Meet Information
Limit to the first 4 teams that pay. Cost is $30 per gender, $50 for both. Once I receive the entry fee at Maclay School, 3737 North Meridian Road 32312, I will give the password.
Meet will begin at 4:00 pm. Please see the specific events for each meet. Athletes are limited to three events. Limit of five athletes per event. To create the safest environment possible, there will be mitigation protocols in place during the meet. Face coverings are required during all times except when an athlete is warming up or competing. We ask that teams and their fans wear masks at all times and maintain social distancing. There will be no community water coolers provided, individuals should bring their own water.
For more information, please email Coach Angie Milford at
High Hurdles
Shot Put, High Jump, Pole Vault
$3 Admission