Meet Information
LMHS Developmental
Entry Fee - $30 per team/ $60 per school
Spectator Fee - $5.00
Send checks to LMHS/Attn: Athletic Office
655 Longwood Lake Mary Rd,
Lake Mary, FL 32746
A payment must be received by the athletic director/athletic secretary before your entries can be submitted.
Meet # 3
1 ) We will accept the first 12 teams
2 ) 4 athletes per event per team
3 ) Each athlete limited to either 2 running events and 1 field event, or 2 field, 1 running
4 ) For either horizontal jumps, open pit from 4pm till 5:30pm. The athlete can come take 3 attempts at any time during that time period.
5 ) Discus Boys and Girls open time 4 - 5:30, followed by Shot Put 5:30 to 7pm
6 ) Boys and Girls Pole Vault will be run together. 4:15pm start.
7 ) $30 per team/ $60 per school, $5 gate.
8 ) FAT timing by Elite Timing.
9) All Developmental meets start at 4pm.
Field Events: start at 4 pm:
Running Events: starts at 5 pm
1600m Girls then Boys
200m Girls then Boys
800m Girls then Boys
400m Girls then Boys
Entry Fee - $30 per team/ $60 per school
Spectator Fee - $5.00
Send checks to LMHS/Attn: Athletic Office
655 Longwood Lake Mary Rd,
Lake Mary, FL 32746
A payment must be received by the athletic director/athletic secretary before your entries can be submitted.
Meet # 3
1 ) We will accept the first 12 teams
2 ) 4 athletes per event per team
3 ) Each athlete limited to either 2 running events and 1 field event, or 2 field, 1 running
4 ) For either horizontal jumps, open pit from 4pm till 5:30pm. The athlete can come take 3 attempts at any time during that time period.
5 ) Discus Boys and Girls open time 4 - 5:30, followed by Shot Put 5:30 to 7pm
6 ) Boys and Girls Pole Vault will be run together. 4:15pm start.
7 ) $30 per team/ $60 per school, $5 gate.
8 ) FAT timing by Elite Timing.
9) All Developmental meets start at 4pm.
Field Events: start at 4 pm:
Running Events: starts at 5 pm
1600m Girls then Boys
200m Girls then Boys
800m Girls then Boys
400m Girls then Boys