
Varsity Boys Two Mile Run                                                  


     Bib#  Name                 Year Team                 Finals     Points


   1 121   Lambert, Noah        8    Foundation Christian 11:42.62     1 

   2 117   Keenen, Josh              Florida College Acad 11:54.83     2 

   3 168   Mode, Alex           6    Learning Leadership  12:36.58     3 

   4 185   Jackson, Todd             St. Stephens         12:40.33     --   

   5 26    Whitman, Tyler       8    Central Baptist      12:44.64     4 

   6 21    Bakich, Tyler        6    Central Baptist      12:48.48     5 

   7 169   Saunders, Ben        8    Learning Leadership  13:12.71     6 

   8 145   Fernandez, Louis          Immanuel Lutheran    13:17.32     7 

   9 128   Velez, Brandon            Foundation Christian 13:25.15     8 

  10 126   Smith, Jon Paul           Foundation Christian 13:27.85     9 

  11 129   Daniels, Wesley           Foundation Christian 13:28.52     10 

  12 123   Beavers, Daniel      8    Foundation Christian 13:29.29     11 

  13 2     Cook, Adam           4    Bell Shoals          13:39.50     12 

  14 6     Shelton, Mark        8    Bell Shoals          13:42.23     13 

  15 7     Curry, Fisher        7    Bell Shoals          13:43.78     14 

  16 149   Kurtz, Taylor             Immanuel Lutheran    13:44.39     15 

  17 89    Moore, Caleb         7    FISH                 13:46.28     16 

  18 81    Casiano, Nicholas    8    FISH                 13:48.98     17 

  19 86    Hofrichter, Sterling 6    FISH                 13:53.47     18 

  20 127   Harmsworth, Conner        Foundation Christian 14:00.21     19 

  21 125   Nguyen, Tyler             Foundation Christian 14:04.09     20 

  22 23    Butler, Danny        7    Central Baptist      14:09.70     21 

  23 25    Linderman, Troy      6    Central Baptist      14:13.87     22 

  24 83    Harper, Aaron        6    FISH                 14:15.53     23 

  25 27    Winkler, Luke        5    Central Baptist      14:23.96     24 

  26 85    Cassiano, Issac      4    FISH                 14:41.48     25 

  27 144   Duggan, Patrick           Immanuel Lutheran    14:53.81     26 

  28 167   Malec, Stephen       8    Learning Leadership  15:05.69     27 

  29 163   DelRio, Jared        6    Learning Leadership  15:08.24     28 

  30 88    LaRoe, Cory          8    FISH                 15:11.77     29 

  31 63    Henry, J.D.               Family of Christ     15:15.88     30 

  32 190   Stempniak, Brad           St. Stephens         15:17.68     --   

  33 90    Morgan, Kendall      3    FISH                 15:24.47     31 

  34 111   Dorman, Logan             Florida College Acad 15:31.44     32 

  35 3     Cury, Cooper         5    Bell Shoals          15:32.10     33 

  36 24    Frcho, Collin        5    Central Baptist      15:36.70     34 

  37 165   Goodkind, Max        8    Learning Leadership  15:38.59     35 

  38 166   Greene, Joseph       6    Learning Leadership  15:40.90     36 

  39 112   Keenan, Josh              Florida College Acad 15:43.03     37 

  40 87    Huntley, Cameron     4    FISH                 15:44.46     --   

  41 148   Horton, Jeff              Immanuel Lutheran    15:50.26     38 

  42 1     Wright, Zach         8    Bell Shoals          16:00.34     39 

  43 8     Cook, Brett          6    Bell Shoals          16:05.03     40 

  44 28    Whitman, James            Central Baptist      16:12.07     41 

  45 29    Price, Wesley             Central Baptist      16:12.35     --   

  46 82    Casiano, Samuel      7    FISH                 16:15.38     --   

  47 71    Snow, Nick                Family of Christ     16:43.43     42 

  48 115   Howard, Jujuan            Florida College Acad 16:46.47     43 

  49 65    Young, AJ                 Family of Christ     16:47.21     44 

  50 67    Pickard, Ben              Family of Christ     16:54.68     45 

  51 164   DelRio, Andre        6    Learning Leadership  16:55.28     46 

  52 113   Bronkhorst, Ty            Florida College Acad 17:23.01     47 

  53 146   Fiorello, Nick            Immanuel Lutheran    17:27.96     48 

  54 142   Brammeier, George         Immanuel Lutheran    17:31.24     49 

  55 4     Schue, Luke          4    Bell Shoals          17:31.50     50 

  56 84    Huer, Sam            8    FISH                 17:43.32     --   

  57 162   Cribari, Nick        8    Learning Leadership  17:43.85     --   

  58 22    Bedrosian, Luke      3    Central Baptist      17:57.82     --   

  59 5     Greaves, Nate        6    Bell Shoals          18:08.55     --   

  60 79    Britt, Logan              Family of Christ     18:39.07     51 

  61 64    Lawrence, Samuel          Family of Christ     19:19.58     52 

  62 141   Brammeier, Charlie   7    Immanuel Lutheran    19:29.39     53 

  63 114   Bronkhorst, Gannon        Florida College Acad 19:38.45     54 

  64 143   Cotto, Isaiah             Immanuel Lutheran    20:42.92     --   

  65 9     Sprenger, Jacob      6    Bell Shoals          21:10.58     --   

  66 61    Lyons, Matthew            Family of Christ     21:52.78     55 

  67 62    Massola, Anthony          Family of Christ     22:20.28     --   

  68 70    Gallagher, Stephen        Family of Christ     22:30.32     --   

  69 75    O'Halloran, Christia      Family of Christ     23:15.60     --   

  70 69    Krueger, Michael          Family of Christ     25:59        --   



Varsity Boys Two Mile Run Team Scores


    Team              Total    1    2    3    4    5    6*   7*


   1 Foundation Christi 28     1    8    9    10   11   19   20   

       Total Time: 52:04.14

       Average:    13:01.03

   2 Central Baptist    52     4    5    21   22   24   34   41   

       Total Time: 53:56.69

       Average:    13:29.17

   3 Learning Leadershi 64     3    6    27   28   35   36   46   

       Total Time: 56:03.22

       Average:    14:00.81

   4 Bell Shoals        72     12   13   14   33   39   40   50   

       Total Time: 56:37.61

       Average:    14:09.40

   5 FISH               74     16   17   18   23   25   29   31   

       Total Time: 55:44.26

       Average:    13:56.07

   6 Immanuel Lutheran  86     7    15   26   38   48   49   53   

       Total Time: 57:45.78

       Average:    14:26.44

   7 Florida College Ac 114    2    32   37   43   47   54   -    

       Total Time: 59:55.77

       Average:    14:58.94

   8 Family of Christ   161    30   42   44   45   51   52   55   

       Total Time: 1:05:41.20

       Average:    16:25.30

  -- St. Stephens       NTS (2 Finishers)