Meet Information



5:20 pm elementary girls 2k,

5:35 elementary boys 2k,

5:50  pm Middle school girls 3k

6:10 pm Middle school boys 3k

Elementary is k-5th grade, Middle School is from 5th-8th grade.  5th graders may run in either race but not both.

This will be a FLYRA Middle School State Qualifier, top 25% of teams qualify, top 10% individuals qualify.

Registration will be on Direct Athletics. Race fees are $50 per middle school gender team. $35 per elementary gender team.  $10 per unattached individual or per individual on incomplete teams.  No limits to the number of runners per category.  Payment info tba.

Medals top 10, middle school, top 8 elementary. Team trophy for first place middle school girls & boys teams.

for questions contact Coach Crate at 561 271-3307,