team (boys and girls)
$10 for individuals
Gate Fee - $3.00 for adults $1.00 for Students
Northside Christian School
7777 62nd Ave. North
St. Petersburg Fl 33709
Attn: Track Coach
Coaches may be asked to assist with Field Events
Contact Information:
Jeff Goodwin
Coaches Meeting - 3:15 PM
Start time for Field Events will be 3:30 PM
Girls / Boys Long Jump,
Boys Discus, Girls to follow
Girls Shot, Boys to follow
Girls High Jump, Boys to follow
Starting Heights for HJ
Boys - 4'4" Girls - 3'8"
Running events will begin at 4:15
100 meter Hurdles
100 meter Dash
1600 meter Run
4 x 100 meter Relay
400 meter Dash
Sprint Medley Relay
800 meter Run
200 meter Dash
4 x 400 meter Relay
Registration will close at 8pm on February 23rd.
Please limit your entries in the field events to 5 per gender - you may have unlimited entries in the running events.
Athletes may participate in 4 events, of which only 3 may be running.
Entry Fee - $50 per Team (boys and girls)
$10 for individuals
Gate Fee - $3.00 for adults $1.00 for Students
Northside Christian School
7777 62nd Ave. North
St. Petersburg Fl 33709
Attn: Track Coach
Coaches may be asked to assist with Field Events
Contact Information:
Jeff Goodwin