The Villages 2009

The Villages, FL

JV Boys

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit         Registered to: Joe Laughlin, J7

 The Villages HS CC Invitational II - 10/20/2009 11:10:01 PM  
             Villages Polo Grounds, Longwood, FL              

                         JV Boys 5000 Meter Run                          

    Name                      Yr Team                          Time   Pts
  1 Marty Eastman              9 Eustis Hs                 20:30.00     1
  2 Tommy Tchir                9 Trinity Cath. Hs          21:27.40     2
  3 Jeremy Daulton            11 South Lake Hs             21:30.60    --
  4 Tj Westbrook              10 Eustis Hs                 21:31.30     3
  5 Jacob Hinman              10 Eustis Hs                 21:43.70     4
  6 Tim Steiner               12 Trinity Cath. Hs          22:01.00     5
  7 Hayden Todd                6 Md Bible Hs               22:06.90    --
  8 Giancarlo Vella            6 Md Bible Hs               22:18.30    --
  9 Blair Carlyle              9 The Villages Hs           22:20.90    --
 10 Griffin Armstrong          9 The Villages Hs           22:21.50    --
 11 Joseph VanWart             9 The Villages Hs           22:26.90    --
 12 Sam Whilden               11 Eustis Hs                 22:33.20     6
 13 Adrien Nelson              9 Leesburg Hs               23:00.60    --
 14 Jeff Shook                10 Eustis Hs                 23:08.90     7
 15 Steven Bacchus            11 South Lake Hs             23:32.20    --
 16 Mark Cleaver              11 Eustis Hs                 24:13.90     8
 17 Quint Hoffner              9 Trinity Cath. Hs          24:28.20     9
 18 Ryan Jones                 9 The Villages Hs           24:35.70    --
 19 Tyler Johns                9 South Lake Hs             24:42.80    --
 20 Graham Sligh              10 Leesburg Hs               25:10.20    --
 21 Eric Johnson              11 Eustis Hs                 25:42.60    10
 22 William Carlisle           9 Leesburg Hs               25:57.70    --
 23 Ashton Adams              10 Trinity Cath. Hs          26:08.60    11
 24 Patrick Beason            12 Eustis Hs                 26:56.30    --
 25 James Evangelista          9 South Lake Hs             27:40.50    --
 26 Tyler Lovell              10 Trinity Cath. Hs          28:49.20    12


                   JV Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                    
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Eustis Hs                   21      1    3    4    6    7    8   10  
      Total Time: 1:49:27      Average: 21:53.42      1-5 Split: 2:39
  2 Trinity Cath. Hs            39      2    5    9   11   12    -    -  
      Total Time: 2:02:54      Average: 24:34.88      1-5 Split: 7:22