Meet Information
Entries close February 25 midnight.
This will be the 1st of 4 Middle School Meets that will be co-hosted by Mount Dora Christian Academy and Master's Academy. The dates for this Middle School series are Feb. 14, Feb. 21, Feb. 28, and Mar. 7. We will cap this meet at the first 10 teams.
The first meet will be at Mount Dora Christian on the Feb. 14th.
Master's Academy will host the 21st and the 28th.
and then the last meet will be hosted at Mount Dora Christian on March 7th.
The meets at Mount Dora Christian will begin at 3:30 PM. The meets at Master's Academy will begin at 3:45.
The cost per meet is 100.00 per team.
Dan Epstein and Athletic Scoring Providers will be the timers (automatic timing) for the meet series. Dan and his crew are great at what they do.
Please join us! It should be a lot of fun!
A more detailed schedule of events will be posted on this page soon. Thanks!
3:30 Coaches meeting
3:45 Field Events
Jump - Boys
Jump, Shot Put, and Discus - three attempts with open pit and open circle
4:15 Field Events
Jump - Girls
4:45 Running events on a rolling schedule
4X800Meter Relay
100 Meter
1500 Meter
4X100Meter Relay
400 Meter
4X400 Meter Relay
Coach White (501-605-7786)