Venice Invitational 2009

Venice, FL
Hosted by Venice HS

Boys JV

                  Registered to: Jason Byrne, MileSplit                  

               Venice Invitational - 9/19/2009 3:12:54 PM                
                     Venice High School, Venice, FL                      

                         JV Boys 5000 Meter Run                          

    Name                      Yr Team                          Time   Pts
  1 Billy Thalheimer             Naples HS                 19:01.00     1
  2 Greg Balance                 Naples HS                 19:17.00     2
  3 Courtland Bernard            Sarasota                  19:17.00     3
  4 Freeman Gerhardt             Naples HS                 19:24.00     4
  5 Morgon Arnold                Naples HS                 19:32.00     5
  6 Lee Schearer                 Naples HS                 19:37.00     6
  7 Brady Miller                 Sarasota                  20:01.00     7
  8 Migael Gomez                 Immokolee                 20:06.00     8
  9 Corey Gaskell                Venice                    20:14.00    --
 10 Adam Rioux                   Pt Charlotte              20:23.00    --
 11 Josh Lange                   North Port                20:23.00    11
 12 Morgyn Stauffer              Sarasota                  20:37.00    12
 13 Alex Floyd                   Naples HS                 20:37.00    13
 14 Adam Krotec                  North Port                20:44.00    14
 15 Austin Thien                 Lakewood Ranch            20:50.00    15
 16 Mike Poiteveia               North Port                20:51.00    16
 17 Peter Yanson                 Naples HS                 20:52.00    17
 18 Eric Crum                    Barron Collier            20:53.00    18
 19 Ryan Irwin                   Sarasota                  20:58.00    19
 20 Herran Gijon                 Immokolee                 21:03.00    20
 21 Ramiro Reves                 Immokolee                 21:09.00    21
 22 Stephan Beck                 Sarasota                  21:10.00    22
 23 Allen Poudrette              Pt Charlotte              21:12.00    --
 24 Kegan Beister                Sarasota                  21:13.00    24
 25 Justin Daigneault            Port Charlotte            21:13.00    25
 26 Dylan Maki                   Lemon Bay                 21:16.00    26
 27 Alaen Mosher                 Lemon Bay                 21:19.00    27
 28 David Gardner                North Port                21:21.00    28
 29 Ty Needham                   Port Charlotte            21:25.00    29
 30 Tyler King                   Lemon Bay                 21:31.00    30
 31 Aaron Stoll                  Riverview                 21:31.00    31
 32 John Famularo                Port Charlotte            21:32.00    32
 33 Tyler Canady                 Community School of Naple 21:32.00    --
 34 Dylan Chestnut               Community School of Naple 21:37.00    --
 35 Kyle Dean                    Barron Collier            21:47.00    35
 36 Mitchell Vallley             Lakewood Ranch            21:53.00    36
 37 Calum Pilkey                 Sarasota                  21:56.00    37
 38 Kevin Usher                  Barron Collier            21:57.00    38
 39 Hadlev Rheu                  Immokolee                 21:59.00    39
 40 Patrick Ozark                Manatee                   22:02.00    40
 41 Nick Cardenas                Gulf Coast                22:02.00    41
 42 Glenn Bright                 Riverview                 22:07.00    42
 43 Daniel Somodi                Lakewood Ranch            22:08.00    43
 44 Ryan Deliorenzo              North Port                22:09.00    44
 45 Ron Govin                    Naples HS                 22:18.00    --
 46 Marcos Diez                  Immokolee                 22:19.00    46
 47 Tanner Lindenberger          Port Charlotte            22:21.00    47
 48 Spencer Harrington           Naples HS                 22:25.00    --
 49 Kevin Koster                 Gulf Coast                22:56.00    49
 50 Mac Recker                   Community School of Naple 22:57.00    --
 51 Randy Gerlach                Bishop Verot              22:58.00    --
 52 Harrison Jaworske            Riverview                 23:01.00    52
 53 Ryan Thomas                  Barron Collier            23:08.00    53
 54 Nikko Gulapa                 Saint John Nueman         23:09.00    54
 55 Alec Howell                  Gulf Coast                23:11.00    55
 56 Andy Ryan                    Barron Collier            23:11.00    56
 57 Joe Jesky                    Venice                    23:13.00    --
 58 Herlan Taberga               Naples HS                 23:14.00    --
 59 Zack Miller                  Port Charlotte            23:20.00    59
 60 Bobby Johnson                North Port                23:23.00    60
 61 Connor Montablano            North Port                23:24.00    61
 62 Joshua Yates                 North Port                23:24.00    --
 63 Havier Pineda                Immokolee                 23:28.00    63
 64 Stephen Pantalone            Lakewood Ranch            23:29.00    64
 65 Maros Vences                 Lehigh                    23:31.00    --
 66 Lawrence Delaney             Lemon Bay                 23:31.00    66
 67 Justin Queuedo               Saint John Nueman         23:32.00    67
 68 Diego Fernandez              Southeast                 23:32.00    --
 69 James Dahl                   Riverview                 23:32.00    69
 70 Connor Hagan                 Venice                    23:40.00    --
 71 Austin Roy                   North Port                23:46.00    --
 72 Rylan Doutnett               Lakewood Ranch            23:47.00    72
 73 Billy Ryan                   Barron Collier            23:50.00    73
 74 Esperandieu Itnofils         Immokolee                 23:51.00    74
 75 Dan Sobczak                  Gulf Coast                24:02.00    75
 76 Roger Wasler                 Lakewood Ranch            24:04.00    76
 77  ?                           Souteast                  24:05.00    --
 78 Matthew Simmons              Manatee                   24:07.00    78
 79 Joey Tilelli                 Manatee                   24:08.00    79
 80 Taylor Oglin                 Braden River              24:09.00    --
 81 Justin Kagan                 Braden River              24:12.00    --
 82 John Treanor                 Gulf Coast                24:17.00    82
 83 Severa Pierre-Paul           Immokolee                 24:17.00    --
 84 Matthew McFall               Braden River              24:23.00    --
 85 Griffin Brecke               Sarasota                  24:25.00    --
 86 Dayton Lovell                Barron Collier            24:26.00    86
 87 Kyler Constantine            Lemon Bay                 24:27.00    87
 88 Dylan Glasgow                Community School of Naple 24:32.00    --
 89 Jon Milkovich                Unattached                24:37.00    --
 90 Ryan Lang                    Port Charlotte            24:41.00    90
 91 Collin Moore                 Sarasota Christian        24:52.00    --
 92 Will Livesay                 Riverview                 24:57.00    92
 93 Kade Cicchello               Lemon Bay                 25:04.00    93
 94 Clayton Ford                 Saint John Nueman         25:05.00    94
 95 Danny Fernandez              Naples HS                 25:29.00    --
 96 Mike Zingali                 Saint John Nueman         25:55.00    96
 97 Alex Olbekson                Bishop Verot              25:57.00    --
 98 Gerardo Miron                Manatee                   26:11.00    98
 99 Chris Sintic                 Saint John Nueman         26:17.00    99
100 John Albino                  North Port                26:46.00    --
101 Franklin Carraway            Sarasota                  27:07.00    --
102 Ben Caswell                  Port Charlotte            28:06.00   102
103 Calian Kroose                Southeast                 28:47.00    --
104 Kris Vzaguirre               Immokolee                 29:01.00    --
105 Jeffrey Disque               Gulf Coast                30:26.00   105
106 Devan Corrigan               North Port                31:07.00    --
107 Gage Woods                   Southeast                 31:48.00    --
108 Hayden Bryant                Lehigh                    32:13.00    --
109 Lucas Wagner                 Manatee                   32:14.00   109
110 Daniel ?                     Southeast                 33:13.00    --
111 Quentin Murphy               Sarasota Christian        33:41.00    --
112 Shawn Benson                 Sarasota                  37:57.00    --

                   JV Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                    
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Naples HS                   18      1    2    4    5    6   13   17  
      Total Time: 1:36:51      Average: 19:22.20      1-5 Split: 36
  2 Sarasota                    63      3    7   12   19   22   24   37  
      Total Time: 1:42:03      Average: 20:24.60      1-5 Split: 1:53
  3 North Port                  113    11   14   16   28   44   60   61  
      Total Time: 1:45:28      Average: 21:05.60      1-5 Split: 1:46
  4 Immokolee                   134     8   20   21   39   46   63   74  
      Total Time: 1:46:36      Average: 21:19.20      1-5 Split: 2:13
  5 Port Charlotte              192    25   29   32   47   59   90   102 
      Total Time: 1:49:51      Average: 21:58.20      1-5 Split: 2:07
  6 Barron Collier              200    18   35   38   53   56   73   86  
      Total Time: 1:50:56      Average: 22:11.20      1-5 Split: 2:18
  7 Lakewood Ranch              230    15   36   43   64   72   76    -  
      Total Time: 1:52:07      Average: 22:25.40      1-5 Split: 2:57
  8 Lemon Bay                   236    26   27   30   66   87   93    -  
      Total Time: 1:52:04      Average: 22:24.80      1-5 Split: 3:11
  9 Riverview                   286    31   42   52   69   92    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:55:08      Average: 23:01.60      1-5 Split: 3:26
 10 Gulf Coast                  302    41   49   55   75   82   105   -  
      Total Time: 1:56:28      Average: 23:17.60      1-5 Split: 2:15
 11 Manatee                     404    40   78   79   98   109   -    -  
      Total Time: 2:08:42      Average: 25:44.40      1-5 Split: 10:12
 12 Saint John Nueman           410    54   67   94   96   99    -    -  
      Total Time: 2:03:58      Average: 24:47.60      1-5 Split: 3:08