Meet Information
Entries due Monday, August 26th, 11:59 p.m. Thank you!
The course is 90% grass golf course terrain (we have to cross the cart path on a couple of sections). The course is a scenic route around the Mount Dora Golf Club course. Some elevation changes are present. Only 10 runners per team are allowed in each Varsity race. All other runners will run in the JV races. We are limiting the event to the first 10 teams in order to maintain the health of the course.
Course Map:
Please read the information below:
Address: Mount Dora Golf Club
1100 S Highland St, Mt Dora, FL 32757
Buses will park in the grass lot located right in front of the
Mount Dora Golf Course and directed by meet volunteers.
Tents will be set up next to the golf cart area in the dirt lot
located to the left of the main building.
Course Opens for Warm-ups at 4:00
Coaches meeting: 4:30
5K Varsity Girls: 5:00
5K Varsity Boys: 5:40
5K JV Combined 6:10
Awards at 7:00
There will be medals given to the top 8 individuals in each of the
varsity races & there will be Ribbons given to both the top 8 boys and top
8 girls in the JV races.
There will be a first place and runner up trophy given to the 1st
and 2nd place schools in both the Varsity races.
Entry Fees
$50.00 per HS Gender or $100.00 for both
JV included in HS Fee
ADMISSION: $5.00 per car load (exception of school
Please make checks out to Mount Dora High
School Cross Country You may pay at the meet, but we would
prefer you mail in your payment. Mailing address is 700 N
Highland St, Mt Dora, FL 32757
For more information email