Time: 7:00 am Late Registration
8:00 am 2 Mile run (19-over)
and (13-under) M & F
8:30 am 5K Girls (14-18) race
9:15 am 5K Boys (14-18) race
Age groups: 10-under, 11-13, 14-18, 19-29,
30-39, 40-49, and 50-over
Male & female in all groups
Awards: Medals (1-20) in all (14-18) age groups;
Ribbons (21-75) in all (14-18) age groups.
Ribbons (2-10) in all two mile race categories
with medals to top runner in each group of the
2 mile run both M & F
Cost: $3.00 before Monday, August 25, 2003.
$5.00 cost on the morning of the race day, August 30, 2003.
Questions? Call 407-333-2370 or www.flrunners.com
Name ______________________________________________
Age_________ Male_______ Female_______
Team Name (if 14-18 age group)____________________
Phone #____________________________
Mail entry to: Michael Gibson, 1048 W. 46-A, Lake Mary, Fl. 32746