Meet Information
Meet Schedule for Tomorrow (We will follow the District and Regional Order of Events)/ Will be on a rolling schedule.
3:30 PM Coaches Meeting
3:45 PM 3200m Run
4:00 PM- Girls and Boys Long Jump (Followed by Boys and Girls Triple Jump)
4:00 PM- Girls High Jump (followed by Boys)
4:00 PM- Girls Shot (followed by Boys)
4:00 PM- Boys Discus (followed by girls)
4:00 PM- Girls Pole Vault (Followed by boys)
4:45 PM- 4x800m Relay
5:00 PM- 100m Hurdles
5:15 PM- 110m Hurdles
5:30 PM- 100m
5:45 PM 800m Run
6:10 PM- 4x100m Relay
6:20 PM- 400m Run
6:30 PM- 300m Hurdles
6:40 PM- 200m Dash
6:50 PM- 1600m Run
7:10 PM- 4x400m Relay