Welcome to the 2nd Annual Thomas "Jet" Jackson Invitational
Entry Fees: $175 school (boys and girls)
$85 per gender (boys and girls)
$25 individuals
Spectators: $ 10 adults; free for kids 6 and under
$Donation parking
Please send checks to Gibbs High School 850 34th St S, St Petersburg FL 33711
Make checks out to Gibbs High School Track Team
April 1st
Pack picks up 7:00am- 8:00am
4 athletes per event 1 relay
Field events 1st call 7:30am
Three attempts "no finals".
Boys Discus - Girls Shot Put
Girls Discus - Boys Shot Put
Followed by Girls Javelin - Boys Javelin
High Jump-Starting Height: Girls 4'0 Boys 5'0
Boys Long Jump - Girls High Jump
Girls Long Jump - Boys High Jump
Followed by Girls - Boys Triple Jump
Pole Vault Girls followed by Boys @8:00a.m
Running events 12:00 rolling schedule
1600m (unseeded) @ 11a.m
4x800m @12p.m
100mH -Girls
110mH - Boys
100m - Girls Followed by the boys.
1600m (seeded)
Recognize Seniors and Honorees
4x200m Mixed Relay
4x100m Throwers Relay
Schedule subject to change
Registration will be on Directathletics.com