Leslie Baker Saints Open RESCHEDULED 2022

Jacksonville, FL

Meet Information

Registration help:


Entry Fees

The race will be $60.00 per varsity team, $120 for both genders with free entry for JV teams with unlimited entries in the Open race. Varsity teams are limited to 7 entries per team. Leslie Baker's organ donations benefitted the lives of seven different receivers. Organ donation is highly encouraged.

Individual entries for Varsity races will be $5.00, Open/JV race is no cost.


8:00 AM Coaches meeting, registration

8:30AM Women's Varsity race (medals top 10)

9:15 AM Men's Varsity race (medals top 10)

9:45 AM OPEN & JV race (medals top 10 given at finish line), 1.5 mile walk or 5K

Runner entries are not required on-line, but notification of attendance is appreciated.  Coach Carmody    carmodyp@duvalschools.org.

Awards to follow the OPEN /JV race.  Championship and runner-up trophies (HS) for both genders.

Checks payable to Sandalwood High School

Please mail checks to

Sandalwood High School

2750 John Prom Blvd.

Jacksonville, Fl. 32246

We will accept race day payments.