Dade County Youth Fair HS Championship 2025

Miami, FL

MileSplit Online Registration currently unavailable.

If you're the meet host, set it up here.

Meet Information

New for 2025, this is a two day competition.
Thursday: Field events day (except javelin)
Friday: Running events day (plus javelin)

This meet is only open to schools located in Miami-Dade County.
All Miami-Dade Public, Private, and Charter schools are allowed.

Meet Location:
Tropical Park
7900 SW 40th Street
Miami, FL 33155

Entry Fee: None!

Registration Information:
> Registration Information & Standards: CLICK HERE
> Registration:
> Registration Closes: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 at 11:59pm
> No changes will be allowed after registration closes
> Athletes are only allowed to compete in four (4) total events
> Athletes who competed in the MS meet cannot participate in the HS meet
> Official results from the MS meet can be found here: MS Youth Fair Results

Venue Information:
Everyone will be located in the west stands. (East stands are closed.)
There is no general admission cost for spectators.

All teams will be located in the east stands.
All spectators will be sitting in the west stands.
There is no general admission cost for spectators.

Thursday Time Schedule:
11:30am- Coaches Meeting

12:00pm- Field Events, first flights (Finals; 3 attempts)
Girls Long Jump
Girls High Jump
Girls Discus
Boys Long Jump
Boys Pole Vault
Adaptive Shot Put, immediately followed by Boys Shot Put

~3:00pm- Field Events, second flights (Finals; 3 attempts)
Girls Triple Jump (will begin immediately after Girls Long Jump concludes)
Girls Pole Vault (will begin immediately after Boys Pole Vault concludes)
Girls Shot Put (will begin immediately after Boys Shot Put concludes)
Boys Triple Jump (will begin immediately after Boys Long Jump concludes)
Boys High Jump (will begin immediately after Girls High Jump concludes)
Boys Discus (will begin immediately after Girls Discus concludes)

Vertical Jumping Event Starting Heights:
Pole Vault: Girls- 1.82m / 6' 0", Boys- 2.43m / 8' 0"
High Jump: Girls- 1.22m / 4' 0", Boys- 1.57m / 5' 2"

Friday Time Schedule:
8:30am- Coaches Meeting

9:00am- Adaptive Javelin, immediately followed by Boys Javelin
9:00am- Girls 4x800m Relay = ~One section
~9:15am- Boys 4x800m Relay = ~Two sections, slowest to fastest

~9:45am- Consolation Girls 1600m Run (~2 heats; fastest to slowest)
~10:05am- Consolation Boys 1600m Run (~4 heats; fastest to slowest)
~10:35am- Consolation Girls 800m Run (~5 heats; fastest to slowest)
~11:00am- Consolation Boys 800m Run (~7 heats; fastest to slowest)
> Consolation Race information is listed at the bottom.

~12:00pm- Girls Javelin (will begin immediately after Boys Javelin concludes)

~12:00pm Running Finals: (Rolling schedule after Consolation races)
100m / 110m Hurdles
100m Dash
Adaptive 100m Dash
1600m Run = Two sections per gender, slowest to fastest
4x100m Relay
400m Dash
Adaptive 400m Dash
400m Hurdles
800m Run = Two sections per gender, slowest to fastest
Adaptive 800m Run
200m Dash
Adaptive 200m Dash
3200m Run = One section per gender
4x400m Relay = Multiple sections, slowest to fastest

~7:00pm Awards Presentation

Medals for the top three (3) finishers in each event.
Ribbons will be awarded to fourth through eighth in each event.
The Champion and Runner-up Girls and Boys teams will receive trophies.

For more information or registration issues contact:
Meet Director: Ryan Raposo,

Consolation Race Information:
Consolation races are non-scoring, but are officially timed. These races are meant for young / JV athletes to get an opportunity to compete at a big meet. These races are after the 4x800m relay, and are NOT the slower heats of the regular competition.
^Please register athletes in either the 1600m or the 800m and NOT both races as these events are back-to-back which creates excessive No Shows in the 800m. If an athlete is registered in both Consolation races, they WILL be removed from one of the two events.