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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/9/2023
Belen Preseason Meet - 2/9/2023
de la Cruz Stadium, Belen Jesuit
Girls 100 Meter Dash
de la Cruz: $ 11.71 4/14/2015 Lakayla Harris, Northwestern
Name Year School Finals Wind H#
1 Emily Barrios SO Lourdes 13.42 0.1 2
2 Andrea Muelle FR Lourdes 13.67 0.1 2
3 Latrice Nelson FR Ransom Everg 13.81 0.1 1
4 Emma Crosa SR Lourdes 14.53 0.1 1
5 Sophia Rodriguez SO Lourdes 14.66 0.1 2
6 Pia Zarraluqui JR Lourdes 14.67 0.1 1
7 Mia Iglesias SR Lourdes 14.73 0.1 1
8 Nina Gumbs JR Ransom Everg 14.84 0.1 1
9 Maddie Jennings SO Lourdes 14.92 0.1 1
10 Maia Lorenzo FR Lourdes 15.09 0.1 2
11 Eden Harris JR Ransom Everg 15.86 0.1 1
12 Valentina Velazquez JR Lourdes 16.17 0.1 2
13 Nina Rivera SO Ransom Everg 16.21 0.1 2
14 Maya Fernandes SR Ransom Everg 16.48 0.1 1
15 Ella Lombardo SO Ransom Everg 16.51 0.1 2
16 Skye McPhillips SO Ransom Everg 18.21 0.1 2
17 Sofia Rakhimi SO Ransom Everg 18.68 0.1 2
18 Sophie Rouillard JR Ransom Everg 23.26 0.1 1
Girls 200 Meter Dash
de la Cruz: $ 23.56 4/14/2015 Lakayla Harris, Northwestern
Name Year School Finals Wind H#
1 Emily Barrios SO Lourdes 27.72 -0.3 4
2 Andrea Muelle FR Lourdes 27.99 0.3 5
3 Latrice Nelson FR Ransom Everg 28.07 0.1 1
4 Emily Barreto JR Lourdes 28.10 0.1 1
5 Ines Saudino JR Lourdes 28.86 0.1 1
6 Caro Rodriguez SR Lourdes 29.12 0.1 1
7 Mia Iglesias SR Lourdes 29.70 -0.1 2
8 Julia Ortega SO Lourdes 29.84 0.1 1
9 Liann DeArmas SR Lourdes 30.25 0.1 1
10 Pia Zarraluqui JR Lourdes 30.61 -0.1 2
11 Nina Gumbs JR Ransom Everg 30.76 -0.1 2
12 Maddie Jennings SO Lourdes 31.13 -0.1 2
13 Emma Crosa SR Lourdes 31.18 0.1 1
14 Carolina Lopez FR Lourdes 31.29 0.3 5
15 Daniela Gomez SO Lourdes 31.42 -0.1 2
16 Isabella Torres SR Lourdes 31.48 0.1 1
17 Sophia Rodriguez SO Lourdes 31.49 0.6 3
18 Maia Lorenzo FR Lourdes 31.94 0.3 5
19 Sarah Carreno JR Lourdes 32.02 -0.1 2
20 Francesca Caraballo SO Lourdes 32.13 -0.3 4
21 Isabella Cirillo FR Lourdes 32.35 0.3 5
22 Chloe Veloso FR Lourdes 32.85 0.3 5
23 Cecilia de Solo SO Lourdes 33.05 0.6 3
24 Olivia Pizzi SO Lourdes 33.07 0.6 3
25 Alexa Sabogal SO Lourdes 33.23 -0.3 4
26 Isabella Llera JR Lourdes 33.26 0.6 3
27 Olivia Carillo SO Lourdes 33.30 -0.3 4
28 Valentina Velazquez JR Lourdes 33.47 -0.1 2
29 Lucia Herran SO Lourdes 33.51 0.6 3
30 Annabelle Sanders SR Ransom Everg 34.14 -0.1 2
31 Isabella Onoz FR Lourdes 34.59 0.3 5
32 Camila Molero FR Lourdes 34.63 0.3 5
33 Natalia Vargas FR Lourdes 34.64 0.3 5
34 Nina Rivera SO Ransom Everg 34.85 -0.3 4
35 Skye McPhillips SO Ransom Everg 38.24 0.6 3
36 Sofia Rakhimi SO Ransom Everg 41.44 -0.3 4
37 Sophie Rouillard JR Ransom Everg 46.53 -0.3 4
Girls 400 Meter Dash
de la Cruz: $ 54.19 4/21/2021 Aaliyah Butler, Northwestern
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Lucia Castillo-Rios SO Lourdes 1:02.18 5
2 Marella Rebessi JR Ransom Everg 1:02.21 1
3 Olivia Fraga SR Lourdes 1:02.70 1
4 Ines Saudino JR Lourdes 1:05.09 1
5 Kylie Fernandez FR Lourdes 1:05.16 2
6 Emily Barreto JR Lourdes 1:05.27 1
7 Olivia Rodriguez SO Lourdes 1:06.11 1
8 Caro Rodriguez SR Lourdes 1:06.37 1
9 Julia Ortega SO Lourdes 1:08.41 2
10 Caro Timiraos JR Lourdes 1:08.55 3
11 Isabella Torres SR Lourdes 1:09.21 1
12 Daniela Gomez SO Lourdes 1:09.22 4
13 Paola Garcia SR Lourdes 1:09.95 1
14 Lupita Solorzano JR Lourdes 1:10.61 3
15 Daniela Fraga FR Lourdes 1:10.64 6
16 Andrea Comas-Sanchez JR Lourdes 1:10.66 2
17 Liann DeArmas SR Lourdes 1:11.48 2
18 Emilia Awad FR Ransom Everg 1:11.98 5
19 Cristina Sanchez SO Lourdes 1:12.17 4
20 Francesca Caraballo SO Lourdes 1:12.58 4
21 Sarah Carreno JR Lourdes 1:13.50 2
22 Olivia Pizzi SO Lourdes 1:13.79 6
23 Madeline Piedra JR Lourdes 1:14.00 2
24 Cecilia de Solo SO Lourdes 1:14.10 6
25 Sofia Lopez SR Lourdes 1:14.23 5
26 Isabella Llera JR Lourdes 1:14.86 6
27 Julia Letiao FR Ransom Everg 1:15.03 4
28 Carolina Lopez FR Lourdes 1:15.08 5
29 Olivia Carillo SO Lourdes 1:15.65 5
30 Lucia Herran SO Lourdes 1:15.97 6
31 Chloe Veloso FR Lourdes 1:16.23 4
32 Annabelle Sanders SR Ransom Everg 1:17.13 3
33 Lael Sanders FR Ransom Everg 1:17.24 4
34 Laura Calvache JR Lourdes 1:17.48 2
35 Isabella Onoz FR Lourdes 1:18.09 6
36 Alexa Sabogal SO Lourdes 1:18.77 6
37 Isabella Cirillo FR Lourdes 1:19.49 3
38 Natalia Vargas FR Lourdes 1:20.31 4
39 Camila Molero FR Lourdes 1:21.56 3
40 Bryana Arastia JR Ransom Everg 1:30.78 4
41 Sofia Contreras JR Ransom Everg 1:33.02 5
Girls 800 Meter Run
de la Cruz: $ 2:11.02 3/14/2017 Jinah Mickens-Malik, Mater Academy
Name Year School Finals
1 Patricia Drulard SR Ransom Everg 2:29.14
2 Paola Garcia SR Lourdes 2:31.57
3 Kennedy Hagen JR Ransom Everg 2:32.40
4 Caro Timiraos JR Lourdes 2:37.45
5 Lupita Solorzano JR Lourdes 2:40.64
6 Mia Campbell JR Ransom Everg 2:42.11
7 Alexandra Russoniello FR Ransom Everg 2:47.22
8 Sofia Lopez SR Lourdes 2:51.08
9 Annabelle Sanders SR Ransom Everg 3:00.54
10 Ava Rothstein SO Ransom Everg 3:02.32
11 Valentina Tomateo FR Lourdes 3:03.23
12 Valentina Ponce de Leon SR Ransom Everg 3:13.77
13 Kenzie Kaplan JR Ransom Everg 3:17.36
Girls 1600 Meter Run
de la Cruz: $ 4:55.93 4/19/2017 Nicole Matysik, Key West
Name Year School Finals
1 Olivia Fraga SR Lourdes 5:24.03
2 Sophia Linfield FR Ransom Everg 5:35.57
3 Lucia Castillo-Rios SO Lourdes 5:36.95
4 Olivia Rodriguez SO Lourdes 5:40.48
5 Kylie Fernandez FR Lourdes 5:47.45
6 Julieta Salvat 8 Ransom Everg 5:47.65
7 Daniela Fraga FR Lourdes 5:54.42
8 Cristina Sanchez SO Lourdes 6:15.83
9 Kate Ortiz SR Lourdes 6:24.10
10 Madeline Piedra JR Lourdes 6:33.75
11 Laura Calvache JR Lourdes 6:35.68
Girls High Jump
de la Cruz: $ 5-08 4/22/2004 J. Utchet / T. Dames, Aquinas / C. Reef
Name Year School Finals
1 Alexandra Leiser SO Ransom Everg 1.42m 4-07.75
2 Maya Fernandes SR Ransom Everg 1.32m 4-04.00
Girls Pole Vault
de la Cruz: $ 12-00 4/22/2004 Meagan Miller, Boca Raton
Name Year School Finals
1 Lucia Dahn SR Ransom Everg J2.13m 6-11.75
2 Alexandra Russoniello FR Ransom Everg J2.13m 6-11.75
3 Isa Acevedo SR Lourdes 1.98m 6-06.00
4 Lia Jacobi SR Lourdes 1.82m 5-11.50
5 Ella Lombardo SO Ransom Everg 1.21m 3-11.50
Girls Long Jump
de la Cruz: $ 20-06.75 4/21/2021 Alyssa Jones, Southridge
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Mia Iglesias SR Lourdes 4.68m NWI 15-04.25
2 Francesca Lopez JR Ransom Everg 3.06m NWI 10-00.50
3 Olivia Janette JR Ransom Everg 2.87m NWI 9-05.00
4 Luiza Bell SO Ransom Everg 2.69m NWI 8-10.00
5 Scarlett Sable JR Ransom Everg 2.28m NWI 7-05.75
Girls Triple Jump
de la Cruz: $ 40-10 4/25/2009 Gissell Warner, Chaminade
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Olivia Janette JR Ransom Everg 6.70m NWI 21-11.75
Girls Shot Put
de la Cruz: $ 46-09.75 4/19/2017 Debbie Ajagbe, Ransom Everglades
Name Year School Finals
1 Julianne Gallagher FR Ransom Everg 6.44m 21-01.50
2 Olivia Michelson FR Ransom Everg 5.76m 18-10.75
3 Sydney Katz FR Ransom Everg 5.57m 18-03.25
4 Nicole Miquilarena SR Ransom Everg 5.38m 17-08.00
5 Luisa Coscarelli FR Ransom Everg 4.39m 14-05.00
Girls Discus Throw
de la Cruz: $ 167-01 3/7/2017 Debbie Ajagbe, Ransom Everglades
Name Year School Finals
1 Sofia Santa-Cruz SR Lourdes 34.68m 113-09
2 Angela Navarrete SR Lourdes 24.50m 80-04
3 Alexia Morales JR Lourdes 21.70m 71-02
4 Nicole Miquilarena SR Ransom Everg 21.50m 70-06
5 Julianne Gallagher FR Ransom Everg 19.80m 64-11
6 Jade Cabrera SO Lourdes 16.28m 53-05
7 Olivia Michelson FR Ransom Everg 14.72m 48-03
8 Sydney Katz FR Ransom Everg 13.10m 43-00
9 Luisa Coscarelli FR Ransom Everg 11.32m 37-02
Girls Javelin Throw
de la Cruz: $ 110-10 4/20/2022 Janist Daniel, Northwestern
Name Year School Finals
1 Alessandra Murray SR Ransom Everg 24.56m 80-07
2 Julianne Gallagher FR Ransom Everg 22.06m 72-04
3 Olivia Michelson FR Ransom Everg 21.02m 68-11
4 Sydney Katz FR Ransom Everg 16.20m 53-02
5 Luisa Coscarelli FR Ransom Everg 16.14m 52-11
Boys 100 Meter Dash
de la Cruz: $ 10.59 4/20/2007 D. Thompson / D. Hopkins, Glades Cen. / Pace
Name Year School Finals Wind H#
1 Antonio Pedro de Macedo JR Ransom Everg 11.02 0.5 1
2 Diego Leon-Aguilar JR Belen Jesuit 11.36 0.5 1
3 Khamani Alexander JR Belen Jesuit 11.69 0.5 1
4 Kaige Brown SO Ransom Everg 11.72 0.5 1
5 Diego Hamud JR Belen Jesuit 11.86 0.5 1 11.853
6 Tyler Brown FR Belen Jesuit 11.86 0.3 6 11.858
6 Omar Ortega JR Belen Jesuit 11.86 0.5 1 11.858
8 David Guillaume JR Belen Jesuit 12.00 0.5 1
9 Marcos Garcia JR Belen Jesuit 12.10 0.5 1
10 Shawn James FR Belen Jesuit 12.30 0.3 6
11 Carlos Rodriguez-Novoa FR Belen Jesuit 12.33 -0.2 3
12 Myles-Edison Trapp FR Belen Jesuit 12.36 0.3 6
13 Logan Girado SO Belen Jesuit 12.47 -0.7 2
14 Alexander Lowell FR Belen Jesuit 12.48 -0.7 2
15 David Saumell FR Belen Jesuit 12.55 +0.0 5
16 Daniel Quinones FR Belen Jesuit 12.56 -0.2 3
17 Sergio Hamud FR Belen Jesuit 12.57 -0.2 3
18 Alejandro Barrios FR Belen Jesuit 12.58 -0.2 4
19 William Allen FR Belen Jesuit 12.59 0.3 6
20 Christopher Perez SO Belen Jesuit 12.64 -0.2 4
21 Rocco Branger SO Belen Jesuit 12.66 +0.0 5
22 Manuel Barcelo SO Belen Jesuit 12.77 -0.7 2
23 Julian Alvarez SR Belen Jesuit 12.86 -0.2 3
24 Julian Raton SO Belen Jesuit 12.87 -0.2 4
25 Dario Guerra FR Belen Jesuit 12.93 -0.2 4
26 Ethan Garcia JR Belen Jesuit 13.18 -0.7 2
27 Daniel Esparragoza SO Belen Jesuit 13.24 +0.0 5
28 Francisco Diaz SO Belen Jesuit 13.26 -0.7 2
29 Andres Gonzalez SO Belen Jesuit 13.27 +0.0 5
30 Santiago Rodriguez SO Belen Jesuit 13.46 0.3 6
31 Emerson Patmore SO Belen Jesuit 13.59 +0.0 5
32 Dominic Dyer JR Belen Jesuit 13.70 0.3 6
33 Lorenzo De Toro SO Belen Jesuit 13.77 -0.7 2
34 Aydan Mckercher SO Belen Jesuit 13.85 -0.7 2
35 Santiago Cacchione JR Belen Jesuit 13.98 +0.0 5
36 Jonathan Barturen SO Belen Jesuit 14.07 -0.2 4
37 Sebastian Paez-Quintero FR Belen Jesuit 14.08 -0.2 4
38 Marcelo Prugue JR Belen Jesuit 14.27 -0.2 3
39 Gabriel Lacayo FR Belen Jesuit 14.54 0.3 6
40 Jack Xavier Sosa SO Belen Jesuit 15.17 -0.2 3
41 Santiago Santamaria JR Belen Jesuit 15.25 -0.7 2
Boys 200 Meter Dash
de la Cruz: $ 21.29 4/20/2007 Deonte Thompson, Glades Central
Name Year School Finals Wind H#
1 Antonio Pedro de Macedo JR Ransom Everg 22.58 0.2 1
2 Kaige Brown SO Ransom Everg 24.21 0.2 1
3 Khamani Alexander JR Belen Jesuit 24.30 0.2 1
4 Logan Girado SO Belen Jesuit 25.03 0.2 1
5 Shawn James FR Belen Jesuit 25.22 0.3 4
6 David Guillaume JR Belen Jesuit 25.28 0.2 1
7 Dominic Ames SO Belen Jesuit 25.51 0.2 1
8 Sergio Hamud FR Belen Jesuit 25.69 0.3 4
9 Rocco Branger SO Belen Jesuit 25.76 0.3 4
10 Manuel Barcelo SO Belen Jesuit 26.09 0.2 1
11 Alexander Lowell FR Belen Jesuit 26.21 -0.4 2
12 Andres Gonzalez SO Belen Jesuit 26.41 -0.1 3
13 Manuel Gurdian JR Belen Jesuit 26.47 -0.1 3
14 Francisco Diaz SO Belen Jesuit 26.67 0.2 1
15 Marcos Garcia JR Belen Jesuit 26.81 0.2 1
16 Daniel Esparragoza SO Belen Jesuit 27.19 -0.1 3
17 Daniel Quinones FR Belen Jesuit 27.44 0.3 4
18 Lorenzo De Toro SO Belen Jesuit 27.65 -0.1 3
19 Santiago Rodriguez SO Belen Jesuit 27.65 0.3 4
20 Dominic Dyer JR Belen Jesuit 28.08 -0.1 3
21 Emerson Patmore SO Belen Jesuit 28.29 -0.1 3
22 Avery Villasuso JR Belen Jesuit 28.50 -0.4 2
23 Aydan Mckercher SO Belen Jesuit 28.58 -0.4 2
24 Marcelo Prugue JR Belen Jesuit 29.83 -0.4 2
25 Gabriel Lacayo FR Belen Jesuit 30.05 -0.1 3
26 Jonathan Barturen SO Belen Jesuit 30.16 -0.1 3
27 Jack Xavier Sosa SO Belen Jesuit 32.32 -0.4 2
28 Santiago Santamaria JR Belen Jesuit 32.53 -0.4 2
Boys 400 Meter Dash
de la Cruz: $ 48.08 4/25/2009 Tony McQuay, Suncoast
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Carlos Rodriguez-Novoa FR Belen Jesuit 52.59 1
2 David Saumell FR Belen Jesuit 55.54 2
3 Javier Fernandez JR Belen Jesuit 56.42 1
4 Dominic Ames SO Belen Jesuit 57.21 2
5 David Guillaume JR Belen Jesuit 57.42 1
6 Alejandro Barrios FR Belen Jesuit 57.91 1
7 Daniel Quinones FR Belen Jesuit 58.36 2
8 Lucas Schleifer SO Ransom Everg 58.55 2
9 Sergio Hamud FR Belen Jesuit 59.06 2
10 William Allen FR Belen Jesuit 59.75 2
11 Manuel Gurdian JR Belen Jesuit 1:01.35 2
12 Avery Villasuso JR Belen Jesuit 1:02.27 1
13 Jaral Arroyo-Jefferson SO Ransom Everg 1:04.61 1
14 Jacob Aronow FR Ransom Everg 1:09.82 2
-- Dario Guerra FR Belen Jesuit DQ 1 out of lane
Boys 800 Meter Run
de la Cruz: $ 1:53.95 3/29/2021 Javier Vento, Belen
Name Year School Finals H#
1 Joseph Socarras SO Belen Jesuit 1:58.88 3
2 Joshua Ruiz JR Belen Jesuit 2:00.58 3
3 Evan Torres JR Belen Jesuit 2:02.72 3
4 Roberto Leon SR Belen Jesuit 2:03.62 3
5 Matthew Vina SR Belen Jesuit 2:04.79 3
6 Marcelo Mantecon 8 Belen Jesuit 2:05.20 3
7 Marco Prieguez JR Belen Jesuit 2:05.32 3
8 Joseph Ruiz SR Belen Jesuit 2:06.03 3
9 Philippe Riobe SR Belen Jesuit 2:06.07 3
10 Adrian Almeida JR Belen Jesuit 2:06.19 2
11 Alec Torricella SR Belen Jesuit 2:06.96 3
12 Michael Brunet SO Belen Jesuit 2:09.19 1
13 Diego Magarino SO Belen Jesuit 2:09.78 2
14 Matthew Calero SR Belen Jesuit 2:12.35 2
15 Armando Cruz 8 Belen Jesuit 2:12.36 3
16 Justin Ruiz SO Belen Jesuit 2:13.48 3
17 Eugenio Arango SR Ransom Everg 2:14.28 1
18 George Wood-Leness SR Ransom Everg 2:14.63 2
19 Joaquin Mestre JR Belen Jesuit 2:14.65 3
20 Matthias Murrle FR Belen Jesuit 2:15.49 1
21 Gabriel Bustamante SR Belen Jesuit 2:19.73 2
22 Nolan Wu JR Ransom Everg 2:20.75 2
23 William Hernandez FR Belen Jesuit 2:26.51 1
24 Marcelo Granda-Scott JR Belen Jesuit 2:29.75 2
25 Marco Santa-Cruz SR Belen Jesuit 2:30.01 2
26 Matthew Berrocal JR Belen Jesuit 2:31.09 2
27 Diego Berga FR Belen Jesuit 2:32.16 2
28 Andrew Aira SO Belen Jesuit 2:32.33 1
29 Joshua Sweeney SO Belen Jesuit 2:33.55 1
30 Andres Casal FR Ransom Everg 2:40.23 1
31 Lucas Cruz FR Belen Jesuit 2:46.25 1
32 Eric Gentzschein FR Belen Jesuit 2:52.97 1
Boys 1600 Meter Run
de la Cruz: $ 4:18.35 4/21/2021 Javier Vento, Belen
Name Year School Finals H#
1 David Serra JR Ransom Everg 4:14.98$ 2
2 Joseph Socarras SO Belen Jesuit 4:17.33$ 2
3 Joshua Ruiz JR Belen Jesuit 4:26.86 2
4 Evan Torres JR Belen Jesuit 4:30.66 2
5 Marcelo Mantecon 8 Belen Jesuit 4:31.84 2
6 Joseph Ruiz SR Belen Jesuit 4:32.57 2
7 Marco Prieguez JR Belen Jesuit 4:35.55 2
8 Michael Brunet SO Belen Jesuit 4:36.87 1
9 Justin Ruiz SO Belen Jesuit 4:38.03 2
10 Alec Torricella SR Belen Jesuit 4:40.07 2
11 Diego Magarino SO Belen Jesuit 4:40.13 1
12 Matthew Calero SR Belen Jesuit 4:41.20 2
13 Armando Cruz 8 Belen Jesuit 4:43.92 2
14 Roberto Leon SR Belen Jesuit 4:46.13 2
15 Adrian Almeida JR Belen Jesuit 4:47.85 1
16 Matthew Vina SR Belen Jesuit 4:52.97 2
17 Philippe Riobe SR Belen Jesuit 4:54.49 1
18 Matthias Murrle FR Belen Jesuit 4:57.70 1
19 Joaquin Mestre JR Belen Jesuit 5:01.50 2
20 Gabriel Bustamante SR Belen Jesuit 5:05.37 2
21 Daniel Lurigados JR Belen Jesuit 5:11.10 2
22 Andrew Aira SO Belen Jesuit 5:21.53 1
23 Marcelo Granda-Scott JR Belen Jesuit 5:24.67 1
24 William Hernandez FR Belen Jesuit 5:25.39 1
25 Marco Santa-Cruz SR Belen Jesuit 5:28.43 1
26 Lucas Cruz FR Belen Jesuit 5:34.46 1
27 Matthew Berrocal JR Belen Jesuit 5:37.02 1
28 Diego Berga FR Belen Jesuit 5:43.19 1
29 Joshua Sweeney SO Belen Jesuit 5:54.54 1
30 Ray Morales JR Belen Jesuit 6:05.17 1
31 Eric Gentzschein FR Belen Jesuit 6:37.72 1
Boys 3200 Meter Run
de la Cruz: $ 9:06.55 3/15/2021 Javier Vento, Belen Jesuit
Name Year School Finals
1 Joshua Ruiz JR Belen Jesuit 9:44.26
2 Marcelo Mantecon 8 Belen Jesuit 9:49.03
3 Evan Torres JR Belen Jesuit 9:51.74
4 Joseph Ruiz SR Belen Jesuit 9:58.83
5 Diego Magarino SO Belen Jesuit 10:02.41
6 Joseph Socarras SO Belen Jesuit 10:03.69
7 Marco Prieguez JR Belen Jesuit 10:03.71
8 Matthew Calero SR Belen Jesuit 10:09.31
9 Justin Ruiz SO Belen Jesuit 10:14.44
10 Alec Torricella SR Belen Jesuit 10:14.67
11 Adrian Almeida JR Belen Jesuit 10:23.95
12 Michael Brunet SO Belen Jesuit 10:28.09
13 Roberto Leon SR Belen Jesuit 10:51.13
14 Matthew Vina SR Belen Jesuit 11:06.94
15 Gabriel Bustamante SR Belen Jesuit 11:08.99
16 Philippe Riobe SR Belen Jesuit 11:09.12
17 Joaquin Mestre JR Belen Jesuit 11:15.88
18 Marcelo Granda-Scott JR Belen Jesuit 11:35.79
19 Andrew Aira SO Belen Jesuit 11:45.21
20 Marco Santa-Cruz SR Belen Jesuit 12:35.95
21 Ray Morales JR Belen Jesuit 14:05.15
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
de la Cruz: $ 14.01 4/21/2010 Pablo Alvarez, Belen Jesuit
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Xavier Argamasilla SO Belen Jesuit 19.18 0.7
Boys 400 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Finals
1 Marcos Garcia JR Belen Jesuit 1:04.12
2 Xavier Argamasilla SO Belen Jesuit 1:06.45
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
de la Cruz: $ 3:17.23 4/21/2010 Norland, Norland
School Finals
1 Belen Jesuit 'A' 3:47.04
2 Belen Jesuit 'B' x3:48.04
Boys High Jump
de la Cruz: $ 7-00 2/25/2022 Brandon Pottinger, Palmer Trinity
Name Year School Finals
1 Zachary Sunderland SR Belen Jesuit 1.59m 5-02.50
-- Myles-Edison Trapp FR Belen Jesuit NH
-- Ron Donaldson SO Ransom Everg NH
-- Lucas Schleifer SO Ransom Everg NH
Boys Pole Vault
de la Cruz: $ 14-07 4/25/2009 Anthony Amodio, Arch. McCarthy
Name Year School Finals
1 John Amador 8 Belen Jesuit 3.04m 9-11.75
2 Juan Lopez JR Belen Jesuit 2.43m 7-11.50
2 Eric Whited JR Ransom Everg 2.43m 7-11.50
Boys Long Jump
de la Cruz: $ 23-05 4/20/2007 Darion Williams, Cocoa
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Diego Leon-Aguilar JR Belen Jesuit 5.56m NWI 18-03.00
2 Diego Hamud JR Belen Jesuit 5.41m NWI 17-09.00
3 Kaige Brown SO Ransom Everg 5.13m NWI 16-10.00
4 Xavier Argamasilla SO Belen Jesuit 5.02m NWI 16-05.75
5 Francisco Diaz SO Belen Jesuit 4.90m NWI 16-01.00
6 Ron Donaldson SO Ransom Everg 4.87m NWI 15-11.75
7 Myles-Edison Trapp FR Belen Jesuit 4.81m NWI 15-09.50
8 Julian Raton SO Belen Jesuit 4.41m NWI 14-05.75
Boys Triple Jump
de la Cruz: $ 48-01 2/25/2010 Phillip Young, Key West
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Xavier Argamasilla SO Belen Jesuit 11.30m NWI 37-01.00
2 Kaige Brown SO Ransom Everg 10.36m NWI 34-00.00
3 Ron Donaldson SO Ransom Everg 9.88m NWI 32-05.00
4 Myles-Edison Trapp FR Belen Jesuit 9.71m NWI 31-10.25
5 Jaral Arroyo-Jefferson SO Ransom Everg 8.73m NWI 28-07.75
Boys Shot Put
de la Cruz: $ 57-09 4/14/2015 William Gordon, Norland
Name Year School Finals
1 Gavench Marcelin JR Belen Jesuit 12.80m 42-00.00
2 Michael Suarez-Sarmiento SR Belen Jesuit 11.80m 38-08.75
3 Liam Malik JR Ransom Everg 11.75m 38-06.75
4 Adam Walker JR Belen Jesuit 10.88m 35-08.50
5 Rodolfo Pages SO Ransom Everg 10.12m 33-02.50
6 Marco Ramirez SR Belen Jesuit 9.60m 31-06.00
7 Marcelo Balepogi JR Belen Jesuit 9.40m 30-10.25
7 Armando Gonzalez JR Belen Jesuit 9.40m 30-10.25
9 Jacob Caudle JR Belen Jesuit 9.16m 30-00.75
10 Harrison Lamnin SO Ransom Everg 9.05m 29-08.25
11 Brendan Aran SR Belen Jesuit 8.85m 29-00.50
12 Kevin Rodriguez JR Belen Jesuit 8.61m 28-03.00
13 Luis Mendez SO Belen Jesuit 8.22m 26-11.75
14 Micael Guillaume FR Belen Jesuit 6.43m 21-01.25
Boys Discus Throw
de la Cruz: $ 165-06 4/6/2016 Kevin Valdes, Belen Jesuit
Name Year School Finals
1 Liam Malik JR Ransom Everg 34.88m 114-05
2 Gavench Marcelin JR Belen Jesuit 31.40m 103-00
3 Armando Gonzalez JR Belen Jesuit 30.22m 99-02
4 Michael Suarez-Sarmiento SR Belen Jesuit 27.42m 89-11
5 Harrison Lamnin SO Ransom Everg 27.26m 89-05
6 Marcelo Balepogi JR Belen Jesuit 26.54m 87-01
7 Marco Ramirez SR Belen Jesuit 26.08m 85-07
8 Luis Mendez SO Belen Jesuit 25.44m 83-05
9 Brendan Aran SR Belen Jesuit 25.14m 82-06
10 Joaquin Otero FR Belen Jesuit 23.08m 75-09
11 Daniel Garcia FR Belen Jesuit 22.36m 73-04
12 Rodolfo Pages SO Ransom Everg 22.08m 72-05
13 Kevin Rodriguez JR Belen Jesuit 20.82m 68-04
14 Jonathan Lopez SR Belen Jesuit 16.38m 53-09
Boys Javelin Throw
de la Cruz: $ 153-04 3/15/2021 Kevin Alpizar, Belen Jesuit
Name Year School Finals
1 Nicholas Arana SR Belen Jesuit 38.02m 124-09
2 Joseph Alonso SR Belen Jesuit 37.22m 122-01
3 Alberto Ibarra-Posada SR Belen Jesuit 33.64m 110-04
4 Lucas Sabogal JR Belen Jesuit 31.20m 102-04
5 Julian Alvarez SR Belen Jesuit 30.54m 100-02
6 Liam Malik JR Ransom Everg 29.98m 98-04
7 Joaquin Otero FR Belen Jesuit 28.42m 93-03
8 Andrew Borgen JR Belen Jesuit 26.10m 85-07
9 Cristian Moreira SR Belen Jesuit 24.86m 81-07
10 Lucas Lowell 8 Belen Jesuit 23.78m 78-00
11 Daniel Garcia FR Belen Jesuit 23.52m 77-02
12 Ryan Solares FR Belen Jesuit 21.74m 71-04
13 Jonathan Lopez SR Belen Jesuit 20.92m 68-08
14 Juan Antonio Granados JR Belen Jesuit 17.62m 57-10