Meet Information
9th Annual Spikes & Spurs Classic
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Online Entry Site:
UPDATED Arrival Procedures:
Team Arrival/Drop-off and Parking:
oDO NOT Park at ballfields
oBuses will turn RIGHT onSAWGRASS ROAD,
oTeam Drop-off will be at theside ticket gate on Sawgrass Rd.
oQUICKLY unload tents, coolers and teams. Teams walk down the access road to team tent area.
oBuses will then drive down to the end of Sawgrass Road, where they can park or go into Bunnell forbreakfast/coffee they can return for pick-up after the meet
oSpectators can park at:
Flagler Co. Ballfields:Pull into theballfields off of County Road 13 and enter via the ballfields gate.Have cell phones ready to show tickets from
IFAS Building(Blue) or Grass Lot BOTH off of Sawgrass Road:Pass ballfieldsand turn RIGHT onto Sawgrass Road (IFAS Bldg. on the right; Grass Lot on the left).Enter fairgroundsvia the access road gate.Have cellphones ready to show tickets from
o$5 admission via GoFan.cowill be charged to all spectators. No CASH tickets. We highly recommend purchasing tickets in advance by Thursday.Coaches please make sure your parents are aware of this!
FPC Ticket Link:
Parking Map:
Course Maps:
High School - 5K
Middle School - 3K

Dear Coach: Flagler Palm Coast High School invites you to attend the 9th Annual Spikes & Spurs Classic with MIDDLE SCHOOL races on Friday evening, October 16th and HIGH SCHOOL RACES on Saturday, October 17th. Coach Dave Halliday will serve as meet director. Chip Timing by Half-Mile Timing for all races. Great awards and a fun course on and around the Flagler County Fairgrounds, with a mile wooded trail and finishing inside the Flagler County Rodeo Arena!
Location:Flagler County Fairgrounds and Recreational Area Parking: at Fairgrounds
Baseball/Softball Fields 150 Sawgrass Road 650 CR 13 Bunnell, Florida 32110
Bunnell, FL 32110
Date: October 16 - 17, 2020, Hosted by Flagler Palm Coast HS
DUE to the COVID Pandemic we will cap the teams between 12-15 complete schools. This year Spikes & Spurs will NOTconsist of two High School Races, but rather two varsity races (10-runners) and two JV races unlimited.
This meet will be sanctioned for Georgia and any other states that will be attending. If any other states are attending please let me know so we can submit the sanctions.
oTeams must check runner temps prior to arrival
oAll spectators must wear a masks when entering the
facility and we ask them to keep them on when not social distanced in spectator areas.
oAll athletes must wear a mask when entering the facility and also when not physically active at teamtent areas.
oAll coaches must wear a mask when social distancing cannot bemaintained in areas of the facility.
oTeam Tents will have designated areas (South of 1k/2-Mile markers: field near mower barn and Cattlemans' Hall).
Make sure your tent is 10 yards away from others.
oNO PARENTS/Spectators allowed in team tent area.
oThere will be a designated Spectator areas:
- Field and XC Course North of the 1k/2-Mile markers to the start area and 4k marker.
- Finish area outside of the rodeo and 1.5 mile marker area behind arena.
- Spectators are allowed in rodeo arena stands at 20% capacity of 1,125, which is 225 total while maintaining social distancing and masks.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
6:00amGates Open
7:45am Parkview Baptist Church-Boys' -Varsity Race (Top-10)
8:10am The LTG Engineering & Planning: HS Girls'-Varsity Race (Top-10)
8:40am Boys' -JV Race
9:10am Girls' -JV Race
Awards - Coach Pick-up
Cost/Fees:$200/High School Single Gender;$300 High School (B&G)
Middle School $150 for Single Gender; $200 B&G
Make Checks Payable to:
Flagler Palm Coast HS c/o Cross Country 5500 East HWY 100 Palm Coast, FL 32164
Packet Pick-Up:Packet pick up will start when the course opens Friday at 3 pm and end at 5:15pm. It will open again Saturday morning at 6:10 a.m. Coaches must pay by mail to Flagler Palm Coast HS or have checks in hand to pick up their packets (check is in the mail does not count). Coaches please make sure you get your packets 30
minutes before your race to ensure enough time to get the timing chips signed out and onto your runners shoes.
Online Entry:Registration will be Registration will end Tuesday, October 13th at 11:59pm. High Schools please enter your entire roster not just your Varsity runners. Timing: Half-Mile Timing will be using the chip timing system. There will be instant results scrolling on the finish line display board. Chipped timed race results will be be redirected to the online entry page please
Varsity Team Awards: Top-2 overall teams Boys and Girls will get trophies andTeam Champions receive t-shirts (for the top-10).
Varsity Individual Awards:
Top-25 will receive medals
JV Team Awards: Champion Trophy tooverall Boys and Girls teams
JV Individual Awards:
Top-25 will receive ribbons
Middle School Team Awards: Champion Trophy tooverall Boys and Girls teams
Middle School Individual Awards:
Top-15 will receive medals
Course:The course is 90% is on nice grass trails or dirt and gravel roads around the Flagler County Fairgrounds and finishes inside the Flagler County Rodeo. The course will be marked with mile markers as well as kilometer markers. The Course has been the host site of the 5-Star Conference Meet, 4A-District-1 Meet, and the 4A-Region-1 Meet.
Event Shirts:
Event shirts will be on sale by Shirts On Site, Inc. Multiple colors and customization will be available.
We will NOT be charging for parking to allow spectators to park in the facilityas well as along the road. HOWEVER, there will be two entry gates where$5 admissionwill becharged to all spectators/
-Spectators/Entrance - search Flagler Palm Coast High School - $5
Coaches please make sure your parents are aware of this!
Parking Diagram/Map:Click Here
Entire Course Video (with music)
Courtesy of Dean Headley
Director:Dave Halliday
Phone: (386) 437-7540 x-3132
Cell: (386) 931-2449
This meet is sanctioned by the FHSAA and all FHSAA rules will be enforced.
David Halliday
Head Cross Country Coach/Meet Director Spikes & Spurs Classic
Flagler Palm Coast High School
Spikes and Spurs Classic