Meet Information
Date: February 3rd, 2018
Location: Lincoln High School, Tallahassee, Florida
Entries: $8 per athlete.
Email entries to Please include name, age, gender, events and predicted time.
This is a community track meet open to anyone. No team or school affilitaions.
Results: Fully Automatic Timing provided by Miles and Minutes, LLC. All ages will be contested together. Results will be available on at the end of the meet.
Order of Events: Events will begin at 12pm on a rolling schedule. All events are finals.
3200m Run
100m Dash
1600m Run
400m Dash
800m Run
200m Run
Field Events will be: High Jump, Long Jump, Shot Put
For further information and/or questions please contact Coach Sumner at or by phone at (850)567-6175.