ACC Tri-County MS CC Championship 2007

Miami, FL

Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC

 Belen Jesuit Prep                                          Hy-Tek\'s Meet Manager
                    ACC Tri-County Championship - 10/21/2007                     
                             Hosted by Belen Jesuit                              
                               De La Cruz Stadium                                
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Magoulas, Michael            Belen Jesuit Prep      9:16.09    1             
  2 Santana, Marcos              our lady of the        9:23.99    2             
  3 Smith, Andrew                St. Peter & Paul       9:31.76    3             
  4 Rosete, Omar                 St. Brendan            9:36.26    4             
  5 Cook, Johnny                 St. John Neumann       9:38.86                  
  6 Raposo, Mathew               St. Peter & Paul       9:39.28    5             
  7 Griffin, Kevin               Lourdes                9:39.65    6             
  8 Cirera, Joseph               Lourdes                9:41.32    7             
  9 Rodriguez, Ryan              our lady of the        9:42.02    8             
 10 Saverdija, Ryan              St. Kevin              9:45.39    9             
 11 Halfaker, Tyler              Lourdes                9:47.48   10             
 12 Dukenik, David               Epiphany               9:52.56   11             
 13 Sosa, Adrian                 St. Thomas             9:53.67                  
 14 Montiel, Kevin               Belen Jesuit Prep     10:03.25   12             
 15 Santana, Victor              our lady of the       10:06.98   13             
 16 Polumbo, Jake                Lourdes               10:13.40   14             
 17 Concepcion, John             Lourdes               10:14.22   15             
 18 Maltz, Eric                  our lady of the       10:17.60   16             
 19 Bazail, Joshua               St. Kevin             10:23.70   17             
 20 Garcia, Marcos               St. Kevin             10:24.03   18             
 21 Cruz, Antony                 our lady of the       10:28.33   19             
 22 Gonzalez, Carlos             our lady of the       10:36.19   20             
 23 Cuevas, Gabriel              Lourdes               10:36.68   21             
 24 Jattin, Moises               St. Peter & Paul      10:41.52   22             
 25 Halfaker, Daniel             Lourdes               10:41.89   23             
 26 Navarro, Wilfredo            St. Kevin             10:49.62   24             
 27 Smith, Lucas                 St. Kevin             10:51.68   25             
 28 Gonzalez, Julian             St. Kevin             10:52.64   26             
 29 Robinson, Sean               St. Rose Of Lima      10:53.28                  
 30 Roca, Nicholas               St. Timothy Pari      10:53.93   27             
 31 De La Torriente, AJ          St. John Neumann      10:54.80                  
 32 Ferrer, Nick                 St. Kevin             10:56.04   28             
 33 Acosta, Nicholas             our lady of the       10:58.69   29             
 34 Diaz, Julio                  Belen Jesuit Prep     11:00.20   30             
 35 Menendez, Frankie            Epiphany              11:08.03   31             
 36 Lopez-Sotillo, Alredo        Epiphany              11:09.05   32             
 37 Herrera, John                Belen Jesuit Prep     11:14.89   33             
 38 Peterson, Steven             St. Timothy Pari      11:15.63   34             
 39 Higgins, Roury               Saint Hugh School     11:16.73                  
 40 Powell, Johnny               Epiphany              11:30.91   35             
 41 Zabala, Felix                St. Peter & Paul      11:32.16   36             
 42 Martell, Robert              St. Peter & Paul      11:36.65   37             
 43 Velazco, Eduardo             Saint Hugh School     11:39.53                  
 44 Gilbert, Benny               Epiphany              11:47.28   38             
 45 Torres de Navarra, Javie     Epiphany              11:58.43   39             
 46 Milton, Maurice              Epiphany              11:59.46   40             
 47 Barroso, John                St. Brendan           12:02.36   41             
 48 Alonso, Andres               St. Timothy Pari      12:04.04   42             
 49 Gallimore, Conner            St. John Neumann      12:07.02                  
 50 Simms, Daniel                St. Peter & Paul      12:07.80   43             
 51 Ros, Nicolas                 St. Timothy Pari      12:11.17   44             
 52 Bared, Nicolas               Epiphany              12:11.78                  
 53 Tercilla, Alexander          St. John Neumann      12:12.61                  
 54 Andreozzi, Marco             St. Rose Of Lima      12:18.49                  
 55 Sosa, Nicholas               St. Thomas            12:18.97                  
 56 Rodriguez, Juan              Belen Jesuit Prep     12:38.87   45             
 57 Robayna, Anthony             St. Peter & Paul      12:47.90   46             
 58 Moore, Matt                  St. Rose Of Lima      13:16.58                  
 59 Arguez, David                St. Timothy Pari      13:19.13   47             
 60 Duluc, Kevin                 St. Brendan           14:03.47   48             
 61 Kaufhold, Vicente            St. Rose Of Lima      14:06.94                  
 62 Ramirez, John                Belen Jesuit Prep     14:07.64   49             
 63 Piloto, Oscar                St. Timothy Pari      14:48.97   50             
 64 Figueras, Jorge              St. Brendan           15:02.07   51             
 65 Padron, Christopher          St. Brendan           15:37.52   52             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Lourdes                      52    6    7   10   14   15   21   23          
      Total Time:    49:36.07                                                    
         Average:     9:55.22                                                    
   2 our lady of the lakes        58    2    8   13   16   19   20   29          
      Total Time:    49:58.92                                                    
         Average:     9:59.79                                                    
   3 St. Kevin                    93    9   17   18   24   25   26   28          
      Total Time:    52:14.42                                                    
         Average:    10:26.89                                                    
   4 St. Peter & Paul            103    3    5   22   36   37   43   46          
      Total Time:    53:01.37                                                    
         Average:    10:36.28                                                    
   5 Belen Jesuit Prep           121    1   12   30   33   45   49               
      Total Time:    54:13.30                                                    
         Average:    10:50.66                                                    
   6 Epiphany                    147   11   31   32   35   38   39   40          
      Total Time:    55:27.83                                                    
         Average:    11:05.57                                                    
   7 St. Timothy Parish School   194   27   34   42   44   47   50               
      Total Time:    59:43.90                                                    
         Average:    11:56.78                                                    
   8 St. Brendan                 196    4   41   48   51   52                    
      Total Time:  1:06:21.68                                                    
         Average:    13:16.34