The Inaugural Red Hills Cross Country Invitational 2017

Tallahassee, FL
Hosted by Chiles HS

Girls JV

RaceTab by MileSplit/FloSports Chris Sumner, Miles and Minutes, L

 The Inaugural Red Hills Cross Country Invitational - 10/14/2017 
            Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park, Tallahassee, FL            

                    JV Girls 5,000 Meter Run                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Emily Molen           10 Chiles HS            21:12.67       
  2 Taylor Stephens       11 Chiles HS            22:45.94       
  3 Carly Canavan         12 Chiles HS            22:50.68       
  4 Madison Xanders       11 Chiles HS            22:54.95