Palmetto Ridge Invite 2023

Naples, FL

Meet Information

The Palmetto Ridge Invitational is now live!

$150 per gender ($300 for both).

Make checks payable to:

Palmetto Ridge High School - Attn: Athletics

Address: 1655 Victory Ln, Naples FL 34120

Location: The course is on campus behind the school. Enter through West gate (traffic light gate) and head towards the water tower.

The course itself is all grass and viewer friendly through the first 2 miles. Mile markers are clearly marked and the course is well marked.


Top 10 Varsity Athletes in each gender will medal.

Top 10 JV Athletes of each gender will earn a ribbon.

1st Place Trophy for Varsity and JV of each gender 


Coaches Meeting  6:45AM

Girls Varsity 7:00AM

Boys Varsity 7:30AM

Girls JV 8:00AM

Boys JV 8:30AM

(pending weather circumstances and total racers, JV races may be combined).