Wakulla County XC Meet 2023

Crawfordville, FL
Hosted by Wakulla HS

Meet Information

Florida HS teams must register on DirectAthletics.com.  Out of state HS teams and all MS teams will still register here on MileSplit.


$150 for high school boys and girls total

$75 for middle school boys or girls

$10 per athlete for teams less than 5 or unattached runners

Checks payable to: Wakulla High School

Admission: $5 per person

All Spectacular must pre-order their tickets with GoFan. The link is provided below. 



High School Coaches Meeting: 7:30 am near start

Girls Race: 8:00 am

Boys Race: 8:45 am

Middle School Coaches Meeting

9:15 am

Open MS Girls 9:30 am

Open MS Boys 10:00 am

High School and MS awards will follow the conclusion of the boys MS race.


3Y Ranch

195 Harvey-Young Farm Rd

Crawfordville, Florida 32327

Contact Mike Martin @ 850-228-4650 or mike_martin23@yahoo.com if you have any questions.