Meet Information
Athletic Department720 NW 9th Ave Hallandale Fl. 33009 Office: 754-323-0900 * Fax: 754-323-1030Principal: Paula Peters Administrator: William GillespieAthletic Director: Anthony Shinhoster Meet Director: Maurice Dix Jr.
Dear Coaches:
You and your track teams are cordially invited to participate in the Hallandale Invitational Track and Field Meet to be held at Hallandale H.S. Saturday, February 22nd, 2025. This meet is sanctioned by the FHSAA. All FHSAA track and field rules will be enforced. Teams must register for the meet through for the 2025 meet. The event will also have local media coverage.
The meet timer will be Pure Gold Timing.
Meet Manager Maurice Dix "Coach Rees"
Jury of Appeals - To be announced at Coaches Meeting
COACHES MEETING will be held at 8:30am Saturday February 22nd, 2025 in the north bleachers near the press box.
**Special Notice**
All coaches must read this section and remain in compliance. Failure to read the notice and adhere to the guidelines will result in NON-ADMISSION to the event.
Registration Deadline: Sunday, 2/16/25 @ 11:59pm; No Exceptions
Entries: Four individuals / one relay per event.
Entry fee of $100.00 per team or $200.00 per school, $25.00 for individuals school must register individual athlete.
(4) Coaches passes per gender team. Team coolers only, general admission coolers not permitted.
No team participation will be permitted without entry fees being paid in advance. If entry fees are mailed make sure it reaches the school by the due date. Please contact Coach Maurice Dix (954-225-6194) to get the Entry Fees in as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE there will be NO ONSITE DAY OF MEET REGISTRATION !! All PAYMENTS must be submitted no later than Wednesday February 19th, 2025. ENTRY must be submitted no later than Sunday, February 16th, 2025 by midnight. Include your athletes best times, heights, and distances in meet competition from the 2024 season.
Packet pick-up and wrist band information for athletes and coaches
Team packets will be ready for pick-up at Hallandale Magnet High School during school hours on Wednesday February 19th, 2025. from 7:30am until 2:30pm. The entry fee must be paid when picking-up the packet.
When registering your team, include an active athlete participant roster including alternate team athletes. The number of students listed on your roster will determine the number of wrist bands placed in your packet. Additional wrist bands will cost $10.00.
Team bus drop-off and packet pick-up
Team buses will enter through the back via NW 8th St. or NW 7th Ct. thru the bus loop entrance or event parking lot.
Busses will travel through the gate, pass the portables towards the softball field and park along the gate parallel to the parking lot and softball fields keeping in alignment until bus line and loop are filled. Team buses will be redirected to other gated parking at the entrance of the school on NW 9th. Ave. If parking becomes filled.
Staff will be available to direct the buses.
The head coach will get off the bus and proceed to the softball field area gate to pay the entry fee and/or pick-up team packets.
After the head coach has the packet, he/she will return to the team bus and securely band all coaches and athletes. After all coaches and athletes have on their wrist bands, Coaches and athletes will UNLOAD IN THE REAR NORTHWEST PARKING LOT on NW 7th Ct. and enter through softball field gate entrance which leads directly to the south stand area designated for teams and coaches.
Staff will be available to direct the team.
(NOTE) Coaches and athletes who do not have on wrist bands will not be permitted to enter the stadium. Wrist bands will be given to the head coach based on the list submitted to Direct Athletics. The bands must be worn throughout the meet.
Late arrival of coaches and athletes
Coaches must have proper identification to enter the facility. Athletes must have their uniforms ON THEIR BODIES and NOT IN THEIR BAG. The identification must be shown to staff at the softball field area gate.
Coaches will meet their assistant coaches and/or athletes at the softball field area gate entrance with the wrist band needed for entry. The softball field area gate is located at the rear of the high school closest to NW. 7th CT and Lanier- James Education Center. Both the coach and the athlete must contact the head coach to meet them for entry at the softball field area gate. The coach MUST BRING THE WRIST BAND to the softball field area gate. Staff will not allow coaches or athletes to enter WITHOUT A REPRESENTATIVE FROM YOUR SCHOOL, a WRIST BAND and the athlete must be IN UNIFROM. Students out of uniform will not be admitted.
Food/Hydration drop-off
Parents and coaches bringing food to their teams must contact the head coach TO MEET THEM AT THE softball field area gate. The parent WILL NOT be permitted to enter using the softball field area gate.
In-field rules
Coaches will not be allowed in the in-field except for those associated with the event.
Coaches are requested to keep their athletes off the track and out of the infield. Bleacher and tent area will be available for teams. Warm up area will be behind the athletes bleachers on the Southside.
Parking: $5.00
General Admission: will be $7.00 for the entire meet. Spectators will be allowed in the north stands.
Field Events
Field Events will start at 9:00am. Participants will be allowed (3) trials in the LJ, TJ, DT, SP, JV and the participants with the TOP 12 marks will immediately move on to finals where they will be allowed (3) Final Attempts. The Girls Shot Put will start at 11:00am and the Boys Shot Put will follow starting at 12:00pm
Running Events
The 4x800m relay will be run as a final promptly at 11:30am.
Running Prelims will begin at 12:30pm.
No blocks will be used in the preliminaries of the 200m dash, 400m dash, 400m hurdles.
The Top 16 Athletes from the entries will be selected for the Invitational 800/1600/3200 Meters.The remainder of the 800/1600/3200 meters will be divided into divisions if necessary, depending on the number of entries. (Division 1 G/B ).
Things You Need To Know
- Athletes sit in the south stands.
- FHSAA Rules prevail.
- A trainers tent will be set up for athletes on the northwest end of the stadium. All athletes entrance will be approved by the Head Trainer.
- Athletes who are not participating should stay clear of the infield at all times.
- No blocks will be used in the preliminaries of the 200m dash, 400m dash, 400m hurdles.
- Spikes no longer than 1/8 will be permitted on track.
- The discus and shot put surfaces are made of concrete.
- Four coaching bands will be issued per gender team.
- All athletes must wear their Wristband. to Lost or additional wristbands will cost $10.00 each.
SATURDAY February 22nd, 2025
8:30 am-
Coaches Meeting (All Coaches)-Press Box Bleachers
Field Events with finals immediately following last flight in the LJ, TJ, SP, DS, and JV.
Edquisha Alvin Girls High Jump- Boys will follow immediately after (West Area)
Boys Long Jump- Triple Jump will follow immediately after (South Pit)
Regine Williams Girls Long Jump- Triple Jump will follow immediately after (North Pit)
Girls Discus- Boys will follow immediately after (Southwest Area)
Boys Javelin Throw- Girls will follow immediately after (Softball Field Area)
Girls Shot Put trials with finals immediately following the last flight of throwers (Northwest Area)
3200 Meter Relay (Finals) Girls and Boys
Milton Ingraham Boys-Shot Put (Northwest Area)
Running Prelims
12:30pm (Rolling Schedule) Girls followed by Boys
100 Meter Hurdles-Girls
110 Meter High Hurdles-Boys
100 Meter Dash
1600 Meter Run (Division 1 heats only, Invitational heat competes in finals slot)
4x100 Meter Relay
400 Meter Dash
400 Meter Hurdles
800 Meter Run (Division 1 heats only, Invitational competes in finals slot)
200 Meter Dash
3200 Meter Run (Division 1 only, Invitational competes in finals slot)
1 HOUR INTERMISSION - Estimated 6:30pm Running Finals (Rolling Schedule)* or 45 Minutes after the RunningPrelims
National Anthem (HHS Color Guard)
Living Legend and Rising Star Award Presentation
Finals -
Franisha Hammond 100 Meter Hurdles-Girls
Antwan Musgrove 110 Meter High Hurdles-Boys
100 Meter Dash-Girls
100 Meter Dash-Boys
City of Hallandale Beach (Invite only) 1600 Meter Run-Girls
City of Hallandale Beach (Invite only) 1600 Meter Run-Boys
4x100 Meter Relay-Girls
4x100 Meter Relay-Boys
Kyri Tabor 400 Meter Dash-Girls
Dwight Davis 400 Meter Dash-Boys
Kimani Rushing 400 Meter Low Hurdles-Girls
Tony Davis 400 Meter Intermediate Hurdles-Boys
800 Meter Run-Girls Invite Only
Mikail Ebanks 800 Meter Run-Boys Invite Only
200 Meter Dash-Girls
200 Meter Dash-Boys
3200 Meter Run-Girls Invite Only
3200 Meter Run-Boys Invite Only
4x400 Meter Relay-Girls
4x400 Meter Relay-Boys
All individual awards will be awarded immediately after each event has been finalized.
Girls Team Champion Award & Boys Team Champion Award
Girls Team Runner Up Award & Boys Team Runner Up Award
Most Outstanding Individual Girl Athlete Award
Most Outstanding Individual Boy Athlete Award
For more information contact:
Meet Director: Maurice Dix,, 954-225-6194
Meet Timer: Pure Gold Timing,