All Catholic Invitational 2025

Miami, FL


Girls Shot Put Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Amanda Gonzalez               6    Miami St. John Neumann School      6.44m          1     
2     Natalia Guzman                5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 4.95m          1     
3     Carolina Perez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           4.75m          1     
4     NIna Delgado                  6    Immaculate Conception School       4.45m          1     
5     Stella Montano                5    St. Timothy Parish School          3.75m          1     
6     Sofia Estrugo                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          3.63m          1     
7     Chloe Martinez                6    St. Timothy Parish School          2.20m          1     

Boys Shot Put Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Dominique Perez               6    St. Kevin Catholic School          10.17m         1     
2     Leandro Aguila                7    Mother of Our Redeemer             8.95m          1     
3     Alejandro Aguila              7    Mother of Our Redeemer             8.91m          1     
4     Arius Fleuridor               6    Mother of Our Redeemer             7.97m          1     
5     Jordan Cordova                6    St. Kevin Catholic School          7.81m          1     
6     Julian Natera                 6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7.04m          1     
7     Gabriel Guerra                6    St. Timothy Parish School          6.92m          1     
8     Jose Badell                   6    St. Timothy Parish School          6.62m          1     
9     Robert Perera                 6    Immaculate Conception School       5.89m          1     
10    Jaxon Velazquez               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 5.64m          1     
11    Joaquin Balaguer              7    Epiphany Catholic School           5.58m          1     
12    Jayden Scorpo                 6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 5.48m          1     
13    Myles Mora                    8    Epiphany Catholic School           5.40m          1     
14    Jordan A. Hernandez           5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           5.32m          1     
15    Ian Adato                     5    St. Hugh Catholic School           5.27m          1     
16    Lucas Maragliano              6    St. Timothy Parish School          5.09m          1     
17    Joaquin Morales               8    Epiphany Catholic School           4.58m          1     
18    Charles Kurshingal            5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           4.52m          1     
19    John Lineen                   4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2.80m          1     

Girls Long Jump Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Carolina Ojeda                6    St. Timothy Parish School          3.92m          1      
2     Amelia Canino                 6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.44m          1      
3     Victoria Rego                 5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3.41m          1      
4     Savannah Reynolds             6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.30m          1      
5     Mia Palomares                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          3.13m          1      
6     Isabella Lampreaba            5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3.01m          1      
7     Sofia Garcia                  5    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.98m          1      
8     Delphina Welch                7    St. Theresa School                 2.85m          1      
9     Abigail Rego                  5    Epiphany Catholic School           2.78m          1      
10    Cecilia Rivero                7    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.74m          1      
10    Maddison Williams             6    St. Timothy Parish School          2.74m          1      
12    Samantha Dominguez            5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.73m          1      
12    Lily Marrero                  7    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.73m          1      
14    Emma Mata                     6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 2.60m          1      
15    Luciana Fernandez             6    Epiphany Catholic School           2.55m          1      
16    Rio La Mendola                6    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.52m          1      
17    Taylor Maximin                5    Holy Rosary St                     2.47m          1      
18    Sara Ledo                     6    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.44m          1      
19    Maria Victoria Viera          5    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.33m          1      
20    Daniella Garza                5    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.14m          1      
21    Emma Lizano                   5    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.05m          1      
22    Ella Casanueva                7    St. Theresa School                 2.02m          1      
23    Spohie Lam                    7    St. Theresa School                 2.01m          1      
24    Zoey Nakash                   5    Lakes School                       1.64m          1      

Boys Long Jump Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Jay Fara                      6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3.76m          1      
2     Marco Linares                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          3.70m          1      
3     Dominic Granizo               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.65m          1      
4     Gabriel Alexander             5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.57m          1      
5     Dominic Salas                 5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3.51m          1      
6     Jake Trujillo                 7    St. Theresa School                 3.42m          1      
7     Thomas Lopez                  3    Epiphany Catholic School           3.39m          1      
8     Ethan Basulto                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          3.29m          1      
9     Joaquin Gonzalez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          3.28m          1      
10    Devin De La Osa               6    St. Timothy Parish School          3.21m          1      
11    Santi Balaguer                5    Epiphany Catholic School           3.20m          1      
12    Ian Adato                     5    St. Hugh Catholic School           3.17m          1      
13    Latif Sanchez                 5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.06m          1      
14    Ryan Bruno                    5    Miami St. John Neumann School      3.03m          1      
15    Rafael Casaus                 7    St. Theresa School                 3.02m          1      
16    Nicholas Rodriguez            7    Mother of Our Redeemer             3.01m          1      
17    Franco Balaguer               9    Epiphany Catholic School           2.96m          1      
18    Ayden Fernandez               5    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.95m          1      
19    Riley Pipkin                  6    St. Theresa School                 2.93m          1      
20    Damian Coronel                6    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.90m          1      
21    Nicolas Milian                5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2.89m          1      
22    David Gonzalez                6    Immaculate Conception School       2.88m          1      
23    Liam Levy                     5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.84m          1      
24    Nikkolas Leon                 6    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.49m          1      
25    Mateo Ow                      5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2.46m          1      

Girls High Jump Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Victoria Rego                 5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1.07m          1     

Girls Sprint Medley Relay Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Theresa School                 5:29.74        1     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 5:33.72        2     
3                                        Sts. Peter & Paul School           5:39.48        2     
4                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     5:40.09        1     
5                                        St. Timothy Parish School          6:03.32        1     
6                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          6:13.54        2     
7                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:13.72        1     
8                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:29.11        1     

Boys Sprint Medley Relay Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 5:12.27        1     
2                                        St. Timothy Parish School          5:13.62        1     
3                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          5:45.11        1     
4                                        Epiphany Catholic School           5:48.15        1     
5                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:24.82        1     

Girls 60 meter Hurdles Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Elisse Rivero                 7    Mother of Our Redeemer             12.64          1     -0.1
2     Michelle Gomez                5    St. Timothy Parish School          12.87          1     -0.1
3     Ellie Benedi                  6    St. Theresa School                 13.18          2     -0.1
4     Carolina Rosario              5    St. Timothy Parish School          13.22          2     -0.1
5     Cecilia Rivero                7    Mother of Our Redeemer             13.82          1     -0.1
6     Mia Palomares                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          13.99          2     -0.1

Boys 60 meter Hurdles Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Devin De La Osa               6    St. Timothy Parish School          12.10          1     -0.1
2     Brian Rey                     6    St. Timothy Parish School          12.37          1     -0.1
3     Ethan Basulto                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          13.47          1     -0.1

Girls 100 meter Dash Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Valentina Fernandez           5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     15.15          1     -0.2
2     Carolina Ojeda                6    St. Timothy Parish School          15.20          5     -0.1
3     Talaya Tucker                 6    Holy Rosary St                     15.44          1     -0.2
4     Daniella Padial               6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     15.53          5     -0.1
5     Riley Pierre                  6    St. Mary's Cathedral School        15.75          1     -0.2
6     Grace Cruz                    6    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.11          5     -0.1
7     Nicole Baluja                 6    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.27          6     -0.3
8     Nina Montour                  6    Sts. Peter & Paul School           16.37          6     -0.3
9     Maddison Williams             6    St. Timothy Parish School          16.41          7     0.1 
10    Emma Alvarez-Tabio            5    Epiphany Catholic School           16.63          4     -0.7
11    Mia Martinez                  6    Holy Rosary St                     16.68          5     -0.1
12    Laila Mojen Slaib             5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     16.70          1     -0.2
12    Avery Priegues                7    St. Theresa School                 16.70          2     -0.1
14    Amanda Gonzalez               6    Miami St. John Neumann School      16.71          1     -0.2
15    Ella Casanueva                7    St. Theresa School                 16.81          6     -0.3
16    Helena Fayiga                 6    Holy Rosary St                     16.84          3     -0.1
16    Fernanda Pineda               7    Mother of Our Redeemer             16.84          4     -0.7
18    Geisy Pineda                  6    Immaculate Conception School       16.86          3     -0.1
18    Mia-Bella Pino                9    Epiphany Catholic School           16.86          6     -0.3
20    Amelia Canino                 6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 17.12          2     -0.1
21    Mia Rojas                     6    Immaculate Conception School       17.27          7     0.1 
22    Isabella Lampreaba            5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           17.43          3     -0.1
23    Maria Victoria Viera          5    St. Hugh Catholic School           17.52          3     -0.1
24    Fabiana Estrada               5    St. Louis Covenant School          17.70          4     -0.7
25    Delphina Welch                7    St. Theresa School                 17.73          5     -0.1
26    Madelyn Fernandez de Castro   6    Miami St. John Neumann School      17.93          2     -0.1
27    Sofia Ceballos                6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 17.97          4     -0.7
28    Shayann Mirville              5    St. Mary's Cathedral School        18.45          2     -0.1
29    NIna Delgado                  6    Immaculate Conception School       18.52          6     -0.3
30    Madison Gomez                 5    St. Timothy Parish School          18.55          4     -0.7
31    Abbie Martinez                6    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.56          7     0.1 
32    Eugenia Zajia                 8    Epiphany Catholic School           18.62          4     -0.7
33    Lucia Concepcion              6    St. Louis Covenant School          18.64          5     -0.1
34    Madison Ochoa                 5    St. Kevin Catholic School          18.82          2     -0.1
35    Emma de Armas                 5    Miami St. John Neumann School      19.84          3     -0.1
36    Carolina Perez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           19.86          3     -0.1
37    Zoey Nakash                   5    Lakes School                       21.23          7     0.1 
38    Rio La Mendola                6    St. Hugh Catholic School           21.39          6     -0.3

Boys 100 meter Dash Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Mateo Luna                    6    Epiphany Catholic School           14.07          1     -0.1
2     Anthony Morin                 6    St. Kevin Catholic School          14.24          1     -0.1
3     Elliot Karge                  6    St. Timothy Parish School          14.49          1     -0.1
4     Jay Fara                      6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     14.93          1     -0.1
5     Joaquin Gonzalez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          15.10          2     -0.2
6     Marco Linares                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          15.41          2     -0.2
7     Dominique Perez               6    St. Kevin Catholic School          15.64          1     -0.1
8     Connor Fernandez              8    Epiphany Catholic School           15.67          5     -0.2
9     Lubenson Pierre               5    St. Mary's Cathedral School        15.69          1     -0.1
10    Jake Trujillo                 7    St. Theresa School                 15.99          5     -0.2
11    Logan Johnstone Farvet        6    Immaculate Conception School       16.23          6     0.1 
12    Joaquin Revilla               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 16.30          5     -0.2
13    Derek Valdes                  5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     16.37          4     -0.4
14    Ayden Fernandez               5    Miami St. John Neumann School      16.43          5     -0.2
15    Ryan Labrada                  7    Mother of Our Redeemer             16.82          2     -0.2
16    Myles Castellanos             5    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.84          3     0.1 
17    Ryan Bruno                    5    Miami St. John Neumann School      17.04          6     0.1 
18    Jorge Rocha                   5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           17.12          5     -0.2
19    Riley Lopez                   8    St. Theresa School                 17.16          3     0.1 
20    Riley Pipkin                  6    St. Theresa School                 17.30          2     -0.2
21    Damian Coronel                6    Mother of Our Redeemer             17.36          4     -0.4
22    Carter Santil                 5    St. Mary's Cathedral School        17.47          4     -0.4
23    Jose Mendoza                  5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     17.70          6     0.1 
24    Carlos Hernandez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          17.75          5     -0.2
25    Samuel Antunez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           17.80          3     0.1 
26    Nikkolas Leon                 6    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.13          4     -0.4
27    Mateo Ow                      5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           18.34          6     0.1 
28    Nicholas Porro                5    St. Louis Covenant School          18.53          3     0.1 
29    Juanpablo Teran               5    Miami St. John Neumann School      18.82          3     0.1 
30    Joaquin Castellon             5    St. Hugh Catholic School           19.31          6     0.1 
31    Benjamin Cuesta               6    St. Timothy Parish School          20.12          4     -0.4
32    Charles Kurshingal            5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           20.39          3     0.1 

Girls 1600 meter Run Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Lia Kamar                     5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:23.27        1     
2     Camila Linares                6    St. Timothy Parish School          6:32.57        1     
3     Zoe Rivera                    6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:45.20        1     
4     Gabriella Menegazzo           7    St. Theresa School                 6:50.06        1     
5     Clementina Martinez-Christen  5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:55.27        1     
6     Emma Mata                     6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7:05.02        1     
7     Luciana Fernandez             6    Epiphany Catholic School           7:18.08        1     
8     Valentina Ferandez            8    St. Theresa School                 7:30.37        1     
9     Maria Victoria Viera          5    St. Hugh Catholic School           7:35.08        1     
10    Savannah Reynolds             6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7:37.67        1     
11    Sophia Granados               6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7:40.46        1     
12    Matilde Tinti                 6    Miami St. John Neumann School      7:55.84        1     
13    Emma Formosa                  6    St. Timothy Parish School          8:08.73        1     
14    Sofia Salum                   3    Epiphany Catholic School           8:08.86        1     

Boys 1600 meter Run Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Rene Luis                     6    St. Theresa School                 5:35.90        1     
2     Latif Sanchez                 5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 6:06.30        1     
3     Gustavo Leyva                 6    St. Theresa School                 6:17.43        1     
4     Brandon Calvo                 7    St. Theresa School                 6:18.09        1     
5     Justin Bustamante             8    Epiphany Catholic School           6:32.40        1     
6     Maddox Sampedro               6    St. Kevin Catholic School          6:42.37        1     
7     Franco Balaguer               9    Epiphany Catholic School           7:33.23        1     
8     Juan Diego Chuecos            5    St. Hugh Catholic School           7:50.53        1     
9     Justin Fernandez              9    Mother of Our Redeemer             9:43.93        1     
10    Gianlukkas Leon               6    Mother of Our Redeemer             9:45.82        1     

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:03.57        2     
2                                        St. Timothy Parish School          1:04.24        2     
3                                        Holy Rosary St                     1:04.43        1     
4                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          1:07.42        1     
5                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:07.61        2     
6                                        Epiphany Catholic School           1:07.97        3     
7                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      1:09.13        2     
8                                        St. Theresa School                 1:09.27        1     
9                                        Mother of Our Redeemer             1:11.01        1     
10                                       Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:11.83        2     
11                                       Mother of Our Redeemer             1:11.91        3     
12                                       St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:12.70        3     
13                                       Immaculate Conception School       1:13.26        3     
14                                       St. Timothy Parish School          1:17.59        2     
15                                       Epiphany Catholic School           1:18.31        1     

Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Epiphany Catholic School           1:00.77        2     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:01.61        1     
3                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          1:02.42        1     
4                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:04.63        3     
5                                        St. Theresa School                 1:06.05        1     
6                                        Mother of Our Redeemer             1:08.35        2     
7                                        Immaculate Conception School       1:09.16        1     
8                                        St. Timothy Parish School          1:12.70        2     
9                                        Mother of Our Redeemer             1:12.84        3     
10                                       Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:13.29        3     
11                                       Epiphany Catholic School           1:15.87        2     

Girls 400 meter Dash Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Gianna Daphnis                6    St. Mary's Cathedral School        1:15.94        1     
2     Camila Rodriguez              6    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:17.23        1     
3     Lucy Galindez                 5    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:20.27        2     
4     Ellie Benedi                  6    St. Theresa School                 1:20.90        1     
5     Samantha Dominguez            5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:21.16        5     
6     Carolina Ojeda                6    St. Timothy Parish School          1:21.18        4     
7     Sofia Rodriguez               3    Epiphany Catholic School           1:21.19        2     
8     Sophia Gambogi-Contreras      7    St. Theresa School                 1:21.74        4     
9     Laila Mojen Slaib             5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:23.71        2     
10    Amanda Gonzalez               6    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:26.03        4     
11    Catherine Novoa               6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:26.11        5     
12    Matilde Tinti                 6    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:26.20        6     
13    Valentina Ferandez            8    St. Theresa School                 1:26.25        6     
14    Taylor Maximin                5    Holy Rosary St                     1:26.28        2     
15    Geisy Pineda                  6    Immaculate Conception School       1:26.83        3     
16    Lily Marrero                  7    Mother of Our Redeemer             1:27.22        4     
17    Sofia Ceballos                6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:27.28        3     
17    Mia Rojas                     6    Immaculate Conception School       1:27.28        4     
19    Nicole Baluja                 6    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:27.74        3     
20    Helena Fayiga                 6    Holy Rosary St                     1:28.53        1     
21    Caterina Castro               1    Epiphany Catholic School           1:28.75        1     
22    Olivia Perez                  5    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:29.74        2     
23    Selene Santiago               6    St. Timothy Parish School          1:30.56        6     
24    Daniela Denis                 8    Epiphany Catholic School           1:31.91        5     
25    Lucia Delgado                 6    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:33.32        5     
26    Sofia Estrugo                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          1:36.65        5     
27    Camila Ramos                  6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:38.15        2     
28    Lucia Concepcion              6    St. Louis Covenant School          1:39.13        3     
29    Heather Madrano               7    Mother of Our Redeemer             1:50.50        5     
30    Rio La Mendola                6    St. Hugh Catholic School           2:11.06        3     

Boys 400 meter Dash Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Leonardo Cardenas             7    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:13.48        2     
2     Hunter Espinel                6    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:14.47        1     
3     Luis Davis                    9    Epiphany Catholic School           1:15.99        3     
4     Liam Levy                     5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:16.52        1     
5     Joaquin Gonzalez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          1:16.86        2     
6     Ethan Basulto                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          1:18.20        2     
7     Franco De Mena                5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:18.24        1     
8     Eugenio Mendoza               3    Epiphany Catholic School           1:19.07        1     
9     Thomas Lopez                  3    Epiphany Catholic School           1:19.25        1     
10    Brandon Calvo                 7    St. Theresa School                 1:19.27        1     
11    Riley Lopez                   8    St. Theresa School                 1:19.57        4     
12    Wyatt De la Vega              5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:20.41        4     
13    Rafael Casaus                 7    St. Theresa School                 1:23.64        2     
14    Juan Diego Chuecos            5    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:25.69        5     
15    Andrew Amador                 5    St. Timothy Parish School          1:26.15        5     
16    Carlos Hernandez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          1:29.67        3     
17    Mason Ochoa                   5    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:31.41        2     
18    Samuel Antunez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:32.68        3     
19    Nicholas Porro                5    St. Louis Covenant School          1:34.35        4     
20    Juanpablo Teran               5    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:35.13        2     
21    Joaquin Castellon             5    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:43.67        3     
22    Felix Cordero                 7    Mother of Our Redeemer             1:52.54        4     
23    Isaac Gallego                 7    Mother of Our Redeemer             2:09.83        5     
24    Regan Rivero                  7    Mother of Our Redeemer             2:26.78        4     

Girls 800 meter Run Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Victoria Rego                 5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2:54.77        1     
2     Gabriella Menegazzo           7    St. Theresa School                 2:56.23        1     
3     Camila Linares                6    St. Timothy Parish School          2:56.69        1     
4     Lia Kamar                     5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:01.78        1     
5     Mila Manguart                 5    St. Theresa School                 3:03.80        1     
6     Lucy Galindez                 5    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:05.13        1     
7     Clementina Martinez-Christen  5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:08.29        1     
8     Samantha Campos               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:13.87        1     
9     Olivia Casabielle             6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:14.84        1     
10    Emma Mata                     6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:16.62        1     
11    Luciana Fernandez             6    Epiphany Catholic School           3:19.81        1     
12    Zoe Rivera                    6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:20.84        1     
13    Olivia Jaramillo              5    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:23.29        1     
14    Maria Victoria Viera          5    St. Hugh Catholic School           3:33.78        1     
15    Marthina Mendez               6    Epiphany Catholic School           3:38.86        1     
16    Valentina Ferandez            8    St. Theresa School                 3:43.82        1     
17    Audrey Gomez                  5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3:46.43        1     
18    Emma de Armas                 5    Miami St. John Neumann School      3:50.23        1     

Boys 800 meter Run Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Rene Luis                     6    St. Theresa School                 2:40.63        1     
2     Hunter Espinel                6    St. Kevin Catholic School          2:54.49        1     
3     Gustavo Leyva                 6    St. Theresa School                 2:57.40        1     
4     Elliot Karge                  6    St. Timothy Parish School          2:59.74        1     
5     Christopher Alegret           6    St. Kevin Catholic School          2:59.98        1     
6     Brandon Calvo                 7    St. Theresa School                 3:01.05        1     
7     Noah Marine                   6    Miami St. John Neumann School      3:04.33        1     
8     Devin De La Osa               6    St. Timothy Parish School          3:10.00        1     
9     Franco De Mena                5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:10.67        1     
10    Dominic Gomez                 6    Epiphany Catholic School           3:11.21        1     
11    Brian Rey                     6    St. Timothy Parish School          3:12.31        1     
12    Cristobal Acquavella          9    Epiphany Catholic School           3:25.66        1     

Girls 200 meter Dash Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Sofia SCHRADER                6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 31.46          1     -0.6
2     Gianna Daphnis                6    St. Mary's Cathedral School        32.53          2     -1.3
3     Talaya Tucker                 6    Holy Rosary St                     32.57          1     -0.6
4     Riley Pierre                  6    St. Mary's Cathedral School        32.60          1     -0.6
5     Valentina Fernandez           5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     33.35          1     -0.6
6     Carolina Rosario              5    St. Timothy Parish School          33.91          6     -0.3
7     Daniella Padial               6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     34.26          5     -0.3
8     Camila Rodriguez              6    Miami St. John Neumann School      34.51          1     -0.6
9     Abigail Rego                  5    Epiphany Catholic School           34.81          6     -0.3
10    Ella Casanueva                7    St. Theresa School                 35.21          4     -0.3
11    Sylvia Saez                   9    Epiphany Catholic School           35.29          7     0.1 
12    Luna Lopez                    6    St. Kevin Catholic School          35.43          2     -1.3
13    Taylor Maximin                5    Holy Rosary St                     35.49          1     -0.6
14    Daniella Garza                5    Miami St. John Neumann School      35.56          2     -1.3
15    Avery Priegues                7    St. Theresa School                 35.74          3     -0.1
16    Geisy Pineda                  6    Immaculate Conception School       35.81          6     -0.3
17    Helena Fayiga                 6    Holy Rosary St                     36.10          4     -0.3
18    Fabiana Estrada               5    St. Louis Covenant School          36.17          7     0.1 
19    Spohie Lam                    7    St. Theresa School                 36.96          4     -0.3
20    Samantha Dominguez            5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     37.01          2     -1.3
21    Emma Formosa                  6    St. Timothy Parish School          37.21          3     -0.1
22    Victoria Jaramillo            5    St. Kevin Catholic School          37.43          4     -0.3
23    Olivia Perez                  5    St. Kevin Catholic School          38.36          3     -0.1
24    Natalia De la Rionda          4    Epiphany Catholic School           38.56          2     -1.3
25    Sara Ledo                     6    Mother of Our Redeemer             38.86          2     -1.3
26    Mia Munoz Moreno              6    Mother of Our Redeemer             39.11          5     -0.3
27    Adriana Rios                  5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 39.15          3     -0.1
28    Madelyn Fernandez de Castro   6    Miami St. John Neumann School      39.25          3     -0.1
29    Shayann Mirville              5    St. Mary's Cathedral School        40.03          3     -0.1
30    Camila Ramos                  6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 40.56          6     -0.3
31    Mia Rojas                     6    Immaculate Conception School       40.64          5     -0.3
32    Madison Gomez                 5    St. Timothy Parish School          40.81          5     -0.3
33    Lucia Concepcion              6    St. Louis Covenant School          41.95          6     -0.3
34    Carolina Perez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           43.38          4     -0.3
35    Abbie Martinez                6    Mother of Our Redeemer             43.47          7     0.1 
36    Rio La Mendola                6    St. Hugh Catholic School           44.35          7     0.1 
37    Sabina Carrillo               5    Immaculate Conception School       44.67          5     -0.3

Boys 200 meter Dash Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Nicolas Sanchez               6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 30.49          4     -0.2
2     Alejandro Aguila              7    Mother of Our Redeemer             31.44          3     -0.1
3     Joaquin Gonzalez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          31.47          2     0.2 
4     Lubenson Pierre               5    St. Mary's Cathedral School        31.95          1     -0.1
5     Dominic Granizo               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 32.25          3     -0.1
6     Jay Fara                      6    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     32.49          1     -0.1
7     Christian Fernandez           9    Epiphany Catholic School           32.72          3     -0.1
8     Roger Bustos                  6    St. Kevin Catholic School          32.79          5     0.1 
9     Jake Trujillo                 7    St. Theresa School                 33.06          3     -0.1
10    Joaquin Revilla               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 33.58          5     0.1 
11    Frank Silva                   7    St. Theresa School                 33.85          6     0.3 
12    Thomas Lopez                  3    Epiphany Catholic School           33.89          1     -0.1
13    Ayden Fernandez               5    Miami St. John Neumann School      34.16          6     0.3 
14    Mateo Mezerhane               5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     34.64          3     -0.1
15    Myles Castellanos             5    St. Kevin Catholic School          35.60          1     -0.1
16    Connor Fernandez              8    Epiphany Catholic School           35.78          4     -0.2
17    Gabriel LLorente              5    St. Kevin Catholic School          35.89          1     -0.1
18    Riley Pipkin                  6    St. Theresa School                 35.94          1     -0.1
19    Ryan Bruno                    5    Miami St. John Neumann School      36.44          6     0.3 
20    Carlos Hernandez              5    St. Louis Covenant School          37.16          5     0.1 
21    Ryan Labrada                  7    Mother of Our Redeemer             37.26          6     0.3 
22    Lawrence Lecorps              5    St. Mary's Cathedral School        37.80          5     0.1 
23    Samuel Antunez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           37.87          2     0.2 
24    David Gonzalez                6    Immaculate Conception School       37.90          5     0.1 
25    Nicholas Rodriguez            7    Mother of Our Redeemer             38.43          2     0.2 
26    Wyatt De la Vega              5    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     38.49          3     -0.1
27    Javier Marques                5    St. Timothy Parish School          38.90          5     0.1 
28    Robert Perera                 6    Immaculate Conception School       39.82          4     -0.2
29    Nicholas Porro                5    St. Louis Covenant School          39.89          6     0.3 
30    Juan Diego Chuecos            5    St. Hugh Catholic School           41.23          4     -0.2
31    Juanpablo Teran               5    Miami St. John Neumann School      41.25          2     0.2 
32    Lucas Maragliano              6    St. Timothy Parish School          41.62          2     0.2 
33    Jose Badell                   6    St. Timothy Parish School          42.91          4     -0.2

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Theresa School                 5:38.42        1     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 5:39.03        2     
3                                        Epiphany Catholic School           5:47.90        1     
4                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          5:48.15        2     
5                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     5:51.29        1     
6                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      5:54.15        1     
7                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:05.58        2     
8                                        St. Timothy Parish School          6:05.60        2     
9                                        Sts. Peter & Paul School           6:16.77        1     
10                                       St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:38.80        2     

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 4:53.76        1     
2                                        St. Theresa School                 5:11.60        2     
3                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          5:12.06        1     
4                                        St. Timothy Parish School          5:20.75        1     
5                                        Epiphany Catholic School           5:54.24        1     
6                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:09.62        1     

Girls Discus Throw Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Maripaz Torres                8    Mother of Our Redeemer             15.60m         1     
2     Natalia Alberni               8    St. Theresa School                 14.13m         1     
3     Madison Rodriguez             8    St. Timothy Parish School          14.13m         1     
4     Ana Beltran                   7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           13.91m         1     
5     Alexandra Zann                8    St. Hugh Catholic School           13.84m         1     
6     Lola Montano                  7    St. Timothy Parish School          13.40m         1     
7     Calina Martinez               7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     12.78m         1     
8     Mia Valdes                    7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     11.90m         1     
9     Katelyn Perez                 7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     11.77m         1     
10    Isabela Ricart                7    St. Timothy Parish School          11.59m         1     
11    Victoria Silva                7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 11.54m         1     
12    Elisa Alireza                 8    St. Hugh Catholic School           10.77m         1     
13    Anabella Duran                7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 10.27m         1     
14    Mia Benitez                   8    Mother of Our Redeemer             9.20m          1     
15    Brielle Puga                  8    St. Kevin Catholic School          9.04m          1     
16    Hailey Zaldivar               8    Mother of Our Redeemer             8.79m          1     
17    Leah Rubio                    6    St. Kevin Catholic School          8.72m          1     
18    Lia Montalvan                 7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 8.71m          1     

Girls Shot Put Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Elena Infante                 7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     8.02m          1     
2     Anabella Duran                7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7.53m          1     
3     Natalia Alberni               8    St. Theresa School                 7.49m          1     
4     Bella Negron                  7    St. Kevin Catholic School          7.40m          1     
5     Leah Rubio                    6    St. Kevin Catholic School          7.28m          1     
6     Alexandra Zann                8    St. Hugh Catholic School           7.07m          1     
7     Elisa Alireza                 8    St. Hugh Catholic School           6.84m          1     
8     Mia Valdes                    7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6.84m          1     
9     Maripaz Torres                8    Mother of Our Redeemer             6.83m          1     
10    Brielle Puga                  8    St. Kevin Catholic School          6.80m          1     
11    Ana Beltran                   7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           6.35m          1     
12    Katelyn Perez                 7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     6.30m          1     
13    Lia Montalvan                 7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 5.86m          1     
14    Calina Martinez               7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     5.79m          1     
15    Hailey Zaldivar               8    Mother of Our Redeemer             5.70m          1     
16    Madison Rodriguez             8    St. Timothy Parish School          5.63m          1     
17    Nicole Valladares             8    Miami St. John Neumann School      5.54m          1     
18    Mia Benitez                   8    Mother of Our Redeemer             5.54m          1     
19    Lola Montano                  7    St. Timothy Parish School          5.39m          1     
20    Victoria Silva                7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 5.25m          1     
21    Antonella Villa-Lopez         8    St. Timothy Parish School          4.77m          1     
22    Sofia Tolley                  7    St. Hugh Catholic School           4.65m          1     

Boys Shot Put Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Michael King                  8    St. Louis Covenant School          10.17m         1     
2     Eduardo Iglesias              8    St. Timothy Parish School          9.12m          1     
3     Junior Cali                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     8.75m          1     
4     Isaias Cruz                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     8.74m          1     
5     Vladamir Sion                 7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        8.47m          1     
6     Nicolas Rodriguez             7    Miami St. John Neumann School      8.46m          1     
7     Marcelo Ramos                 8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 8.46m          1     
8     Sam Granado                   8    St. Timothy Parish School          8.15m          1     
9     Evan Suazo                    7    St. Kevin Catholic School          8.05m          1     
10    Adriel Sevillano              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     8.02m          1     
11    Sebastian Ortega              7    St. Kevin Catholic School          7.83m          1     
12    Rexiery Perdomo               8    Immaculate Conception School       7.25m          1     
13    Liam Sesin                    8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7.09m          1     
14    Tommy Elgarresta              7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6.95m          1     
15    Chase Ledesma                 7    St. Kevin Catholic School          6.83m          1     
16    Franco Fernandez              7    St. Timothy Parish School          6.76m          1     
17    Vicente Sanchez               7    St. Louis Covenant School          6.63m          1     
18    Nicholas Speck                7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           6.49m          1     
19    Gabriel Jerome                9    St. Mary's Cathedral School        5.88m          1     
20    Michael Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      5.85m          1     
21    Max Ow                        7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           5.13m          1     
22    Daniel Marin                  8    St. Hugh Catholic School           5.12m          1     
23    Sebastian Ramirez             7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           4.98m          1     

Girls Long Jump Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Stecie Francois               7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        4.18m          1      
2     Leire Arteta                  7    St. Hugh Catholic School           3.87m          1      
3     Gabriella Pierre              6    St. Mary's Cathedral School        3.83m          1      
4     Hayden Pelegrin               8    St. Timothy Parish School          3.82m          1      
5     Amanda Olivares               8    St. Kevin Catholic School          3.75m          1      
6     Elena Infante                 7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3.62m          1      
7     Katerina Huynh                8    St. Timothy Parish School          3.58m          1      
8     Alexandra Verdeja             8    St. Timothy Parish School          3.58m          1      
9     Victoria Sanchez              7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3.47m          1      
10    Angela Grassi                 8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3.34m          1      
11    Katelyn Perez                 7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3.10m          1      
12    Natalia Alberni               8    St. Theresa School                 3.08m          1      
13    Nicole Martinez               7    St. Kevin Catholic School          2.89m          1      
14    Victoria Besu                 7    Lakes School                       2.88m          1      
15    Emma Garvey                   7    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.86m          1      
16    Valentina Franco              9    St. Theresa School                 2.79m          1      
17    Elizabeth Duckworth           7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.73m          1      
18    Samantha Porras               7    Mother of Our Redeemer             1.96m          1      
19    Amanda Suarez                 7    St. Hugh Catholic School           1.92m          1      
20    Pamaelle Lherisson            7    Mother of Our Redeemer             1.90m          1      
21    Catalina Faria                7    St. Hugh Catholic School           1.59m          1      

Boys Long Jump Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Maximo Acosta                 8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 4.71m          1      
2     Rafael Brito                  7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           4.65m          1      
3     Brandon Maya                  8    Immaculate Conception School       4.60m          1      
4     Giovanni Perez                7    Holy Rosary St                     4.54m          1      
5     Javier Bustamante             8    Epiphany Catholic School           4.53m          1      
6     Julian Rodriguez              8    St. Louis Covenant School          4.50m          1      
7     Jerluis Cisneros              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     4.48m          1      
8     Renibels Pulido               8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     4.47m          1      
9     Jason Bustamante              8    Epiphany Catholic School           4.33m          1      
10    Damien Medal                  9    Sts. Peter & Paul School           4.27m          1      
11    Michael King                  8    St. Louis Covenant School          4.24m          1      
12    Jake Lorenzo                  7    St. Louis Covenant School          4.19m          1      
12    Eli Renique                   8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 4.19m          1      
14    Zachary Louis-Charles         8    Mother of Our Redeemer             4.15m          1      
15    Ethan CANO                    8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 4.14m          1      
16    Andrew Infante                8    St. Timothy Parish School          4.13m          1      
17    Jordan Negron                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3.93m          1      
18    Guillesimone Apraez           7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3.91m          1      
19    Joseph Fiallos                7    St. Timothy Parish School          3.88m          1      
20    Michael Nunez                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3.85m          1      
21    Jackson Martinez              6    St. Kevin Catholic School          3.83m          1      
22    Andres Vargas                 7    St. Timothy Parish School          3.82m          1      
23    Jacen Machado                 7    Lakes School                       3.75m          1      
24    Matias Gomez-Mancinelli       8    St. Kevin Catholic School          3.71m          1      
25    Sabrian Fernandez             7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3.68m          1      
26    Dominic Patchen               7    Lakes School                       3.64m          1      
27    Dominic Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      3.57m          1      
28    Aiden Herrera                 7    Lakes School                       3.43m          1      
29    Marcus Rivas                  8    St. Kevin Catholic School          2.97m          1      

Boys Discus Throw Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Marcelo Ramos                 8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 24.10m         1     
2     Evan Suazo                    7    St. Kevin Catholic School          22.92m         1     
3     Isaias Cruz                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     22.04m         1     
4     Julian Perez-Fuste            8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 22.01m         1     
5     Michael King                  8    St. Louis Covenant School          19.96m         1     
6     Franco Fernandez              7    St. Timothy Parish School          19.89m         1     
7     Sam Granado                   8    St. Timothy Parish School          19.73m         1     
8     Eduardo Iglesias              8    St. Timothy Parish School          18.83m         1     
9     Sebastian Ortega              7    St. Kevin Catholic School          18.22m         1     
10    Sabrian Fernandez             7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     17.77m         1     
11    Liam Sesin                    8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 17.61m         1     
12    Nicolas Rodriguez             7    Miami St. John Neumann School      17.18m         1     
13    Vladamir Sion                 7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        16.82m         1     
14    Colin Cornell                 8    Miami St. John Neumann School      16.62m         1     
15    Aiden Martinez                7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     13.04m         1     
16    Joaquin Saez                  10   Epiphany Catholic School           12.76m         1     
17    Daniel Marin                  8    St. Hugh Catholic School           11.96m         1     
18    Michael Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      11.95m         1     
19    Tommy Elgarresta              7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     9.32m          1     

Girls High Jump Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Leire Arteta                  7    St. Hugh Catholic School           1.27m          1     
2     Carolina Alonso               8    Epiphany Catholic School           1.22m          1     
2     Nicole Valladares             8    Miami St. John Neumann School      1.22m          1     
4     Victoria Garcia               7    St. Timothy Parish School          1.22m          1     
5     Daniela Diaz                  8    St. Theresa School                 1.17m          1     
5     Mia Sanchez                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1.17m          1     
5     Victoria Sanchez              7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1.17m          1     
8     Alexa Huynh                   8    St. Timothy Parish School          1.12m          1     
9     Leyna Gonzalez                8    St. Timothy Parish School          1.12m          1     

Boys High Jump Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Cristian Herrera              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1.47m          1     
2     Noah Fleitas                  8    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1.32m          1     
3     Benjamin Quinones             8    St. Timothy Parish School          1.27m          1     
4     Logan Matus                   7    St. Timothy Parish School          1.22m          1     
5     Marcos Faget                  8    St. Timothy Parish School          1.17m          1     

Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Theresa School                 11:31.19       1     
2                                        St. Timothy Parish School          11:40.25       1     
3                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 11:48.76       1     
4                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     12:17.83       1     
5                                        St. Timothy Parish School          12:31.81       1     

Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Timothy Parish School          10:33.07       1     
2                                        St. Louis Covenant School          10:35.52       1     
3                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 10:48.78       1     
4                                        St. Theresa School                 11:07.00       1     
5                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      11:10.37       1     
6                                        Sts. Peter & Paul School           11:31.73       1     
7                                        St. Timothy Parish School          11:36.51       1     

Girls 100 meter Hurdles Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Leyna Gonzalez                8    St. Timothy Parish School          20.11          2     -0.1
2     Valeria Gonzalez              8    St. Timothy Parish School          20.20          2     -0.1
3     Alexa Huynh                   8    St. Timothy Parish School          20.66          3     0.1 
4     Mia Sanchez                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     21.02          1     -0.2
5     Leire Arteta                  7    St. Hugh Catholic School           21.24          3     0.1 
6     Natalia Alberni               8    St. Theresa School                 21.61          1     -0.2
7     Lana Nassar                   8    St. Theresa School                 21.72          1     -0.2
8     Gabriella Pierre              6    St. Mary's Cathedral School        22.58          3     0.1 
9     Elizabeth Duckworth           7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     22.97          1     -0.2
10    Lucia Caceres                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     23.98          2     -0.1
11    Claudia Ochoa                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     24.11          3     0.1 

Boys 100 meter Hurdles Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Cristian Herrera              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     17.77          2     -0.7
2     Justin Bello                  8    St. Timothy Parish School          20.12          1     -0.9
3     Christian Monge               8    Immaculate Conception School       20.64          3     -0.8
4     Zachary Louis-Charles         8    Mother of Our Redeemer             21.56          2     -0.7
5     Logan Matus                   7    St. Timothy Parish School          21.59          1     -0.9
6     Michael Nunez                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     21.74          1     -0.9
7     Jason Bustamante              8    Epiphany Catholic School           22.16          3     -0.8
8     Joseph Jennings               7    Epiphany Catholic School           22.88          2     -0.7
9     Joseph Fiallos                7    St. Timothy Parish School          23.64          1     -0.9
10    Oliver Murphy                 7    St. Hugh Catholic School           24.40          3     -0.8
11    Franco Suarez                 8    St. Theresa School                 27.93          2     -0.7

Girls 100 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Hayden Pelegrin               8    St. Timothy Parish School          14.01          1     -1.5
2     Angelina Diaz                 8    Epiphany Catholic School           14.49          1     -1.5
3     Amanda Olivares               8    St. Kevin Catholic School          14.86          1     -1.5
4     Victoria Sanchez              7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     14.98          2     -1.0
5     Ana Gabriella Martinez        8    St. Timothy Parish School          15.13          1     -1.5
6     Lola Pazo                     8    St. Louis Covenant School          15.15          2     -1.0
7     Camilla Cornell               7    Miami St. John Neumann School      15.33          2     -1.0
8     Daniella Romero               7    Holy Rosary St                     15.57          1     -1.5
9     Ashley Perez                  7    Holy Rosary St                     15.61          2     -1.0
10    Kasey Solis                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     15.80          6     
11    Jaylah Florvil                7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        15.84          6     
12    Aurora Soto                   7    St. Hugh Catholic School           15.87          2     -1.0
13    Allegra Salcedo               6    Epiphany Catholic School           15.95          3     -1.8
14    Cecilia Farmer                7    St. Timothy Parish School          16.21          4     -2.4
15    Victoria Pasut                7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     16.28          3     -1.8
16    Donatella Tibari              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 16.36          3     -1.8
17    Sophia Pacheco                8    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.52          6     
18    Victoria Hernandez            8    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.62          6     
19    Vurlencia Mentor              9    St. Mary's Cathedral School        16.70          4     -2.4
20    Liliana Diaz                  7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     16.93          6     
21    Nicole Valladares             8    Miami St. John Neumann School      16.99          3     -1.8
22    Allison Sardinas              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 17.03          4     -2.4
23    Amy Garcia                    7    Mother of Our Redeemer             17.11          5     -0.9
24    Valentina Franco              9    St. Theresa School                 17.15          3     -1.8
25    Victoria Besu                 7    Lakes School                       17.18          5     -0.9
26    Lucia Orelle                  8    Sts. Peter & Paul School           17.27          4     -2.4
27    Marianne Betancourt           8    St. Hugh Catholic School           17.68          4     -2.4
28    Melissa Pierre                7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        18.12          5     -0.9
29    Emelie Hernandez              7    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.58          5     -0.9
30    Camila Canas                  7    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.91          5     -0.9
31    Sophia Gonzalez-Casar         8    Sts. Peter & Paul School           19.09          3     -1.8

Boys 100 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Payton Pierre                 9    St. Mary's Cathedral School        12.84          5     -1.7
2     Luis Martinez                 8    Holy Rosary St                     13.20          1     -0.1
3     Alejandro Santana             8    St. Timothy Parish School          13.22          1     -0.1
4     Marcos Faget                  8    St. Timothy Parish School          13.43          6     -0.1
5     Mike Morales                  7    Lakes School                       13.70          5     -1.7
5     Ryan Santiago                 8    Holy Rosary St                     13.70          1     -0.1
7     Christian Monge               8    Immaculate Conception School       13.71          7     -0.4
8     Damian Glover                 8    Holy Rosary St                     13.77          1     -0.1
9     Marcos Barrientos             7    Miami St. John Neumann School      13.81          2     -0.2
10    Javier Bustamante             8    Epiphany Catholic School           13.93          1     -0.1
11    Colin Cornell                 8    Miami St. John Neumann School      14.03          3     -1.7
12    Jason Bustamante              8    Epiphany Catholic School           14.08          1     -0.1
13    Renibels Pulido               8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     14.15          6     -0.1
14    Julian Perez-Fuste            8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 14.18          3     -1.7
15    Rafael Brito                  7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           14.23          2     -0.2
16    Ethan CANO                    8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 14.38          7     -0.4
17    Zachary Louis-Charles         8    Mother of Our Redeemer             14.41          5     -1.7
18    Caleb Cadet                   8    St. Mary's Cathedral School        14.46          3     -1.7
19    Gabriel Antunez               8    St. Hugh Catholic School           14.49          2     -0.2
20    Jordan Negron                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     14.64          5     -1.7
21    Joshua Natera                 8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 14.65          6     -0.1
22    Diego Vazquez                 7    St. Louis Covenant School          14.66          4     -1.4
23    Jerluis Cisneros              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     14.67          7     -0.4
23    Michael Dazzo                 7    St. Louis Covenant School          14.67          4     -1.4
23    Dylan Sanchez                 8    St. Kevin Catholic School          14.67          5     -1.7
26    Noah Fleitas                  8    Sts. Peter & Paul School           14.76          4     -1.4
27    Guillesimone Apraez           7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           14.96          2     -0.2
28    Joseph Jennings               7    Epiphany Catholic School           15.25          3     -1.7
29    Dominic Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      15.31          3     -1.7
30    Aidan Sanchez                 7    Lakes School                       15.41          7     -0.4
31    Michael Nunez                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     15.43          2     -0.2
32    Chase Ledesma                 7    St. Kevin Catholic School          15.98          4     -1.4
33    Dominic Patchen               7    Lakes School                       16.21          6     -0.1
34    Julien Alfonso                8    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.58          4     -1.4
35    Zach Mayan                    7    St. Louis Covenant School          17.11          4     -1.4
36    Daniel Marin                  8    St. Hugh Catholic School           17.29          5     -1.7

Girls 1600 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Marisa Mantecon               8    St. Theresa School                 5:30.18        1     
2     Sofia Jimenez                 8    St. Timothy Parish School          6:07.26        1     
3     Mia Serrato                   8    Miami St. John Neumann School      6:19.79        1     
4     Claudia Ochoa                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:23.72        1     
4     Guiliana Villalobos           8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 6:23.72        1     
6     Daniela Diaz                  8    St. Theresa School                 6:32.68        1     
7     Arianna Benedi                7    St. Theresa School                 6:33.26        1     
8     Juliet Torres                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:33.47        1     
9     Olivia Morera                 7    Epiphany Catholic School           6:49.69        1     
10    Alexandra Verdeja             8    St. Timothy Parish School          6:51.07        1     
11    Marianne Betancourt           8    St. Hugh Catholic School           7:16.45        1     
12    Lourdes Rodriguez             7    Epiphany Catholic School           7:28.80        1     
13    Antonella Villa-Lopez         8    St. Timothy Parish School          7:33.71        1     
14    Angela Grassi                 8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     7:44.39        1     
15    Kaylee Sanchez                6    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     8:15.12        1     

Boys 1600 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Liam Gatcliffe                8    Miami St. John Neumann School      5:13.74        1     
2     Aiden Martinez                7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     5:15.56        1     
3     Carlos Pernia                 8    St. Louis Covenant School          5:24.96        1     
4     Brandon Maya                  8    Immaculate Conception School       5:35.40        1     
5     Jacob Caballero               7    St. Timothy Parish School          5:48.74        1     
6     Andrew Alegret                6    St. Kevin Catholic School          5:49.95        1     
7     Freddy Munoz                  9    St. Theresa School                 5:54.65        1     
8     Andres Prado                  9    St. Theresa School                 6:05.90        1     
9     Thomas Stanley                8    St. Louis Covenant School          6:11.45        1     
10    Rafael ALvarez                8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 6:18.15        1     
11    Luke Figueroa                 8    St. Hugh Catholic School           6:29.45        1     
12    Jonathan Aviles               8    St. Timothy Parish School          6:30.38        1     
13    Brian Garvey                  7    Miami St. John Neumann School      6:39.45        1     
14    Luca Silva                    8    St. Hugh Catholic School           6:41.19        1     
15    Humberto Falcon               6    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     6:45.81        1     

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Timothy Parish School          59.45          3     
2                                        St. Mary's Cathedral School        1:00.48        3     
3                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          1:00.97        1     
4                                        St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1:01.34        2     
5                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:01.35        2     
6                                        Holy Rosary St                     1:01.58        1     
7                                        St. Theresa School                 1:02.00        1     
8                                        St. Timothy Parish School          1:05.79        1     
9                                        St. Hugh Catholic School           1:06.09        3     
10                                       Epiphany Catholic School           1:08.27        2     
11                                       Mother of Our Redeemer             1:11.59        2     
12                                       Mother of Our Redeemer             1:13.96        1     

Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Holy Rosary St                     53.36          1     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 54.89          2     
3                                        St. Mary's Cathedral School        55.15          2     
4                                        St. Timothy Parish School          56.63          1     
5                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          56.96          3     
6                                        St. Timothy Parish School          56.98          1     
7                                        Sts. Peter & Paul School           57.68          2     
8                                        St. Louis Covenant School          58.74          2     
9                                        Epiphany Catholic School           58.79          3     
10                                       Immaculate Conception School       59.43          2     
11                                       Lakes School                       1:00.77        1     
12                                       St. Louis Covenant School          1:11.02        3     

Girls 400 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Lola Pazo                     8    St. Louis Covenant School          1:08.77        1     
2     Stecie Francois               7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        1:09.59        1     
3     Isabelle Diaz De Villegas     8    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:10.88        1     
4     Hayden Pelegrin               8    St. Timothy Parish School          1:12.15        1     
5     Alexa Huynh                   8    St. Timothy Parish School          1:12.35        1     
6     Micaela Roig Ramos            9    St. Theresa School                 1:13.78        5     
7     Victoria Garcia               7    St. Timothy Parish School          1:15.15        2     
8     Valentina Leyva               7    St. Theresa School                 1:17.36        2     
9     Lucia Caceres                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:17.63        2     
10    Alessandra De Almagro         8    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:17.78        3     
11    Allison Sardinas              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:17.91        2     
12    Izabella Granizo              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:18.27        1     
13    Nicole Valladares             8    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:18.29        2     
14    Sophia Batista                8    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:18.41        3     
15    Isabella Echeverri            10   St. Theresa School                 1:18.66        2     
16    Victoria Pasut                7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:18.94        3     
17    Donatella Tibari              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:21.67        4     
18    Catalina Faria                7    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:31.10        3     
19    Melissa Pierre                7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        1:31.11        4     
20    Lourdes Rodriguez             7    Epiphany Catholic School           1:31.38        3     
21    Emma Garvey                   7    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:32.76        4     
22    Sophia Hernandez              7    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:34.79        5     
23    Sophia Toledo                 7    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:36.61        4     

Boys 400 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Cristian Herrera              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1:00.71        1     
2     Brandon Maya                  8    Immaculate Conception School       1:01.45        5     
3     Alejandro Santana             8    St. Timothy Parish School          1:01.47        1     
4     Austin Naranjo Sanchez        8    St. Louis Covenant School          1:02.44        1     
5     Jason Etienne                 7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        1:02.62        1     
6     Justin Bello                  8    St. Timothy Parish School          1:03.26        1     
7     Colin Cornell                 8    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:04.61        3     
8     Giovanni Perez                7    Holy Rosary St                     1:04.92        2     
9     Matias Gomez-Mancinelli       8    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:05.60        2     
10    Marcos Faget                  8    St. Timothy Parish School          1:05.77        5     
11    Julian Rodriguez              8    St. Louis Covenant School          1:06.10        6     
12    Damien Medal                  9    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:06.46        1     
13    Gabriel Antunez               8    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:07.26        2     
14    Eli Renique                   8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:08.01        6     
15    Jackson Martinez              6    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:08.34        3     
16    Franco Suarez                 8    St. Theresa School                 1:08.85        3     
17    Sebastian Duran               8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:09.34        5     
18    Damian Glover                 8    Holy Rosary St                     1:09.61        2     
19    Nicolas Fernandez             8    St. Louis Covenant School          1:09.96        5     
20    Noah Chaguaceda               9    St. Theresa School                 1:10.62        6     
21    Jordan Negron                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:11.19        3     
22    Sabrian Fernandez             7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1:11.54        4     
23    Luke Figueroa                 8    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:13.08        4     
24    Isiah Daphnis                 8    St. Mary's Cathedral School        1:13.37        2     
25    Rafael Morera                 8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:14.68        4     
26    Adriel Sevillano              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1:16.27        6     
27    Samuel Pritchard              8    St. Theresa School                 1:17.32        4     
28    Jose Espin                    8    Epiphany Catholic School           1:17.39        4     
29    Rafael Brito                  7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:19.57        2     
30    Lucas Cardenas                7    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:23.91        3     
31    Michael Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:24.74        5     
32    Oliver Murphy                 7    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:28.14        4     

Girls 800 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Marisa Mantecon               8    St. Theresa School                 2:36.11        1     
2     Mia Serrato                   8    Miami St. John Neumann School      2:47.04        1     
3     Claudia Ochoa                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2:49.86        1     
4     Isabella Bedran               8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 2:54.12        1     
5     Juliet Torres                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2:56.14        1     
6     Christina Santos              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 2:56.78        1     
7     Arianna Benedi                7    St. Theresa School                 3:02.37        1     
8     Olivia Morera                 7    Epiphany Catholic School           3:08.87        1     
9     Valeria Gonzalez              8    St. Timothy Parish School          3:10.11        1     
10    Antonella Villa-Lopez         8    St. Timothy Parish School          3:10.38        1     
11    Addison Puga                  7    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:24.54        1     
12    Angela Grassi                 8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3:25.46        1     
13    Sabrina Delgado               9    St. Theresa School                 3:25.50        1     
14    Bella Negron                  7    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:29.84        1     
15    Kaylee Sanchez                6    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3:42.07        1     
16    Amanda Suarez                 7    St. Hugh Catholic School           3:45.52        1     
17    Leah Rubio                    6    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:48.49        1     

Boys 800 meter Run Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Liam Gatcliffe                8    Miami St. John Neumann School      2:23.04        1     
2     Carlos Pernia                 8    St. Louis Covenant School          2:28.10        1     
3     Aiden Martinez                7    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     2:32.15        2     
4     Marcos Barrientos             7    Miami St. John Neumann School      2:37.31        1     
5     Andres Prado                  9    St. Theresa School                 2:38.29        2     
6     Jacob Caballero               7    St. Timothy Parish School          2:39.44        1     
7     Dominic Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      2:39.95        2     
8     Andrew Infante                8    St. Timothy Parish School          2:40.42        1     
9     Mauricio Gonzalez             8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 2:41.00        2     
10    Jean Michael Perez            7    Holy Rosary St                     2:42.86        1     
11    Freddy Munoz                  9    St. Theresa School                 2:44.29        1     
12    Logan Perez                   8    St. Timothy Parish School          2:45.78        1     
13    Renzo Perez                   8    St. Kevin Catholic School          2:47.97        1     
14    Junior Cali                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     2:50.67        2     
15    Thomas Stanley                8    St. Louis Covenant School          2:53.28        1     
16    Ethan CANO                    8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 2:58.94        1     
17    Luca Ferrell                  7    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2:59.61        1     
18    Humberto Falcon               6    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3:09.45        2     
19    Luca Silva                    8    St. Hugh Catholic School           3:21.61        2     
20    Oliver Murphy                 7    St. Hugh Catholic School           3:32.96        2     
21    Michael Dazzo                 7    St. Louis Covenant School          3:33.10        2     
22    Lucas Cardenas                7    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:48.30        2     

Girls 200 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Daniela Diaz                  8    St. Theresa School                 30.46          4     -0.1
2     Victoria Sanchez              7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     30.79          2     -0.6
3     Lola Pazo                     8    St. Louis Covenant School          31.21          1     -0.8
4     Olivia Chirole                7    St. Timothy Parish School          31.42          1     -0.8
5     Ana Gabriella Martinez        8    St. Timothy Parish School          31.52          1     -0.8
6     Katerina Huynh                8    St. Timothy Parish School          32.48          1     -0.8
7     Jaylah Florvil                7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        32.65          4     -0.1
8     Camilla Cornell               7    Miami St. John Neumann School      32.68          1     -0.8
9     Daniella Romero               7    Holy Rosary St                     32.69          3     -1.0
10    Kasey Solis                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     33.14          6     0.1 
11    Mia Sanchez                   8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     33.42          3     -1.0
12    Ashley Perez                  7    Holy Rosary St                     33.44          2     -0.6
13    Donatella Tibari              8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 33.92          3     -1.0
14    Addison Puga                  7    St. Kevin Catholic School          34.16          5     +0.0
15    Alessandra De Almagro         8    St. Kevin Catholic School          34.48          5     +0.0
16    Valentina Franco              9    St. Theresa School                 34.73          3     -1.0
17    Isabella Echeverri            10   St. Theresa School                 34.85          2     -0.6
18    Samantha Hernandez            7    Mother of Our Redeemer             35.28          3     -1.0
19    Claranja Pierre               10   St. Mary's Cathedral School        35.35          4     -0.1
20    Liliana Diaz                  7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     35.41          5     +0.0
21    Anabella Duran                7    Lourdes Parish Sch                 35.79          6     0.1 
22    Elizabeth Duckworth           7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     36.96          3     -1.0
23    Aisha Deller                  7    St. Mary's Cathedral School        37.29          6     0.1 
24    Emma Garvey                   7    Miami St. John Neumann School      37.44          4     -0.1
25    Nicole Martinez               7    St. Kevin Catholic School          37.48          4     -0.1
26    Sophia Toledo                 7    Miami St. John Neumann School      38.49          5     +0.0
27    Emelie Hernandez              7    Mother of Our Redeemer             40.86          4     -0.1

Boys 200 meter Dash Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Luis Martinez                 8    Holy Rosary St                     26.64          1     -0.2
2     Ryan Santiago                 8    Holy Rosary St                     27.72          1     -0.2
3     Caleb Cadet                   8    St. Mary's Cathedral School        28.65          3     -0.1
4     Colin Cornell                 8    Miami St. John Neumann School      28.66          3     -0.1
5     Christian Monge               8    Immaculate Conception School       28.67          7     0.1 
6     Julian Rodriguez              8    St. Louis Covenant School          28.79          2     -0.2
7     Joshua Yiris                  8    St. Timothy Parish School          28.98          6     +0.0
8     Giovanni Perez                7    Holy Rosary St                     29.08          3     -0.1
9     Gabriel Antunez               8    St. Hugh Catholic School           29.12          1     -0.2
10    Benjamin Quinones             8    St. Timothy Parish School          29.14          7     0.1 
11    Jake Lorenzo                  7    St. Louis Covenant School          29.64          6     +0.0
12    Zachary Louis-Charles         8    Mother of Our Redeemer             29.67          7     0.1 
13    Jerluis Cisneros              8    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     29.77          8     +0.0
14    Eli Renique                   8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 30.19          2     -0.2
15    Javier Bustamante             8    Epiphany Catholic School           30.30          1     -0.2
16    Franco Suarez                 8    St. Theresa School                 30.46          4     -0.2
17    Nicolas Fernandez             8    St. Louis Covenant School          31.21          3     -0.1
18    Jordan Negron                 7    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     31.48          2     -0.2
19    Rexiery Perdomo               8    Immaculate Conception School       31.62          5     +0.0
20    Daniel Cordova                8    St. Kevin Catholic School          32.03          3     -0.1
21    Rafael Morera                 8    Lourdes Parish Sch                 32.53          4     -0.2
22    Jacen Machado                 7    Lakes School                       33.19          6     +0.0
23    Nicolas Rodriguez             7    Miami St. John Neumann School      33.66          5     +0.0
24    Dominic Patchen               7    Lakes School                       34.10          8     +0.0
25    Mason Esquenazi               7    Lakes School                       34.18          5     +0.0
26    Julien Alfonso                8    St. Kevin Catholic School          35.08          4     -0.2
27    Luke Figueroa                 8    St. Hugh Catholic School           35.33          6     +0.0
28    Justin Bustamante             8    Epiphany Catholic School           36.00          6     +0.0
29    Daniel Marin                  8    St. Hugh Catholic School           36.03          5     +0.0
30    Michael Watson                7    Miami St. John Neumann School      36.14          4     -0.2
31    Sebastian Robles              7    St. Timothy Parish School          36.46          4     -0.2

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Theresa School                 4:52.06        2     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 4:56.00        1     
3                                        St. Timothy Parish School          5:00.22        1     
4                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          5:21.26        1     
5                                        St. Timothy Parish School          5:23.11        2     

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Louis Covenant School          4:24.15        2     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 4:26.35        2     
3                                        St. Timothy Parish School          4:28.70        2     
4                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      4:38.43        1     
5                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          4:45.21        1     
6                                        St. Theresa School                 4:49.29        1     
7                                        St. Timothy Parish School          4:55.78        1     
8                                        St. Louis Covenant School          5:08.69        2     

Girls Long Jump Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Eva Augoustis                 4    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     3.01m          2      
2     Audrey Prigues                4    St. Theresa School                 2.95m          1      
3     Reese Espinosa                6    St. Theresa School                 2.92m          1      
4     Cecilia monzon                4    St. Theresa School                 2.86m          1      
5     Alessandra Vespa              3    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.82m          1      
6     Emilia Figueroa               4    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.76m          2      
7     Gabriela Davidson             4    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.74m          1      
8     Pia Senior                    4    Epiphany Catholic School           2.64m          2      
9     Sophia Diverio                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.59m          1      
10    Mikela Plaza                  3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2.54m          1      
10    Viviana Suero                 4    St. Timothy Parish School          2.54m          2      
12    Penelope Martinez             5    St. Kevin Catholic School          2.52m          2      
13    Andrea Fanuele                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.51m          2      
14    Valentina Apraez              3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2.49m          1      
15    Victoria Cabral               4    Epiphany Catholic School           2.45m          1      
16    Dakota Becker                 -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 2.38m          1      
17    Emma Salas                    3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.37m          1      
17    Bianca Castro                 4    Epiphany Catholic School           2.37m          2      
19    Sophia Akhavan                3    Lakes School                       2.19m          2      
19    Laura Bermejo                 3    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     2.19m          2      
21    Christina Caballero           4    St. Timothy Parish School          2.16m          2      
22    Kailey Diego                  4    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.11m          2      
23    Carolina Bruno                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.09m          2      
23    Ella Canino                   -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 2.09m          1      
25    Mila Roque                    4    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.08m          2      
26    Clara Arrazola                0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 2.07m          2      
26    Kaycee Casereno               4    Holy Rosary St                     2.07m          1      
28    Mya Soto                      4    Lakes School                       2.00m          1      
29    Benitez Angeline              5    Mother of Our Redeemer             1.91m          2      
30    Juliette Sosa                 4    Lakes School                       1.89m          2      
31    Carolina Caballero            4    St. Timothy Parish School          1.86m          2      
32    Riley Arabatiz                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      1.63m          1      
33    Kayla Rodriguez               5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1.61m          1      
34    Emma Gomez                    4    Mother of Our Redeemer             1.57m          1      

Boys Long Jump Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Luca Appel                    4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3.25m          2      
2     Brody Rodriguez               4    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.16m          2      
3     James Bustamante              4    Epiphany Catholic School           3.08m          1      
4     Jake Lineen                   4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3.03m          1      
5     Matthew Ramirez               3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3.02m          1      
6     Lionel Gomez                  4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3.01m          1      
7     Miguel Lasaga                 3    St. Timothy Parish School          2.75m          1      
8     Jack Gaymer                   -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 2.73m          1      
9     MJ Benitez                    3    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.72m          1      
10    Miles Martinez                3    St. Timothy Parish School          2.71m          2      
11    Noah Benitez                  4    Mother of Our Redeemer             2.68m          1      
12    Evan Fernandez                4    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.66m          1      
13    Giovanni Boneri               4    St. Timothy Parish School          2.65m          2      
14    Ethan Rego                    6    Epiphany Catholic School           2.64m          2      
15    Christian Villaverde          4    Miami St. John Neumann School      2.63m          2      
16    Joseph Corey                  4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     2.61m          1      
17    Nathaniel Perera              3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2.50m          2      
18    Tomas Martinez Olmedo         4    St. Hugh Catholic School           2.36m          1      
19    Erimar von der Osten          6    Epiphany Catholic School           2.11m          2      
20    David Sosa                    6    St. Theresa School                 1.88m          2      
21    Lucas Montesinos              3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1.86m          1      
22    Fabian Cardoza                5    Mother of Our Redeemer             1.81m          2      
23    Christian Reyes               3    Lakes School                       1.65m          1      
24    Johann Raab                   5    St. Theresa School                 1.60m          2      

Girls 100 meter Dash Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Alessandra Vespa              3    St. Hugh Catholic School           16.05          1     
2     Abigail Padron                4    St. Timothy Parish School          16.53          3     
3     alessandra luna               6    Epiphany Catholic School           16.58          3     
4     ceci davis                    6    Epiphany Catholic School           16.72          7     
5     Emilia Figueroa               4    St. Hugh Catholic School           16.73          6     
6     Eva Augoustis                 4    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     16.98          4     
7     Alessandra Menegazzo          5    St. Theresa School                 17.02          4     
8     Reese Espinosa                6    St. Theresa School                 17.20          2     
9     Demi Delgado                  4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           17.25          3     
9     Lucy Garcia-Tunon             3    St. Timothy Parish School          17.25          5     
11    Andrea Fanuele                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     17.50          2     
12    Mya Soto                      4    Lakes School                       17.62          2     
13    Arianna Rodriguez             4    Lourdes Parish Sch                 17.64          1     
14    Ellie Jacomino                5    St. Theresa School                 17.65          5     
15    Cristina Quinones             4    St. Timothy Parish School          17.66          2     
16    Adriana Icaza                 4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     17.68          1     
17    Carolina Bruno                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      17.86          7     
18    Alessandra Cruz               4    St. Kevin Catholic School          17.93          4     
19    Laura Bermejo                 3    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     18.00          6     
19    Emma Gracia                   3    St. Hugh Catholic School           18.00          3     
21    Valentina Munoz               3    Miami St. John Neumann School      18.07          3     
22    valentina garcia              6    Epiphany Catholic School           18.37          6     
23    Emma Salas                    3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     18.66          1     
24    Clara Arrazola                0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 18.68          1     
25    Mila Roque                    4    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.95          1     
26    Riley Arabatiz                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      19.24          4     
27    Dakota Becker                 -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 19.29          5     
28    Emely Herrera                 4    Mother of Our Redeemer             19.30          6     
29    Brooke Cournoyer              4    Holy Rosary St                     19.33          5     
30    Jenissa Gomez                 4    St. Kevin Catholic School          19.39          4     
31    Kaycee Casereno               4    Holy Rosary St                     19.45          2     
32    Kayla Rodriguez               5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           19.59          5     
33    Isabella Wilson               3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           19.68          2     
34    Sofia Rengifo                 4    Mother of Our Redeemer             19.86          7     
35    Juliette Sosa                 4    Lakes School                       20.81          5     
36    Naomi Castro                  4    St. Kevin Catholic School          21.20          6     
37    Sofia Madruga                 3    Holy Rosary St                     21.29          3     

Boys 100 meter Dash Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Luca Appel                    4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     15.33          2     
2     Javier Garcia-Tunon           4    St. Timothy Parish School          15.59          2     
3     Derek Karge                   3    St. Timothy Parish School          15.76          5     
4     Matthew Ramirez               3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 15.85          2     
5     Austin Rapado                 4    St. Kevin Catholic School          15.90          4     
6     Ely Pierre                    4    St. Mary's Cathedral School        16.20          6     
7     Kevin Bermudez                4    Immaculate Conception School       16.30          3     
8     Tomas Martinez Olmedo         4    St. Hugh Catholic School           16.46          1     
9     Bryce Sampedro                4    St. Kevin Catholic School          16.54          2     
10    Nico Olaniel                  4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     17.29          1     
11    Felipe Mendoza                6    Epiphany Catholic School           17.43          5     
12    Leo Diaz                      3    Miami St. John Neumann School      17.47          6     
13    Liam Ayala                    7    Epiphany Catholic School           17.61          5     
14    Emerson Alonso                4    St. Kevin Catholic School          17.70          3     
15    Stephens Daphinis             3    St. Mary's Cathedral School        17.70          5     
16    Alejandro Villanueva          5    St. Theresa School                 17.96          4     
17    John Rodriguez                3    St. Timothy Parish School          18.00          3     
18    Nicholas Villaverde           3    Miami St. John Neumann School      18.04          3     
19    Christian Cofino              3    Miami St. John Neumann School      18.40          5     
20    Sebastian Barboza             0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 18.45          3     
21    Fabian Cardoza                5    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.48          2     
22    Gage McDaniel                 4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     18.72          1     
23    Lians Charles                 3    St. Mary's Cathedral School        18.77          1     
24    Noah Benitez                  4    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.86          1     
25    MJ Benitez                    3    Mother of Our Redeemer             18.95          1     
26    Johann Raab                   5    St. Theresa School                 19.08          6     
27    Felipe Rodriguez              3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 19.70          6     
28    Kaiden Rojas                  4    Holy Rosary St                     19.88          6     
29    David Sosa                    6    St. Theresa School                 19.89          4     
30    Aidrian Suarez-Murias         4    Holy Rosary St                     20.43          2     
31    Pierre Freitas                3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           20.87          3     
32    Oliver Arguello               3    Holy Rosary St                     21.15          4     

Girls 1600 meter Run Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Cecilla Monzon                5    St. Theresa School                 6:41.09        1     
2     Stella Kamin                  5    St. Theresa School                 6:41.24        1     
3     Audrey Prigues                4    St. Theresa School                 7:03.51        1     
4     Emilia Malaver                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     7:06.34        1     
5     Valentina Vigo                3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     7:06.67        1     
6     Camila Marill                 3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     7:07.97        1     
7     olivia Morales                6    Epiphany Catholic School           7:13.96        1     
8     Mila Infante                  4    St. Timothy Parish School          7:28.42        1     
9     Sophia Ocando                 4    St. Kevin Catholic School          7:34.56        1     
10    Sabrina Emmanueli             4    St. Kevin Catholic School          7:42.32        1     
11    Catalina Farmer               4    St. Timothy Parish School          7:45.22        1     
12    Victoria Cabral               4    Epiphany Catholic School           8:05.64        1     
13    Alyssa Fernandez              3    St. Hugh Catholic School           8:40.86        1     
14    Isabel Barbera                3    St. Hugh Catholic School           8:41.70        1     
15    sarah Booth                   3    St. Hugh Catholic School           9:50.35        1     
16    Jemma Dillon                  4    Lakes School                       10:34.11       1     

Boys 1600 meter Run Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Rafael Areces                 5    St. Theresa School                 6:17.58        1     
2     Charlie Pipkin                3    St. Theresa School                 6:34.45        1     
3     Maddox Mederos                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:43.44        1     
4     Damorus Cohen                 4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:44.00        1     
5     Christian Reyes               3    Lakes School                       6:51.28        1     
6     Matthew Forrest               3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:54.13        1     
7     Eduardo Salinas               7    Epiphany Catholic School           6:58.40        1     
8     James Bustamante              4    Epiphany Catholic School           7:00.97        1     
9     Tristan Mars                  3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7:03.53        1     
10    Luke Canamero                 4    Epiphany Catholic School           7:05.60        1     
11    Miles Martinez                3    St. Timothy Parish School          7:16.18        1     
12    Jake Sullivan                 4    St. Kevin Catholic School          7:16.31        1     
13    Brody Rodriguez               4    Lourdes Parish Sch                 7:17.00        1     
14    Jake Formosa                  3    St. Timothy Parish School          7:25.64        1     
15    Oliver Calafell               3    Miami St. John Neumann School      7:28.59        1     
16    Liam Fernandez                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      7:37.91        1     
17    David Sosa                    6    St. Theresa School                 9:02.14        1     

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Theresa School                 1:08.38        3     
2                                        St. Timothy Parish School          1:11.07        3     
3                                        St. Hugh Catholic School           1:11.94        2     
4                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:13.03        3     
5                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:13.12        1     
6                                        Epiphany Catholic School           1:14.49        2     
7                                        St. Theresa School                 1:15.06        2     
8                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      1:15.72        3     
9                                        Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:16.93        1     
10                                       Epiphany Catholic School           1:17.07        1     
11                                       St. Kevin Catholic School          1:17.81        3     
12                                       Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:18.25        2     
13                                       St. Kevin Catholic School          1:18.96        1     
14                                       Lakes School                       1:20.25        1     
15                                       St. Timothy Parish School          1:21.97        1     
16                                       Mother of Our Redeemer             1:25.56        2     
17                                       St. Hugh Catholic School           1:30.80        2     

Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:06.60        1     
2                                        St. Timothy Parish School          1:07.23        2     
3                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          1:08.81        1     
4                                        Epiphany Catholic School           1:09.66        1     
5                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:09.87        3     
6                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      1:10.49        2     
7                                        Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:10.94        1     
8                                        St. Theresa School                 1:11.94        1     
9                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          1:12.20        2     
10                                       St. Timothy Parish School          1:14.28        1     
11                                       St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:14.94        2     
12                                       Mother of Our Redeemer             1:19.43        2     
13                                       Epiphany Catholic School           1:20.27        3     
14                                       Holy Rosary St                     1:23.65        3     

Girls 400 meter Dash Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     alessandra luna               6    Epiphany Catholic School           1:18.88        2     
2     Annette Saez                  6    Epiphany Catholic School           1:21.87        4     
3     Stella Kamin                  5    St. Theresa School                 1:21.89        1     
4     Audrey Priegues               6    St. Theresa School                 1:23.76        3     
5     Eva Augoustis                 4    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1:24.10        4     
6     Camila Marill                 3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:25.52        3     
7     Sophia Diverio                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:26.24        1     
8     Martina Garces                6    St. Theresa School                 1:26.47        2     
9     Penelope Martinez             5    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:27.01        1     
10    Emilia Martinez-Christensen   4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:27.32        5     
11    Stella Matus                  4    St. Timothy Parish School          1:29.41        4     
12    Emma Casabielle               -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:32.05        3     
13    Alessandra Cruz               4    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:32.23        2     
14    Valentina Munoz               3    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:33.32        4     
15    Briana Munoz                  4    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:34.12        2     
16    Riley Arabatiz                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:34.96        3     
17    Laura Bermejo                 3    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     1:35.40        4     
18    Dakota Becker                 -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:37.35        2     
19    Nora Cantens                  4    Epiphany Catholic School           1:38.03        2     
20    Gabriela Zapata               3    St. Timothy Parish School          1:39.46        6     
21    Kaia Boigris                  0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:39.60        5     
22    Camila Wilson                 3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:41.22        3     
23    Isabella Wilson               3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:41.61        1     
24    SOPHIA AILLON                 3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:42.59        4     
25    Gabby Davidson                4    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:47.48        1     
26    Arabella Villa                3    St. Timothy Parish School          1:49.89        6     
27    Kailey Diego                  4    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:52.70        1     
28    Victoria Adato                3    St. Hugh Catholic School           1:59.57        5     

Boys 400 meter Dash Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Charlie Pipkin                3    St. Theresa School                 1:17.74        3     
2     Kevin Bermudez                4    Immaculate Conception School       1:17.77        3     
3     Max Xiques                    4    St. Theresa School                 1:19.61        1     
4     Jonathan Alegret              4    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:20.30        1     
5     Ethan Rego                    6    Epiphany Catholic School           1:22.84        4     
6     Nico Olaniel                  4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:22.86        1     
7     Andrew Melmer                 3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:23.23        5     
8     Giovanni Boneri               4    St. Timothy Parish School          1:23.96        2     
9     Jack Gaymer                   -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:24.73        4     
10    Liam Bonvecchio               3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     1:25.13        4     
11    Sebastian Henriques           7    Epiphany Catholic School           1:26.46        5     
12    Diego Martinez                7    Epiphany Catholic School           1:28.06        5     
13    Michael Alfonso               4    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:29.32        1     
14    Anthony Mastagni              3    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:29.53        4     
15    Noah Bustos                   4    St. Kevin Catholic School          1:32.46        1     
16    Oliver Calafell               3    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:33.77        4     
17    Avery Arguello                3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           1:37.29        2     
18    John Rodriguez                3    St. Timothy Parish School          1:40.80        4     
19    Felipe Rodriguez              3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 1:40.88        3     
20    Andres Utrera                 3    St. Timothy Parish School          1:41.74        3     
21    Juan Lizano                   2    Miami St. John Neumann School      1:45.15        3     
22    MJ Benitez                    3    Mother of Our Redeemer             1:45.99        2     
23    Roman Labrada                 5    Mother of Our Redeemer             1:48.83        2     
24    Lucca Gonzalez                3    Holy Rosary St                     1:49.97        3     

Girls 800 meter Run Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Cecilla Monzon                5    St. Theresa School                 3:07.18        2     
2     olivia Morales                6    Epiphany Catholic School           3:09.02        2     
3     Stella Kamin                  5    St. Theresa School                 3:09.31        2     
4     Martina Garces                6    St. Theresa School                 3:18.24        2     
5     Arianna Rodriguez             4    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:18.41        1     
6     Emilia Martinez-Christensen   4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:19.71        2     
7     Pia Senior                    4    Epiphany Catholic School           3:23.58        1     
8     Julianna Villar               4    St. Timothy Parish School          3:24.86        1     
9     Carolina Bruno                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      3:25.82        2     
10    Sophia Ocando                 4    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:27.85        2     
11    Valentina Apraez              3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3:28.27        1     
12    Adriana Icaza                 4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:30.99        1     
13    Penelope Martinez             5    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:31.57        1     
14    Abigail Padron                4    St. Timothy Parish School          3:31.99        1     
15    Sabrina Emmanueli             4    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:33.31        2     
16    Kaycee Casereno               4    Holy Rosary St                     3:34.10        1     
17    Melany Castillo               3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:35.18        2     
18    Vera Mikelonis                6    Epiphany Catholic School           3:50.65        1     
19    Alyssa Fernandez              3    St. Hugh Catholic School           4:02.08        2     
20    sarah Booth                   3    St. Hugh Catholic School           4:03.46        1     
21    Leila Diaz                    4    St. Timothy Parish School          4:06.17        1     
22    Camila Wilson                 3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           4:12.82        2     
23    Elizabeth Murphy              4    St. Hugh Catholic School           4:19.15        2     

Boys 800 meter Run Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Rafael Areces                 5    St. Theresa School                 2:51.45        1     
2     Jonathan Alegret              4    St. Kevin Catholic School          2:57.68        1     
3     Evan Fernandez                4    Miami St. John Neumann School      2:58.89        2     
4     Max Xiques                    4    St. Theresa School                 3:02.83        1     
5     Matthew Gurian                4    St. Timothy Parish School          3:05.33        2     
6     Rafael Gonzalez               4    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:06.02        2     
7     Maddox Mederos                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:06.05        1     
8     Nicholas Villaverde           3    Miami St. John Neumann School      3:07.96        1     
9     Ethan Rego                    6    Epiphany Catholic School           3:09.58        2     
10    Luke Canamero                 4    Epiphany Catholic School           3:10.08        1     
11    Enrique Miranda               4    St. Timothy Parish School          3:11.57        2     
12    Tristan Mars                  3    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:12.24        2     
13    Eduardo Salinas               7    Epiphany Catholic School           3:13.95        2     
14    Lionel Gomez                  4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3:16.47        1     
15    Jorge Martin                  4    St. Kevin Catholic School          3:16.49        1     
16    Matthew Forrest               3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3:23.01        2     
17    Brody Rodriguez               4    Lourdes Parish Sch                 3:31.95        2     
18    Jack Fernandez                4    St. Timothy Parish School          3:39.88        1     
19    Jake Lineen                   4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3:42.14        1     
20    Liam Fernandez                3    Miami St. John Neumann School      3:43.50        2     
21    Nathaniel Perera              3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           3:58.87        2     
22    Oliver Arguello               3    Holy Rosary St                     3:59.80        1     

Girls 200 meter Dash Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Annette Saez                  6    Epiphany Catholic School           35.22          2     
2     Alessandra Vespa              3    St. Hugh Catholic School           35.58          1     
3     Emilia Figueroa               4    St. Hugh Catholic School           35.72          4     
4     Eva Augoustis                 4    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     36.07          5     
5     Reese Espinosa                6    St. Theresa School                 36.44          2     
6     Alessandra Menegazzo          5    St. Theresa School                 36.56          5     
7     Allison Munoz                 4    St. Kevin Catholic School          37.39          4     
8     Bianca Castro                 4    Epiphany Catholic School           37.73          3     
9     Stella Airomloo               6    Epiphany Catholic School           38.14          4     
10    Samantha Lavana               4    St. Kevin Catholic School          38.17          5     
11    Mila Kuscher                  5    St. Theresa School                 38.32          4     
12    Emma Gracia                   3    St. Hugh Catholic School           38.44          1     
13    Andrea Fanuele                4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     38.51          1     
14    Brielle Duarte                3    St. Timothy Parish School          39.24          6     
15    Andrea Ricart                 4    St. Timothy Parish School          39.28          6     
16    Laura Bermejo                 3    St. Michael the Archangel Cath     39.76          2     
17    Valentina Munoz               3    Miami St. John Neumann School      39.94          5     
18    Kaia Boigris                  0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 40.04          6     
19    Emma Salas                    3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     40.54          1     
20    Adriana Icaza                 4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     40.60          1     
21    Clara Arrazola                0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 40.78          3     
22    Mikela Plaza                  3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           40.79          3     
23    Brooke Cournoyer              4    Holy Rosary St                     40.89          3     
24    Nina Molina                   4    St. Timothy Parish School          41.04          5     
25    Ella Canino                   -1   Lourdes Parish Sch                 43.10          4     
26    Alice Lugo                    4    St. Kevin Catholic School          43.34          3     
27    Benitez Angeline              5    Mother of Our Redeemer             44.36          5     
28    Juliette Sosa                 4    Lakes School                       44.60          4     
29    Emma Gomez                    4    Mother of Our Redeemer             45.67          2     
30    Miranda Carvallo              3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           46.89          2     
31    Ashley Zuniga                 5    Mother of Our Redeemer             47.68          3     
32    Kailey Diego                  4    Miami St. John Neumann School      48.08          1     
33    Sofia Madruga                 3    Holy Rosary St                     49.34          6     

Boys 200 meter Dash Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Kade Rojas                    6    Epiphany Catholic School           32.24          3     
2     Luca Appel                    4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     33.64          4     
3     Javier Garcia-Tunon           4    St. Timothy Parish School          33.82          3     
4     Tomas Martinez Olmedo         4    St. Hugh Catholic School           34.51          1     
5     Ely Pierre                    4    St. Mary's Cathedral School        35.46          5     
6     Roman Rivas                   4    St. Kevin Catholic School          35.58          3     
7     Kevin Bermudez                4    Immaculate Conception School       35.79          6     
8     Stephens Daphinis             3    St. Mary's Cathedral School        36.04          1     
9     Christian Ortega              4    St. Kevin Catholic School          36.23          1     
10    Nico Olaniel                  4    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     36.47          1     
11    Liam Bonvecchio               3    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     36.72          4     
12    Gunner Espinel                4    St. Kevin Catholic School          36.91          1     
13    Alejandro Villanueva          5    St. Theresa School                 38.01          2     
14    Christian Reyes               3    Lakes School                       39.85          4     
15    Anthony Mastagni              3    Miami St. John Neumann School      40.82          6     
16    Sebastian Barboza             0    Lourdes Parish Sch                 40.86          5     
17    Lians Charles                 3    St. Mary's Cathedral School        41.63          1     
18    Fabian Cardoza                5    Mother of Our Redeemer             41.67          3     
19    Ryan Guerrero                 7    Epiphany Catholic School           41.96          3     
19    Lucas Priovolos               4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           41.96          2     
21    Avery Arguello                3    Sts. Peter & Paul School           42.53          2     
22    Christian Cofino              3    Miami St. John Neumann School      42.75          2     
23    Vicente Suero                 4    St. Timothy Parish School          42.76          5     
24    Andres Utrera                 3    St. Timothy Parish School          44.49          4     
25    Lucca Gonzalez                3    Holy Rosary St                     44.66          5     
26    David Sosa                    6    St. Theresa School                 45.35          6     
27    Juan Lizano                   2    Miami St. John Neumann School      45.59          5     
28    Kaiden Rojas                  4    Holy Rosary St                     46.43          4     
29    Aidrian Suarez-Murias         4    Holy Rosary St                     46.78          4     
30    Roman Labrada                 5    Mother of Our Redeemer             47.58          3     
31    Luciano Salim                 3    Epiphany Catholic School           49.29          2     

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        Epiphany Catholic School           5:57.10        2     
2                                        St. Timothy Parish School          5:59.46        1     
3                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          6:09.10        1     
4                                        St. Theresa School                 6:19.59        1     
5                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:22.11        2     
6                                        St. Theresa School                 6:23.98        2     
7                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 6:25.97        3     
8                                        St. Timothy Parish School          6:52.55        1     
9                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:57.13        1     
10                                       Sts. Peter & Paul School           7:07.29        1     
11                                       St. Hugh Catholic School           7:39.94        3     

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Primary 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1                                        St. Theresa School                 5:23.54        2     
2                                        Lourdes Parish Sch                 5:36.06        2     
3                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     5:36.18        1     
4                                        St. Kevin Catholic School          5:39.51        1     
5                                        Miami St. John Neumann School      5:51.00        2     
6                                        St. Timothy Parish School          5:51.78        1     
7                                        St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     6:01.05        2     
8                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:02.16        2     
9                                        Epiphany Catholic School           6:19.79        2     
10                                       Sts. Peter & Paul School           6:36.74        1     
11                                       St. Timothy Parish School          6:47.51        1     

Girls Discus Throw Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Madelyn Fernandez de Castro   6    Miami St. John Neumann School      10.18m         1     
2     Sofia SCHRADER                6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 10.05m         1     
3     vanessa kelly                 7    Epiphany Catholic School           8.87m          1     
4     Carolina Perez                5    St. Hugh Catholic School           8.63m          1     
5     Sofia Estrugo                 6    St. Timothy Parish School          7.96m          1     
6     NIna Delgado                  6    Immaculate Conception School       7.29m          1     
7     Chloe Martinez                6    St. Timothy Parish School          7.25m          1     
8     Natalia Guzman                5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 5.67m          1     

Boys Discus Throw Junior Varsity 
      NAME                          YR   TEAM                               MARK           H#    WIND
1     Dominique Perez               6    St. Kevin Catholic School          18.16m         1     
2     Alejandro Aguila              7    Mother of Our Redeemer             17.31m         1     
3     Julian Natera                 6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 16.60m         1     
4     Jordan Cordova                6    St. Kevin Catholic School          15.04m         1     
5     Leandro Aguila                7    Mother of Our Redeemer             12.97m         1     
6     Andrew Amador                 5    St. Timothy Parish School          12.96m         1     
7     Jordan A. Hernandez           5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           12.82m         1     
8     Gabriel Guerra                6    St. Timothy Parish School          12.62m         1     
9     Jaxon Velazquez               5    Lourdes Parish Sch                 12.20m         1     
10    Charles Kurshingal            5    Sts. Peter & Paul School           11.99m         1     
11    Jayden Scorpo                 6    Lourdes Parish Sch                 11.92m         1     
12    Myles Mora                    8    Epiphany Catholic School           11.85m         1     
13    Arius Fleuridor               6    Mother of Our Redeemer             9.73m          1     
14    Brian Rey                     6    St. Timothy Parish School          9.55m          1     
15    Joaquin Morales               8    Epiphany Catholic School           7.29m          1     
16    alejandro Hurtado             4    Epiphany Catholic School           7.17m          1     
17    John Lineen                   4    Sts. Peter & Paul School           5.23m          1     

Girls Varsity Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     St. Timothy Parish School          122
2     St. Theresa School                 89
3     Lourdes Parish Sch                 42.5
4     St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     41.5
5     St. Kevin Catholic School          39
6     St. Mary's Cathedral School        37
7     St. Hugh Catholic School           32
8     St. Michael the Archangel Cath     27
9     Miami St. John Neumann School      24
10    St. Louis Covenant School          19
11    Epiphany Catholic School           16
12    Mother of Our Redeemer             10
13    Sts. Peter & Paul School           5
14    Holy Rosary St                     4
Boys Junior Varsity Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     St. Kevin Catholic School          97
2     Lourdes Parish Sch                 76
3     St. Timothy Parish School          75
4     St. Theresa School                 57
5     Epiphany Catholic School           50
6     Mother of Our Redeemer             42
7     St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     35
8     St. Louis Covenant School          14
9     St. Mary's Cathedral School        5
10    Miami St. John Neumann School      2
10    Sts. Peter & Paul School           2
11    Immaculate Conception School       2
13    St. Hugh Catholic School           1
Boys Primary Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     69
2     St. Theresa School                 62
3     St. Timothy Parish School          40
4     St. Kevin Catholic School          37
5     Lourdes Parish Sch                 32
6     Epiphany Catholic School           31
7     Miami St. John Neumann School      14
8     Immaculate Conception School       12
9     Sts. Peter & Paul School           11
10    St. Mary's Cathedral School        8
11    St. Hugh Catholic School           6
12    Lakes School                       4
Girls Primary Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     St. Theresa School                 102
2     Epiphany Catholic School           68
3     St. Hugh Catholic School           45
4     St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     32
5     St. Timothy Parish School          30
6     St. Michael the Archangel Cath     22
7     Lourdes Parish Sch                 11
8     St. Kevin Catholic School          10
9     Sts. Peter & Paul School           3
10    Miami St. John Neumann School      2
Boys Varsity Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     St. Timothy Parish School          98
2     St. Michael the Archangel Cath     64
3     Lourdes Parish Sch                 57
4     St. Louis Covenant School          51
5     Holy Rosary St                     49.5
6     Miami St. John Neumann School      49
7     St. Mary's Cathedral School        32
7     Immaculate Conception School       32
9     Sts. Peter & Paul School           23
10    St. Kevin Catholic School          19
11    St. Theresa School                 18
12    Epiphany Catholic School           9
13    Mother of Our Redeemer             5
14    Lakes School                       3.5
15    St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     3
Girls Junior Varsity Team Scores
      TEAM                               SCORE
1     St. Timothy Parish School          89
2     St. Thomas The Apostle Catholi     74
3     Lourdes Parish Sch                 68
4     St. Theresa School                 56
5     Sts. Peter & Paul School           39
6     Miami St. John Neumann School      34
7     St. Kevin Catholic School          29
8     St. Mary's Cathedral School        27
9     Epiphany Catholic School           23
10    Holy Rosary St                     20
11    Mother of Our Redeemer             14
12    St. Hugh Catholic School           13
13    Immaculate Conception School       8