Meet Information
Join the league series from may till august, we have championships National Championships in August.
Summer League Schedule Next events register for the league. Compete for National titles and rings on August 4th, and 11th. email or text or call 321-245-9822 website
*****Must register for league to qualify to compete for national rings and titles, two national meets USA & International titles.
**** Register before 5-15-2018 get $200 hotel discount card and its $250 for the league per athlete
after 5-15-2018 its $350 to register for the league per person
May 27th Pete D Hargraves Run for Diabetes Open & Relay
June 9th Chris Williams Relays & Open
June 16-17, Blackman Ihem Father day Classic Multi and Open
June 23-24, Marcus Jones King of the South Florida Vs Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Carolinas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi,
June 29th-30th Mickey Grimes Classic west cost Vs east coast
July 7th, Robert walker Jr Pre Disney tune up
July **21st , Evolution Relays National Championships
Juli ***28th Aaron Goodman International Relays Championships
August *4th, League USA Team National Championships
August ****11th, International Team Championships
!!!League dates are subject to change due to weather or entries count.
** League Relays National Championships
***League International relay championships
*League US National Championships Open events
**** League International Championships Open events.
Summer League Schedule Next events register for the league. Compete for National titles and rings on August 4th, and 11th. email or text or call 321-245-9822 website
*****Must register for league to qualify to compete for national rings and titles, two national meets USA & International titles.
**** Register before 5-15-2018 get $200 hotel discount card and its $250 for the league per athlete
after 5-15-2018 its $350 to register for the league per person
May 27th Pete D Hargraves Run for Diabetes Open & Relay
June 9th Chris Williams Relays & Open
June 16-17, Blackman Ihem Father day Classic Multi and Open
June 23-24, Marcus Jones King of the South Florida Vs Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Carolinas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi,
June 29th-30th Mickey Grimes Classic west cost Vs east coast
July 7th, Robert walker Jr Pre Disney tune up
July **21st , Evolution Relays National Championships
Juli ***28th Aaron Goodman International Relays Championships
August *4th, League USA Team National Championships
August ****11th, International Team Championships
!!!League dates are subject to change due to weather or entries count.
** League Relays National Championships
***League International relay championships
*League US National Championships Open events
**** League International Championships Open events.