Tiger Trails Invitational 2002

Tampa, FL

Girls Varsity

Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points         
  1 Quick, Amanda                Gaither High School   19:26.02    1            
  2 Hall, Sara                   Plant City            19:42.43    2            
  3 Forrester, Jessica           Bloomingdale          19:45.55    3            
  4 Petrick, Sara                Academy               20:07.48    4            
  5 Wall, Apryl                  Ccc                   20:13.76    5            
  6 Woznicki, Laura              Kathleen              20:14.37    6            
  7 Johnson, Jaclyn              Bloomingdale          20:16.12    7            
  8 Ophaug, Lauren               Sickles               21:05.23    8            
  9 Woytalewicz, Christina       Riverview             21:11.43    9            
 10 Kazbour, Kelly               Academy               21:23.69   10            
 11 Kelly, Shannon               Sickles               21:30.23   11            
 12 Harris, Danielle             Ccc                   21:33.88   12            
 13 Scheid, Whitney              Durant                21:36.67   13            
 14 Dickson, Heather             Gaither High School   21:37.16   14            
 15 Greer, Jill                  Hillsborough          21:40.56                 
 16 Hatcher, Marissa             Sickles               21:43.13   15            
 17 Pansara, Meghs               Hillsborough          21:43.64                 
 18 Snyder, Jenny                Sickles               21:46.23   16            
 19 Alvarado, Melissa            Riverview             21:48.44   17            
 20 Hatcher, Sarah               Sickles               21:51.09   18            
 21 Truesdale, Kate              Gaither High School   22:05.20   19            
 22 Cevallos, Maria              Wharton High School   22:12.75   20            
 23 Garrish, Erica               Wharton High School   22:18.43   21            
 24 Lubrano, Kristin             Academy               22:21.18   22            
 25 Wernberg, Holly              Ccc                   22:29.37   23            
 26 Tucker, Tiffany              Bloomingdale          22:34.31   24            
 27 Cosme, Mayda                 Tampa Bay Tech        22:36.61   25            
 28 Mostifavifar, Minoo          Wharton High School   22:43.02   26            
 29 Rivard, Emily                Academy               22:50.52   27            
 30 Darby, Kristina              Academy               22:52.89   28            
 31 Waller, Jessica              Durant                23:00.75   29            
 32 Clasen, Jamie                ZZ Tampa Catholic     23:01.37                 
 33 Stroupe, Debbie              Z Leto High School    23:02.26   30            
 34 Clearwaters, Courtney        Wharton High School   23:14.93   31            
 35 Shirley, Amy                 Riverview             23:15.66   32            
 36 Herres, Jessica              Riverview             23:17.38   33            
 37 Lopez, Ashley                Chamberlain           23:24.08   34            
 38 Balter, Anna                 Chamberlain           23:24.98   35            
 39 Batres, Yadira               Sickles               23:27.52   36            
 40 Rose, Shilah                 Gaither High School   23:29.79   37            
 41 Sheppherd, Jessica           Z Leto High School    23:31.51   38            
 42 Michelotti, Victoria         Wharton High School   23:32.54   39            
 43 Phaneauf, Carlie             Riverview             23:49.80   40            
 44 Dewberry, Maggie             Ccc                   23:52.55   41            
 45 Heidi, Hohmann               Gaither High School   23:54.22   42            
 46 Perez, Yvonne                Tampa Bay Tech        23:57.66   43            
 47 Feeney, Colleen              Durant                23:59.46   44            
 48 Strickland, Amanda           Ccc                   24:00.83   45            
 49 Tershowski, Kaia             Academy               24:02.49   46            
 50 Williams, Latoya             Tampa Bay Tech        24:10.88   47            
 51 Kinne, Erin                  Riverview             24:17.77   48            
 52 Hightower, Heather           Bloomingdale          24:19.47   49            
 53 Zarbo, Heather               Gaither High School   24:33.97   50            
 54 Galbraith, Kristin           Wharton High School   24:40.94   51            
 55 Speed, Blair                 Gaither High School   24:52.99   52            
 56 Grant, Christina             Z Leto High School    24:59.98   53            
 57 Plante, Jessica              Riverview             25:00.99   54            
 58 Berger, Lianne               Armwood               25:02.21   55            
 59 Anzalone, Lauren             Sickles               25:06.51   56            
 60 Capone, Natalie              Ccc                   25:13.14   57            
 61 Smith, Kalee                 Bloomingdale          25:19.46   58            
 62 Slater, Melissa              Bloomingdale          25:26.00   59            
 63 Miranda, Melissa             Kathleen              25:27.52   60            
 64 Barber, Marie                Kathleen              25:38.11   61            
 65 Torro, Rachael               Z Leto High School    25:58.55   62            
 66 Clark, Mackenzie             Kathleen              26:01.96   63            
 67 McNeal, Meaghan              Bloomingdale          26:07.05   64            
 68 Romero, Jessica              Hillsborough          26:13.68                 
 69 Linesch, Anna                Ccc                   26:13.97   65            
 70 Greene, Cydney               Durant                26:50.96   66            
 71 Sergi, Tasha                 Durant                26:51.77   67            
 72 Paredes, Janessa             Armwood               26:52.62   68            
 73 Ball, Jenna                  Tampa Bay Tech        26:53.53   69            
 74 Philips, Asha                Tampa Bay Tech        26:54.55   70            
 75 Wilson, Kendall              Academy               27:19.59   71            
 76 Hale, Amanda                 Durant                27:24.94   72            
 77 Lewis, Gloria                Durant                27:28.36   73            
 78 Vijapura, Charmi             Hillsborough          27:37.84                 
 79 Trelles, Kateri              ZZ Tampa Catholic     27:51.39                 
 80 Lane, Jessica                Chamberlain           27:52.74   74            
 81 Murphy, Jackie               Kathleen              27:55.36   75            
 82 Rushing, Chelsea             Plant City            28:02.77   76            
 83 Yingling, Sarah              Kathleen              28:11.28   77            
 84 Smith, Brittany              Z Blake High School   28:15.42                 
 85 Alpano, Alisa                Chamberlain           28:25.68   78            
 86 Watanabe, Mana               Tampa Bay Tech        28:27.66   79            
 87 Parks, Kiersten              Chamberlain           28:30.09   80            
 88 Murray, Carron               Z Leto High School    28:38.36   81            
 89 Gendron, Angela              Robinson              28:41.87                 
 90 Christensen, Vaite           Armwood               29:05.94   82            
 91 Thoughtman, Erica            Z Leto High School    29:16.60   83            
 92 Joiner, Megan                Armwood               29:32.82   84            
 93 Ganio, Julie                 Chamberlain           30:05.18   85            
 94 Price, Theresa               ZZ Tampa Catholic     30:15.79                 
 95 Kinloch, Caity               Kathleen              31:00.77   86            
 96 Davis, Jacky                 Armwood               31:06.38   87            
 97 Gorrochotegui, Jordana       Armwood               31:17.23   88            
 98 Jamison, Angela              Tampa Bay Tech        31:26.24   89            
 99 Carter, Crystal              Plant City            32:39.67   90            
100 Poletti, Alexandria          ZZ Tampa Catholic     32:40.50                 
101 Cox, Rebecca                 Plant City            32:41.18   91            
102 Mills, Cassidy               Plant City            33:53.07   92            
103 Steinmetz, Amy               Plant City            34:00.59   93            
104 Filler, Kelly                Robinson              34:26.46                 
105 Smith, Nola                  Plant City            34:50.27   94            
                                   Team Scores                                  
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 ZZ Sickles High School       68    8   11   15   16   18   36   56         
      Total Time:  1:47:55.91                                                   
         Average:    21:35.19                                                   
   2 Academy of the Holy Names    91    4   10   22   27   28   46   71         
      Total Time:  1:49:35.76                                                   
         Average:    21:55.16                                                   
   3 Gaither High School         113    1   14   19   37   42   50   52         
      Total Time:  1:50:32.39                                                   
         Average:    22:06.48                                                   
   4 ZZ Clearwater Central Cat   126    5   12   23   41   45   57   65         
      Total Time:  1:52:10.40                                                   
         Average:    22:26.08                                                   
   5 Riverview High School       131    9   17   32   33   40   48   54         
      Total Time:  1:53:22.71                                                   
         Average:    22:40.55                                                   
   6 Wharton High School         137   20   21   26   31   39   51              
      Total Time:  1:54:01.67                                                   
         Average:    22:48.34                                                   
   7 Bloomingdale High School    141    3    7   24   49   58   59   64         
      Total Time:  1:52:14.91                                                   
         Average:    22:26.99                                                   
   8 Zzz Durant High School      219   13   29   44   66   67   72   73         
      Total Time:  2:02:19.61                                                   
         Average:    24:27.93                                                   
   9 Tampa Bay Tech              254   25   43   47   69   70   79   89         
      Total Time:  2:04:33.23                                                   
         Average:    24:54.65                                                   
  10 Z Leto High School          264   30   38   53   62   81   83              
      Total Time:  2:06:10.66                                                   
         Average:    25:14.14                                                   
  11 Kathleen High School        265    6   60   61   63   75   77   86         
      Total Time:  2:05:17.32                                                   
         Average:    25:03.47                                                   
  12 Chamberlain High School     301   34   35   74   78   80   85              
      Total Time:  2:11:37.57                                                   
         Average:    26:19.52                                                   
  13 Plant City High School      351    2   76   90   91   92   93   94         
      Total Time:  2:26:59.12                                                   
         Average:    29:23.83                                                   
  14 Z Armwood High School       376   55   68   82   84   87   88              
      Total Time:  2:21:39.97                                                   
         Average:    28:20.00