St Brendan CAL Invitational 2024

Miami, FL

Complete Results

Servant Spirit Timing Se                                 DirectAthletics MeetPro
                                St Brendan CAL                                  
                        St Brendan, Miami, FL - 2/3/2024                        

Women's Long Jump (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Fl. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Sanchez, Victoria    St. Thomas The Apost    3.80m  NW    2  (1)  10 
   2 Garcia, Victoria     St. Timothy Parish S    3.53m  NW    1  (1)   8 
   3 Mederos, Angelina    Mother of Our Redeem    3.30m  NW    2  (2)   6 
   4 Cornell, Camilla     Miami St. John Neuma    3.29m  NW    2  (3)   5 
   5 Infante, Elena       St. Michael the Arch    3.20m  NW    2  (4)   4 
   6 Duckworth, Elizabeth St. Thomas The Apost    3.16m  NW    1  (2)   3 
   7 Ricart, Isabela      St. Timothy Parish S    3.10m  NW    1  (3)   2 
   8 Caceres, Lucia       St. Thomas The Apost    3.02m  NW    2  (5)   1 
   9 Dresner, Sara        St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.84m  NW    2  (6)     
  10 Hernandez, Sophia    Miami St. John Neuma    2.80m  NW    2  (7)     
  11 Garcia, Ava          Epiphany Catholic Sc    2.57m  NW    1  (4)     
  12 Veiguela, Evelyn     Blessed Trinity Cath    2.39m  NW    2  (8)     
  13 Faria, Catalina      St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.32m  NW    2  (9)     
  14 Lherisson, Pamaelle  Mother of Our Redeem    2.19m  NW    1  (5)     
  15 Tucker, Talaya       Our Lady of the Holy    1.97m  NW    1  (6)     
  16 Ledo, Sara           Mother of Our Redeem    1.95m  NW    2 (10)     
  17 Gonzalez, Amanda     Miami St. John Neuma    1.94m  NW    1  (7)     
  18 Prada, Karinna       Epiphany Catholic Sc    1.85m  NW    1  (8)     
  19 Smith, Emma          St. Theresa School      1.78m  NW    1  (9)     
  20 Nassar, Lana         St. Theresa School      1.76m  NW    2 (11)     
  21 Cardona, Victoria    Our Lady of the Holy    1.49m  NW    2 (12)     
  22 Martinez, Chloe      St. Timothy Parish S    1.46m  NW    1 (10)     

Men's Long Jump (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Fl. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Quintero, Giovanni   St. Timothy Parish S    3.53m  NW    1  (1)   9 
   1 Salas, Lucas         St. Thomas The Apost    3.53m  NW    2  (1)   9 
   3 Diaz, Aaron          St. Michael the Arch    3.50m  NW    2  (2)   6 
   4 Linares, Marcos      St. Timothy Parish S    3.49m  NW    1  (2)   5 
   5 Lorenzo, Jake        St. Louis Covenant S    3.40m  NW    1  (3)   4 
   6 Silva, Mateo         Blessed Trinity Cath    3.19m  NW    2  (3)   3 
   7 Vargas, Andres       St. Timothy Parish S    3.13m  NW    1  (4)   2 
   8 Goff, Jake           Epiphany Catholic Sc    3.11m  NW    1  (5)   1 
   9 Leon, Savion         Blessed Trinity Cath    3.09m  NW    2  (4)     
  10 Fernandez, Christoph St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.98m  NW    2  (5)     
  10 Suarez, Franco       St. Theresa School      2.98m  NW    2  (5)     
  12 McDowell, Michael    Miami St. John Neuma    2.95m  NW    1  (6)     
  13 Hernandez, Matthew   Miami St. John Neuma    2.94m  NW    2  (7)     
  14 Rodriguez, Alberto   Miami St. John Neuma    2.81m  NW    1  (7)     
  15 Coates, Noah         St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.78m  NW    2  (8)     
  16 Rivero-Isaac, Leo    Epiphany Catholic Sc    2.51m  NW    1  (8)     
  17 Martinez, Aiden      St. Michael the Arch    2.35m  NW    1  (9)     
  18 Canamero, Luke       Epiphany Catholic Sc    2.04m  NW    2  (9)     
  19 Xiques, Max          St. Theresa School      2.03m  NW    1 (10)     
  20 Vespe, Robert        St. Louis Covenant S    1.97m  NW    1 (11)     
  21 Calvo, Brandon       St. Theresa School      1.76m  NW    2 (10)     
  22 Garbati, Julian      St. Louis Covenant S    1.72m  NW    2 (11)     

Women's Long Jump (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Fl. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Gomez, Gabriela      St. Timothy Parish S    3.67m  NW    1  (1)  10 
   2 Ava, Barrera         Blessed Trinity Cath    3.56m  NW    2  (1)   8 
   3 Infante, Elena       St. Michael the Arch    3.46m  NW    2  (2)   6 
   4 Verdeja, Alexandra   St. Timothy Parish S    3.32m  NW    1  (2)   5 
   5 Garcia, Siena        Our Lady of the Holy    3.19m  NW    2  (3)   4 
   6 Russamanno, Mia      St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3.16m  NW    2  (4)   3 
   7 Castro, Maria        Our Lady of the Holy    3.08m  NW    2  (5)   2 
   8 Rodriguez, Sara      Miami St. John Neuma    2.88m  NW    2  (6)   1 
   9 Sanchez, Mia         St. Michael the Arch    2.86m  NW    1  (3)     
  10 Pearce, Amelia       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.84m  NW    2  (7)     
  11 Da Silva, Nicole     St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.76m  NW    1  (4)     
  11 Pazo, Lola           St. Louis Covenant S    2.76m  NW    2  (8)     
  13 Patty, Julia         St. Theresa School      2.75m  NW    1  (5)     
  13 Alcivar, Isabella    Mother of Our Redeem    2.75m  NW    2  (9)     
  15 Aixala, Leah         Miami St. John Neuma    2.70m  NW    1  (6)     
  16 Suarez, Veronica     St. Theresa School      2.61m  NW    1  (7)     
  17 Lynskey, Lana        St. Theresa School      2.52m  NW    2 (10)     
  18 Mejia, Angelina      Mother of Our Redeem    2.13m  NW    1  (8)     
  19 Ivins, Rebekah       Mother of Our Redeem    2.00m  NW    1  (9)     
  20 Vina, Soleil         St. Louis Covenant S    1.90m  NW    1 (10)     

Men's Long Jump (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Fl. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Perez De Corcho, Gab St. Timothy Parish S    4.77m  NW    1  (1)  10 
   2 Muniz, Santiago      St. Louis Covenant S    4.65m  NW    1  (2)   8 
   3 Perez, Marcelo       Belen Jesuit Prepara    4.63m  NW    2  (1)   6 
   4 Herrera, Cristian    St. Michael the Arch    4.45m  NW    2  (2)   5 
   5 Aviles, David        St. Timothy Parish S    4.40m  NW    2  (3)   4 
   6 Irurita, Francisco   Belen Jesuit Prepara    4.30m  NW    1  (3)   3 
   7 Bustamante, Javier   Epiphany Catholic Sc    4.18m  NW    2  (4)   2 
   8 Bustamante, Jason    Epiphany Catholic Sc    4.17m  NW    2  (5)   1 
   9 Zaharewicz, Nicholas Belen Jesuit Prepara    4.04m  NW    1  (4)     
  10 Pritchard, Samuel    St. Theresa School      3.86m  NW    2  (6)     
  11 Martinez, Samuel     St. Theresa School      3.51m  NW    1  (5)     
  12 Cruz, Isaias         St. Michael the Arch    3.44m  NW    1  (6)     
  13 Betancourt, Juan     St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3.37m  NW    2  (7)     
  14 Naranjo Sanchez, Aus St. Louis Covenant S    3.33m  NW    1  (7)     
  15 Lopez, Michael       St. Michael the Arch    3.24m  NW    1  (8)     
  16 Santana, Alejandro   St. Timothy Parish S    3.15m  NW    1  (9)     
  17 Cornell, Colin       Miami St. John Neuma    2.96m  NW    2  (8)     
  17 Jimenez, Mateo       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.96m  NW    2  (8)     
  19 Leyva, Jake          St. Louis Covenant S    2.91m  NW    1 (10)     
  20 Antunez, Gabriel     St. Hugh Catholic Sc    2.89m  NW    2 (10)     

Women's 1600m Mile Medley Relay (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Thomas The Apost  A    5:37.65  12 
   2 St. Theresa School    A    5:39.62  10 
   3 St. Timothy Parish S  A    5:44.09   8 
   4 Miami St. John Neuma  A    6:00.03   6 
   5 St. Hugh Catholic Sc  A    6:05.44   5 
   6 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    6:20.73   4 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    7:07.84     

Men's 1600m Mile Medley Relay (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Theresa School    A    4:53.86  12 
   2 St. Louis Covenant S  A    4:56.48  10 
   3 St. Timothy Parish S  A    5:12.24   8 
   4 Miami St. John Neuma  A    5:24.01   6 
   5 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    5:44.05   5 
   6 St. Kevin Catholic S  A    5:51.64   4 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    6:11.74     

Women's 4 x 800m Relay (Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Theresa School    A   11:44.34  12 
   2 St. Timothy Parish S  A   12:27.62  10 
   3 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A   12:42.93   8 
   4 St. Theresa School    B   12:44.04     
   5 St. Louis Covenant S  A   13:15.00   6 

Men's 4 x 800m Relay (Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Timothy Parish S  A   10:51.61  12 
   2 St. Louis Covenant S  A   11:47.62  10 
   3 Miami St. John Neuma  A   12:24.80   8 

Women's 100 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Mederos, Aurora      Mother of Our Redeem      14.71  NW    4  (1)  10 
   2 Cornell, Camilla     Miami St. John Neuma      15.12  NW    4  (2)   8 
   3 Herrera, Ana         St. Michael the Arch      15.45  NW    2  (1)   6 
   4 Perez, Ashley        Our Lady of the Holy      15.64  NW    4  (3)   5 
   5 Romero, Daniella     Our Lady of the Holy      15.70  NW    4  (4)   4 
   6 Nassar, Lana         St. Theresa School        15.88  NW    4  (5)   3 
   7 Tucker, Talaya       Our Lady of the Holy      15.90  NW    2  (2)   2 
   8 Ramos, Micaela       St. Theresa School        16.04  NW    2  (3)   1 
   9 Rodriguez, Camila    Miami St. John Neuma      16.09  NW    4  (6)     
  10 Pasut, Victoria      St. Thomas The Apost      16.26  NW    4  (7)     
  11 Dresner, Sara        St. Hugh Catholic Sc      16.29  NW    4  (8)     
  12 Gurian, Abby Rose    St. Timothy Parish S      16.33  NW    1  (1)     
  13 Negron, Bella        St. Kevin Catholic S      16.61  NW    1  (2)     
  14 Goff, Emma           Epiphany Catholic Sc      16.64  NW    3  (1)     
  15 Vespa, Alessandra    St. Hugh Catholic Sc      16.91  NW    2  (4)     
  16 Toledo, Nicole       St. Louis Covenant S      17.08  NW    3  (2)     
  17 Grisanti, Esmeralda  St. Agnes Academy         17.10  NW    2  (5)     
  18 Berrocal, Ellie      St. Kevin Catholic S      17.13  NW    3  (3)     
  19 Garza, Daniella      Miami St. John Neuma      17.33  NW    1  (3)     
  20 Volante, Ana         Epiphany Catholic Sc      17.51  NW    3  (4)     
  21 Hernandez, Arya      Epiphany Catholic Sc      17.60  NW    3  (5)     
  22 Caceres, Sofia       St. Thomas The Apost      17.74  NW    1  (4)     
  23 Hernandez, Emelie    Mother of Our Redeem      17.88  NW    3  (6)     
  24 Ceron, Andrea        St. Thomas The Apost      18.08  NW    1  (5)     
  25 Dresner, Isobel      St. Hugh Catholic Sc      18.15  NW    3  (7)     
  26 Cristobal, Julia     Mother of Our Redeem      18.63  NW    2  (6)     
  27 Veiguela, Evelyn     Blessed Trinity Cath      18.81  NW    1  (6)     
  28 Blanco, Olivia       St. Timothy Parish S      19.14  NW    1  (7)     
  29 Vernet, Isabel       St. Agnes Academy         19.28  NW    3  (8)     
  30 Smith, Emma          St. Theresa School        19.30  NW    1  (8)     
  31 Espino, Catarina     St. Agnes Academy         20.61  NW    2  (7)     
  32 Bacallao, Ava        St. Timothy Parish S      20.72  NW    2  (8)     

Men's 100 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Perez, Jean Michael  Our Lady of the Holy      14.65  NW    4  (1)  10 
   2 Barrientos, Marcos   Miami St. John Neuma      14.88  NW    3  (1)   8 
   3 Quintero, Giovanni   St. Timothy Parish S      14.94  NW    2  (1)   6 
   4 Silva, Mateo         Blessed Trinity Cath      14.99  NW    4  (2)   5 
   5 Alegret, Andrew      St. Kevin Catholic S      15.09  NW    3  (2)   4 
   6 Jennings, Joseph     Epiphany Catholic Sc      15.10  NW    4  (3)   3 
   7 Perez, Giovanni      Our Lady of the Holy      15.14  NW    3  (3)   2 
   8 Diaz, Aaron          St. Michael the Arch      15.41  NW    3  (4)   1 
   9 Garay, Jacob         St. Louis Covenant S      15.59  NW    4  (4)     
  10 Matus, Logan         St. Timothy Parish S      15.73  NW    2  (2)     
  11 Salas, Lucas         St. Thomas The Apost      15.77  NW    4  (5)     
  12 Cruz, Aiden          St. Kevin Catholic S      15.92  NW    4  (6)     
  13 Morrison, Edward     St. Michael the Arch      16.02  NW    1  (1)     
  14 Leon, Savion         Blessed Trinity Cath      16.03  NW    4  (7)     
  15 Coates, Noah         St. Hugh Catholic Sc      16.19  NW    2  (3)     
  16 Fernandez, Sabrian   St. Michael the Arch      16.29  NW    3  (5)     
  17 Ortega, Jacob        Miami St. John Neuma      16.34  NW    2  (4)     
  18 Areces, Rafael       St. Theresa School        16.36  NW    1  (2)     
  19 Goff, Jason          Epiphany Catholic Sc      16.42  NW    1  (3)     
  20 Suarez, Franco       St. Theresa School        16.45  NW    4  (8)     
  21 Perez, Dominique     St. Kevin Catholic S      16.49  NW    2  (5)     
  22 navarro, mateo       Epiphany Catholic Sc      16.53  NW    2  (6)     
  23 Rodriguez, Alberto   Miami St. John Neuma      16.55  NW    3  (6)     
  24 Lucca, Paret         St. Louis Covenant S      16.74  NW    1  (4)     
  25 Pipkin, Riley        St. Theresa School        17.03  NW    3  (7)     
  26 Fernandez, Christoph St. Hugh Catholic Sc      17.68  NW    1  (5)     
  27 Vespe, Robert        St. Louis Covenant S      18.64  NW    2  (7)     
  28 Ortiz, Lucas         St. Agnes Academy         19.10  NW    1  (6)     
  29 Maragliano, Lucas    St. Timothy Parish S      19.29  NW    2  (8)     

Women's 100 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Hernandez, Alisa     Our Lady of the Holy      14.16  NW    4       10 
   2 Gomez, Gabriela      St. Timothy Parish S      14.39  NW    1  (1)   8 
   3 Pelegrin, Hayden     St. Timothy Parish S      14.61  NW    3        6 
   4 Olivares, Amanda     St. Kevin Catholic S      14.72  NW    4        5 
   5 Diaz, Angelina       Epiphany Catholic Sc      14.76  NW    2        4 
   6 Valdes, Sophia       St. Timothy Parish S      14.87  NW    2        3 
   7 Riquezes, Manuela    St. Hugh Catholic Sc      15.30  NW    3        2 
   8 Rodriguez, Sara      Miami St. John Neuma      15.41  NW    4        1 
   9 Patty, Julia         St. Theresa School        15.52  NW    1  (2)     
  10 Alcivar, Isabella    Mother of Our Redeem      15.53  NW    4          
  11 Garcia, Siena        Our Lady of the Holy      15.85  NW    4          
  12 Russamanno, Mia      St. Hugh Catholic Sc      15.90  NW    4          
  13 goff, mia            Epiphany Catholic Sc      16.01  NW    1  (3)     
  14 Valladares, Nicole   Miami St. John Neuma      16.18  NW    1  (4)     
  15 Pearce, Amelia       St. Hugh Catholic Sc      16.28  NW    4          
  16 Sanchez, Mia         St. Michael the Arch      16.40  NW    2          
  16 Suarez, Veronica     St. Theresa School        16.40  NW    3          
  18 Vina, Soleil         St. Louis Covenant S      16.61  NW    1  (5)     
  19 Aixala, Leah         Miami St. John Neuma      16.67  NW    3          
  20 Rodriguez, Katherine St. Michael the Arch      16.72  NW    2          
  21 Price, Roshira       Our Lady of the Holy      16.73  NW    2          
  22 junqueira, isabela   St. Agnes Academy         16.91  NW    1  (6)     
  23 Ramos, Madison       St. Theresa School        16.92  NW    3          
  24 Tarafa, Carolina     St. Louis Covenant S      17.04  NW    2          
  25 Grassi, Angela       St. Michael the Arch      17.11  NW    1  (7)     
  26 grisanti, filippa    St. Agnes Academy         17.75  NW    3          
  27 Gudino, Gabriela     St. Agnes Academy         19.38  NW    2          
  28 Mejia, Angelina      Mother of Our Redeem      20.08  NW    3          
  29 Ivins, Rebekah       Mother of Our Redeem      20.82  NW    2          

Men's 100 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Perez, Marcelo       Belen Jesuit Prepara      12.30  NW    4  (1)  10 
   2 Giner, Adrian        St. Theresa School        12.43  NW    4  (2)   8 
   3 Arrencibia, Jose     Belen Jesuit Prepara      12.67  NW    2  (1)   6 
   4 Burrows, Patrick     Belen Jesuit Prepara      12.81  NW    4  (3)   5 
   5 Aviles, David        St. Timothy Parish S      13.01  NW    1  (1)   4 
   6 Herrera, Cristian    St. Michael the Arch      13.42  NW    1  (2)   3 
   7 Colmenarez, Christop St. Timothy Parish S      13.52  NW    2  (2)   2 
   8 Bustamante, Javier   Epiphany Catholic Sc      13.67  NW    4  (4)   1 
   9 Bustamante, Jason    Epiphany Catholic Sc      13.79  NW    4  (5)     
  10 Diaz, Marcos         Miami St. John Neuma      13.84  NW    3  (1)     
  10 Guedes, Michael      Miami St. John Neuma      13.84  NW    4  (6)     
  12 Santiago, Ryan       Our Lady of the Holy      14.01  NW    2  (3)     
  13 Martinez, Luis       Our Lady of the Holy      14.30  NW    3  (2)     
  14 Fiallo, Giovanni     St. Michael the Arch      14.42  NW    2  (4)     
  15 Guido, Gianmarco     Our Lady of the Holy      14.59  NW    3  (3)     
  16 Lopez, Michael       St. Michael the Arch      14.62  NW    1  (3)     
  17 Fernandez, Nicolas   St. Louis Covenant S      14.72  NW    3  (4)     
  18 Rodriguez, Julian    St. Louis Covenant S      14.82  NW    1  (4)     
  19 Gomez-Mancinelli, Ma St. Kevin Catholic S      14.87  NW    4  (7)     
  20 Bou, Julian          St. Timothy Parish S      15.11  NW    1  (5)     
  21 Torres, Lucas        St. Louis Covenant S      15.17  NW    2  (5)     
  22 Hoyos, Manuel        Epiphany Catholic Sc      15.25  NW    2  (6)     
  22 Antunez, Gabriel     St. Hugh Catholic Sc      15.25  NW    3  (5)     
  24 Cornell, Colin       Miami St. John Neuma      15.48  NW    4  (8)     
  25 Caballero, Kaleb     St. Kevin Catholic S      16.47  NW    2  (7)     
  25 Jimenez, Mateo       St. Hugh Catholic Sc      16.47  NW    3  (6)     
  27 Pritchard, Samuel    St. Theresa School        16.88  NW    3  (7)     
  28 Barredo, Rafael      Mother of Our Redeem      17.21  NW    1  (6)     
  29 Alfonso, Julien      St. Kevin Catholic S      17.33  NW    3  (8)     

Women's 1600 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 Del Mazo, Emily      Miami St. John Neuma    6:35.28  10 
   2 Rivera, Zoe          St. Thomas The Apost    6:43.93   8 
   3 Torres, Juliet       St. Thomas The Apost    6:49.55   6 
   4 garay, madison       St. Theresa School      6:54.24   5 
   5 Morera, Olivia       Epiphany Catholic Sc    6:59.27   4 
   6 Linares, Camila      St. Timothy Parish S    7:02.92   3 
   7 Hernandez, Sophia    Miami St. John Neuma    7:06.65   2 
   8 Pastor, Camila       St. Louis Covenant S    7:15.96   1 
   9 Garcia, Sofia        St. Hugh Catholic Sc    7:17.72     
  10 Leyva, Valentina     St. Theresa School      7:19.11     
  11 Fernandez, Luciana   Epiphany Catholic Sc    7:21.85     
  12 Zann, Emily          St. Hugh Catholic Sc    7:29.75     
  13 Costero, Gabriela    St. Thomas The Apost    7:56.27     
  14 Mendoza, Julia       Miami St. John Neuma    8:05.21     
  15 Alwine, Alexa        St. Agnes Academy       8:33.86     
  16 Tomkins, Victoria    St. Agnes Academy       8:42.90     
  17 Ardid, Alana         St. Agnes Academy       8:46.45     
  18 Cabral, Victoria     Epiphany Catholic Sc    8:48.99     
     Benedi, Arianna      St. Theresa School          DNF     

Men's 1600 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 Luis, Rene           St. Theresa School      6:13.41  10 
   2 Rubiera, Jake        St. Louis Covenant S    6:19.73   8 
   3 Linares, Marco       St. Timothy Parish S    6:21.81   6 
   4 Caballero, Jacob     St. Timothy Parish S    6:21.82   5 
   5 Marquez, Mason       St. Thomas The Apost    6:24.13   4 
   6 Munoz, Freddy        St. Theresa School      6:25.63   3 
   7 Hernandez, Matthew   Miami St. John Neuma    6:28.51   2 
   8 Silva, Rocco         St. Hugh Catholic Sc    6:42.03   1 
   9 Saenz, Sebastian     Epiphany Catholic Sc    6:46.74     
  10 Canamero, Luke       Epiphany Catholic Sc    6:50.45     
  11 Silva, Luca          St. Hugh Catholic Sc    6:52.99     
  12 Valladares, Ricardo  St. Thomas The Apost    6:54.79     
  13 Leyva, Gustavo       St. Theresa School      6:54.80     
  14 Garbati, Julian      St. Louis Covenant S    7:39.98     
  15 Rivero-Isaac, Leo    Epiphany Catholic Sc    7:44.04     

Women's 1600 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 Ava, Barrera         Blessed Trinity Cath    6:04.80  10 
   2 Volz, Emilia         St. Thomas The Apost    6:10.00   8 
   3 Diaz, Daniela        St. Theresa School      6:11.90   6 
   4 Serrato, Mia         Miami St. John Neuma    6:14.00   5 
   5 Masdonald, Mika      St. Theresa School      6:21.60   4 
   6 De Acedo, Carolina S St. Agnes Academy       6:39.20   3 
   7 Hernandez, Siena     St. Theresa School      6:42.00   2 
   8 Jimenez, Sofia       St. Timothy Parish S    6:42.90   1 
   9 Kamar, Nina          St. Thomas The Apost    6:45.20     
  10 Verdeja, Alexandra   St. Timothy Parish S    6:54.30     
  11 Klevan, Christen     Miami St. John Neuma    7:17.30     
  12 Rodriguez, Lourdes   Epiphany Catholic Sc    7:49.70     
  13 Rodriguez, Gabriella Epiphany Catholic Sc    8:11.90     
  14 Morales, Catalina    Epiphany Catholic Sc    8:25.90     

Men's 1600 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 Michalak, Jack       Belen Jesuit Prepara    4:51.89  10 
   2 Veloso, Nicholas     Belen Jesuit Prepara    4:52.64   8 
   3 Fernandez, Sebastian Belen Jesuit Prepara    5:08.70   6 
   4 Giner, Adrian        St. Theresa School      5:18.47   5 
   5 Garcia, Nicolas      St. Timothy Parish S    5:32.90   4 
   6 Gatcliffe, Liam      Miami St. John Neuma    5:50.25   3 
   7 Pernia, Carlos       St. Louis Covenant S    5:55.31   2 
   8 Betancourt, Juan     St. Hugh Catholic Sc    6:00.31   1 
   9 Sacher, Patrick      Epiphany Catholic Sc    6:23.86     
  10 Llaguno, Gonzalo     Epiphany Catholic Sc    6:25.51     
  11 Tarafa, Jeovanni     St. Thomas The Apost    6:50.77     
  12 Garvey, Brian        Miami St. John Neuma    6:59.12     
  13 Aviles, Jonathan     St. Timothy Parish S    7:12.08     
  14 Puente, Frankie      Epiphany Catholic Sc    7:17.73     
  15 Lopez, Joshua        St. Louis Covenant S    7:29.35     
  16 Bermudez, Sergio     St. Theresa School      7:48.20     
  17 Figueroa, Luke       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    8:10.45     

Women's 4 x 100m Relay (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 St. Timothy Parish S  A    1:03.97   1  (1)  12 
   2 Our Lady of the Holy  A    1:04.46   1  (2)  10 
   3 St. Thomas The Apost  A    1:06.07   1  (3)   8 
   4 St. Theresa School    A    1:07.47   1  (4)   6 
   5 St. Timothy Parish S  B    1:08.04   2  (1)     
   6 Miami St. John Neuma  A    1:09.68   2  (2)   5 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    1:12.21   2  (3)   4 
   8 St. Agnes Academy     B    1:12.39   2  (4)   3 
   9 St. Hugh Catholic Sc  A    1:12.76   2  (5)   2 
  10 St. Agnes Academy     A    1:16.86   1  (5)     
     Mother of Our Redeem  A        DNF   1          
     Epiphany Catholic Sc  A         DQ   1          

Men's 4 x 100m Relay (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Our Lady of the Holy  A    1:02.91   1  (1)  12 
   2 St. Louis Covenant S  A    1:03.68   2  (1)  10 
   3 St. Kevin Catholic S  A    1:04.87   1  (2)   8 
   4 Miami St. John Neuma  A    1:06.25   2  (2)   6 
   5 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    1:06.77   1  (3)   5 
   6 St. Timothy Parish S  A    1:08.51   1  (4)   4 
   7 St. Theresa School    A    1:09.59   1  (5)   3 
   8 St. Michael the Arch  A    1:09.84   2  (3)   2 
   9 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    1:17.83   2  (4)     

Women's 4 x 100m Relay (Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Miami St. John Neuma  A    1:00.51   2  (1)  12 
   2 St. Timothy Parish S  A    1:01.99   1  (1)  10 
   3 Our Lady of the Holy  A    1:03.04   1  (2)   8 
   4 St. Theresa School    A    1:03.36   1  (3)   6 
   5 St. Theresa School    B    1:04.09   2  (2)     
   6 St. Louis Covenant S  A    1:05.48   1  (4)   5 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    1:06.21   2  (3)   4 
   8 St. Michael the Arch  A    1:07.05   2  (4)   3 
   9 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    1:07.32   1  (5)     
  10 St. Hugh Catholic Sc  A    1:07.67   1  (6)   2 
  11 St. Agnes Academy     B    1:10.00   2  (5)     
  12 Mother of Our Redeem  A    1:12.89   2  (6)     
     St. Timothy Parish S  B        DNF   2          

Men's 4 x 100m Relay (Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A      58.22  12 
   2 St. Michael the Arch  A      58.73  10 
   3 St. Timothy Parish S  A      58.74   8 
   4 St. Louis Covenant S  A      59.57   6 
   5 Miami St. John Neuma  A    1:00.48   5 
   6 Our Lady of the Holy  A    1:02.09   4 
   7 St. Kevin Catholic S  A    1:02.30   3 
   8 St. Hugh Catholic Sc  A    1:05.04   2 

Women's 400 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Herrera, Ana         St. Michael the Arch    1:17.53   2  (1)  10 
   2 Ramos, Micaela       St. Theresa School      1:17.70   1  (1)   8 
   3 Infante, Elena       St. Michael the Arch    1:18.23   3  (1)   6 
   4 Caceres, Lucia       St. Thomas The Apost    1:19.57   4  (1)   5 
   5 Ricart, Isabela      St. Timothy Parish S    1:22.23   1  (2)   4 
   6 Leyva, Valentina     St. Theresa School      1:22.79   4  (2)   3 
   7 Negron, Bella        St. Kevin Catholic S    1:23.50   1  (3)   2 
   8 Berrocal, Ellie      St. Kevin Catholic S    1:24.87   4  (3)   1 
   9 Estrugo, Mia         St. Timothy Parish S    1:25.73   1  (4)     
  10 Viera, Maria Victori St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:29.33   3  (2)     
  11 Pasut, Victoria      St. Thomas The Apost    1:30.78   4  (4)     
  12 Faria, Catalina      St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:31.12   4  (5)     
  13 Santiago, Emily      Our Lady of the Holy    1:31.23   1  (5)     
  14 Salum, Sofia         Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:31.32   3  (3)     
  15 Cardona, Victoria    Our Lady of the Holy    1:31.60   3  (4)     
  16 Caceres, Sofia       St. Thomas The Apost    1:32.10   2  (2)     
  17 Veiguela, Evelyn     Blessed Trinity Cath    1:33.85   4  (6)     
  18 Barrera, Maria       St. Agnes Academy       1:34.63   1  (6)     
  19 postigo, claudia     St. Agnes Academy       1:34.99   3  (5)     
  20 Palma, Gihanna       Mother of Our Redeem    1:36.82   1  (7)     
  21 Palomares, Mia       St. Timothy Parish S    1:36.91   2  (3)     
  22 Garvey, Emma         Miami St. John Neuma    1:38.28   2  (4)     
  23 Garza, Daniella      Miami St. John Neuma    1:38.97   3  (6)     
  24 Garcia, Ava          Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:43.23   2  (5)     
  25 Zann, Gabriella      St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:44.75   3  (7)     
  26 Fernandez de Castro, Miami St. John Neuma    1:46.83   3  (8)     
  27 White, Andrea        Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:49.98   2  (6)     

Men's 400 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Glover, Damian       Our Lady of the Holy    1:13.30   4  (1)  10 
   2 Veizaga, Lennon      Blessed Trinity Cath    1:15.30   3  (1)   8 
   3 Perez, Giovanni      Our Lady of the Holy    1:15.48   3  (2)   6 
   4 Garciga, Chase       St. Louis Covenant S    1:15.52   4  (2)   5 
   5 Martinez, Jackson    St. Kevin Catholic S    1:15.56   4  (3)   4 
   6 McDowell, Michael    Miami St. John Neuma    1:16.10   3  (3)   3 
   7 Silva, Mateo         Blessed Trinity Cath    1:16.26   4  (4)   2 
   8 Watson, Dominic      Miami St. John Neuma    1:16.70   4  (5)   1 
   9 Cordero, Joshua      St. Thomas The Apost    1:17.42   4  (6)     
  10 Cruz, Aiden          St. Kevin Catholic S    1:18.44   4  (7)     
  11 Bustos, Roger        St. Kevin Catholic S    1:18.54   1  (1)     
  12 Lucca, Paret         St. Louis Covenant S    1:20.45   2  (1)     
  13 Matus, Logan         St. Timothy Parish S    1:21.08   2  (2)     
  14 Coates, Noah         St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:22.40   1  (2)     
  15 Basulto, Ethan       St. Timothy Parish S    1:23.86   1  (3)     
  16 Martinez, Chase      Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:24.36   2  (3)     
  17 Garvey, Brian        Miami St. John Neuma    1:25.25   3  (4)     
  17 Hutchings Jr, Jason  Our Lady of the Holy    1:25.25   4  (8)     
  19 Murphy, Oliver       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:27.45   3  (5)     
  20 Robles, Sebastian    St. Timothy Parish S    1:27.90   2  (4)     
  21 Fernandez, Christoph St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:28.00   2  (5)     
  22 Morrison, Edward     St. Michael the Arch    1:29.20   3  (6)     
  23 Garbati, Julian      St. Louis Covenant S    1:30.04   1  (4)     
  24 Fernandez, Sabrian   St. Michael the Arch    1:31.87   2  (6)     
  25 Martinez, Aiden      St. Michael the Arch    1:32.38   2  (7)     
  26 Bastidas, Grayson    St. Theresa School      1:34.87   1  (5)     
  27 Sanchez, Lincoln     Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:45.74   1  (6)     
  28 Suarez, Max          Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:52.79   3  (7)     
     Prignes, Cesar       St. Theresa School          DNF   1          

Women's 400 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Huynh, Alexa         St. Timothy Parish S    1:13.08   1  (1)  10 
   2 Pelegrin, Hayden     St. Timothy Parish S    1:13.74   1  (2)   8 
   3 Martinez, Ana Gabrie St. Timothy Parish S    1:15.75   2  (1)   6 
   4 Patty, Julia         St. Theresa School      1:16.46   2  (2)   5 
   5 Luis, Audrey         St. Theresa School      1:18.21   4  (1)   4 
   6 Kamar, Nina          St. Thomas The Apost    1:19.01   3  (1)   3 
   7 Zann, Alexandra      St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:19.88   3  (2)   2 
   8 De La Camara, Ella   St. Theresa School      1:20.57   4  (2)   1 
   9 Suarez-Murias, Cecil Our Lady of the Holy    1:20.60   4  (3)     
  10 Valladares, Nicole   Miami St. John Neuma    1:20.81   3  (3)     
  11 Morera, Victoria     Blessed Trinity Cath    1:21.74   4  (4)     
  12 Valencia, Antonia    Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:22.60   3  (4)     
  13 Carrasco, Camilla    St. Agnes Academy       1:23.43   2  (3)     
  14 Rodriguez, Camila    Miami St. John Neuma    1:23.62   4  (5)     
  15 Kruger, Athena       St. Agnes Academy       1:23.87   3  (5)     
  16 Pena, Camila         Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:23.90   4  (6)     
  17 Aixala, Leah         Miami St. John Neuma    1:28.32   1  (3)     
  18 Tomkins, Victoria    St. Agnes Academy       1:28.60   2  (4)     
  19 Rivero, Andrea       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:31.41   2  (5)     
  20 Riquezes, Manuela    St. Hugh Catholic Sc    1:34.01   3  (6)     
  21 Rodriguez, Katherine St. Michael the Arch    1:34.54   1  (4)     
  22 Grassi, Angela       St. Michael the Arch    1:37.90   2  (6)     
  23 Nicot, Darlyn        Our Lady of the Holy    1:43.12   1  (5)     
  24 Martinez, Hailey     St. Michael the Arch    1:56.48   3  (7)     

Men's 400 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Michalak, Jack       Belen Jesuit Prepara      54.78   4  (1)  10 
   2 Perez, Marcelo       Belen Jesuit Prepara      59.14   4  (2)   8 
   3 Perez De Corcho, Gab St. Timothy Parish S    1:05.06   1  (1)   6 
   4 Fiallo, Giovanni     St. Michael the Arch    1:05.16   2  (1)   5 
   5 Rodenberg, Henry     Belen Jesuit Prepara    1:05.35   4  (3)   4 
   6 Pernia, Carlos       St. Louis Covenant S    1:06.93   4  (4)   3 
   7 Fernandez, Sebastian St. Michael the Arch    1:07.52   2  (2)   2 
   8 Bello, Justin        St. Timothy Parish S    1:07.73   2  (3)   1 
   9 Guedes, Michael      Miami St. John Neuma    1:10.39   1  (2)     
  10 Martinez, Samuel     St. Theresa School      1:11.05   3  (1)     
  11 Santiago, Ryan       Our Lady of the Holy    1:11.67   3  (2)     
  12 Patience, Dylan      Miami St. John Neuma    1:12.62   4  (5)     
  13 Quinones, Benjamin   St. Timothy Parish S    1:13.25   1  (3)     
  14 Perez, Renzo         St. Kevin Catholic S    1:13.49   4  (6)     
  15 Cordova, Daniel      St. Kevin Catholic S    1:14.12   3  (3)     
  16 Tarafa, Jeovanni     St. Thomas The Apost    1:15.02   1  (4)     
  17 Llaguno, Gonzalo     Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:15.24   4  (7)     
  18 Torres, Lucas        St. Louis Covenant S    1:16.30   2  (4)     
  19 Bermudez, Sergio     St. Theresa School      1:18.10   1  (5)     
  20 Alvarez, Anthony     St. Kevin Catholic S    1:18.12   3  (4)     
  21 King, Michael        St. Louis Covenant S    1:21.35   2  (5)     
  22 Alfonso, Sean        Miami St. John Neuma    1:21.93   3  (5)     
  23 Espin, Jose          Epiphany Catholic Sc    1:24.27   3  (6)     
  24 Pritchard, Samuel    St. Theresa School      1:26.41   3  (7)     
  25 Cruz, Isaias         St. Michael the Arch    1:32.86   1  (6)     
  26 Buigas, Manny        Our Lady of the Holy    1:35.86   3  (8)     

Women's 800 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 Ochoa, Claudia       St. Thomas The Apost    3:02.32  10 
   2 Chirole, Olivia      St. Timothy Parish S    3:07.68   8 
   3 Torres, Juliet       St. Thomas The Apost    3:07.76   6 
   4 Herrera, Ana         St. Michael the Arch    3:09.74   5 
   5 garay, madison       St. Theresa School      3:13.20   4 
   6 Del Mazo, Emily      Miami St. John Neuma    3:13.39   3 
   7 Franco, Valentina    St. Theresa School      3:15.04   2 
   8 Rivera, Zoe          St. Thomas The Apost    3:16.55   1 
   9 Pastor, Camila       St. Louis Covenant S    3:19.92     
  10 Hernandez, Sophia    Miami St. John Neuma    3:20.80     
  11 Garcia, Sofia        St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:28.56     
  12 Rodriguez, Lourdes   Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:37.66     
  13 Vieira, Maria Victor St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:38.25     
  14 Mendoza, Julia       Miami St. John Neuma    3:38.54     
  15 Salum, Sofia         Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:43.58     
  16 Gudino, Gabriela     St. Agnes Academy       3:43.61     
  17 Alwine, Alexa        St. Agnes Academy       3:44.38     
  18 Cantens, Nora        Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:52.24     

Men's 800 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Luis, Rene           St. Theresa School      2:40.51   2  (1)  10 
   2 Perez, Jean Michael  Our Lady of the Holy    2:45.81   2  (2)   8 
   3 Rubiera, Jake        St. Louis Covenant S    2:46.71   2  (3)   6 
   4 Marquez, Mason       St. Thomas The Apost    2:55.20   2  (4)   5 
   5 Veizaga, Lennon      Blessed Trinity Cath    2:57.75   2  (5)   4 
   6 Alegret, Andrew      St. Kevin Catholic S    3:00.43   1  (1)   3 
   7 Munoz, Freddy        St. Theresa School      3:00.51   1  (2)   2 
   8 Perez, Giovanni      Our Lady of the Holy    3:03.66   1  (3)   1 
   9 Silva, Rocco         St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:03.73   2  (6)     
  10 Hernandez, Matthew   Miami St. John Neuma    3:07.12   2  (7)     
  11 Glover, Damian       Our Lady of the Holy    3:09.89   2  (8)     
  12 Alfonso, Patrick     Miami St. John Neuma    3:10.40   2  (9)     
  13 Leyva, Gustavo       St. Theresa School      3:10.43   2 (10)     
  14 Karge, Elliot        St. Timothy Parish S    3:10.89   1  (4)     
  15 Valladares, Ricardo  St. Thomas The Apost    3:15.41   2 (11)     
  16 Fiallos, Joseph      St. Timothy Parish S    3:16.49   1  (5)     
  17 Canamero, Luke       Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:17.34   1  (6)     
  18 Rodriguez, Alberto   Miami St. John Neuma    3:17.54   1  (7)     
  19 Silva, Luca          St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:18.27   2 (12)     
  20 Lorenzo, Jake        St. Louis Covenant S    3:21.48   1  (8)     
  21 Arcila, Evan         Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:23.46   1  (9)     
  22 Alegret, Christopher St. Kevin Catholic S    3:24.57   1 (10)     
  23 De La Osa, Devin     St. Timothy Parish S    3:24.94   1 (11)     
  24 Martinez, Aiden      St. Michael the Arch    3:25.33   1 (12)     
  25 Martinez, Jackson    St. Kevin Catholic S    3:27.79   2 (13)     
  26 Murphy, Oliver       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:30.92   2 (14)     

Women's 800 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 Volz, Emilia         St. Thomas The Apost    2:45.34  10 
   2 Ava, Barrera         Blessed Trinity Cath    2:48.08   8 
   3 Diaz, Daniela        St. Theresa School      2:55.72   6 
   4 Masdonald, Mika      St. Theresa School      2:58.49   5 
   5 Hernandez, Siena     St. Theresa School      3:06.47   4 
   6 De Acedo, Carolina S St. Agnes Academy       3:08.67   3 
   7 Huynh, Katerina      St. Timothy Parish S    3:09.50   2 
   8 Morera, Olivia       Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:10.10   1 
   9 Carasco, Camila      St. Agnes Academy       3:17.25     
  10 Zann, Alexandra      St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:20.82     
  11 Kruger, Athena       St. Agnes Academy       3:22.82     
  12 Villa-Lopez, Antonel St. Timothy Parish S    3:26.93     
  13 Rodriguez, Gabriella Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:34.17     

Men's 800 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Veloso, Nicholas     Belen Jesuit Prepara    2:11.46   2       10 
   2 Fernandez, Sebastian Belen Jesuit Prepara    2:13.01   2        8 
   3 Giner, Adrian        St. Theresa School      2:19.58   2        6 
   4 Aviles, David        St. Timothy Parish S    2:24.09   2        5 
   5 Ribas, Guillermo     Belen Jesuit Prepara    2:28.62   1  (1)   4 
   6 Rodriguez, Giankarlo St. Timothy Parish S    2:34.59   1  (2)   3 
   7 Pernia, Carlos       St. Louis Covenant S    2:36.55   2        2 
   8 Gatcliffe, Liam      Miami St. John Neuma    2:39.95   2        1 
   9 Gomez-Mancinelli, Ma St. Kevin Catholic S    2:43.82   2          
  10 Chacon, Lucas        Epiphany Catholic Sc    2:53.07   1  (3)     
  11 Sacher, Patrick      Epiphany Catholic Sc    2:53.28   1  (4)     
  12 Baluja, Matthew      St. Kevin Catholic S    2:57.00   2          
  13 Torres, Lucas        St. Louis Covenant S    2:59.62   2          
  14 Alvarez, Anthony     St. Kevin Catholic S    3:00.20   2          
  15 De La Osa, Cameron   St. Timothy Parish S    3:03.45   1  (5)     
  16 Tarafa, Jeovanni     St. Thomas The Apost    3:11.22   1  (6)     
  17 Martinez, Samuel     St. Theresa School      3:11.63   1  (7)     
  18 Puente, Frankie      Epiphany Catholic Sc    3:16.14   1  (8)     
  19 Lopez, Joshua        St. Louis Covenant S    3:24.51   2          
  20 Figueroa, Luke       St. Hugh Catholic Sc    3:26.74   2          
  21 Buigas, Manny        Our Lady of the Holy    3:32.80   2          

Women's 200 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Cornell, Camilla     Miami St. John Neuma      32.05  NW    4  (1)  10 
   2 Herrera, Ana         St. Michael the Arch      32.38  NW    2  (1)   8 
   3 Sanchez, Victoria    St. Thomas The Apost      32.62  NW    4  (2)   6 
   4 Tucker, Talaya       Our Lady of the Holy      33.29  NW    2  (2)   5 
   5 Perez, Ashley        Our Lady of the Holy      33.61  NW    4  (3)   4 
   6 salina, camila       Epiphany Catholic Sc      33.78  NW    1  (1)   3 
   7 Hernandez, Samantha  Mother of Our Redeem      35.23  NW    3  (1)   2 
   8 Duckworth, Elizabeth St. Thomas The Apost      35.34  NW    2  (3)   1 
   9 Dresner, Sara        St. Hugh Catholic Sc      35.49  NW    4  (4)     
  10 Negron, Bella        St. Kevin Catholic S      35.50  NW    2  (4)     
  11 Garcia, Isabella     St. Timothy Parish S      35.52  NW    2  (5)     
  12 Goff, Emma           Epiphany Catholic Sc      35.60  NW    2  (6)     
  13 Iglesias, Olivia     St. Timothy Parish S      36.63  NW    3  (2)     
  14 Berrocal, Ellie      St. Kevin Catholic S      36.66  NW    4  (5)     
  15 Rodriguez, Camila    Miami St. John Neuma      36.68  NW    3  (3)     
  16 Garcia, Amy          Mother of Our Redeem      36.78  NW    3  (4)     
  17 Ramos, Micaela       St. Theresa School        37.44  NW    1  (2)     
  18 Ceron, Andrea        St. Thomas The Apost      37.53  NW    1  (3)     
  19 Martinez, Mia        Our Lady of the Holy      37.97  NW    4  (6)     
  20 postigo, claudia     St. Agnes Academy         38.58  NW    2  (7)     
  21 Ledo, Sara           Mother of Our Redeem      39.15  NW    4  (7)     
  22 Formosa, Emma        St. Timothy Parish S      40.06  NW    1  (4)     
  23 Fernandez de Castro, Miami St. John Neuma      41.17  NW    3  (5)     
  24 lawrence, mia        Epiphany Catholic Sc      41.96  NW    1  (5)     
  25 Veiguela, Evelyn     Blessed Trinity Cath      41.98  NW    3  (6)     
  26 Miguel, Mia          St. Agnes Academy         44.28  NW    2  (8)     
  27 Silva, Julieta       St. Agnes Academy         46.40  NW    3  (7)     
  28 Zann, Gabriella      St. Hugh Catholic Sc      46.92  NW    3  (8)     

Men's 200 Meters (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Perez, Jean Michael  Our Lady of the Holy      31.78  NW    5  (1)  10 
   2 McDowell, Marcos     Miami St. John Neuma      32.74  NW    5  (2)   8 
   3 Perez, Giovanni      Our Lady of the Holy      32.80  NW    4  (1)   6 
   4 Silva, Mateo         Blessed Trinity Cath      33.00  NW    5  (3)   5 
   5 Diaz, Aaron          St. Michael the Arch      33.18  NW    1  (1)   4 
   6 Morin, Anthony       St. Kevin Catholic S      33.27  NW    2  (1)   3 
   7 Veizaga, Lennon      Blessed Trinity Cath      33.53  NW    4  (2)   2 
   8 Cordero, Joshua      St. Thomas The Apost      33.92  NW    2  (2)   1 
   9 Salas, Lucas         St. Thomas The Apost      34.32  NW    5  (4)     
  10 Hutchings Jr, Jason  Our Lady of the Holy      34.50  NW    5  (5)     
  11 Cardenas, Lucas      St. Kevin Catholic S      34.67  NW    2  (3)     
  12 goff, jake           Epiphany Catholic Sc      34.93  NW    2  (4)     
  13 Coates, Noah         St. Hugh Catholic Sc      35.56  NW    2  (5)     
  14 Morrison, Edward     St. Michael the Arch      35.65  NW    4  (3)     
  15 Lucca, Paret         St. Louis Covenant S      35.69  NW    3  (1)     
  16 Martinez, Chase      Epiphany Catholic Sc      36.03  NW    3  (2)     
  17 Leon, Savion         Blessed Trinity Cath      36.10  NW    5  (6)     
  18 Fernandez, Sabrian   St. Michael the Arch      37.13  NW    2  (6)     
  19 Pipkin, Riley        St. Theresa School        37.23  NW    3  (3)     
  20 Alegret, Christopher St. Kevin Catholic S      37.33  NW    1  (2)     
  21 Fernandez, Franco    St. Timothy Parish S      37.95  NW    1  (3)     
  22 Watson, Michael      Miami St. John Neuma      38.36  NW    4  (4)     
  23 Fernandez, Christoph St. Hugh Catholic Sc      38.57  NW    3  (4)     
  24 Banos, Lorenzo       St. Theresa School        39.38  NW    3  (5)     
  25 Wilhelm, Jackson     Miami St. John Neuma      39.45  NW    3  (6)     
  26 Faget, Luca          St. Timothy Parish S      39.83  NW    3  (7)     
  27 Mendez, Joaquin      St. Timothy Parish S      42.87  NW    4  (5)     
  28 Ivins, Joseph        Mother of Our Redeem      44.89  NW    4  (6)     
  29 Salim, Luciano       Epiphany Catholic Sc      47.21  NW    3  (8)     

Women's 200 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Hernandez, Alisa     Our Lady of the Holy      29.89  NW    4  (1)  10 
   2 Klevan, Christen     Miami St. John Neuma      31.15  NW    3  (1)   8 
   3 Valdes, Sophia       St. Timothy Parish S      32.29  NW    2  (1)   6 
   4 Olivares, Amanda     St. Kevin Catholic S      32.30  NW    4  (2)   5 
   5 Da Silva, Nicole     St. Hugh Catholic Sc      32.42  NW    2  (2)   4 
   6 Gonzalez, Leyna      St. Timothy Parish S      32.61  NW    3  (2)   3 
   7 Echeverri, Isabella  St. Theresa School        33.44  NW    1  (1)   2 
   8 Gonzalez, Valeria    St. Timothy Parish S      33.77  NW    3  (3)   1 
   9 Alcivar, Isabella    Mother of Our Redeem      33.86  NW    4  (3)     
  10 Rodriguez, Sara      Miami St. John Neuma      34.48  NW    4  (4)     
  11 Quiros, Isabella     Epiphany Catholic Sc      34.74  NW    3  (4)     
  12 Morera, Victoria     Blessed Trinity Cath      34.82  NW    4  (5)     
  13 Valladares, Nicole   Miami St. John Neuma      34.92  NW    2  (3)     
  14 Sanchez, Mia         St. Michael the Arch      35.03  NW    2  (4)     
  15 Ramos, Madison       St. Theresa School        35.23  NW    4  (6)     
  16 De La Camera, Elia   St. Theresa School        35.36  NW    4  (7)     
  17 Carrasco, Camilla    St. Agnes Academy         35.54  NW    3  (5)     
  18 Pena, Camila         Epiphany Catholic Sc      35.62  NW    1  (2)     
  19 Vina, Soleil         St. Louis Covenant S      36.85  NW    1  (3)     
  20 Price, Roshira       Our Lady of the Holy      37.42  NW    3  (6)     
  21 Nicot, Darlyn        Our Lady of the Holy      37.59  NW    2  (5)     
  22 Rodriguez, Katherine St. Michael the Arch      38.03  NW    2  (6)     
  23 Alireza, Elisa       St. Hugh Catholic Sc      38.11  NW    4  (8)     
  24 Rivero, Andrea       St. Hugh Catholic Sc      38.81  NW    1  (4)     
  25 Portelles, Camila    Mother of Our Redeem      40.96  NW    3  (7)     
  26 lage, maria alice    St. Agnes Academy         41.08  NW    1  (5)     
  27 Gudino, Gabriella    St. Agnes Academy         43.53  NW    3  (8)     
  28 Ivins, Rebekah       Mother of Our Redeem      45.37  NW    1  (6)     
  29 Martinez, Hailey     St. Michael the Arch      46.64  NW    1  (7)     

Men's 200 Meters (Varsity)
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 Giner, Adrian        St. Theresa School        25.84  NW    3  (1)  10 
   2 Irurita, Francisco   Belen Jesuit Prepara      27.20  NW    4  (1)   8 
   3 Herrera, Cristian    St. Michael the Arch      27.69  NW    2  (1)   6 
   4 Bustamante, Javier   Epiphany Catholic Sc      28.63  NW    4  (2)   5 
   5 Bustamante, Jason    Epiphany Catholic Sc      28.77  NW    4  (3)   4 
   6 Fernandez, Sebastian St. Michael the Arch      28.83  NW    1  (1)   3 
   7 Santana, Alejandro   St. Timothy Parish S      28.85  NW    2  (2)   2 
   8 Martinez, Luis       Our Lady of the Holy      29.31  NW    1  (2)   1 
   9 Zaharewicz, Nicholas Belen Jesuit Prepara      29.51  NW    4  (4)     
  10 Naranjo Sanchez, Aus St. Louis Covenant S      29.83  NW    4  (5)     
  11 Santiago, Ryan       Our Lady of the Holy      29.86  NW    2  (3)     
  12 Gomez-Mancinelli, Ma St. Kevin Catholic S      29.98  NW    4  (6)     
  13 Jacobellis, Nicholas Belen Jesuit Prepara      30.06  NW    4  (7)     
  14 Quiceno, Kevin       St. Michael the Arch      30.22  NW    2  (4)     
  15 Barredo, Rafael      Mother of Our Redeem      30.45  NW    1  (3)     
  16 Guido, Gianmarco     Our Lady of the Holy      30.87  NW    2  (5)     
  17 Patience, Dylan      Miami St. John Neuma      31.35  NW    3  (2)     
  18 Antunez, Gabriel     St. Hugh Catholic Sc      31.68  NW    4  (8)     
  19 Martinez, Samuel     St. Theresa School        31.74  NW    2  (6)     
  20 Perez, Renzo         St. Kevin Catholic S      32.20  NW    3  (3)     
  21 Rodriguez, Julian    St. Louis Covenant S      32.38  NW    1  (4)     
  22 Granado, Sam         St. Timothy Parish S      32.72  NW    1  (5)     
  23 Cornell, Colin       Miami St. John Neuma      32.97  NW    3  (4)     
  24 Watson, Dominic      Miami St. John Neuma      33.36  NW    3  (5)     
  25 Espin, Jose          Epiphany Catholic Sc      34.72  NW    2  (7)     
  26 Leyva, Jake          St. Louis Covenant S      36.12  NW    3  (6)     
  27 Linares, Sebastian   St. Timothy Parish S      36.54  NW    1  (6)     
  28 Alfonso, Julien      St. Kevin Catholic S      36.56  NW    3  (7)     
  29 Pritchard, Samuel    St. Theresa School        36.62  NW    3  (8)     

Women's 4 x 400m Relay (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Timothy Parish S  A    5:26.36  12 
   2 St. Theresa School    A    5:32.37  10 
   3 St. Thomas The Apost  A    5:51.17   8 
   4 Our Lady of the Holy  A    5:55.94   6 
   5 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    6:17.35   5 
   6 Miami St. John Neuma  A    6:22.08   4 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    6:37.81     

Men's 4 x 400m Relay (Junior Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Timothy Parish S  A    5:09.44  12 
   2 St. Theresa School    A    5:10.34  10 
   3 St. Kevin Catholic S  A    5:21.61   8 
   4 Miami St. John Neuma  A    5:41.10   6 
   5 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    5:51.47   5 
   6 St. Louis Covenant S  A    5:53.69   4 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    6:42.98     

Women's 4 x 400m Relay (Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Theresa School    A    5:04.77  12 
   2 Miami St. John Neuma  A    5:14.53  10 
   3 St. Theresa School    B    5:24.97     
   4 St. Timothy Parish S  A    5:31.70   8 
   5 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    5:37.75   6 
   6 St. Louis Covenant S  A    5:38.28   5 
   7 Epiphany Catholic Sc  B    5:56.77     

Men's 4 x 400m Relay (Varsity)
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 St. Timothy Parish S  A    4:31.64  12 
   2 St. Michael the Arch  A    4:33.33  10 
   3 St. Louis Covenant S  A    5:01.20   8 
   4 Miami St. John Neuma  A    5:12.02   6 
   5 Epiphany Catholic Sc  A    5:45.43   5