Faster with Fitniche 5k 2008

Lakeland, FL

Age Group Results

 Half-Mile Timing - Contractor License    HY-TEK's Meet Manager
            Faster With Fitniche 5k 08 - 8/30/2008             
                       Lakeside Village                        
                     Last Completed Event                      
Event 1  Mixed 5000 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals
10 & Under Results - Women                                     
  1 Cashman, Kaylee          W10 Unattached            24:27.34
  2 Wemyss, Nicole            W8 Unattached            26:36.97
15-19 Results - Women                                          
  1 Muiselaar, Ariel         W17 Unattached            23:19.60
  2 Flynn, Trafemia          W17 Unattached            23:27.46
  3 Hravjo, Camila           W17 Unattached            23:32.19
  4 Beall, Brittany          W15 Unattached            24:57.48
  5 Borkowski, Megan         W17 Unattached            26:26.47
  6 Rodriquez, Maria         W15 Unattached            26:40.36
  7 Monroe, Tierra           W17 Unattached            27:30.43
  8 Lozano, Katherine        W15 Unattached            30:49.09
  9 Higginbotham, Amy        W19 Unattached            39:14.34
 10 Murphy, Brandi           W18 Unattached            39:14.52
20-24 Results - Women                                          
  1 Springer-Wilson, Alison  W20 Unattached            20:23.18
  2 Rectenwald, Julie        W23 Unattached            21:45.46
  3 Anderson, Sheila         W22 Unattached            25:25.55
  4 Hardman, Gina            W22 Unattached            25:44.23
  5 Childers, Sheryl         W24 Unattached            26:16.12
25-29 Results - Women                                          
  1 Marsh, Rebecca           W29 Unattached            18:54.03
  2 Parrish, Jennifer        W25 Unattached            24:23.69
  3 From, Kelsi              W29 Unattached            25:26.07
  4 Tripp, Erica             W28 Unattached            31:01.60
  5 Hickey, Krista           W27 Unattached            33:09.37
  6 Llorens, Lindsey         W26 Unattached            48:39.43
30-34 Results - Women                                          
  1 Lausell, Lindsay         W32 Unattached            27:04.02
  2 Odom, Nicole             W31 Unattached            27:57.90
  3 Fitzgerald, Amy          W31 Unattached            28:17.65
  4 Costable, Sherry         W34 Unattached            33:49.02
  5 Wemyss, Kimberly         W32 Unattached            33:57.37
  6 Macblane, Joette         W32 Unattached            35:58.21
35-39 Results - Women                                          
  1 Largent, Kirsten         W37 Unattached            22:14.84
  2 Lazenby, Marsha          W38 Unattached            24:44.71
  3 Shallow, Julie           W39 Unattached            28:07.06
  4 Hornsby, Ginger          W36 Unattached            28:08.06
  5 English, Sunny           W37 Unattached            28:13.94
  6 Lazenby, Vicky           W38 Unattached            28:59.20
  7 Meeks, Latisa            W38 Unattached            29:18.50
  8 Drelick, Bobbie          W37 Unattached            30:12.71
  9 Czech, Tina              W37 Unattached            32:56.93
 10 Glotfelty, Karla         W37 Unattached            33:04.67
 11 Loupin, Amy              W36 Unattached            33:13.42
 12 Lopez, Marti             W35 Unattached            38:09.61
40-44 Results - Women                                          
  1 Wise, Anita              W40 Unattached            27:34.12
  2 Walker, Vicki            W40 Unattached            33:30.44
  3 Mangus, Mary             W41 Unattached            37:58.36
  4 Medina, Patty            W43 Unattached            40:25.55
45-49 Results - Women                                          
  1 Donley, Barb             W49 Unattached            25:58.22
  2 Enfinger, Bonnee         W45 Unattached            28:04.98
  3 Carver, Cathy            W46 Unattached            28:55.22
  4 Gentile, Janice          W47 Unattached            29:38.36
  5 Roberts, Kimberly        W45 Unattached            30:22.82
  6 Delboro, Annette         W45 Unattached            30:23.08
  7 Planes, Annette          W48 Unattached            33:03.94
50-54 Results - Women                                          
  1 Lapointe, Michelle       W50 Unattached            21:14.08
  2 Quarles, Cookie          W54 Unattached            28:50.19
  3 Dupont, Elizabeth        W52 Unattached            30:18.30
  4 Lafferty, Cindy          W53 Unattached            31:45.94
  5 Luck, Jan                W50 Unattached            34:04.21
55-59 Results - Women                                          
  1 Campbell, Dianana        W58 Unattached            23:06.90
  2 Fosser, Rhonda           W57 Unattached            23:28.53
  3 Migliorini, Mary         W59 Unattached            26:23.32
  4 Mohler, Jan              W58 Unattached            29:32.96
  5 Junderbitzih, Susan      W57 Unattached            30:18.11
  6 Rhinesmith, Fern         W55 Unattached            30:32.49
  7 Childers, Vicki          W57 Unattached            35:41.53
60-64 Results - Women                                          
  1 Nesmith, Linda           W61 Unattached            29:45.67
10 & Under Results - Men                                       
  1 Wemyss, David            M10 Unattached            23:50.53
11-14 Results - Men                                            
  1 Arauie, Drew             M13 Unattached            24:42.48
  2 Power, Kenny             M14 Unattached            28:17.46
  3 Paradise, Nicholas       M14 Unattached            29:13.29
15-19 Results - Men                                            
  1 Caldwell, Roland         M16 Unattached            17:12.12
  2 Meadows, Christopher     M17 Unattached            17:13.68
  3 Meadows, Josh            M17 Unattached            17:40.63
  4 Kinloch, Adam            M17 Unattached            17:47.68
  5 Allsopp, Skip            M16 Unattached            17:51.99
  6 Coffman, Neil            M16 Unattached            18:10.02
  7 Gilbert, Colton          M15 Unattached            20:01.26
  8 Worcester, Daniel        M15 Unattached            20:05.60
  9 Runfeldt, Patrick        M16 Unattached            20:12.17
 10 Davis, Levi              M15 Unattached            22:44.30
 11 Joyner, Andrew           M17 Unattached            22:46.93
 12 Costello, William        M15 Unattached            24:54.03
 13 Davis, Kyle              M16 Unattached            25:35.22
20-24 Results - Men                                            
  1 Bell, Tyrone             M24 Unattached            15:29.01
  2 Lewis, Brandon           M23 Unattached            24:49.04
  3 Kudes, Dan               M24 Unattached            28:22.61
25-29 Results - Men                                            
  1 Jaegor, Joel             M27 Unattached            20:12.69
  2 Kohls, Ben               M26 Unattached            21:01.92
  3 Demostihenes, Frite      M27 Unattached            25:53.63
  4 Gilbert, Joe             M28 Unattached            26:45.53
  5 Llorens, Jose            M29 Unattached            44:30.43
30-34 Results - Men                                            
  1 Wemyss, Kevin            M33 Unattached            20:39.03
  2 Marsh, Tim               M30 Unattached            21:02.97
  3 Rhinesmith, Robert       M31 Unattached            22:06.85
35-39 Results - Men                                            
  1 Shillito, Will           M39 Unattached            18:41.30
  2 Lazenby, Robby           M38 Unattached            22:57.67
  3 Turney, Alan             M39 Unattached            23:10.18
  4 Meeks, Jeff              M38 Unattached            24:16.92
  5 Black, Larry             M35 Unattached            27:06.27
  6 Lopes, Jose              M37 Unattached            27:07.92
  7 Johnson, Jaimy           M35 Unattached            27:35.17
  8 Fussell, Larry           M39 Unattached            28:08.27
  9 Smith, Everett           M37 Unattached            36:23.59
 10 Lopez, Rich              M37 Unattached            38:09.83
40-44 Results - Men                                            
  1 Nesmith, Eddie           M43 Unattached            17:54.11
  2 Flores, Pedro            M43 Unattached            19:40.82
  3 Torzok, Joe              M41 Unattached            19:44.26
  4 Cathey, Thomas           M44 Unattached            22:01.60
  5 Culberson, Kent          M40 Unattached            22:58.69
  6 Hulbert, Mark            M42 Unattached            24:38.82
  7 Rozen, Adriam            M41 Unattached            27:02.62
  8 Bahl, Martin             M43 Unattached            28:21.96
  9 Parks, Stephen           M40 Unattached            29:39.01
 10 Busku, Ed                M43 Unattached            29:51.47
 11 Ellis, Brendan           M42 Unattached            31:43.13
45-49 Results - Men                                            
  1 Dickinson, Eric          M47 Unattached            21:41.87
  2 Williams, Tim            M49 Unattached            22:12.45
  3 Martinez, Chris          M48 Unattached            24:05.53
  4 Brown, Greg              M48 Unattached            24:22.27
  5 Planes, Scott            M47 Unattached            25:43.80
  6 Carver, Harvey           M47 Unattached            26:37.32
  7 Delboro, Mike            M45 Unattached            31:15.66
  8 Roberts, Kevin           M48 Unattached            34:26.63
50-54 Results - Men                                            
  1 Steckert, Ken            M53 Unattached            18:39.89
  2 Almaraz, Jose            M53 Unattached            19:06.06
  3 Cogdall, Tom             M50 Unattached            19:44.83
  4 Sykes, Randy             M52 Unattached            20:46.64
  5 Friedman, Scott          M50 Unattached            23:39.67
  6 Jones, Charlie           M53 Unattached            25:21.06
  7 Whitmire, George         M53 Unattached            26:40.01
  8 Deloye, Mike             M51 Unattached            30:47.70
55-59 Results - Men                                            
  1 Quarles, Dave            M55 Unattached            19:06.79
  2 Vega, Antonio            M59 Unattached            24:31.06
  3 Long, Robin              M55 Unattached            25:44.02
  4 Tucker, Houston          M59 Unattached            32:18.83
60-64 Results - Men                                            
  1 Wiles, Richard           M64 Unattached            22:53.93
  2 Oesterling, Chuck        M62 Unattached            23:40.96
  3 Brusoe, Tim              M61 Unattached            24:55.46
  4 Mason, Rob               M62 Unattached            25:09.55
65-69 Results - Men                                            
  1 Custer, Bob              M66 Unattached            24:52.17
  2 Fahey, Perry             M65 Unattached            27:28.96
  3 Jennings, Hank           M68 Unattached            27:38.95
  4 Migliorini, Bruno        M69 Unattached            30:21.50
70+ Results - Men                                              
  1 Nygaard, Donald          M75 Unattached            30:54.49
  2 English, Edward          M70 Unattached            33:26.93
  3 Fields, Dan              M74 Unattached            35:53.21
  4 Welch, Bill              M70 Unattached            39:33.98