The links below will have the final meet information & field event schedule for the meet, please review it. Heat Sheets are also attached and on Please go over everything and let me know if you have any questions by replying to this email.
Meet Program:
Final Schedule:
Elite Mile & 800m Mens Field:
ELITE 800 MEN'S & ELITE MEN'S MILE - will run at a specific time no matter where we are on the Rolling Schedule. The names of those that made the Elite Mile and Elite 800m Fields are found on the link above.
Please have your athlete check in when the event is called. Note that our track meets are run very efficiently and on time. We do not run behind schedule and will start the meet sharp at 2:30 PM Field and 4:30 PM Running Events, gates to come into the stadium will open at 1:15 PM. If you show up late your athlete will miss their event. Bib numbers can be picked up right outside the entrance to the stadium. I will send a map of the park in another email for those of you guys unfamiliar with the facility.
Admission Fee: Spectators are $10 to come into the stadium. Cash or card are accepted. Athletes must have Bib Numbers on to come inside for free.
BIB NUMBERS: Everyone will have a BIB number and will need it to get into the stadium. They will be inside your packets. Please be sure you give your athlete the right BIB #.
Coaches please share this email or the attachment with your team parents so everyone is aware of the information for this Saturday. The same handouts have been posted on our meet page under "Meet Schedule"
meet information (
Hydration: Please remind your athletes to hydrate properly. It is South Florida and it is always hot.
Weather: Any updates due to weather delays will be shared by email, posted on our website on on the home page as well as Instagram Account (Superfly_Photos) in our "Stories" feature. We will run in light rain, we will pause for heavy rain or lightning. We have cushioned our schedule and moved the running 30 minutes earlier to 4:30 PM Start to allow for possible inclement weather. This is something that no one can control so just hoping for the best!
Reminder that we will not be making changes or adding anyone. This is vital in making sure the meet runs smoothly and all meet programs have already been printed for our staff.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hosting you. Looking forward to a great fun meet. Safe travels to those driving down to Miami.
Best Regards,
Danny Aguas Meet Director
Superfly Event Management