Meet Information

Santa Rosa County Middle School Invitational for the South 

This meet is limited to the following Santa Rosa County Middle School Teams

Gulf Breeze

Holley Navarre


East Bay

Location: Gulf Breeze High School Dolphin Stadium

Entries: Three (4) individuals and one (1) relay team per event, per school.

Cost: $100, Checks payable to Gulf Breeze High School

Meet Schedule

Coaches Meeting: 2:00 P.M. (Finish Line)

Field Events 2:30 P.M.

Girls Discus, Boys to follow

Boys Shot Put, Girls to follow

Running Schedule 2:30 P.M *Girls heats run first, followed by boys.

4x800 Relay 

100M Dash

400M Dash
4x100M Relay

1600M Run

200M Dash

4x400M Relay