Meet Information
Registration help:
Coaches meeting- 8:30am
Girls Race- 9:00am
Boys Race- 9:45am
Awards- 10:30am
Coaches can enter up to ten runners. The 8 thru 10 runners on each team will not effect score.
Buses will drop off at Veteran's Park and park over on the bus ramp at Veteran's Park Academy.
Timing will be done by Endurance Sports Timing.
Meet Fees are $125 per school (both genders)
Payments make checks payable to Riverdale High School
Coaches meeting- 8:30am
Girls Race- 9:00am
Boys Race- 9:45am
Awards- 10:30am
Coaches can enter up to ten runners. The 8 thru 10 runners on each team will not effect score.
Buses will drop off at Veteran's Park and park over on the bus ramp at Veteran's Park Academy.
Timing will be done by Endurance Sports Timing.
Meet Fees are $125 per school (both genders)
Payments make checks payable to Riverdale High School