Meet Information
MEET IS NOW CLOSED. EXCEPTIONS FOR TEAMS IN 3AD6. Text or email Coach Leo for invite.
using 5k course at Highlands County Sports Complex, 216 Sheriffs Tower Rd, Sebring, FL 33879 .
Race course follows 2 loops of grass and dirt terrain with light pavement.
Fees - $150 for G & B teams/school or $80 per gender.Checks payable to: Sebring HS XC
Time Schedule >
6am - gates open
7:15am - coaches' mtg
7:40am - GV
825am - BV
9am - GJV (45mn limit)
9:45am - BJV (40mn limit)
Awards Varsity - Top 2 teams, Top 15 indv / 1st place team, JV - Top 15 indv
Meet Contact: Coach Leo 678-672-9101 /